General Fiction posted October 25, 2024

1,150 words. Let's meet Chloe.

Turn Right at the Moon - Part 3

by papa55mike

Chloe stumbles inside the Outlaw after the shuttle bus drops her off at the portal. The gravity belt nearly threw Chloe in the door, causing her to stumble and drop her backpack full of books.
A fifty-year smoker's voice greets her with the usual sarcasm: "Well, if it isn't our little angel all dressed in black leather and chains, the combat boots are a nice touch."
"I'm wearing a pink shirt with a bunny on it."
Glenda asks, "Why does it have a bullet hole in its head?"
"The bullet hole represents humanity killing all the animals, therefore, killing ourselves."
Glenda stares at her blankly.
Chloe states, "I need to clock in. I don't think that bus can get any slower."
"I've already clocked you in. If you lose your job, I'll have the death shift."
Chloe smiles at her, then opens her backpack, saying, "Thank you, Glenda. That was very kind of you." She takes her books out, smiling.
"What's with the books, Chloe? Everything is completely digital, and you can read on any device."
"There's nothing like holding a book in my hands. I feel I'm shaking hands with the author, and he wants to reveal his secrets to me."
"You sure are deep for a Biker chick."
"Well, thank you, Glenda. What's a biker?"
"It would take me too long to explain, so Google it. I'm going home." She slings her long gray behind her, grabs her jacket, and exits the building with her nose stuck in the air.
Chloe smiles, "What a sweetie in disguise. All right. Let's count down this drawer and reset everything. The quicker I get started, the faster it's over."
First, she has to make sure her money is correct, then write down all the lottery ticket numbers, stock the cooler, bag the trash, front all the shelves, and perk some fresh coffee.
Monday night is always slow. People are still broke from the weekend and need some sleep. But there are always the regulars coming up from the mining companies on Moonbase fourteen for supper break. Some will eat dinner from the food vending machines, and some will inhale as many beers as possible in twenty minutes. 
Chloe will get at least three proposals, some very lewd comments whispered at her, and several leers. She takes it all in stride and is quick to answer back. Her sharp wit will put them in their place if she has to. 
All these skills were taught to her while working at the Casino on the Ruby Starship orbiting Mars. Chloe remembers rising through the ranks, from waitress to Assistant Head of Security, until they attacked the Casino that fateful day. Sixteen people died before Chloe and Commander Jackson took out the last attacker. Her life changed that day. She withdrew from people, spiraling away to complete solitude. 
An ad for the death shift at the Outlaw drew Chloe out of her pit of depression. She would be away from most people, and her rent is due. "That was over a year ago," she smiles. "And now I'm studying for a degree in Literature."
An image appears on the screen from the outside camera; a tingle runs down her spine. Four men in an old cruiser parked right by the front door. She sighs and says, "Not tonight! I have to study for a test." Chloe taps her iPhone, and a masculine voice says, "Hey, Chloe."
She asks, "How close are you, Jimmy?"
"Two minutes."
"See you then."
Chloe watches three of them slide out of the cruiser and adjust their jacket pockets. She takes her Colt 65 from her backpack and slides it in her pants out of sight. The cold steel feels comforting against her flesh. When they walk in, Chloe steps back to have a clean shot at anyone with a gun.
The three split up, coming to the counter in different directions. The one on the left rakes an entire candy shelf onto the floor while the man in the middle starts throwing magazines in the air with a demonic laugh on his way to the counter. The leader arrives first, and Chloe asks with a big smile, "What can I get you, gentlemen?"
The leader is a short man with long, scraggly blond hair and dressed in a filthy black jacket. His lustful eyes take in every inch of Chloe's body, which leads to a disgusting smile. He says, "First, I want everything in that cash register. Then I'm going to snatch you out of them leather britches and have my way with you." He slowly takes out a twelve-inch hunting knife with an evil grin while the others laugh.
That's when the Titan Patrol Cruiser pulls next to the last fuel pump. The door opens, and a massive man slides out. Trooper Jimmy Gray is six feet ten inches tall and weighs three hundred pounds. He looks like Conan the Barbarian with a uniform stretched across his body.
Trooper Jimmy stops to straighten his hat while glaring into the cruiser with the man behind the wheel. The man cringes and seems to melt in the seat. "I'll be back for you!" Trooper Jimmy heads for the door.
Inside the store, Chloe says, "Well, Little Britches, I don't think you can handle me. You're a bit too short in the vital areas." She quickly grabs the Colt from her pants and sticks it in Shorty's face. "Besides, mine is much bigger and will blow your head clean off."
That's when Trooper Jimmy walks in the door and unclasps his Ruger P205 pistol. "Evening, Chloe."
"How is your wife, Jimmy?"
"Kathy sends her love. Those herbal tea bags helped her tremendously. She sleeps like a baby now. I see you have things well in hand."
"No, I'm waiting on their next move. The middleman is getting a little jumpy, and I hate to see blood splattered all over the store. It's so hard to clean up."
Trooper Jimmy sees the farthest man slowly move his hand for his jacket. He snaps his Ruger out of his holster and says, "You move that finger one more centimeter, and I'm going to blow your hand off."
His eyes get big, and he immediately stops moving. "Now, slowly remove that weapon and gently drop it on the floor."
Chloe catches the middleman reaching for his pocket and says, "I guess you don't think I can blow your friends off and take you out, too. Try me?" He immediately stops. Chloe tells him, "Go ahead and get it out. Remember, Trooper Jimmy is standing right there and is faster than I am."
Two pistols and a knife hit the floor. Two more Officers hit the door a minute later, and Trooper Jimmy says, "We're clear, guys."
Trooper Patrick Easton sees Chloe standing behind the counter and says, "Hey, Chloe! Where have you been?"
"It's good to see you again." The three Troopers begin to cuff the robbers and read them their rights.
"Likewise, Patrick. Hey, Jimmy, thank you." She flashes her best smile.
"Not a problem, darling. I'll be back to get your statement. Next time, I come to visit."
"Sounds great! I can't wait."

Many thanks for stopping by to read!
Have a great day, and God bless.

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