Romance Fiction posted September 15, 2024 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 36... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Sami figures out the puzzle box.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 20

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.
Noah and Sami met 24 days ago.


After a long pause, Noah continued, "To be honest. I'm most angry with myself. I never should've left your side. I concentrated on work and forgot my main mission, keeping you safe. More importantly, I care about you and allowed work to take over. I'm sorry." His hand moved closer to hers. "I won't let it happen again. I hope you'll forgive me."

Swallowing, Sami touched his hand.

His eyes met hers as he took her hand. "Sami?" He brought it to his lips and gently kissed it.

As tears crept down Sami's cheeks, Noah exhaled. "Please don't cry." After a moment, he asked, "What do your tears mean?"

Sami dried her cheeks with the back of her hand. "They mean I need you to hold me but know you can't."

Noah stood, helped Sami stand, and drew her into a hug. "Circumstances call for a hug," he kissed her, "and a kiss."

Soon another kiss lingered.

After the third kiss ended, Noah asked. "Does this mean you've forgiven me?"

Sami kissed Noah. "It does."


Chapter 20

Wednesday morning during breakfast, Noah grinned. "Sami, would you like to walk Jasper this afternoon?"

"Really? I can go outside?"

"Last night and this morning we saw no evidence of illegal aliens. Neither did Jasper. Unless Jose notices something during his security checks it should be safe."

Her smile lit the room. "Great."

Later that afternoon, Noah stopped at Sami's open bedroom door, went back to the computer room, and asked, "Sarah, where's Sami?"

"She's not in her room?"

"It's empty, including the dog." Noah glanced at the ceiling. "I wonder." He headed toward the pantry.

In the pantry Noah noticed Jasper lying on the floor and the attic door open. "Thought so." He jumped and pulled himself through the opening. Sami sat on the floor with tears streaming down her cheeks. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Noah!" She stood, ran to him, and threw her arms around his neck. She cuddled into his chest and cried.

He held her for a few moments and then asked, "Sami?"

She stepped back and dried her cheeks with the back of her hand. "I solved the puzzle box." She held up a letter. "This un-mailed letter was inside."

His eyebrows rose. "Not what I expected."

"Amber Mills wrote it to her fiance, Jesse Hopkins. He was in the U.S. Army, 101st Airborne Division."

She exhaled. "Amber was still in high school. Before Jesse left for Basic Training, he proposed, and she accepted. He came home on leave over Christmas before he deployed to Vietnam. Since she was only seventeen, her parents wouldn't sign the papers for their marriage. The night before he left, they made love, and she became pregnant."

Sami paused to wipe tears streaming down her cheeks. "Because Amber hadn't heard from Jesse, she couldn't tell him about the pregnancy. July 21,1970, she received a letter giving her contact information, telling her how much he loved her, he couldn't wait to get home, and marry her. His letter was dated, February 1,1970. It took that long for her to get it. She wrote this letter, but never mailed it."

Holding up a diary, she continued, "I remembered seeing this, so came up hoping to discover why it wasn't mailed." She hesitated. "She was going to mail it the following day but before breakfast Jesse's parents knocked on Amber's parents' door. The previous day, they'd received military visitors, informing them that Jesse had been killed in action during The Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord on July 17, 1970. Jesse died never knowing he would be a father."

Noah put his arms around Sami and directed her head to his chest. "I'm sorry."

"After news of his death, numerous letters Jesse had written were delivered. He'd written weekly." After her tears slowed, she stepped back. "We aren't promised tomorrow."

"We're not." Swallowing Noah said, "I have a feeling you're not just discussing Amber and Jesse, are you?" When she shook her head, he said, "Let's go downstairs and discuss it."

"There's people down there."

"There's critters up here." Noah paused. "There's a bench swing outback. We'll have privacy there."


Noah called, "Bob, help Sami down."

"Roger that, Boss."

After they were down, Noah took Sami's hand, and they headed toward the door. Noah stopped at the computer room and put on his shoulder holster. "Just in case."

Jose watched. "Boss, before you go, I need you to check this."

"Is it an emergency or can it wait a few minutes?"

"It can wait."

"Good. I'll be out back, if needed."

"Roger that."

As they walked outside, Sami asked, "Are you sure? You're needed."

Jasper followed.

"I told you last night, you'd come first. I can't break that in less than twenty-four hours."

They sat in silence on the swing and gently moved the swing back and forth.

Jasper wandered but checked Sami often.

Sami was the first to speak, "Noah, I care for you, a lot."

"I know and I care for you, but regulation prohibits..."

"Amber's parents wouldn't allow them to marry," interrupted Sami. "Because of rules they never knew how much their love could grow. I'm sure Amber faced a lot of hardships being pregnant and unmarried." When Noah's eyes met hers, she said, "I'm not suggesting we get married. We do deserve a chance to see if our relationship develops."

"I agree. I can't wait until Chen's arrested so we can do that."

"You have a dangerous job." Tears welled in her eyes. "I worry something might happen."

"Sami, nothing's..."

"You can't promise that," interrupted Sami.

Noah used his thumb to dry her tears. "True. I'm worried when we get back to a normal life, you'll realize your prince was right and you have some sort of Stockholm syndrome and are attracted to me because I rescued you."

"That's not fair."

He took her hand. "But a possibility."

"You could decide you can't put up with any of my eight negative qualities you've pointed out."

Drawing Sami into a hug, Noah chuckled. "I enjoy every one of them. Are you positive there are only eight?"

"Noah! I'm serious." She hesitated. "Yes, there are only eight."

"Good." He leaned over and kissed her.

Their eyes met. "Noah?"

"It seemed the right thing to do."

"It was."

"I don't know how to make this simpler, not only for you, but for me. It's hard being professional around you. I struggle with it." After studying Sami's hand in his, Noah said, "I'm worried one of these days you'll get fed up with all the relationship mistakes I make. I haven't had a lot of relationship experience."

"I can't believe that. You've tried to hide it, but you have a soft spot and are very caring. You're a catch."

"I've dated, but only on rare occasions have I made it to the third date. I get busy at work and don't call or show up like I should. By the time I get around to it six months or a year down the road, she's moved on. I can't blame her."

Sami leaned over and kissed him.

Returning the kiss, Noah said, "Your kisses are addictive."

"Good. I need to do it more often, so you don't get busy and forget me."

Chuckling, Noah said, "You're incorrigible."

Her eyes met his. "I just made it to number nine. I hope you don't mind."

"I've told you. I happen to be attracted to these qualities."

Swallowing, Sami asked, "Seriously, are we going to be all right?"

"I'm doing everything in my power to make sure we are. How about you?"

She smiled. "Of course." Her smile switched to a frown. "As much as I want to stay outside, I need to start dinner."

"I probably need to see what Jose wanted." Noah stood and offered his hand. "Ready?"

"No." Sami accepted the offered hand. "But we'd better get inside." She glanced at her dog. "Come on, boy, let's go."

As they walked inside holding hands, Jose came from the computer room. He glanced at their hands and grinned. "Everything work out?"

Sami pointed toward the kitchen. "It did. I need to start dinner."

Noah swallowed. "Jose, what did you want me to look at?" He turned toward the computer room.

During dinner Sami shared what she'd found inside the puzzle box about Amber Mills and Jesse Hopkins and then said, "I wish I could find out what happened to Amber and her baby."

Bob asked, "How old do you think Amber is?"

"She was seventeen in 1970." She did the math in her head. "She'd be somewhere around seventy. I didn't find any diary entries after the baby was born. The baby would be around fifty-three. I don't know if the baby was a boy or girl."

Grinning, Bob said, "After dinner, step into my office, I'll see what I can find."

"You can do that?"

Chuckling, Noah said, "He can find all sorts of information on that thing. It's a mystery how he does it."

Bob, Sarah, and Sami left the table and went to the computer.

Noah and Jose took care of the dishes.

It wasn't long before Bob pointed to the computer screen. "I found Amber Mills, as a teenager. She lived in her parents' house. Which appears to be this house. She graduated from college in 1975 as a registered nurse. She worked at and retired from the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston in the neonatal intensive care unit a couple of years ago."

"Wow! It's nationally ranked at number three. Have you found anything about the baby? I wonder why she chose neonatal care."

Bob did a few more searches. "Amber had a daughter, October 15, 1970. So, the baby would be almost fifty-three years old. Her name is Christina Erin Mills."

"That's pretty. Can you tell me anything about her?"

"She was a good size baby, eight pounds one ounce and twenty inches long."

"I wonder if Jesse was a big man. Of course, I have no idea if Amber was average or petite." After exhaling, Sami asked, "Can you find out if Amber ever married? What about Christina?"

Bob typed for quite a few minutes before he glanced up from the screen. "It seems Amber never married." As tears welled in Sami's eyes, he said, "Sorry. But Christina graduated from college with a teaching degree in 1992 and was married in 1995."

Sami's eyes lit up. "Good. Any children?" When Bob chuckled, she said, "Sorry, but it'll be nice know if Amber is a grandma. Is she still alive?"

"Not a problem. I should be able to find the answers."

Before he did, his computer notified him of an important message. "Sami, I'm sorry but I need to take care of this. When I have a few minutes, I'll continue our search."

"Thank you for everything. I appreciate it. I'll leave and let you work."

"Would you tell Boss he's needed?"


When Sami walked into the living room, Noah glanced up from a report he was reading. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I did, but Bob says you're needed." She smiled. "I'll share the results when we walk Jasper later."

As Noah walked by, he touched her arm and pecked her cheek. "Sounds good."

Her eyes lit the room, as she whispered, "He shouldn't have done that, but I'm glad he did."

Sarah asked, "He shouldn't have done what?"


"You mean Noah shouldn't have kissed your cheek?"

"Yes, but I am glad he did." Sami walked toward the half put together puzzle. "Would you like to help with this?"

"Subject change," teased Sarah. "It'll give us a chance to girl talk."

Sami pretended to zip her lips. "My lips are sealed."

As Sami and Noah walked Jasper for his last time that night, Noah asked, "What did you find on Amber?"

Sami filled him in on everything, but added, "Since Christina married, I'd like to know if Amber is a grandma. I'd also like to know why she never married." Her eyes met his. "I wonder if Jesse was her one true love and she never fell in love again. Do you believe in true love?"

Noah tilted his head. "I never thought about it. How about you?"

"I believe in it. I think the example of my parents' relationship shows me what it looks like."

"I never had that example. I was raised in an orphanage. There was no love. To me love was something you only heard about but never felt. It was elusive."

Sami took Noah's hand. "I know, but because of the kind of person you are, I'm sure you'll recognize it when it comes along." She smiled. "You have a strong work ethic. I'm sure because of it you'll work to nurture that love."

"I hope you're right."

"I feel I am." Studying Noah's hand, Sami said, "I can't answer for all women, but for me, a man doesn't have to have fancy ways or words. I want a man willing to give me his heart. You're doing that."

Noah leaned over and kissed her. "Thank you. I need to hear things like that."

"You seem so sure of yourself; rock solid."

"When it comes to you, I'm on very shaky ground."

"I'm sorry. I don't want you to be. Is there anything I can do to make it easier?"

"Not really. Just be patient as I figure out how to maneuver this relationship."

Sami's eyes met his. "That'll be easy. I'm lucky I'm the girl you want to figure this out with."

Noah glanced toward the house. "We should probably go inside."

Tilting her head and smiling, Sami said, "I'm pretty sure Jasper hasn't finished his job, yet."

Chuckling, Noah added, "I think he finished quite a while ago." He took her hand. "Let's head toward the house."

On the way, Sami said, "I like how we talk things out. I hope that never stops."

"I'm pretty sure you'll make sure it doesn't."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"It's a great thing." As they stepped on the front porch, Noah faced Sami and kissed her. "Goodnight." He hesitated. "I couldn't do it inside but wanted to."

She leaned over and kissed him. "Goodnight, Noah."

{Some may wonder why I spent time on Amber and Jesse's relationship. I do have a reason, and it will become very important later. I promise.}


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father


Thank you, Google Images for a photo of an outside swing. Maybe like the one Sami and Noah sat on and discussed life.

Chapter 20 is posted in its entirety. It's relatively short. If I split it would be two short posts, both would be pretty short. Chapter 20 is a little over 2200 words.

As always, I changed some things as I post. This week was pretty normal, whatever that is, so I was able to edit every day, but still changed things last minute. I appreciate all the help.
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