General Fiction posted September 14, 2024 Chapters:  ...23 24 -25- 26... 

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Angelo tries to escape

A chapter in the book Spirited Justice

Spirited Justice Chap 25

by Begin Again

"Beauty, Brawn, or Brains" was a global platform showcasing women's diverse talents, yet murders, accidents, and deceit haunted the pageant worldwide. Was there a common link or merely coincidence?
Angelo stood in the middle of the atrium, amazed by the sheer beauty surrounding him. Sunlight filtered down from the vaulted glass ceiling, casting warm, golden light across the lush plants and sleek marble pathways. The vibrant greenery and gently swaying palms gave the space the feel of an exclusive tropical resort — an oasis nestled in the heart of a world where chaos usually reigned.

The contradiction gnawed at Angelo as he scanned the space, taking in the cascading waterfall that splashed into a crystal-clear pond. It had none of the cold, clinical sterility he expected from a hospital.

He found it difficult to comprehend that this superior medical facility, with its peaceful ambiance, was owned by one of the city's most dangerous gangsters, Frank DiVito. The fact that the FBI, a symbol of law and order, had to turn to this hospital underscored the gravity of Naomi's situation.

The buzzing of his phone interrupted his moment of solitude. He'd ignored it the first three times, but the caller's persistence was wearing on his frazzled nerves. His body ached from the sleepless nights of watching someone he cared for teetering between life and death.

The phone buzzed again. Carlos's name flashed on the screen.

Angelo massaged his temples. He'd been betrayed by someone he had considered a friend — one to be cautious around but one he thought he could trust. Now, he felt his loyalty had been manipulated.

The phone vibrated angrily against the table. He cursed under his breath. He had to face the inevitable and answer the phone if he wanted Carlos to go away.

His hand hovered over the phone.

One deep breath.

Then another.

Finally, he snatched the phone and pressed it to his ear, growling, "I have nothing to talk to you about, Carlos. You set me up."

"No, Angelo, that's not how it was."

"You aren't talking to one of your flunkies. You had me chasing a ghost while you pulled your son out of the fire. I refuse to be your errand boy. You and I are done."

"I did what I had to do to save my son."

"Mission accomplished, though I doubt it will be long before he requires a rescue again. Isn't that what you do, Carlos? Follow behind him, cleaning up his messes."

"Si! What you say is the truth, but what's happening now is bigger than you or me."

"What's happening is a woman is lying in a hospital, possibly taking her last breath, because of your son."

Carlos gasped. "For this, I am sorry. But listen to me — do you want her troubles to be for nothing?"

"You don't understand. If I saw Jose, I would kill him. Do you understand the hatred I have for your flesh and blood? I cannot — will not — clean up after him. He's your problem unless you want him dead, then I assure you, I could accommodate your wishes."

"I am not asking you to save Jose." Carlos paused, his voice filled with sadness when he spoke, "I will deal with him, but he has a plan in motion that must be stopped."

Angelo snarled, "A plan? What's he stealing now?"

"He has sent Alejandro to retrieve the contents of a safe deposit box. If the contents of the box get into my son's hands —"

"That's what Naomi's life was worth — a key to a safe deposit box?"

"Stolen research papers."

"What's so important about these papers?"

"I don't know the whole details, but I am told lives have been lost, but more importantly, lives can be saved if these papers are in the right hands."

"Your son's hands?"

"No! They must not reach Jose. That's why I need you. My men are preparing to get the papers. I am asking you to bring them to me. The jet will be waiting."

"Why can't your men bring them to you? It doesn't seem like a difficult task."

A silence fell across the phone line. Angelo could hear Carlos's heavy breathing as he waited for the answer. "You should not ask questions that would be better left unanswered. Let's just say they will be preoccupied with other affairs."

"Is this one of your tricks, Carlos?"

"No, my friend. I will turn the papers over to the authorities and my son with them."

"Do I have your word?"

"Yes, sadly, it must be done."

"If I deliver the papers to you, then we are through. I will not be at your call anymore. Understand?"

"Si! I understand. If you do this for me, I will honor your wishes."

"Okay, when do I go?"

"The jet is waiting now."

Angelo ended the call. He needed to check on Naomi and tell the staff that he would be leaving. He'd given them his cell number and left instructions to call no matter the time or day if there was any change in her condition. He despised having to leave, but if this meant he could cut ties with Carlos and Jose, it was what he needed to do.


"Run! Don't look back — just keep going!" The commands blasted in Alejandro's head.

His breath came in ragged bursts as he forced his legs to move faster.

The shouting behind him grew louder, footsteps pounding against the pavement. He rounded the corner just as a gunshot shattered the air. The bullet's hiss cut close to his ear. His body jerked, ducking on instinct. His adrenaline surged.

"Who the hell was shooting? Had he missed the guard? Or was it someone else?"

Ahead, his rental car sat waiting. Thirty seconds  — that's all he needed to reach it.

But his mind screamed louder. "Run! Unless you want to spend the next decade in a cell, you better run faster than you ever thought possible."

He weaved between parked cars and darted into the street. A car was coming fast, but he threw himself into its path, praying they'd stop. Tires screeched, and doors swung open with military precision.

Before he could react, two men with cold eyes grabbed him. They moved like a machine, their grip unyielding. As another bullet whizzed by, they shoved him into the backseat of their black SUV. The doors slammed shut, and the car screeched off, vanishing down an alley.

"What the hell is going on?" Alejandro gasped, his breath hitching as panic set in. His heart raced, and fear gripped him like a vice. He twisted in his seat, glaring at the men in the front — Carlos's men. "Are you double-crossing the Hernandez family?"

One man, his face impassive, turned slightly. "Carlos sent us. We're bringing the papers back to the villa."

Alejandro's chest tightened. "I can handle it! Jose told me to do it." His voice wavered, the fear creeping in despite his best efforts to stay composed.

The man shook his head. "Not this time, Alejandro."

Alejandro's mind raced. Why not this time? Something was off, but they weren't giving him answers. This wasn't a rescue. Something told him that this might be the end of the line.

The car made a sharp turn, and his pulse quickened as they pulled onto a private road. His eyes widened as they approached a sleek private jet from Carlos' fleet. The plane wasn't meant for quick getaways but for people who needed to disappear. The realization hit Alejandro like a ton of brick. The jet was a symbol of his fate and a sign of the choices that lay ahead.

His heart hammered, but the panic gave way to doubt.

The car rolled to a stop. One man opened the door, gesturing for him to step out. Alejandro hesitated, scanning the runway. His mouth was dry, his nerves frayed.

"Get out!" The man's tone left no room for argument.

Alejandro climbed out of the SUV, his heart thudding as he spotted a figure standing by the plane. As he got closer, recognition hit him like a jolt of electricity.


Alejandro froze, uncertainty swirling inside him. Angelo wasn't the kind of man who got his hands dirty unless it was very important. If he was here, this was more than a mission for papers.

Alejandro swallowed hard. Angelo's presence meant he was about to be given a choice. And whatever choice it was, there would be no easy way out. Whatever Jose had promised him, it didn't matter anymore. Now, Carlos had control. And Angelo was waiting.


Angelo watched as Alejandro stumbled toward him. He felt sorry for the young man. He'd been caught up in his hero-worshiping of Jose and had no idea how the situation could backfire so badly.

Stopping three feet from Angelo, clutching the folder, Alejandro's breath caught as his eyes locked with the private investigator. He could feel Carlos's henchmen looming behind him, their footsteps slow and heavy, closing in.

Angelo's lips curled into a smile. "Rough day, huh?"

Alejandro's glare was sharp, but the fear tightening his chest kept him silent.

Angelo shrugged casually, unfazed. "You don't have to talk to me." He tilted his head toward the folder in Alejandro's trembling hands. "I'm guessing that's what all the fuss is about. It's my job to bring whatever's in that folder to Carlos. Nothing more."

Alejandro tried to speak, but his throat was tight. "Wh-what about me?" His words came out jagged.

Angelo's expression remained indifferent, his eyes cold. "You're not my concern." He paused, his gaze shifting to the men behind Alejandro. "What happens when this plane takes off is between you and them."

One of the henchmen chuckled darkly. "Si, amigo, you like to dance, no?" His voice dripped with mockery. The other man tapped his gun lightly against his thigh as if considering using it.

Alejandro felt his legs weaken. He turned his head slightly, just enough to see the men out of the corner of his eye. Their expressions twisted with amusement, resembling wolves toying with their prey.

The man with the gun lifted it, his finger tapping the trigger as he pointed the barrel at Alejandro's feet. "Maybe you want to dance for us?" the man sneered.

The other man snickered, lifting his own gun as if ready to fire at Alejandro's feet and force him into a terrified jig. "Or maybe —" the man leaned in, his breath hot against Alejandro's ear, "you'd rather make love to the barrel, eh?"

A wave of terror shot through Alejandro's body, cold sweat running down his spine. He felt bile rise in his throat. His hand jerked, clutching the folder tighter as he considered his options —none of them good.

Desperation clawed at him. He thrust the folder forward with a trembling hand toward Angelo, his voice cracking. "Please — don't let them kill me. Here, take it. Take it, and just —just let me live."

Angelo didn't move at first, his expression unreadable. Then, slowly, he reached out, taking the folder from Alejandro's hand.

One of the men behind him let out a disappointed groan. "Aw, come on, boss, we were just having some fun. Maybe we teach him a lesson."

Angelo turned his head slightly, a warning in his voice. "No one's dying unless I say so. Understood?"

The other henchman, the one with the gun, grinned. "But it's been a while since we had some fun."

Before Alejandro could react, the first man dropped a large duffel bag at his feet with a heavy thud. The zipper was half open, revealing neat stacks of cash inside—a lot of cash.

"You take this," the man said, his voice low and cold, "and start a new life. Far from the Hernandez family. You disappear, and you're a free man."

Alejandro stared at the bag, disbelief flooding his mind. His pulse pounded in his ears as the realization hit him. This was his chance — his only chance.

The man's voice cut through his thoughts, as sharp as a knife. "Otherwise, I promise you... you won't see the sun rise again."
Angelo looked at the terrified young man, realizing these men would rather kill him than see him live. He made a decision. "Take the car. I don't care where you go, but never come near the Hernandez Villa. Do I make myself clear?"
Alejandro nodded.
The first man tossed the car keys to Alejandro. "You are one lucky man."
Angelo turned toward the two men. "Sorry, boys, I guess you're riding with me." Glancing at a trembling Alejandro, he nodded, "I hear Canada is nice this time of year."

Danielle "Danni" Delahanty -- Ghost Detective
Eleanor Bennett -- Beloved Ghost Advisor
Matthew Donatelli -- Detective
Jenna Bradford -- Journalist and Pageant Consultant
Naomi Henderson -- Lawyer/ex-lover of Donatelli -
Arthur Beckett - deceased lawyer, friend, and enemy of Naomi
Patti Beckett - ex-wife from a nasty divorce
Hilda - a pageant contestant and medical researcher
Klaus - Hilda's older brother and protector
Johan - a supposed friend of Hilda's family with a connection to Jose
Angelo Carter - a private investigator with a dark side
Carlos Hernandez - a Mexican landowner with power
Jose Hernandez - Carlos's son - a reckless playboy
Alejandro - Jose's childhood friend
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent
Tango and Poppa - FBI agents under Garth
Allie - his love who died of cancer (an investigative reporter)
Dr. Rosa Galotti -- Morgue Medical Examiner
Emily - Jenna's faithful assistant
Lila - a pageant contestant who was murdered for her research
Thomas Whitaker - Lila's father
Sophia - Lila's sister (blind)
Max - Sophia's best friend and guide dog
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