Romance Fiction posted September 1, 2024 Chapters:  ...31 32 -33- 34... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Jasper helps with the illegal aliens.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 19 A

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.
Noah and Sami met 23 days ago.


Noah came by with his coffee cup. "I already need another one."

"Is there enough or should I make more?" asked Sami as she followed him into the kitchen.

"I can make it. You can continue with your puzzle."

Sami started to leave. "Okay."

"Sami, wait." When she faced him, he exhaled. "I want you to know I care more than circumstances allow."

She sighed and closed her eyes. "You heard Sarah and my conversation. I'm sorry."

"I'm not. Thank you for understanding." He took a sip of coffee. "I look forward to us getting out of here so we can see where our relationship goes.


Chapter 19 A

Early Tuesday morning, before predawn lit the eastern sky, Jose, who because of the illegal aliens' issue, slept on the couch and woke up when he heard Sami's voice.

Jose knocked on her bedroom door. "Is there a problem?" He cracked it open.

"Jasper's pacing. He's upset and refuses to settle down."

"Is there a storm brewing?"

"I don't think so. This is different."

"Come out here. I can't go into your room."

"An agent can't come into a person in protective custody's bedroom," she sassily recited the regulation.

"I'm not worried about that." Jose chuckled. "What worries me is Boss getting jealous that I'm in his gal's room."

Laughing Sami said, "I doubt that."

Soon after they sat beside each other on the couch, Noah's muscular frame filled his doorway. "What's going on?"

Jose held up his iPad. "Jasper's upset. We can't figure out why. I'm checking the security cameras."

Noah petted the large dog's head. "I understand, buddy. My gut says something's wrong too." He looked over Jose's shoulder. "See anything?"

"Not a thing. It looks clear."

Studying the images, Noah said, "Doesn't make sense."

Later Jose and Sami studied Noah and Jasper pacing. Sami said, "Now, I know why they get along. They're both high strung."

Jose chuckled. "I agree." He checked the iPad again. "There's nothing there."

Finally, Noah removed his phone. "I'm calling for assistance. My gut's never wrong. I doubt Jasper's is either."

Bob and Sarah came from their room. "Why we meeting?" asked Bob.

After everything was explained, Noah said, "There's no sense in all of us losing sleep. Sami, is it all right if Sarah finishes the night with you?"


"Good. You two women get some sleep."

Sami and Sarah walked to the bedroom, but Sami stopped at the door and faced Noah. "I understand you're worried about the situation, but I don't appreciate being sent to bed like a child. I'm old enough and responsible enough to know when to go to bed. I'm sure Sarah is too."

Noah ran his hand through his short hair. "You're right."

"I'll let it go this time, but don't make a habit of it."

His eyes met hers. "Roger that."

Jose and Bob's eyes met, and they grinned. Jose said, "Sami has spunk."

"That she does," answered Noah. "Let's figure out what's wrong." He headed toward the front door.

Bob blocked Noah. "Boss, you're not going out there until there's backup."

"I see you've taken lessons from Sami."

"Or Jose and I don't want to break in a new boss."

Chuckling Noah said, "Maybe." He continued pacing with Jasper.

Close to an hour later, they heard distant gunshots.

Noah petted Jasper's head. "We were right, weren't we?" He walked over to Sami's door and cracked it open. "The girls are asleep." He exhaled. They should be in the closet, but I won't wake them. Hopefully they're safe.

Joining Noah, Jose said, "Boss, you made the right call. Maybe they'll get everybody this time."

"Let's hope."

Time passed before Noah answered a knock on the door. The head of each department represented met with him. They each said they'd leave a few people behind to help with security.

After the sun rose, Jose shook his head. "Since being here how many sleepless nights have we had? Guarding a person in protective custody is supposed to be a vacation."

Chuckling Noah said, "True, but this hasn't been. Something's always happening."

Bob grinned. "I wonder if that's normal for Sami."

Cocking his head, Jose teased, "It just might be."

Jasper meandered to Noah, who petted his head. "Want out, buddy?" He faced his team. "Who wants to join us?"

Jose checked his gun. "I'll go."

"Suit up. We don't know what's out there."

Once they had on their tactical vests, they opened the front door. Noah studied Jasper. "We should probably get you a vest, buddy. Jose search that."

"I doubt Sami would want him in any danger."

"You're right, but he does need to go out. Can't change that." Jose agreed, as they stood on the front porch, and Noah said, "Jasper, stay close."

Jasper growled, as he darted off.

Noah hurried after him. "Damn! This can't be good."

Jose remained close.

They turned the corner by the security cabin. Jasper had knocked down a person, stood over him, and stared at his face while baring teeth. Noah took a shot and hit a different person who aimed at the large dog.

Jasper glanced at Noah and wagged his tail.

"You're welcome, buddy."

Jose handcuffed Jasper's prisoner and asked, "What do we do with them?"

Noah called for somebody to pick up the two trespassers. "I wonder how many more there are?"

"Let's hope none."

"You got that right.

After the prisoners were picked up, Noah, Jose, and Jasper went inside. Jasper ran up to Sami as she knelt to hug him. "What's this?" She held up her hand and examined Jasper. "Are you hurt?"

Noah stepped closer. "He's fine. He captured someone and another guy was ready to fire at him. I shot the man. He fell close to Jasper. I guess blood splattered on him."

"Come on, boy. Let's clean you up. You're never going outside again."

Jose called after her, "That won't work."

Sarah exhaled. "She'll get over it."

Bob chuckled. "The girls are up."

"Thanks. Next time warn us. Is there coffee?" Noah walked into the kitchen.

After Jasper was washed, Sami went into the kitchen. Noah followed. "Hope you don't mind I started coffee."

"Why would I?"

"Good question."

"Do you need another cup?"

"I do."

As Sami refilled Noah's cup, she said, "Thank you for keeping Jasper safe."

"You're welcome. We're buddies."

"I've noticed." She scanned the kitchen. "I know you guys are hungry. I'd better get breakfast." She held up the near empty coffee pot. "And more coffee. I'll keep it coming."

"Thanks. I'll get out of the way." As Noah walked toward the computer room, he called out, "Jose, we need more drones overhead. We need to find the rest of those guys. We can't stay inside forever."

"On it, Boss."

As they sat at the breakfast table, Bob set a paper next to Sami's spot. When she sat, she held it up. "What's this?

Bob grinned. "I noticed one of your puzzle boxes had Mayan Hieroglyphic script on it. I copied this to help you solve the puzzle."

Her eyes sparkled. "Wow! Thank you. I really appreciate it."

As Sami ate, she studied the paper and pointed symbols out to Sarah. After a few moments, she asked, "Is this date correct?"

Nodding, Bob said, "Yes, why?"

"It's June 20th."

Noah studied her. "That's right. What's the problem?"

"Jasper needs his flea and heartworm medicine today. It's at my apartment."

Exhaling, Noah made a phone call. "Chief, I need flea and heartworm meds today." He listened. "I'm not kidding, and yes it's for the small horse." He glanced at Sami. "How much does he weigh?"

"Around one hundred seventy-five pounds."

Noah relayed the message. "Our vet knows him. He sedated him so we could get in Sami's apartment and bring him here." Again, he listened. "Yes, it was a good idea. He's helped with our illegal alien issue." Silence. "Roger that, we'll see you in a few hours." He put his phone away. "Galvin will be paying us a visit."

Sami's eyes met Noah's. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it."

Standing, Sami went into the kitchen. I'll make brownies. Maybe that'll help.

Later that morning, Noah answered the door. "Chief, welcome."

Galvin held up the package of flea and heartworm medicine. "Where's our patient?"

Noah walked over to Sami's door. "I'm surprised she hasn't come out." He knocked. "Sami, Galvin's here with Jasper's meds."

Sami and the large dog came out. "Hello, Mr. Baldwin. Thank you for making a special trip. I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

"It's not every day I get this type of request. This is a first."

"I'm sure." Sami opened the packet, knelt, and offered pills to Jasper. After he swallowed, she pulled open his lips. "Sometimes he hides them in there."

Galvin and Noah chuckled, as Galvin said, "With those large jowls I can see how things could get lost."

Sami petted her dog. "I wipe his mouth after he eats for the same reason." She turned toward the kitchen. "I have coffee and brownies. I'll set them on the table."

Galvin walked toward the door. "I left my phone in the car."

Jose reached for the handle. "I'll open it. Thumb prints unlock it."

As Galvin walked through, he said, "Leave it cracked. I'll close it when I return."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father



Thank you, Google Images, for artwork of Mayan Hieroglyphic script. They are much like the ones on Sami's puzzle box. Yes, this does have influence on Sami and Noah's relationship.

I'm at the Gulf Coast visiting my youngest son. I'm an early riser and the guys are sound asleep, so I thought I'd hurry and post. Normally on Saturday's I edit my post one final time. I didn't do that this time but have edited daily for at least two weeks and often before that. I am sure I missed something. I did some heavy editing as I posted. I hope it works.

Chapter 19 is divided into two parts. This is the second portion of chapter 19. Chapter 19 A is a little over 1400 words. A little over a week ago, I deleted about 300 words from this chapter. I decided that story line didn't move the story along. I hope this works. I went back to the original chapter numbers in my manuscript. I entered it in a first chapter contest and my chapter numbering got messed up. I don't normally do contests but was talked into it. GRRR
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