Romance Fiction posted June 30, 2024 Chapters:  ...22 23 -24- 25... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Noah meets Mateo.

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 14 B

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, close down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him?
Noah and Sami met 18 days ago.


Bob did a computer search. "Holy Cow! He fits the bill. A rich playboy."

Noah's eyebrows rose. "No English?"

"Mateo speaks English but pretends he doesn't. He's very charming in an old-world sort of way. He views himself as God's gift to women."

"How well do you know him?" asked Noah.

"Very well. When you spend time every day together for four years, you get to know each other."

Noah moistened his lips. "I guess."


Jose clasped his hands together. "The big question is do you think he'd be willing to help us get our feet in the door of the escort services? We don't know how long it'll take to find the right one or ones."

Sami's eyes met Noah's. "He may not for you, but he would for me."

"When's the last time you spoke with him?" asked Sarah.

"We had dinner about three weeks ago."

Noah stood. "You're still in touch?"

"We are."

"Is he in the States?" asked Bob.

Bob typed before he pointed to the computer screen. "It's almost a castle. Look at this."

"You have contact information?" asked Sarah.

"I do." Sami turned to leave. "Let me know what you want me to do."

Touching her arm, Noah said, "We need him. Will you contact him?"

Sami nodded. "How do you want me to do it? If I use a burner phone like before, he may not answer."

Noah faced Bob. "How?"

"Sami, where's your phone?"

She pointed to Noah. "He took it."

Grinning, Bob said, "She'll need her phone. We have this new Internet system. I can use it to send her call. It won't be traced."

After giving the phone to Bob, Noah said, "He'll do his thing. Then you call this playboy."

Sarah touched Noah's arm. "Play nice."

"I am." Noah glanced at Sami. "When you're finished, give the phone back to Bob. Also make sure it's on speaker. We'll need to hear everything."

Mateo answered on the second ring. "Mi Amor, such an honor to hear your sweet voice. It's music to my ears. You've changed your mind about my proposal. Si?"

"No Mateo, I haven't. I'm calling because I have a huge favor to ask."

"Anything. How can I help you?"

"This could be dangerous. You need to hear my question before you agree. Can we meet someplace?"

"This sounds serious. Are you in trouble?"

"It is serious. How soon can we meet?"

"We'll meet here, now. I'll send my car."

When Noah shook his head, Sami said, "Mateo, wait. I'll have," she glanced at Noah, as he held up his fingers, "four friends with me. We'll come to your estate around four o'clock this afternoon." She noticed Noah nod as he pointed to his shoulder holster. "My friends will be armed. Will you please warn your guards?"

"Mi Amor, what have you gotten yourself into?"

"Your questions will be answered when we get there."

"I'll have dinner prepared for you and your friends."

"You don't need to."

"Anything for you, Mi Amor."

"Thank you, we'll be there at four. Goodbye."

They hung up.

Noah paced the room a few times. "Okay, get everything together so we can give this prince all the facts."

Sami swallowed. "Noah, he's not a prince, but his dad, Juan Pablo owns the largest coffee company in Colombia. He's heir to it."

Jose's eyes widened. "Colombia?" When Sami nodded, he asked, "Anything illegal?"

"Not that I know of."

Noah glared at Sami. "How did you get involved with him?"

"I told you. I tutored him while in college."

"Bob, do a complete background check," interrupted Noah. "We need to know who we're dealing with."

Sami stepped closer. "Noah, we need to talk. Alone."

He nodded and then started spouting orders to his team.

Sami went to her room. I need to speak with you. You won't be happy when we get there.

As they climbed into the SUV, Sami walked up to Noah. "We still need to talk."

He glanced at his watch. "We don't have time. We'll talk later."

"Noah! Later will be too late."

Noah held the vehicle door for her. "Get in. I promise we'll talk."

Sarah studied Sami, and then whispered, "It's about Mateo and your relationship, isn't it?"

Sami whispered, "Mateo's proposed at least five times. Maybe more. I need to warn Noah. He's already upset and won't give me a chance. It'll only get worse."

The ride to Mateo's estate was virtually silent as each person thought about what might happen.

At the gate, armed security guards requested they evacuate the vehicle and confiscated their weapons. A pat-down began of each person as did a search of the vehicle.

Sitting in the middle of the backseat, Sami was the last to file out. Her eyes met the lead guard's. "Carlos, didn't Mateo tell you we were coming? He knew my friends would be armed. Please contact him."

Carlos grinned at Sami. "Senorita Martinez, welcome! Sr. Aguilar de Pereira has been very busy. He didn't contact me. I'll contact him." He placed the call.

Just as it was answered, a caravan of vehicles left the estate. Carlos nodded. "I told you he was busy." After he spoke with Mateo, he returned the weapons and apologized for the searches.

Mateo waited on the lawn as Jose parked. Servants opened their doors and as they stepped from the vehicle Mateo apologized, but stopped when Sami came from the SUV. He put his arms around her. "Mi Amor, I've missed you." He attempted to kiss her lips, but she turned and accepted a kiss on her cheek.

"Mateo, it's nice to see you again."

"I'm so sorry about the mix up at the gate. I got very busy and couldn't notify Carlos."

"Not a problem. Just a little surprised." Sami hesitated. "Let me introduce my friends." She introduced each team member. Jose was last.

After Sami introduced Jose, Mateo's eyes met his. "If I speak Spanish, will you understand what I've said?"

With a wide stance, Noah's eyes met Mateo's. "Todos hablamos espanol bastante bien." {We all speak Spanish pretty well.}

"Gracious por infomarme, Senor." {Thank you for informing me, Sir.}

Sami smiled. "Now, that's settled let's get on with business."

"Mi Amor, let's go inside and get comfortable."

After everyone sat in the large living room, iced tea was served along with fresh fruit and pastries.

First small talk, and then Mateo said, "Mi Amor, you said you had a big favor. I'm guessing by your friends being armed, you've gotten into trouble. Please tell me what this is about."

Sami's eyes met Noah's, who said, "Sami, you should explain. Start from the beginning."

"Mateo, please be patient while I tell the story." He nodded, so she began, "One of my students, Myra Rodriquez."

"Si, I know Myra. I met her after a softball game."

"You did. May 29th Myra went with a friend to a community center. Her friend left with a boy. Myra had no way home, so she called me. I agreed to pick her up. Unfortunately, I got stuck in traffic and didn't get there until after the center closed. Myra and some others were kidnapped by human traffickers."

"This sounds like a situation for the police. How does that affect you?"

"This human trafficking ring is new and wasn't on anybody's radar. It is now." Sami glanced at Noah. "Noah's team is working hard to arrest them. These girls were listed as runaways. I knew they weren't because Myra and I were on the phone. I heard the kidnapping. The police paid no attention to me."

"You felt it was up to you to find Myra."

Sami nodded. "I did. I copied her picture and searched the area for anybody who could help. Nobody would."

Touching her hand, Mateo said, "Mi Amor, lo siento." {My Love, I'm sorry.}

"The leader of this ring, Chen got worried I was too close and kidnapped me." Sami's eyes met Noah's. "Noah's team saw it and rescued me. I've been in his protective custody since. Chen knows Noah has me and has put a hit on him."

Mateo studied Noah. "Thank you for protecting her." When Noah nodded, he continued, "How are you being treated in this protective custody?"

"Very well. They're very nice and have become trusted friends."

"I know you like being outside."

Sami nodded. "Unfortunately, I can't go outside whenever I want. Noah's good about going with me."

Glancing toward the south wall of windows, Mateo said, "Mi Amor, I know how much you enjoy my mother's flower garden, please go and enjoy the flowers."

"Where's your mom? I haven't seen her."

Juan Pablo walked in and hugged Sami. "Senorita Martinez, welcome. My daughter, Teresa is having a baby next month, and my wife is in Colombia with her. Please enjoy her garden as much as you like."

Sami glanced at Noah. "Juan Pablo, thank you, but I'm not sure."

Mateo grabbed his laptop, "Sr. Noah, so you know Sami will be safe, I want to show you our security system. As you can see, I have many guards."

After studying the system, Noah sighed and nodded. "Sami, please enjoy the garden." As she stood, Jose started to object, Noah raised his hand. "The White House isn't this secure." He hesitated. "Sr. Aguilar de Pereira, I'm glad you've joined us. We're going to ask your son to help us, and I feel he might need your input. It could be dangerous. I feel he might say yes because of his relationship with Sami."

"Mateo and Senorita Martinez have been very close for seven years." Juan Pablo glanced at his son. "How many times have you proposed marriage to her?"

Mateo held up his hand with fingers spread out. "I don't understand." He reached into his pants' pocket, removed a small velvet box, and presented it. Inside sat a three-carat diamond ring. "What young woman wouldn't want to wear this?" He turned and spread his arms. "And be mistress of all of this?" He exhaled. "I won't give up. I will keep asking. Maybe the sixth time will be yes."

Bob, Sarah, and Jose studied Noah, who remained stoic.

It wasn't long before Sami returned to the living room. As her smile and eyes lit the room, she stared at Noah. "Thank you. I enjoyed the walk and the beautiful flowers. I would've enjoyed spending more time, but I know we came because of work."

Noah returned the grin and nodded. "Now for the reason we're here." He clasped his hands together. "Chen's from New Orleans and started at least one escort service, probably more. After he kidnaps the girls, he trains them. If the girls don't measure up, he uses them for BDSM."

Juan Pablo released his breath. "He's an evil person."

I intentionally left off the accents and tilde used in Spanish because of the strange characters Evil Eddie puts in their place. Thank you for understanding.
Also, please my Spanish speaking friends. Since I've retired from teaching, I'm not around Spanish speaking people daily and my Spanish has gotten rusty. Please feel free to check my Spanish. I truly want you to. Thank you.


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father


Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of a mansion outside of Houston, Texas.

Today's post is the second installment of Chapter 14. Chapter 14 is a long chapter and I have it divided into three parts. Chapter 14 B is a little over 1700 words.

I changed parts of this post daily last week when I edited. I also made quite a few changes as I posted.

I appreciate all the wonderful support you give my writing. Thank you for the time you take to review my writing.
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