Romance Fiction posted June 23, 2024 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Can Sami's friend help find Myra?

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 14 A

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, close down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him?
Noah and Sami met 18 days ago.


Sami and Jasper walked straight to her bedroom. "Goodnight, everybody. I'll see you in the morning."

Jose walked up to Noah. "What was that about? Did you get everything settled?"

Noah studied her door. "I think so and then some. As for what's going on, I'm not sure."



When Sami left her room early Thursday morning, she noticed Sarah sleeping on the couch and her and Bob's bedroom door closed. She heard voices coming from inside and knocked.

When Jose opened the door, Sami asked, "Is everything okay?"

Jose scratched the day's worth of growth on his chin. "We've had a long night." He noticed Jasper standing beside her and glanced at his watch. "He wants out, doesn't he?"

Sami pointed toward the door. "I'll stand on the porch and let him do his thing. You can keep the door open."

Noah joined them and chuckled. "I know you like rewriting our rules, but I can't allow that." He checked the computer. "Can Jasper give me a few minutes?"

She studied the dog. "I think so."

Minutes later, Noah asked, "Ready?" After she nodded, he said, "Let's go." Outside, he released a deep breath. "How'd you sleep last night?"

"Are you asking because you've had a difficult night or..."

"I'm asking because before all this happened," interrupted Noah, "I struggled falling asleep and wondered if you did too."

"I'm still not sure what you're asking."

He swallowed. "You wanted the kiss for a reason. You got your answer. I'm asking if our shared kiss had the same effect on you as it did on me."

Sami avoided eye contact. "It did." She exhaled. "I think until circumstances change, we need to put it on a shelf to be investigated later."

His eyes met hers. "I'm glad you said that. I agree."

Touching his arm, Sami said, "Before we do, can I say something?"

"I know I'm going to regret this but go ahead."

"Noah, I have feelings for you. I needed to know if you have any for me."

"You got your answer."

"I did. Thank you."

"I can't affirm, deny, or act on any feelings at this time."

"I understand."

"Good." Noah faced Sami. "I'm afraid knowing will make them harder to ignore."

"You're probably right."

Noah scanned the area. "We'd better get inside. A few of Chen's men were apprehended last night. We're listening to the interrogations, hoping to get answers."

After breakfast, Sami spent a few hours in her room before she stood in the doorway of Bob and Sarah's bedroom. The four of them studied the computer screen.

Jose glanced up. "Sami, how can I help?"

"I'm wondering if it's possible to go for a run."

Noah's eyes met hers then went back to the screen. "Can you wait a little while? I should be available later, probably after lunch."

Galvin Baldwin stepped from the back of the room. "Noah, I'll take her. After I leave here, I was stopping by the gym anyway. My stuff's in the car. I'll run with Ms. Martinez and finish my workout at the gym. We'll talk after this run."

Sami's eyes widened. "Mr. Baldwin, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here. Hello."

"I arrived about thirty minutes ago. I was interested in what we've learned about Chen and couldn't wait for Noah's report. Do you mind if I run with you?"

Her eyes met Noah's. "I guess not. Noah, is it okay?"

He nodded. "Sure." He tapped his wrist and mouthed, "Fitbit."

Sami nodded acknowledgment. "I'll get ready. Is it okay if Jasper runs with us?"

"I guess," answered Galvin.

When Sami and Jasper left her room, Galvin was waiting.

Noah stood beside him. "I'll get the door. You'll set off the alarm." He touched Sami's Fitbit, nodded, and whispered, "Take it easy on him. He's my boss."

Her eyes sparkled with orneriness.

He chuckled.

Back in the computer room, Noah said, "Bob, hook into the listening device on Sami's Fitbit. I'm not sure what either of them is up to."

Jose's eyebrows rose. "Sami just wanted to go for a run."

"Initially, yes, but now, I'm not sure." Noah tilted his head. "Listen."

Sami's voice was heard, "Why don't you set the pace? I'll follow."

Galvin replied, "No. I've been running for years. Go ahead. I don't want you struggling."


Noah watched out the window. "This isn't going to be pretty."

"What do you mean?" asked Bob.

"Sami has a stringent workout schedule. She's the one who asked about getting workout equipment."

Chuckling Jose said, "No wonder her figure's perfect."

A lap around the pond later, Sami asked, "Is this pace, okay? I haven't run since I've been here. I'm a little out of practice. I can try to speed up."

Breathing heavily, Galvin said, "This is fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive." A little later, he asked, "How often do you run? Can that dog keep up?"

"Jasper and I run every day. Before all of this happened, I was training for a ten-kilometer run for charity."

"You run races? Where do you place?"

"I've got some first-place finishes. I normally finish at least in the top three. You doing all right?"

"Doing great," said Galvin through labored breathing.

"What do you think two more times around the pond?"

"Of course."

Laughing, Sarah said, "Noah, you'd better rescue Chief. His ego won't allow him to admit Sami's in better shape."

"You're right, but I'm enjoying this."

Jose's eyes met Noah's. "So am I."

Noah walked partway to the pond and motioned for them to return. When they got closer, he said, "Galvin, they're set for another go-round in the box. I thought you'd want to listen in."

Galvin bent at the waist. "Thank you. I do." He took deep breaths. "Sorry, Ms. Martinez. I'm needed inside."

"Not a problem." She studied Noah. "Could I do another quick lap? You can watch from there. I have Jasper with me. Please?"

Running beside her, Noah said, "I'll do it with you."

"You're not dressed for running."

"Not a problem. I've run farther after a fleeing suspect. Let's go."

"Did he get away?"

"What do you think?"

"Thought so."

After their lap was completed, Galvin remained outside. He glanced at them. "It's nice out here. I thought I'd enjoy the breeze a little longer."

Sami said, "The weather's great." She faced Noah. "I was wondering..."

"Don't push your luck," interrupted Noah and then exhaled. "What do you want?"

"Jasper's starting to smell like a dog." Sami pointed to the side of the house. "I noticed a hose below Sarah's bedroom window. You can watch from the window, and I can give Jasper a bath. I'd like to do it before I shower."

"You're reinventing the rules again."

"Not really. I'll be in your line-of-sight the entire time and you can still work. What could possibly go wrong? I'll be right there. Come with me, I'll show you."

They took a few steps to the side of the house, where she pointed to the hose and then the window. "Not a problem, right?"

"All right." Noah headed toward the front door. "Get what you need."

Galvin's eyebrows rose. "She talked you into it?"

"She did. I've discovered a bored Sami is trouble. This should keep her busy a little while."

Sami came from her room with towels and soap. "Thank you." She stood at the door. "Can somebody open it?"

Noah opened the door. "I'll be watching from the window."

As she walked by, she said, "It never crossed my mind you wouldn't." She faced him. "Thank you."

He nodded. She has me wrapped around her finger. Now what?

Jose opened the door for Sami and Jasper to return inside. On her way by the computer room, she paused and heard Bob say, "We need a rich public figure to find out where these escort services are located and exactly how many Chen has."

Sarah asked, "What about an undercover agent?"

Noah shook his head. "We need somebody in the tabloids. It'll take too long to set up that background. I honestly don't know anybody."

Sami continued walking slowly. "I know somebody."

All eyes glanced in her direction. "What?"

Behind her bedroom door, she repeated, "I know somebody."

Noah called, "Sami, come here."

"I need to shower first."

He studied her door. "Did she just ignore me?"

Jose grinned. "She acknowledged you. She's just showering."

After releasing a deep breath, Noah sat. "I guess we wait until her highness blesses us with her presence."

Sarah smiled. "I wouldn't let her know you said that."

Sami's voice came through the vent. "Too late. I heard it. Noah, I'm taking an extra-long shower."

"Of course, you are. Everybody, we wait." Noah faced the kitchen. "I need coffee."

Jose left the room. "I'll make a fresh pot."

When Sami left her room, she smiled. "Too bad I didn't have a bathtub. Soaking in a hot tub would've been great." She bowed. "Her highness is waiting to answer your questions."

Noah's eyes met hers. "We'll talk later. Right now, I need to know more about this rich public figure you know."

She sat. "I need to set the stage, so you understand everything. It may be a long story."

"Go on." Noah sat as did everyone.

Glancing around, Sami asked, "Where's Mr. Baldwin?"

Bob grinned. "His run this morning wore him out. He left." Her eyes sparkled as he added, "He asked to go."

Noah exhaled. "Did you meet this person through your mom's restaurant?"

"Back to the story. Paying for college was difficult. In girl sports, although it was called a full scholarship, it was nothing like boys. Mom and Dad helped, but I still needed a job. I tutored students in history and English. I wouldn't classify myself as fluent in Spanish, but Dad's parents were Mexican, and I stayed with them often because Mom and Dad worked. Grandma taught me Spanish."

"You met this person at the University?" asked Bob.

"I did. The University of Houston - my freshman year. Because of my Spanish skills, and him supposedly not speaking English, I tutored Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira in history and English for four years."

Bob did a computer search. "Holy Cow! He fits the bill. A rich playboy."

Noah's eyebrows rose. "No English?"

"Mateo speaks English but pretends he doesn't. He's very charming in an old-world sort of way. He views himself as God's gift to women."

"How well do you know him?" asked Noah.

"Very well. When you spend time every day together for four years, you get to know each other."

Noah moistened his lips. "I guess."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Ryan Brown - All around jerk. He thinks highly of himself.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy



Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of a female runner.

Today's post is the beginning of Chapter 14. Chapter 14 is a long chapter and I have it divided into three parts, it may end up being divided into four parts. A lot happens.
Chapter 14 A is a little over 1700 words.

I changed parts of this post I think daily last week when I edited. I also made quite a few changes as I posted. Mateo an important person in this story.

I appreciate all the wonderful support you give my writing. Thank you for the time you take to review my writing.
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