Humor Non-Fiction posted June 15, 2024 |
Tiny fibs and big old truths
Little Lies
by Jessica Wheeler
When my daughter was three, she began telling little fibs. These were relatively harmless, like telling the neighbor we had twelve dogs or telling her babysitter she was allergic to peanut butter after being served a PB&J. She hated peanut butter.
When they became more frequent, I decided to talk with her about the importance of truth. My incredibly reasonable and articulate daughter agreed to stop lying.
Weeks later, while dressing for an event, I playfully asked, "Morgan, does this dress make Mommy's butt look big?"
Stone-faced, she replied, "I'm afraid so, Mommy. I'm afraid so."
She's been brutally honest ever since.
When they became more frequent, I decided to talk with her about the importance of truth. My incredibly reasonable and articulate daughter agreed to stop lying.
Weeks later, while dressing for an event, I playfully asked, "Morgan, does this dress make Mommy's butt look big?"
Stone-faced, she replied, "I'm afraid so, Mommy. I'm afraid so."
She's been brutally honest ever since.
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