Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted May 27, 2024

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Thoughts on truth

What is Truth?

by Erika Whittle

Truth: accuracy, authenticity, correctness, fact, genuineness, honesty, integrity, sincerity, uprightness
But are any of these really truth? 
Reality might be that you’re living a lie, but that lie is your reality, isn’t it? Loyalty might be defending the only person that actually is guilty. Uprightness is a matter of opinion. And anything can be deemed accurate until it's proven wrong. Unfortunately, honesty and sincerity seem to go hand in hand with ulterior motive. And in a court of law people rely on facts to tell the truth but unless you have all the facts from all perspectives they can easily convict an innocent man due to one sided facts, or more commonly, let a guilty man run free by the lack of facts.
So what is truth? Does it even exist? It’s not moral conviction. It is deeper than mere fact. Truth seems to be so rare you have to wonder if we know what we’re looking for. So let’s make a list of what truth actually is, and has to be, if it’s right 100% of the time.
Truth would have to be:
  • Omnipresent (It would have to be everywhere in order to see the big picture and know what truly is happening)
  • All knowing (it would have to know everything in order to see the turmoil people go through inside) 
  • Unstoppable (it would have to exceed boundaries in order to prevail) 
  • Just (it would have to way all costs and justice would have follow in order for it to be real)
  • Experienced (in order to be all knowing and just it would have to have experience otherwise it is mere hypocrisy)
  • Objective (it must exist outside the influence of the subject)
So let me sum up truth with one synonym: God
Truth is God; the trinity.
What, you don’t believe? Than I encourage you to find a different answer that meets all requirements. If you can, tell me.

Nonfiction Writing Contest contest entry
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