General Poetry posted April 27, 2024 | Chapters: | ...13 14 -15- 16... |
Nature personified (see notes)
A chapter in the book Silent Voices
Love Letter
by Jessica Wheeler
There is a funny story behind the inspiration for this overly dramatic personification.
My husband and daughters really enjoy teasing me about my love of nature. A few times a week, we hike our favorite trail near our home, which often results in my passionate outbursts about the trail's beauty. I mean, that's normal, right? Anyway, during one particular moment of, um, appreciation, my daughter Morgan started giggling and said, "Mom, if you love nature so much, you should marry it. Or at least write it a love letter." And since I'm already married, here we are!
one point
and 2 member cents. My husband and daughters really enjoy teasing me about my love of nature. A few times a week, we hike our favorite trail near our home, which often results in my passionate outbursts about the trail's beauty. I mean, that's normal, right? Anyway, during one particular moment of, um, appreciation, my daughter Morgan started giggling and said, "Mom, if you love nature so much, you should marry it. Or at least write it a love letter." And since I'm already married, here we are!
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