General Poetry posted April 24, 2024 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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A chapter in the book Silent Voices

Winter Keeps

by Jessica Wheeler

A frozen ground
keeps time at rest
beneath the ice and frost.

The bitter cold
of winter drags,
too slow, and I am lost.

The plans we made
eight springs ago,
left for a rainy day.

As winter keeps
the spring from me,
you wait so far away.

I'll play along
and watch the ground
until the lilies grow.

On ice and knees,
obey the cold
and pray it lets me go.

Yet, piercing through
my memory,
are springs I've left behind.

I've walked beyond
the winter walls
that trap my grieving mind.

The winter's keep
was never cruel,
allowing me to stay.

Where I am safe,
pretending you
just wait for me in May.

Silent Voices: verses of personification
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