General Poetry posted April 22, 2024 Chapters:  ...47 48 -49- 50... 

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For Barry Penfold
A chapter in the book Tributes

Barry's Birthday

by Debi Pick Marquette


From Sydney in Australia is the place Barry was born 

Successful he has been, but he will not toot his own horn

He's living in Nowra, along with lovely partner, Gail

Three children and four grandchildren and all are doing well

He was a lawyer, but four years ago, retirement 

He'll talk to anyone, but does not care for arrogant

And he will not talk politics, or with those who are loud

He'll talk about his book of wines, for that he should be proud

 And "Secret Wines of New South Wales" 24 years ago

That is the title of his book, for those who want to know

Most of his life he's been writing, and he is still not done

He joined FanStory in August of 2021

Loves traveling and gardening, walking and loves to fish

A glass of wine with Gail, on patio is so delish

So, Barry, if we had a party, and told you you're  fine

And wished you Happy Birthday, will you please supply the wine




Now that it has been over a year since I have been writing tribute poems on a regular basis, for those of you who I have written a birthday poem for already, please let me know if you would like another one for your birthday this year. I would be happy to.

Also, anyone who I have not written for previously, if you would like a birthday poem, or any tribute poem, please tell me your birth date and I will put you on my calendar. Then I would be happy to do so for your special occasion. You can pm me or my email address is,

Thank you. Debi PM

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