Fire Personified
A chapter in the book Silent Voices
I Will Burn
I am destruction.
The fervor of my heated temper
wreaks havoc upon ignition.
I was sparked
and left ablaze to drift
without guidance.
All I know
is to burn.
If you start me,
I will stop you.
I forsake the very Earth
that feeds me,
devouring its offerings.
I scatter my pollution into the air
that gives me life
Betraying my generous kin;
The reason I sustain.
If you trust me,
I will fail you.
I reach the peak of heat
to call you from its threshold,
with a promise of intensity
in my seductive glow.
My tumultuous flames
all but whisper in your ear,
as if I long to be put out.
If you want me,
I will have you.
Enticed by my ability
to purify,
you will want to tame me.
But I will suffocate
if confined.
And my fury will spread
with each attempt to restrain.
Playing with me,
will provoke retaliation.
If you touch me,
I will hurt you.
Though sincere
are my moments of warmth.
The fireplace
on cold, winter nights.
The honest crackle
of a campfire.
A warm, seared meal
and its candlelit ambiance.
But, imbalanced are my efforts,
told in the ash that trails behind me.
I will not cease to consume
all that lies in my path.
Melting metal and flesh,
filling chimneys and lungs.
In my solitary quest
for more.
If you get too close,
I will burn you.
Silent Voices: Verses of Personification.
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Jessica Wheeler
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