Biographical Poetry posted March 10, 2024

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Club entry for Gypsy's Finding Your Muse, Forms of Art

The Roots of My Poet-Tree

by Debi Pick Marquette

I think that I shall never see 

A poem as lovely as a tree

Joyce Kilmer's “Trees," had given me

My third-grade love for poetry

I think that I shall never see

The poems I penned that haunted me

A child who wrote to run and hide

Now, loves to write on the bright side

I think that I shall never see

Thing six or a Grinch wannabe

A moose or goose in a caboose

My fav’rite author, Dr Seuss

I think that I shall never see

When College Shakespeare was to be

Because in all reality 

The rhyming poet's really me

I think that I shall never see

Another site like FanStory 

A worldwide place where we all write

And from each other get insight

Yes, poems are made by those like me

In this creative family

And as we write our joy and strife

What we get back are friends for life

Poem of the Month contest entry



Joyce Kilmers Trees had little to do with trees. It was more a metaphor for human beings and their feelings. In the Bible, a tree is symbolic for mankind. (And the trees of the fields shall clap their hands and let the feelings out)

I pronounce the word poems as a one syllable word so I needed to add 'as' to it.
However, many pronounce it as po-ems which makes it an 2 syllable word, and therefore the extra 'as' is not needed.

Yet, the ending of fools like me, I believe is metaphorically different from 1913 to now. Therefore, I changed my words from Fools like me to, Those like me.

Also the line, Only God can make a tree, is indeed about human nature.

Thank you for reading my poem, and Trees.
If you notice, the original Trees is written with poems as a two syllable word. I, myself never understood that, as I read it as a one syllable word so I put the word 'as' in it for my poem.

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earths sweet flowing breast

A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray

A tree that may, in Summer, wear
A nest of robins in her hair

Upon whose bosom snow has lain
Who intimately lives with rain

Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make a tree

By: Joyce Kilmer
Written, February 2, 1913

Club entry for the "FORMS OF ART" event in "FINDING YOUR MUSE".  Locate a writing club.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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