General Poetry posted February 13, 2024 Chapters:  ...56 57 -58- 59... 

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For my Special Sister in ~ Love, Karen
A chapter in the book Tributes

A Birthday Bouquet

by Debi Pick Marquette


I've known her almost fifty years, but give or take a few

She's married to my brother, but she's like my sister too

With four amazing kids, she is a loving mom and wife

She has four awesome grandsons, who add so much to her life


She only speaks the positive and never is absurd 

So I will go to her if I just need a caring word

She's always gone out of her way to do nice things for me

Her picture books and videos, her creativity


I doubt that I could ask her for a favor she won't do

Unless it could hurt someone else; to herself she is true

I don't tell her often enough how I admire her 

And when it comes to honesty, she has what I prefer


And if I had the choice that I could change her or replace

I know I could look everywhere, in all the world and space

So it would be impossible; no matter how or when

To find another sister in-love, like my dear, Karen


You're like a lovely flower in a beautiful bouquet

And I must say I've always loved you in a special way 

I do have one big wish for you, so this I will convey

That you deserve the best, so have a glorious birthday




Reminds her of her mom

Kids used to sing this when they were little ~ Precious Memories

She just loves this song

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