General Poetry posted February 6, 2024 Chapters:  ...64 65 -66- 68... 

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A Hollywood Birthday Fiesta

by Debi Pick Marquette

Her father was from Russia; England's where her mom was from

They met and then a great love story it would soon become

Famous movie director, then from Italy and France

And she had been a model, and theirs was a great romance

After the two had married, soon Lisa was on the way

They wanted her to be a citizen of USA

So California is the place that baby Lisa's born

Then two more months in Europe; I bet mom was surely worn

They moved to California, under big Hollywood sign

So much of life was show business, parties and fancy dine

She went to Hollywood High School, then she majored in art

She's a pro water colorist, next Bob would steal her heart

Our Lisa was a private model for Sonny and Cher

A jazz and country singer was another goal and prayer

For Angela Landsbury, Lisa was photo double

When Bob and Lisa married, their new life was very full

Then they were blessed with a daughter and Heather is her name

And now they have two granddaughters; they love them both the same

Dear Lisa's always loved to write, she has since age of ten

And plays her classical music piano now and then

Their first move was to Texas and later they moved to Spain

They've been there for three years and say they will not move again

She owned a women's clothing store over twenty five years

They exercise and work in garden as two loving peers

From Hollywood and glamour to where she is in her life

Best part is called a mom, grandma and fifty five year wife 

Hollywood Spanish party, from FanStory amigos 

And Happy Birthday Lisa, and feliz cumpleaños



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