Romance Fiction posted January 14, 2024 Chapters:  ...44 45 -46- 47... 

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Seth and Emma talk about the previous night.
A chapter in the book Guided by Faith

Chapter 29

by barbara.wilkey

Depend on God in every part of your life, and He will guide, protect, and comfort you. Will God guide Emma's life? If He does, will she listen?
Seth and Emma met 30 days ago.


"Emma, I'm not good at putting feelings into words. Please understand you did nothing wrong. I left because I didn't want to risk hurting you or damaging our relationship. I care about you."

"I care about you, too."

"Thank you for saying that. I'll see you in time for church tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." After she hung up, she whispered, "I had those feelings too."


Sunday morning, Emma answered the door. "Come in. I'm almost ready."

"Mornin'." Seth glanced at his watch. "I'm a few minutes early." He knelt and roughed up Ace's ears. "Were you a good boy?"

From the kitchen, Emma said, "Of course. Is he ever not good?"

"That's true." Seth watched Emma lift her guitar case. "I'll carry that." He took it from her. "Ready?" he asked as he walked toward the door.

Emma moved in front of him, their eyes met, and she threw her arms around his neck.

Seth set down the guitar and drew her closer. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She stepped back. "I just needed to make sure we're good."

"We're good."

"Thank you." Emma glanced at her phone. "We'd better get to church."

"You're right." He opened the extended cab passenger door, set her guitar inside, and then helped her into the passenger seat. After he turned the ignition key, he asked, "What are your plans for today?"

She took a piece of paper from her purse. "Pastor Pat wants me to announce the upcoming youth group's activities. After that, I think it's the usual. Do you have any plans?"

He grinned and touched her hand. "The same as yours."

Inside the church, Seth and Emma sat beside her parents. As Emma sat, Susan took her hand and patted it. Emma mouthed, "All is good."

Susan smiled.

Pastor Pat welcomed everyone and then called Emma up front. "And please bring your guitar." While Emma walked to the pulpit, he continued, "Chief Carter, please stand. Seth teaches our young adult Apostles Creed class. I've heard great reports from those who attend. I think there might be room for one more. If interested, see me." He faced Emma. "Ready to give us an update on the youth group's activities?"

She held up the bulletin and pointed to the back. "They're listed in today's bulletin and are on the church calendar. Tomorrow's fundraiser begins at eleven at the city park. The girls are face painting. The boys will have a combination of shooting hoops and darts competition." She smiled and pointed. "I see Charlie Michaels is here today. Welcome. He donated gift cards for the winners of this activity. Please give him a hand for his generosity. As you leave, introduce yourself and tell him thank you."

Emma held up her paper. "I want to thank everyone for supporting our hire a teen project. It keeps our teens busy. Next Sunday, I'll give you the amount the teens have earned. I wanted to wait until tomorrow's activity to give you a total."

After a pause, she said, "Now for the dates of upcoming activities. I'll just list them: July 16th, a fifties' dance. I'm hoping to get donations for cookies and punch. The teens have suggested we open this up to the community. It's a great opportunity to invite people to our church, but I don't think Fellowship Hall is large enough."

The high school principal, Tim Wilson stood. "Emma, you can use the high school gym or cafeteria."

"Wow! Thank you, Mr. Wilson. God keeps working with the youth."

She frowned at her paper. "I guess I didn't stick to the plan of just giving you the dates. I'll try to do better or we'll be here all day. July 24th, that's a Wednesday, we're looking at an ice cream social. More information will follow. Our white-water rafting is tentatively scheduled for August 20th."

Ronnie Calhoun stood up. "Emma, I know our police chief is helping with the youth. Since his recent accident, I'm sure he won't be able to help chaperone that activity. I'm volunteering."

Seth stood. "I'm sure I'll be healed by then. It's six weeks away. But thank you for the offer."

Emma glanced at Pastor Pat, who said, "We have plenty of time to worry about that. Thank you for volunteering."

"I haven't discussed this with Pastor Pat, but I'm thinking of scheduling Vacation Bible School, the first week in August. I know we normally use a canned curriculum, but I'm thinking of doing something different. The theme, Stories of Jesus." She reached for her guitar. "That leads me to the song I'd planned for today, 'Tell me the Stories of Jesus.' Pastor Pat, is it okay?"

He shook his head and grinned. "Of course. Try discussing it with me first, next time."

Her eyes lit up the sanctuary. When the song finished, Emma said, "Teens, after the service would you please meet me in our room for a short meeting. If everyone gets there right away, it shouldn't take longer than five minutes. Thank you."

When she returned to her seat, Seth held her hand.

The service ended, and Emma rushed to Charlie to thank him for the donated gift cards. "If possible, it'd be nice if you attended and handed the cards to the winners." She glanced at Seth by her side. "What do you think, around eight-thirty? Think we'll have the winner by then?"

Seth nodded. "We should. The fireworks are scheduled to start around nine o'clock."

"Sorry." Emma put her hand on Seth's arm. "Charlie Michaels, this is Seth Carter. He'll be supervising this activity."

Both men shook hands, before Charlie said, "I can be there." His eyes met Emma's. "Will you?"

"Of course." She glanced toward a door leading to the back of the church building. "Sorry, I have a meeting with the youth and promised it wouldn't take long." She walked away.

Seth called after her, "I'll be there in a minute."

After the youth meeting, Emma checked the posters they'd made. "They look good."

She turned her head when she heard, "Yes, you do look good."

Emma said, "Thank you but why are you here?" She tried to walk by him, but he moved in front of her.

"It appears we're alone. We need to talk."

As he walked closer, Emma backed up. "I need to leave. Seth's waiting. My parents are expecting us for dinner."

He kept closing in and now had her against the wall. "We were good together. I know you haven't forgotten. One doesn't forget their first love. I'm confused why you're wasting time with that cop."

Ronnie used the side of his hand to caress her cheek. "He doesn't know how to treat you. I do."

"You need to leave."

"Emma, Emma, Emma, you don't get it. I'm used to getting my way and I want you." He pressed his lips against hers.

She moved her face and struggled. When he didn't stop, she kneed him in the groin. Ronnie backed up, hunched over, and covered the painful area with his hands. He rushed from the room.

As he left, Seth entered, but paused and watched Ronnie leave. "What's wrong with Calhoun?" Emma went to Seth and put her arms around his neck. He drew her closer. "Are you all right?"

"I am now." Emma backed away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Seth pulled her into a hug. "If this has to do with last night, I still plan on hugging you, especially when you need it," he interrupted. "What happened?"

She pointed to the wall. "Ronnie came in and pressed me against it. He tried to kiss me. I told him to leave. He didn't so I kneed him."

Grinning, Seth said, "I'm glad you did. Maybe he'll understand you're not interested." He hesitated. "You're not, are you?"

Her eyes widened. "I'm surprised you asked, but no, I'm not."

He put his hand on the small of her back. "Ready?"

Once the dogs were picked up and they'd changed their clothes, they continued to her parents for Sunday dinner.

When Seth parked in front of Keith and Susan's house, Jake pulled up. Seth helped Emma from the pickup.

Jake walked up, hugged, and kissed her cheek. "Pumpkin, good to see you again."

Emma returned the hug. "I'm glad you've become a Sunday regular."

He chuckled. "I guess two weeks in a row makes me a regular."

"I'll go inside and help Mom. I'm sure you two have things to talk about."

Seth nodded. "You can leave Fur Ball here with Ace. I'll watch her. We'll be in shortly."

Jake watched Emma walk to the house. "She's not bubbly. Is something going on between you two?"

Running his hand through his short hair, Seth said, "Sort of, but not really." He exhaled. "Last night I..." He hesitated. "You know if I mess up, I'll have you, Keith, and Pastor Pat to answer to?"

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened. I left before anything did." Jakes eyes widened, before Seth continued, "We were dancing." Jake moved his hands motioning for Seth to hurry along. "Then we stopped."

"In an embrace?"

Seth avoided eye contact but nodded. "I said goodnight and left without Ace or my pickup."
"You left Emma standing in the center of the living room with no explanation?"

"Pretty much."

"Did you go back later and talk?"

"I called. I didn't trust myself around her. Susan had a feeling something was wrong and called Emma. Emma told her what happened, and Susan explained why it happened."

"I guess you'll finally admit Emma's not a child but a fully developed woman."

"That she is. That revelation hit me like a brick wall. I wasn't prepared. I knew I cared for her, but..."

"Now what?" interrupted Jake.

"I'm aware how attracted I am to her, and I need to be careful. I won't make that mistake again."

"Have you thought about Emma? I'm betting she had the same desires, probably for the first time in her life."

Closing his eyes, Seth took deep breaths. "No, but I bet you're right. How do I approach this?" He paused. "Maybe Susan did."

"Are you willing to risk that she didn't?"

"Not really." Seth watched Pastor Pat drive up. "I'll talk with her tonight."

As the boxes of leftovers were being put in Seth's vehicle, Emma hugged her dad. "Daddy, are you feeling all right? You look tired."

Keith kissed her cheek. "I'm fine, Sweetheart. I've been working extra hours with the contractors over the bookstore expansion. Once that's over, things will calm down."

Emma hugged her dad. "Is there any way I can help?"

"Just having you around is enough."

"You have that. Get some rest. If I don't see you tomorrow, I'll see you Tuesday."

On the way home, Seth asked, "Is everything all right? You seem quiet."

"Daddy seemed tired. I asked, and he said he was all right, just tired from the extra time he's been putting in over the bookstore expansion."

"That'll be nice. It'll make the dining room larger." Seth chuckled. "If it's completed before next summer, you'll have room for the reading program's art projects."

"Hmm, I hadn't thought about that, but it's true."

"You all ready for tomorrow?" asked Seth.

Emma glanced through the back window. "I see the basketball hoop. I guess we are." She smiled. "I think it'll be fun."

After the leftovers were carried inside and put away, Seth asked, "Can we talk?" When Emma nodded, he took her hand and led her to the couch.

Swallowing Emma asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

His eyes met hers. "Don't look so nervous. It'll be all right."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We need to talk about last night." When Emma started to stand, Seth took her hand. "Stay. We should discuss it." He saw concern in her eyes. "I'm not comfortable talking about it either, but as a couple we have to."

Seth checked his phone. "It's Abbey. I'll call her later."

After a moment of silence, he began, "Before we go any further, I want to say I care for you, a lot. I knew your parents before I became Police Chief. Jake had introduced us. I knew from the beginning how religious they are. When you stopped by my house and asked about the garage door opener, I realized how religious you are."

Molly sat below Emma and whined. Emma picked her up and cuddled her. "Does that bother you?"

"No. I'm glad you are." Seth swallowed. "We've never talked about it but have talked around it." He tapped his fingers on his knee. "You're a virgin and plan on staying one until you're married, right?"

She nodded and moisture formed in her eyes. "Is that a problem?"

Seth covered her hand with his, as he rushed his answer, "No! It's not." His eyes met hers. "I hope the next part isn't a problem for you. I'm not..."

"I figured you weren't," interrupted Emma. "It's all right."

His eyebrows rose. "How did you know?"

"I read between the lines when you were discussing Jillian."

He nodded. "I want you to know I have no problem honoring your wishes. I do ask that you speak up if I cross a line or make it uncomfortable for you."

He took a few deep breaths. "Last night holding you close for that long caused a desire I wasn't prepared for. I didn't trust myself, so I left."

Emma studied Molly on her lap and whispered, "I had feelings I've never experienced before."

Seth picked up Molly, moved her aside, and put his arms around Emma. "I suspected as much. That's why we needed to talk. We'll be careful from now on." He moved her chin so his eyes met hers. "It doesn't mean I won't hold or hug you."

She whispered, "Thank you."

"You're beautiful, but your modesty reveals your inner beauty."

Tell Me The Stories of Jesus by Becky Buller

Character List:

Police Chief Seth Carter - hero and Beaverton's Police Chief

Emma Winters - heroine and waitress at her parents' bakery and bookstore, but just graduated college with a teaching degree.

Winters - the bakery/bookstore Emma's parents own.

Carl Jones - Seth's good friend and right-hand man

Susan and Keith Winters - Emma's parents and owners of Winters' Family Bakery and Bookstore

Molly - Emma's almost four-pound Pomeranian

Ace - Seth's German shepherd, a trained K-9

Pastor Pat - Pastor of the Church and Emma's Godfather

Sheriff Jake Baker - Seth's mentor and Winters' family friend

Ray Hudson - Works at the bakery

Peggy Barton - Emma knew her in high school and is the assistant librarian, she's making a play for Seth

Linda Holton - the town librarian

Mayor Castle - mayor of Beaverton

George Elliot - city council member, from old money, and father of Marc Elliot

Marc Elliot - troubled teenager

Ronald Calhoun - dated Emma her senior year of high school

Dr. Mason - veterinarian who took care of Molly

Mickey Casey - Man stalking Emma and she killed him

Elizabeth Higgins - 'Lizzy' pregnant teenage girl

Calvin and Gretchen Higgins - Parents of Elizabeth Higgins

Charlie Michaels - Sports store manager, donated gift certificates



Today's quote from what I've learned from my research. "Never open a person's heart with no intention on catching them when they fall in love with you." Cody Brett

Thank you, Google Images, for this poster.

This is Chapter 29 in it's entirety. It's little under 2300 words. There are 37 total chapters, so Seth and Emma's story is close to the end. Of course, when I continue to break the chapters into two part it's still plenty of weeks away.

I appreciate the time you took to read this post. I appreciate the help editing. Thank you.
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