General Poetry posted January 14, 2024 Chapters:  ...57 58 -59- 60... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
James homeland ~ in lluka, New South Wales, Australia
A chapter in the book Tributes

A Great Birthday for Jumbo J

by Debi Pick Marquette

He's one of the most fascinating people I have met

He's humble, kind and honest, and would be hard to forget

Some things have happened in his life where he has had regret

The best of this amazing man; I doubt we've seen it yet 

It has been forty years that he's been with his sweet wife, Jade

But married thirty four and what a happy life they made

They don't have any children, but tried all with doctor's aid

They've had their disappointments, but their love would never fade

They live in lluka village, which is part of New South Wales

Surrounding seven beaches where the watercraft there sails 

He's mostly worked protection, at high level venue scales

Some music concerts, private clubs, security details 

He was semi-professional in pro league for rugby

And he would travel with his team until age thirty three

Played basketball, did martial arts, and loved to run while he

Still surfed, kayaked, and swam, but it would end with injury

This man who we are honoring wears his heart on his sleeve 

And what you see is what you get, and what you can believe

His writing shows his talent and what all he can achieve 

From all your friends at FanStory, we hope you never leave

So Happy Birthday, James, let's celebrate your Special Eve



The reason I say it is a special eve is because I was off with the time difference, and posted late. Oops!

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