Humor Poetry posted December 18, 2023 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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A story in a poem. Please read Authors notes first

A chapter in the book Patch and Ruby

Patch and Ruby ~Hawaii or Bust~

by Debi Pick Marquette

It started when Kenzie's Ruby and Helen's Patch first met
They found each other on cat-chat, app for any pet
When Kenzie thought she had to move, Ruby and Patch would plot
Cause Patch knew just how hard it was, which helped Ruby a lot

And then when Kenzie stayed, these kitties thought they stopped the move
And now these smarty cats believe they've got something to prove
One day when I was cat-sitting I thought, where is she now
These two were doing their cat-chat, acting like the cat's meow 

I'm glad I learned the language, cause they have a cattitude 
And what I heard them plotting will have both moms come unglued
I saw the scratching on the wall; they talked about a trip
These naughty girls wanted to ride an airplane or a ship

At first, Patch was a scaredy cat to go so far alone
And Ruby said it will be fine; we'll kitnap Kenzie's phone
I see how Kenzie messages with only just one claw
Patch said Hawaii is the place; we'll visit Grandmama 

They knew they couldn't walk so hitchhiking would be a must
Patch ordered Sign from Amazon, said "Hawaii or Bust"
I called Helen and Kenzie; let the cat out of the bag
These smarty cats got grounded before they could get jet lag

Both moms wanted those girls to learn a big lesson that day
So they would never try again to plan to go away
The cats hid stuff outside so they'd be ready to explore
But Patch and Ruby thought that one another lived next door

The moms had planned to follow so left door open on gate
As kitties wandered 'round outside, was cold and getting late
They couldn't find each other, and were tired of the wait
They barely left the yard, yet they were sure they used life eight

So with their tails between their legs, back to their house instead
They each forgot the trip, when they crawled in their nice warm bed 
The moral to the story is like Dorothy once said 
There is no place like home; be thankful for your daily bread



Grandmama is Helen's mom who lives in Hawaii

This is the second poem about these plotting kitties, Patch and Ruby.
Patch belongs to Helen, (Lyenochka) and Ruby is my granddaughter, Kenzie's cat.
Last year Helen wrote the fun stories about how Patch did with their move.
It wasn't long after when Kenzie thought she would have to move, she mentioned that Ruby was acting strange. That's where I got the idea to let Patch help Ruby stop the move.

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