General Poetry posted November 23, 2023 Chapters:  ...72 73 -74- 75... 

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Happy Birthday Janet (911 Hero)

by Debi Pick Marquette

To say we're thankful for her is a grave under-statement

On 9-1-1 sent rescue team, as planes made their descent!

 As PEMA supervisor, helped world trade center that day

While she was calmly doing her job, we all were in dismay


She married after high school, then she had her two children

She stayed at home to raise them; their names are Julie and Ben

She has eleven grandkids and a great grandbaby too

And also has step-children, Janet, you have quite a crew


She's active in her church, yoga, and Irish Heritage

She gardens, cooks and entertains and has a great marriage

She didn't start to write until after retirement

She loves the Japanese short form, all from the Orient


North Carolina, moved when they retired in 05

When husband sings, she plays piano, church will come alive

She loves to quote some authors, like the talented, Mark Twain

 Her favorite, it's never too late to begin again


We knew you'd be excited, Janet, because as a rule

We don't take off for other's birthdays, or kids out of school : )

But you're our hero and we're thankful that you are so cool

You helped the 911 victims, it could have been more cruel 


And we will all be celebrating, each in our own way

We're thankful for you, Janet;  and Happy Turkey Birthday




When Janet Foor's children were almost grown, she went to work at the county Emergency Management Agency which lead to a job in Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA).She was the Operations Supervisor during the 911 attack on America. She deployed the Pennsylvania Urban Search and Rescue Team to the World Trade Center and coordinated an emergency response to Somerset County in Pennsylvania where the 3rd plane in the attack crashed.-

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