General Poetry posted November 5, 2023 Chapters:  ...76 77 -78- 79... 

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Happy Birthday ARYR
A chapter in the book Tributes

Back to Basics Birthday Bash

by Debi Pick Marquette

RN~Naturopathic Doctor with great attributes 
A back to basics medicine, like using ginger roots

Or healing of the body sometimes with the herbs or seed
 Because of doctors like her, I am off meds I don't need

Now she’s retired from natural medical career
And she is busy traveling the Northern Hemisphere 

Her birthplace was in Canada, where she started to write 
And she's been on FanStory, many years with sweet insight

She’s seventy percent of the Native American 
And she is part of the religion that they call Wiccan

So as she travels the US, with both her dog and cat
She loves the beauty of the earth, with so much to look at

She dabbles in some psychic readings using playing cards
And tossing stones and Mother Nature, far from boulevards

 A-R-Y-R  is her pen name, and we’re thankful that she
Is back to basics kinda girl, so outside we’ll party

We'll listen to your life stories, by campfire, you will see
Our loving birthday wishes come from our hearts naturally 



If I am pronouncing naturopathic properly, then line one should be right on w meter.

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