General Poetry posted August 7, 2023 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 36... 

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3/6/5. Haiku
A chapter in the book 2023 Gypsy's Haiku

Dawn's Warm Rays

by Gypsy Blue Rose

Haiku rules in author notes
dawn's warm rays 
shine on cracking ice lake —
morning has broken

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry made of short, unrhymed lines that evoke natural imagery. The haiku gives a moment of insight based on observation.

Japanese haiku are written in 3 lines with 5/7/5 syllables form. In English is 3 lines with 17 syllables OR LESS due to the difference between Japanese and English syllables.

haiku contains two separate parts:

A section that creates an image (often the first two lines, but not always)

Then another section which is different but connected�??�?�¢??perhaps suggesting an interpretation of the first image, perhaps suggesting a contrast.

Haiku should be clear and direct, with strong images in a compact and concise manner.

for haiku rules click here - modern Haiku rules

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"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis
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