General Poetry posted April 29, 2023 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
All in one; for Grandkids
A chapter in the book Children young and old

A Prayer ~ A Poem ~ A Pocket

by Debi Pick Marquette

Poem In Your Pocket Contest Winner 

This prayer is for my grandkids
In my pocket it will stay
Reminder that no one forbids
Or tells me not to pray

Make sure each minute that I get
Shows love and doesn't slack
So I may never soon regret
The message I give back

I know that this is not my job
I'm actually third in line
But on my watch, no one will rob
Their souls of His Sunshine

I know that God is number one
He's always doing His part
Then my daughters and my son
Are teaching of God's Heart 

I'll keep this in my pocket
As I say a prayer for each
No one can ever lock it
Or can keep me from its reach

With family out on their own
They'll always need my prayer
 My prayer is deep within my poem
And tucked inside of there

Poem In Your Pocket
Contest Winner

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