General Poetry posted April 2, 2023 Chapters:  ...18 19 -20- 21... 

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As good of a man, as you ever will meet!
A chapter in the book Tributes

Happy Birthday Nomi!!

by Debi Pick Marquette


He's a wonderful man, from his head to his feet

He's kinder than kind, but he's strong as concrete

A great writer, reviewer and friend who's so neat

He's as good of a man as you ever will meet


His name, Nolan Miller, to his family and wife

He's Nomi to us, in this virtual life

  To me, a big brother; one who's always so sweet

He's as good of a man as you ever will meet


 I was honored to interview Nomi last year

There were times in the Service, that many would fear

But he fears only God, and knows not defeat

He's as good of a man as you ever will meet.


It's so obvious that we all think he is great 

Our time here together, is God's gift of fate

Without men like him, our world's, soon obsolete

He's as good of a man as you ever will meet


You missed by a day, you are no April Fool

You joke about things, your sense of humor's so cool

Happy Eightieth Nomi, you make our life complete

You're as good of a man as we ever will meet



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