General Poetry posted March 14, 2023 Chapters:  ...23 24 -25- 26... 

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One of my tributes in honor of
A chapter in the book Tributes

Karenina ~ The Apple of our Eye

by Debi Pick Marquette


Most everybody knows how strong this woman tends to be

She'll crack you up while serious, at times with poetry

She's clever, sweet, hilarious, with just a touch of shy

I hope she knows in friendship, she's the apple of my eye


It's not so strange that she has captured everybody's heart

A caring helpful friend that never fails to do her part

Her faith gives her the strength she needs, as to exemplify

Please God take care of her, she is the Apple of Your Eye


One of the kindest women that I truly ever met

For sure she's not the type that we could ever soon forget

She said it's possible that she may have to say goodbye

We know she loves us too, perhaps the apple of her eye? 


She knows she has some options, she could be a butterfly

Fly in and out as she sees fit, just like this certain guy

Whatever she decides, others will join me when I cry

We love you Karenina, you're the apple of our eye





A tribute to Karenina portrays our feelings for her in any month or any situation, but is partly for March's Women's Month, and one of the strong women I plan on honoring this month.
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