General Poetry posted December 4, 2022 Chapters:  ...33 34 -35- 36... 

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With Love and Fun
A chapter in the book Tributes

Happy Birthday Karenina

by Debi Pick Marquette

Her name is really Karen, but that isn't how we know her 

Karenina's what her dad called her; and that I think is so her

She's a retired nurse and it shows in her compassion 

She volunteers, she gives so much, it's Karenina fashion

A computer hack last month, who it was, she wasn't sure

We barely saw her all that time, and worried about her

Many of us gave some help, which started to restore 

Her faith in human nature; that love was worth much more

It just may be, I know her age, but swear I'll never tell

Unless you give a great review and then, oh what the.......

She's always very Sweet, but I know a little rumor

She loves to tease a little too, I love her sense of humor

She told me it would be ok, to tease about her age

She's 14 months older than me, but I cannot engage

I'd be in line of some young punk, that's even younger yet

Like Helen, who'd tease both of us, then she's the one to get

So lets all raise our virtual glass to make a virtual toast

To our Special Birthday gal, for her I think I'll boast

Her faith in God is very strong, she's such an inspiration

I'm proud to be her friend;  she has my deepest admiration


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