General Fiction posted November 26, 2022 Chapters:  ...30 31 -32- 33... 

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Sheriff Mitch pays Miranda a visit.
A chapter in the book The Miranda Chronicles

The Sheriff (Miranda)


***So far, Miranda Jessup Buckley has been jilted, fired and left to take care of her ex-lover's child.   After finding the dead body of Ed Preston, then finding the murder weapon, Miranda feels she is being framed.  She doesn't know where to turn but gets an unexpected visit from the sheriff. ***
After that phone call, I lose interest in cleaning.  It looks better than it did.  And honestly, if I end up being wrongfully convicted of murdering Ed Preston, I have bigger things to worry about than a few drops of piss on the toilet seat.
I toy with the idea of calling out and running to my mom's house.  No matter what I face in life, she always has an answer.  But I'm an adult.  I just need to think.  Who the hell would benefit from framing me?  Why are they doing this?
There is only one person who is crazy enough to want to mess with me.  Missy.
I put the cleaning supplies back under the kitchen sink and go get ready for work.  
Rita is knocking the spiderwebs from around the big glass windows.
"You certainly are inspired.  Must be something in the air.  I was cleaning before I came in."
Rita lowers the broom.  "Matt said there was blood on those scissors you found."
"There was something, and it looked like blood."
She props the broom against the window.  "What the hell is going on in this county?  It used to be so safe."
I shrug.  I can't even figure out what's going on around me.  I sure don't have time to worry about the whole county.  "Rita, can I ask you something?  And I want your real answer."
She nods but looks slightly afraid.  "Sure."
"Do you think I had anything to do with Ed Preston's death?"
"No.  Oh my gosh, no.  You are a very grounded person, Miranda.  People go to you because you can be counted on.  Your aura is one of balance."
I nod.  "I have no idea what you said, but I'll take it."
"I can generally read people.  You know, I can see their colors."
"What color am I?"
"A golden hue.  Warm and secure."
I smile at her and leave her to the spiderwebs as I go inside to clock in.
The store is unusually slow.  It's over an hour before someone pulls up.  Rita is in the back office eating her lunch.
Sheriff Mitch walks in.  "Well, well, Miss Miranda."
"Sheriff.  Miss me?"
He smiles and takes his hat off.  "I've got some good news.  It wasn't Ed Preston's blood on the scissors.  It was animal blood."
I frown.  "How is that good news?  Some poor animal got stabbed."
"It means the blood wasn't Ed's, and it wasn't the murder weapon."
"How was Ed Preston killed?"
Mitch looks around the store.  "He was bludgeoned to death.  Back of his skull was in pieces."
"Damn.  I wished I hadn't asked."
Mitch walks over to the glass case that holds the muffins and donuts.
"My daughter told me I need to lay off the sweets," he says, reaching for the handle.  "But, she's not here right now so ..."
I watch as he takes the tongs to pick up a cruller. 
He turns around and lifts it to his mouth.  He chews thoughtfully and looks around.
"Coffee?" I ask.
He nods, still chewing.
"Black? Or are you one of those guys who's intouch with his feminine side?"
He scowls. 
I go pour the coffee into a large cup, put the lid on it and carry it back to him.
"Miranda, listen, we're keeping how he died out of the papers.  I probably shouldn't have even told you, but I figured you deserved to know.  Don't tell anyone.  Got it?  Not your momma, not your preacher, not your boyfriend."
"My momma doesn't want to know stuff like that.  I don't go to church.  And my boyfriend had a change of heart and left me."
Mitch tilts his head. "I thought girls told their mommas everything.  And I pegged you as a Baptist.  That last part though, you are better off without him.  He must have been a very stupid man."
I look down, feeling my cheeks flushing.  "Sheriff, are you flirting with me?"
Mitch puts his hat back on and starts walking towards the exit.  "Maybe I was just making an observation," he says as he pushes the door open.  "Sure is a beautiful day."
Miranda, I think to myself, that sheriff is sweet on you.  Damned if Aaron wasn't right.
The rest of the day goes by quickly.  People come in, buy things, scratch off their lottery tickets, complain about the price of gas.  It's a regular day.  
And for the first time in a while, I feel like the old Miranda.  I don't keep looking over my shoulder.  I am in control.
Even cranky Matt, when he calls to check on the store, doesn't bother me.  
"Miranda, can you do me a favor?"
"Sure.  What do you need?"
"Teach Rita how to count.  She is still selling beer and cigarettes to minors.  I'm gonna lose my liquor license if she keeps doing it."
He keeps talking, mumbling about Rita, about the paperwork that's involved with the store.  The cost of operating The Little Eagle, payroll, blah, blah, blah.
And there are only two things I'm thinking about.  I wonder what color aura Matt has, and Sheriff Mitch was flirting with me.
To be continued ...

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