General Fiction posted May 4, 2021

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... by The hands of a child. (see notes)

Mass Destruction

by Leann DS

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
In a serene ocean of white, hundreds floated, shivering. Just seconds before, they all huddled securely together within the four walls of their home. It was because of me and my selfish ways, my ravenous hunger, that they would never again know the comfort that they had enjoyed for so long.

Was I remorseful? Well, a little, but I rationalized my duty knowing that their fate was their entire reason for being created, and my next action would fulfill their destiny.

Gazing toward them, so still and unassuming, I began the maneuver that would carry them to their finality. The steel tool swooped down, cutting through the pool in which they floated. It angled upward, out into the morning air retrieving 20 or more of them in one swift motion. Were they relieved? Did they assume they were being rescued? No matter to me.

I plunged the first group of victims into the dark, damp cave. Imagining their screams of terror, I chewed and swallowed. I loved Fruity Oh's cereal.

Through the eyes of a child writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short story (100-500 words). The story must include a child's perspective of an object or situation. The story may be told from the viewpoint of the child, or an adult.

I am embarrassed to admit that, as a child, this was what I imagined was really happening each time I ate a bowl of cereal. I pretended like each cereal ring was alive, with a life, with friends and family... and that I was destroying them. sometimes I would pretend like my mouth was the entrance to an amusement park ride, and the cereal would travel through my throat and into my stomach, enjoying the ride. I knowâ?¦ Weird kid. don't judge.

Thank you for reading my story.
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