Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted February 6, 2021 Chapters:  ...73 74 -75- 76... 

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First the walker, Now a great bag.
A chapter in the book Geoffrey's Musings.

Wally and the Walker Bag

by Sankey

I'd planned to cut back walking,

It was getting way too hard.

On rainy days restricted to

Walking our covered yard.

I'd really enjoyed walking

Sometimes, a couple of miles.

But increased weight and tiredness

Meant I had to change my style.

But then, along came "Wally!"

A four-wheeled walking frame.

He's really made a difference

And I've, now, improved my game! 

To top it off, the walker bag

Came in the post one day,

Dear wifey helped me set it up

And now I'm on my way!



Due to special meds for my various "Auto-Immune" diseases, my weight has increased. I was finding walking a lot more difficult even as much as I was enjoying it for so long. I have written elsewhere about my new acquisition, the "Walker." I have been looking all over the place for a suitable bag for extra things I like to carry when I am "out and about!" Both Louise and myself have been scouring the online sales places and when I saw this bag, I loved it straight away. It came from the UK and cost around $40 Aussie money. I love it! Designed for all kinds of walkers there are extra straps on it I will never use. Picture is the new bag on the walker.
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