"A Serendipitous Meeting"

Chapter 1
Serendipitous Meeting Chapter 1

By barbara.wilkey

Chapter 1 A

Rebeka Miller stood outside the gas station convenience store as she studied a distant cloud bank. Her dinging phone interrupted her weather concerns. She glanced at the phone and her lips pressed together as she grimaced at the number of text messages she'd received from her agent, Richard Stuart, and missed calls from her personal assistant, Amber Wilson. Rebeka finished gassing the car and then sat behind the steering wheel. She took a drink of water and used her left hand to rub her stomach. "I'd better contact Amber. She's worried."

She texted Amber: 'I'm taking a vacation. I'll contact you when I get to the hotel. Please don't worry. Don't tell anybody you've heard from me. I'll explain later.'

"I need to take US Highway 84 north. It looks like I'll be going straight into the storm. It'll only rain. This is Texas, after all." Rebeka stared out the windshield before she pressed the ignition button, and then checked to make sure her purse and computer bag were safely in the passenger seat. She reached over and pulled the seatbelt through their handles. "Just being safe. I'll catch up on my writing at the hotel. Lubbock should have a nice one. I'm maybe two hours out."

An hour and a half later, Rebeka's knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. Moisture welled in her eyes. "How did I get off Highway 84? Where am I? I'm on a two-lane, country road and lost in the middle of nowhere." A loud clash of thunder caused her to stiffen. "Between the wind and the rain, I can't see the road. I'd better park until the rain slows. But where?"

She searched the area to her right for a safe place to pull over. The car hydroplaned, "No!" and swerved into the left lane.

Both hands clutched the steering wheel, and her seat belt tightened on impact when she hit something. The car spun, crossed back into the right lane, then hit something else before it came to a stop. On impact the airbags inflated. Steam rose from the engine. Scared and unsure whether she should or could move, she remained still but moved her right hand enough to caress her stomach. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Dr. Tyler Butler rushed from the barn when he heard the crash. His part-time ranch hand, Peter Dawson followed. "What was that?"

Tyler pointed toward the road. "I think it came from that direction. We'd better check. Somebody might need help." Tyler adjusted his cowboy hat.

The two men climbed inside Tyler's pickup, and Peter commented, "Think there's an accident?"

"Probably. It's bad out here. The weather report said the temperature's going to drop. The wet roads could turn to ice by morning."

"Want me to go into Longhorn Creek and get Elizabeth and Lily?" asked Peter.

"Not necessary. After Missy's dentist's appointment, Aunt Beth stopped by her friend, Christina, for a visit. When she heard about the storm, she decided to spend the night. Those two are having a great time."

Peter chuckled. "I'm sure Lily's being spoilt rotten." He teased, "Who do you think they'll try to fix you up with this time?"

Tyler parked the pickup at the edge of his lane just inside the gate. "You'd think they'd get the hint, but they'll keep trying until I'm married off. I'm not sure there are any single females left in town." He pointed toward his smashed mailbox and scattered bricks that had once surrounded it. "There's our accident." He opened the pickup door. "Let's see how bad it is. From here the car appears pretty smashed up."

They neared the black BMW, and Tyler said, "The airbags inflated. Maybe that's a good sign. Let's pray the driver only has minor injuries."

Tyler walked to the driver's side door and peeked inside. "I'm here to help. It'll just be a little longer." He called to his buddy, "Pete, there's a female inside. She doesn't look too bad." He attempted to open the door. "Get the crowbar from the toolbox. The door won't budge."

Moments later, Peter handed Tyler the crowbar while he studied the door. "Think the car door hit the mailbox?"

Tyler brushed away a few twigs caught in crevices caused by the impact and then pointed across the road toward a large Cedar tree. "I think that's the door's culprit." He forced the crowbar into the side the door should open from. "Now to get this door open and free this young lady. I think the mailbox finished off the front-end."

It took a few attempts, before the door partially opened. Tyler handed Peter the crowbar and moved aside the airbags. "Don't move until I assess your injuries. Where does it hurt?"

Her right hand remained on her stomach. She used her left hand, wiped away moisture from her eyes and cheeks, and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I think I'm okay. There's really no pain."

Tyler did a swift evaluation and didn't see any blood. "Okay, I'll help you out. Go slow and lean on me. I'm sure you'll be sore and bruised tomorrow."

He assisted her as she stepped from the car. Once she stood, he pointed to his left sapphire blue eye. "Look into my eye. I need to check your dilation."

Rebeka became wobbly and fell against Tyler.

He caught her. "You're okay."

She held tight to his muscular arms. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm glad I was here." Tyler faced Peter. "I'm taking her to the ER. She's probably in shock and may have a concussion. Get a blanket from the pickup."

Tyler wrapped it around Rebeka. "Pete, before we leave, I'll take you back to the barn. Get the tractor and pull the car inside the fence."

Peter waited until Tyler helped Rebeka inside the pickup, before he climbed in.

After Tyler dropped Peter off, he drove up the lane but stopped when he noticed in the rearview mirror Peter wave his arms. "I wonder what that's about." He put the truck in reverse and backed up. Peter ran up to the pickup. Tyler lowered the window. "What's wrong?"

"My phone sent out an alert. The road between here and Longhorn Creek is flooded and there's reports lightning struck the bridge. You're not going to town anytime soon."

Tyler hit the steering wheel and then faced Rebeka. "It looks like you're stuck with me, and you don't even know my name." He offered his hand. "I'm Tyler Butler. You're?"

"Sir, I can't stay with you."

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice." Thunder clamored. "This storm says you're staying. Let's get inside, and I'll do a more thorough exam." Terror shown in her eyes, so Tyler added, "After you introduce yourself."

He parked the pickup close to the house. "Don't move. I'll help you inside. You're not steady on your feet."

He half lifted her to the ground and then put his arm around her waist. "Put your weight against me. I don't want to chance you falling."

Before Rebeka leaned against Tyler, she attempted to walk, but stumbled, and then allowed him to help. He led her inside to the couch. "Have a seat, and I'll get my bag." He turned to leave.

"Mr. Butler, before you get anything, I can't stay. I appreciate everything you've already done, but I'm a single female." She pointed to a photograph on the end table. "I don't see your wife or daughter anywhere. I'm sure your wife won't want me staying alone with you. It's not right."

Tyler sat in a chair. "I see your point." He picked up the photo. "First, this is my sister, Lori and her daughter, Lily. I'm a bachelor. Lori died over a year ago in a car accident." He ran his finger over the photograph. "On a day very similar to today. I became guardian of her daughter, Lily. Aunt Beth helps me raise her. The storm trapped them in town. They're staying with a family friend."

"But it's still not right for me to remain alone with you."

"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice." He corrected himself. "We don't have a choice. I can promise you'll be safe." He glanced toward the den and stood. "I need to get my bag."

"What bag? What's it for?"

"I guess I didn't fully introduce myself. I'm Dr. Tyler Butler. I'm an ER doctor. I worked at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas and oversaw the trauma center. When Lori passed, I moved back home, to Longhorn Creek, to raise my niece, Lily or Missy to me. I couldn't move the child to Dallas. She needed to remain in familiar surroundings." He took a few steps toward the den, then turned and faced her. "You still haven't given me your name. How should I address you?"

A loud gasp escaped her lips, before she answered, "Rebeka Miller."

Tyler offered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Miller."

Cautiously Rebeka accepted it. "I'm glad to meet you, Dr. Butler."

"Now we have the introductions out of the way." Tyler grinned and turned. "I'll get my bag."

Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned

Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece.

Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and all around not nice guy

Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend

Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand

Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died

Christina - Elizabeth's close friend

Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old

Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily

Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Author Notes A Serendipitous Meeting is a little different novel for a number of reasons. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did as I wrote it. Tyler and Rebeka became close as they worked together through the forces that attempted to keep them apart. I have completed writing it and am off writing a new novel. I pray you enjoy reading this novel.

Chapter 1 is a really long chapter. I had hoped to post it two parts, but I need to do it in three parts. Today I'm posting part I and it's a little over 1500 words.

As you already know, I made changes last minute, as I posted. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

Chapter 2
Serendipitous Chapter 1 B

By barbara.wilkey

Tyler and Rebeka met today.
Previous post:  
   "I guess I didn't fully introduce myself.  I'm Dr. Tyler Butler.  I'm an ER doctor.  I worked at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas and oversaw the trauma center.  When Lori passed, I moved back home, to Longhorn Creek, to raise my niece, Lily or Missy to me.  I couldn't move the child to Dallas.  She needed to remain in familiar surroundings."  He took a few steps toward the den, then turned and faced her.
 "You still haven't given me your name.  How should I address you?"
 A loud gasp escaped her lips, before she answered, "Rebeka Miller."
   Tyler offered his hand.  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Miller."
 Cautiously Rebeka accepted it.  "I'm glad to meet you, Dr. Butler."
 "Now we have the introductions out of the way." Tyler grinned and turned.  "I'll get my bag."

Chapter 1 B


     Tyler sat in a chair across from Rebeka and opened his black bag.  He removed the stethoscope and draped it around his neck.  “I don’t have a lot of equipment at home, so I’m going to rely on you answering questions.”  Next, he removed a blood pressure cuff.  “I’ll check your blood pressure and pulse.”  He studied his watch as he did.  “It’s a little high.  Do you know what your normal reading is?”

     “Around 115/65.”

     He nodded.  “Right now, it’s 183/97.  I’m sure you were shaken by the accident.  I’m going to listen to your heart and chest.”  He stood and moved the stethoscope chest piece around.  “Please take a deep breath and exhale slowly.”

     Rebeka did.

     “Good.”  He moved to her back and listened.  “Everything sounds good.”  He took a retinoscope from his bag.  “I’m checking your eyes.”  After he did, he held up his right index finger.  “Follow my finger with only your eyes.  Don’t move your head.”  He put away the instruments.  “Other than the elevated blood pressure and pulse rate.  It registered at about ninety-five.  I’d say you’re doing all right.  I want to check both in about an hour.”

     He set his bag aside.  “Just rest for now.  I’ll make some coffee.  How do you like yours?”

     “How do you suggest?”

     His eyes widened.  “You don’t drink coffee?”  When she shook her head, he asked, “Sorry, what would you like?”

     “Water’s fine.”

     “Do you drink tea?”

     “I do.”

     “Aunt Beth’s a tea drinker.  Tea it is.”  He walked toward the kitchen.  “I’ll be right back.”

     A few minutes later, Tyler returned with two cups of tea.  “Tell me a little about yourself.  Where you from?”


     He grinned at her one-word answer.  “What brought you to this area?”

     “A vacation.”

     Peter and a large, wet, hairy dog entered.  “Ty, I brought your guest’s purse and a briefcase.  I didn’t see any luggage or a coat.”  He turned toward the door.  “I need to check a few things in the barn before I head home.”

     The dog shook and water flew everywhere.

     “Zeke, no!” shouted Tyler.  He stood and faced Rebeka.  “I’ll be right back.  I need to dry him off.  Then you can tell me how one goes on vacation without luggage.”

     Tyler returned with two large towels.  “Zeke, get over here.”  He waited while the golden retriever mix lumbered to him and sat.  When he knelt beside the dog, Zeke licked his face.  Tyler swiped at it.  “You know I’m not a fan of dog kisses.”  He dried the thick fur as much as possible, then stood and said to Rebeka, “As soon as I put these in the laundry room, you can explain why one would go on vacation without luggage.”  

 When he returned and sat, he said, “I’m anxious to hear this story.  Since I’m sharing my home with you, I’d prefer the truth.”

     “I had some problems today and decided to go for a drive and just kept driving.”  Rebeka studied her hands, as she continued, “When I stopped for gas, I decided to take a vacation for a few days, but then the storm and the accident.”

     “You’re running away?”

     “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

     “Are you running from a job, a boyfriend or husband, or the law?”

     “Definitely not the law.  I don’t have a boyfriend or husband.  I’m an author, so I have a job.”

     “Then what?”

     “I discovered someone I trusted embezzled some money.  I needed time to decide how to handle it.”

     “Did you contact the police?”

     “No.  I wasn’t sure how to handle it.”

     She’s soaking wet.  Tyler studied her for a few moments.  “I’m sorry.  I’ve been a poor host.  You’ve got to be cold.  While you take a hot bath, I’ll contact Aunt Beth.  I’m sure she has some clothes you can borrow.”  He led Rebeka upstairs and pointed to a room down the hall and to the right.  “While you’re here, that’ll be your room.”  After a few more steps, he opened the door.  “The bathroom.”  He removed a few towels from a closet and handed them to her.  “Maybe this will help.  I’ll be in the den, if you need anything.” 


     It didn’t take long for Tyler to get Elizabeth on FaceTime.  “Aunt Beth, I’m sure you, Missy, and Christina are having a great time.”

     Lily butted in, “Uncle Ty, we’re making chocolate chip cookies.”

     “Bring me some, okay?”

     “I’ll try, but they’re really good with hot chocolate.”

     “You’re right.  I need to talk with Aunt Beth.  I’ll call later tonight, all right?”  Once she returned the phone to Elizabeth, Tyler said, “A young lady’s car crashed into our mailbox.”

     “Is she all right?”

     “I attempted to take her to ER, but the road’s flooded.  She doesn’t have any luggage and her clothes are wet.  I’m wondering if she can borrow some.”

     “Of course.  Is she about my size?”

     “No.  She’s very petite and slender.”

     “They’ll be too large.  What’s her name?”

     “Rebeka Miller.  She says she’s an author.”

     “No way!  The Rebeka Miller?”

     “That’s what she said.  You know her?”

     “She’s my favorite new author.”  Elizabeth turned from the phone.  “Christina, Rebeka Miller crashed into our mailbox and is in our home.”

     Christina came to the phone and held up the back of a book.  “Does she look like this?”

     Tyler nodded.  “That’s her.  What does she write?”

     Elizabeth answered, “Romcoms. Romance, clean Christian romance.  She’s young.  Something like twenty-two or twenty-three years old.  She published her first book before she graduated college.  The second book came out a few months ago.  Both were immediately best sellers.”

     “I guess she’s the real deal.  Where can I find some clothes?”

     “In my bottom dresser drawer are some I outgrew.  It’s the smallest I have.  They’ll still be too big.  The sweats have ties so she can tighten them.  Just have her help herself to whatever she needs.”

     “Thank you.  I’ll put her clothes in the dryer.”

     “Wash them first.  From what you said, it’s all she has.”

     “It is.  I’ll call later and say goodnight to Missy.”

     “Wait.  I have beef-vegetable stew in the crockpot and the makings for cornbread on the counter.”

     “Don’t worry Aunt Beth, I have this.  Talk with you later.”


     Tyler went to Elizabeth’s room and grabbed some sweat bottoms.  He didn’t find any tops, so grabbed a couple flannel shirts from his closet.  They’re too large, but at least they’re dry.  He knocked on the bathroom door.  “I laid some dry clothes outside the door.  I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”  A few moments later, Tyler knocked on the bathroom door again.  “I forgot to say, bring your wet clothes with you, and I’ll wash them.  I’m leaving a T-shirt and some more clothes in the bedroom.  You can use the T-shirt for PJ’s tonight.”


     Once she heard footsteps return down the stairs, she cracked open the door and grabbed the clothes.  She held up the sweat bottoms and studied them.  “I’ve never worn pants.  Father would be so upset, but I don’t have a choice.  I wonder if the females’ not wearing pants rule has exceptions.  I hope so.  I’ve broken so many rules.”  Tears welled in her eyes.  “Father will be so disappointed when he finds out.”  She held the clothes to her chest and cried.


Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned
Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece.
Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and all around not nice guy
Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend
Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand
Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died
Christina - Elizabeth's close friend
Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old
Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily
Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Author Notes For those who are just joining me. A Serendipitous Meeting is a little different novel for a number of reasons. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did as I wrote it. Tyler and Rebeka became close as they worked together through the forces that attempted to keep them apart. I have completed writing it and am off writing a new novel. I pray you enjoy reading this novel.

Chapter 1 is a really long chapter. I had hoped to post it two parts, but I need to do it in three parts. Today I'm posting part 2 and it's a little over 1200 words.

As you already know, I made changes last minute, as I posted. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

Chapter 3
Serendipitous Chapter 1 C

By barbara.wilkey

I struggle with Advanced Editor. If you struggle reading because the font is too small, please hit your control button and the plus sign at the same time. It will enlarge the print.

Tyler and Rebeka met today.

Previous Post:

Once she heard footsteps return down the stairs, she cracked open the door and grabbed the clothes. She held up the sweat bottoms and studied them. "I've never worn pants. Father would be so upset, but I don't have a choice. I wonder if the females' not wearing pants rule has exceptions. I hope so. I've broken so many rules." Tears welled in her eyes. "Father will be so disappointed when he finds out." She held the clothes to her chest and cried.


Chapter One C

Tyler held an empty mixing bowl in his hand. He glanced up and watched Rebeka walk into the kitchen. "I hope the bath warmed you."

Zeke walked to her, and she petted the dog's head before she answered, "It did. Thank you."

Tyler came closer. "The sleeves cover your hands. Let me help with those. I knew everything would be too large, but it's all we have."

She hesitated, but allowed him to fold the sleeves, and almost whispered, "Thank you."

Over his shoulder as he walked back to the counter, Tyler said, "I'm getting ready to make cornbread. I hope you like it." When he heard Peter's voice call him, he turned his head. "Pete, I'm in the kitchen. I thought you went home."

"Can you come here? My boots are wet and muddy. I don't want to track all over the house."

"Sure." He grinned at Rebeka. "I'll be right back."

I might as well make myself useful. I can make cornbread. Rebeka measured the cornmeal.

Tyler returned to the kitchen as Rebeka put the cornbread into the oven. She glanced at him. "I didn't know if you put sugar in your cornbread or not. Mother always did, so I do too. I hope it's all right."

"Since I've never made it before, I have no clue how Aunt Beth makes it. I'm sure it'll be great. You're a guest. You don't need to do anything."

"You're stuck with me for the night."

"Stop right there." Tyler held up his hand. "I'm not stuck with you. I didn't have to respond when I heard the crash. I could've chosen to ignore it. I made the decision to see if I could help and the decision to bring you into my home." He grinned. "Honestly my barn would've kept you warm and dry."

She studied the oven door. "You have a point."

"Glad we've cleared that up." A gust of wind banged against the window. Tyler walked over and peered out. "They're predicting the rain could turn to snow or ice tonight. It may be a few days before you can get to town. I don't have a clue how long it'll take for your car to be fixed, or even if it can."

"That's not hopeful."

"But realistic." He faced her. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need." He pointed to the door. "I promise not to send you to the barn."

"Don't make promises you can't keep. I might have an annoying habit you can't stand."

Tyler's eyes met hers. "Somehow I doubt it."

"I better check the cornbread." Rebeka went to the oven.

He nodded. Why's she so uncomfortable? Is it me or all men? Wish she'd tell me what's really going on. He opened a cupboard door. "I'll set the dining room table. Aunt Beth has beef-veggie stew in the crockpot."

"I'm sure it's good."

"She's a good cook. I think you'll like it."

As they finished dinner, the lights flickered. Tyler took his last bite of cornbread. "This is good. I'm glad you added the sugar." The lights flickered again. "I need to go to the barn and check on Maude and Gabby."

"Who are they?"

"Maude's a mule." He shook his head. "I'd say the orneriest critter God ever created, but Gabby's right there with her."

"Is Gabby a mule too?"

"She's a Nanny goat, who for some reason keeps getting pregnant. I can't figure out how she does."

Rebeka's eyebrows rose. "You're a doctor and don't know how it happens. I'm pretty sure goats get pregnant the same way humans do."

"You're right." Tyler chuckled. "I guess I'd better explain. We don't own a Billy and the closest one is a few miles down the road. She doesn't go missing, so I can't figure out how they're getting together."

"Maybe they meet at a halfway point or there's a wild Billy running around."

"You may be on to something." Tyler stood when the lights flickered again. "That's number three. I have a feeling we'll lose electricity. I'd better hurry." He took two flashlights from a drawer and handed one to her. "In case it goes off before I return."

Rebeka watched him leave. I'd better do the dishes before there's no electricity.

Tyler returned, stood in the kitchen doorway, and watched Rebeka at the sink. What's her story? Aunt Beth said she's in her early twenties. She doesn't dress like most young women. Most females her age would have four or five buttons undone on the shirt. She has it buttoned to her chin. No makeup or jewelry. She's old fashioned. Her brown hair was braided and pinned up. Now it's down and below her waist. I doubt it's ever been cut.

The lights went out. Tyler asked, "I hope you have the flashlight handy."

Rebeka stiffened. "It's you."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I guess I'm jumpy." She hesitated. "I left the flashlight on the table."

"Stay put. I'll bring it to you. I know my way around better."

"Thank you."

As Tyler handed Rebeka the flashlight, the electricity returned. "Keep this handy. It may go out again."

"Good idea."

Tyler glanced around the kitchen. "You didn't need to do the dishes. I planned on doing them."

"I thought maybe they should be done before the electricity went out. You were busy." She turned toward the kitchen doorway. "I think I'll go to my room. I need to call my assistant, Amber, she's worried."

"I'm sure she is. If you need anything, I'll be in the den. I promised Missy I'd call and say goodnight." Tyler watched her walk up the stairs.

In her room, Rebeka called her friend and assistant. She explained that Richard Stuart, her agent, had embezzled money from her checking account. She continued with why she left town, decided to take a vacation, and then the crash. "Please don't tell anybody where I'm at. I haven't decided how I'm going to handle this. I want Richard held accountable."

Amber agreed, "He should repay all your money. Any idea how much he embezzled?"

"No. I know how much is in my account now and it's not very much. I don't know how long it's been going on. Since I only spend money on necessities, I haven't kept track. Can you go back through my bank records starting when I received my first royalty check? I guess we start there."

"Of course. When will you be home?"

"I don't know. It's rained hard enough and there's been flash flooding. The road's closed. I guess lightning struck the bridge. I'm not sure if my car can be fixed. I might need to get another one, but I can't do anything until I can get to town. There's the money issue too. Right now, I'm practically broke."

"How's the family you're staying with?"

"Well, that's another story. Dr. Tyler Butler's a bachelor who's the guardian of his niece, Lily. His sister, her mother, was killed in a car accident. They live with his Aunt Beth. Both Lily and Aunt Beth were trapped in town when the storm hit."

"So, you're alone with a bachelor doctor? He took you in, so he's nice. Is he cute?"


"What do you mean probably? Either he is or he isn't."

"Sort of, but more importantly, can you imagine what Father would do if he knew I was alone with a man?"

"Good point." Amber giggled. "You have the plot for your next romance novel."

"Amber!" Rebeka took a deep breath. "I'll call tomorrow and see how you're coming with my financial records. If I don't call, it's because the electricity went out. I might not have a charged phone."

"So, you'll be alone in a dark house with a handsome doctor. It doesn't get any better."

Frustration could be heard in Rebeka's voice, "Goodnight, Amber."

Amber continued to giggle. "Goodnight."

Rebeka walked through the living room to get a glass of water from the kitchen. From the dining room she heard Tyler's voice.

On a Zoom call, he read the bedtime story, Tomorrow I'll be Brave by Jessica Hische, and patiently showed Lily the pictures as they discussed them. He reminded her that even though today didn't go as planned, tomorrow is a new day.

When Tyler led Lily in her nighttime prayer, Rebeka bowed her head.

Father, we thank you for the night,
And for the pleasant morning light,
For rest and food and loving care,
And all that makes the day so fair.
Help us to do the things we should,
To be kind to others and to be good.
In all we do, in work or play,
To grow more loving every day.

At the end of the prayer Rebeka said, "Amen."

Tyler turned. "Rebeka, you're welcome to join us. Missy, I'd like you to meet Rebeka Miller."

Lily smiled. "Hi, Miss Miller. Uncle Ty said you're staying with us. I hope you're still there when the road's fixed."

Elizabeth joined them. "Ms. Miller, I'm a huge fan. I've read both your books. I hope I get to meet you."

Tyler frowned. "Ladies, this isn't getting Missy to bed. We'll have plenty of time to talk later."

"I'm happy to meet both of you," said Rebeka. "I'm sorry, I interrupted everything. I just came to get a drink. I'm sure we'll be able to visit later." She went into the kitchen.

Before Tyler turned off the computer, Lily said, "Uncle Ty, she's really pretty, don't you think?"

"I'll talk with you tomorrow." He gave a pretend kiss. "There's your goodnight kiss. I'm turning off the computer."

When Tyler entered the kitchen, Rebeka set her glass down. "Sorry, I upset Lily's bedtime routine."

He grinned. "If a fly flew by, it would upset her routine. Missy's full of life. Calming down isn't one of her strong points, but she's great."

"I can tell. You're very good with her."

"I do the best I can. She's had more experience being a child than I have with raising one."

"You seemed to be a quick learner."

"Thank you." Tyler scanned the kitchen. "Did you get what you wanted?"

She picked up her water glass. "I came for this. I'd better go to the room you've supplied for me. Thank you, again." She turned and left.

Tyler's gaze followed her.

Thank you, YouTube, for - Tomorrow I'll be Brave by Jessica Hische,

Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned

Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece.

Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and all around not nice guy

Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend

Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand

Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died

Christina - Elizabeth's close friend

Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old

Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily

Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Author Notes For those who are just joining me. A Serendipitous Meeting is a little different novel for a number of reasons. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did as I wrote it. Tyler and Rebeka became close as they worked together through the forces that attempted to keep them apart. I have completed writing it and am off writing a new novel. I pray you enjoy reading this novel.

Chapter 1 is a really long chapter. I had hoped to post it two parts, but I need to do it in three parts. Today I'm posting part 3 and it's a little under 1800 words.

As you already know, I made changes last minute, as I posted. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

Chapter 4
Serendipitous Chapter 2 A

By barbara.wilkey

Tyler and Rebeka 2 days ago.

Previous Post:

When Tyler entered the kitchen, Rebeka set her glass down. "Sorry, I upset Lily's bedtime routine."

He grinned. "If a fly flew by, it would upset her routine. Missy's full of life. Calming down isn't one of her strong points, but she's great."

"I can tell. You're very good with her."

"I do the best I can. She's had more experience being a child than I have with raising one."

"You seemed to be a quick learner."

"Thank you." Tyler scanned the kitchen. "Did you get what you wanted?"

She picked up her water glass. "I came for this. I'd better go to the room you've supplied for me. Thank you, again." She turned and left.


Chapter 2 A

A bare-chested Tyler left his bedroom early Saturday morning. He rubbed his days' worth of razor stubble as he opened the bathroom door. In front of him stood a naked Rebeka as she dried her long brown hair.

She attempted to cover herself, as Tyler slammed shut the door. "Sorry. I'm not fully awake. I forgot we're sharing a bathroom. I'll use Aunt Beth's. Again, I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

No comment from the bathroom.

Tyler showered, dressed, made a pot of coffee, drank two cups, and had prepared breakfast before Rebeka entered the kitchen.

He watched her before he said, "I wondered if you were going to leave your room." She didn't respond, so he continued, "I'm sorry about earlier. I'll remember to knock from now on. I didn't think."

Rebeka visibly swallowed and studied her feet. "It was my fault. I should've locked the door," she almost whispered. "I didn't think about it."

He pointed to the kitchen table. "We'll eat in here instead of the dining room. Please have a seat. Breakfast is finished." He set a cup of hot water and a tea bag in front of her and plate filled with scrambled eggs, an English muffin, and turkey sausage links.

"Thank you."

"Now you're here, we have a problem." Her hands surrounded the cup, and he said, "Yesterday when I examined you, you neglected to tell me you're pregnant. Why?"

She covered her stomach with both hands. "How did you know?"

"You're far enough along you're showing. That means you're at least twelve weeks." Tyler took a drink of coffee.

"By my calculations I'm thirteen weeks."

"What does your doctor say?"

"I haven't seen a doctor."

Tyler slammed his cup down hard enough some coffee splashed out. He stood. "Sorry. Why not?" He reached for a towel.

"It's complicated."

He cleaned up the spilt coffee and then scanned the kitchen. "We have all day. There's nothing outside but ice, so we won't be interrupted. From the beginning would be nice."

"I got pregnant November tenth."

"How do you know the exact day? Most women don't." Tyler closed his eyes. "Was it your first time?"

She nodded. "Yes, and the only time."

He set his jaw. "What happened?"

"I'd been on a book tour on the east coast for a few days when the awards' committee for the romance publishers announced I'd won the new author of the year award. The award ceremony was held in New York City."

"You went?" When she nodded, he continued, "Did you go by yourself?"

She avoided eye contact. "No. My agent, Richard Stuart, was on the tour with me. He accompanied me to the ceremony."

Tyler got up, poured himself more coffee, and set the pot on the table. "Please continue. Were you two dating?"

"No." Rebeka's fingers tapped her cup. "After I received the award, the champagne flowed. He offered me a glass. I turned it down. I'd never drank alcohol before. My publisher was there with others. They encouraged me to have a glass, stating most writers never win this award, especially ones as young as me and with only two published books. They said one glass wouldn't hurt."

"They got you drunk and took advantage."

"I agreed to one glass. I drank part of it and started feeling funny. Richard offered to help me to my room. We'd worked together for a while, so I thought it'd be okay."

"Were you raped?"

"Not really. We kissed at the door. I'd never been kissed before."

"That's hard to believe."

"I was raised by very traditional parents. I went to a private strict small church school in our private religious community. The school only has five classrooms. Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade are together. Third and fourth are together. The fifth and sixth and so on until eighth grade." She took a sip of tea.

"I see. What happens with the upper grades?" asked Tyler.

"Children normally don't go past the eighth grade. The boys start a trade. Normally what their fathers do. The girls learn to become homemakers. I borrowed books from the teachers and educated myself." Rebeka fingered her cup. "I had to hide them from Father."

Tyler downed his coffee, poured another cup, and then took a sip. "I'm sure you had boyfriends."

"I'm skinny and plain." She paused. "Men aren't interested in me."

"That's not true."

"An example: when you opened the bathroom door, the only thing you noticed was a baby bump."

Tyler rubbed his forehead. "First, I'm a doctor. I look for certain things. Second, I'm one of those guys who agree with Bob Marley when he said, 'The most beautiful curve on a woman's body is her smile.' I've never seen your smile. I'd like to. I bet it's beautiful. I can guess what happened next but continue."

"He helped me inside my room. He kissed me again, and you can figure out the rest."

"I understand. What does this scumbag say about the baby and why haven't you seen a doctor. Prenatal care's important?"

"Richard doesn't know about the baby."

Rebeka flinched when Tyler clenched his jaw. "Sorry. I don't like it when men take advantage of women." He took a sip of coffee. "Why haven't you told him?"

"Everything kind of goes together. Since my novels became best sellers, my life has become public knowledge. My father was already upset because I went to college and then moved to Dallas. Now I write romance novels. He threatened to disown me. Since I'm pregnant and single, I'll be excommunicated. Father's the pastor. Women are supposed to marry young, have babies, and be homemakers."

Tyler nodded. "It's all starting to make sense. But you need to tell the baby's father. He might do the right thing."

"About a month ago, I went to his office to tell him, but he was talking to his latest girlfriend, and it sounded like their relationship was serious. I chickened out."

"I understand. But the doctor?"

"I didn't want to use my insurance because he's my agent and would see the insurance claims. Yesterday, I made a doctor's appointment and went to the bank to withdraw the money for payment. I discovered I didn't have very much money. I inquired what had happened to it and found out Richard has been withdrawing it. I didn't know what to do and started driving."

"That's how you ended up on my doorstep."

Tears welled in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

He reached over and covered her hand with his. "I'm glad you did. I have some ideas that might help. My best friend's a lawyer in Dallas. If you want, we can contact him. I'm sure he'll have suggestions."

"I'd like that."

"Before we do, there are a few things that need to happen first. I need to do another exam and make sure the impact from the airbags didn't cause any damage. I know they've caused bruises. I need to check the baby and want to recheck your blood pressure. Although it went down a little yesterday, I wasn't aware of the baby. I need to keep a closer eye on it." Tyler glanced at the dishes. "Rest while I clean up. The stress of sharing this could cause your blood pressure to spike." He stood and then held her chair. "I think the recliner has your name on it. I'll escort you to it."

Rebeka stood but avoided eye contact. "You're being very cautious."

"I'm a doctor. That's what I do." He held out his arm for her to take, but she didn't. "After I examine you, we'll call Roger."

Tyler finished cleaning the kitchen, entered the living room, and noticed Rebeka had moved from the recliner. She'd fallen asleep on the couch. Zeke lay on the floor beside her. He covered her with an Afghan. "I'll check on the barn animals. Maybe you'll be awake when I return."

Tyler opened the door, heard a woman's voice, and it wasn't Rebeka's.

"Rebeka, I researched your host," said Amber. "He's handsome, rich, and Dallas' most eligible bachelor. The tabloid's say he's a super nice guy. He doesn't attend wild parties. He's only been seen at theater events, things like that. And he's hot."

"I'm not interested in a relationship. My life's a mess right now. Besides, why would a most eligible bachelor be interested in somebody like me? I'm plain Jane."

"I've seen pictures of this man. He's a hunk among hunks. Those sapphire blue sparkly eyes melt hearts, even looking at his photo. His coal black hair highlights those eyes. Are they as sensual in person?"

Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned

Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece, Lily.

Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and rich spoilt brat, a not nice person

Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend

Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand

Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died

Christina - Elizabeth's close friend

Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old

Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily

Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Roger Whitmore - a lawyer and Tyler's best friend

Author Notes Chapter 2 is another really long chapter. I need to post it in three parts. Today I'm posting Chapter 2 part 1 and it's a little under 1500 words.

As you already know, I made changes last minute, as I posted. This time I made numerous changes. I hope I didn't make it worse. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

Chapter 5
Serendipitous Chapter 2 B

By barbara.wilkey

Tyler and Rebeka 2 days ago.

Previous Post

Tyler opened the door, heard a woman's voice, and it wasn't Rebeka's.

"Rebeka, I researched your host," said Amber. "He's handsome, rich, and Dallas' most eligible bachelor. The tabloid's say he's a super nice guy. He doesn't attend wild parties. He's only been seen at theater events, things like that. And he's hot."

"I'm not interested in a relationship. My life's a mess right now. Besides, why would a most eligible bachelor be interested in somebody like me? I'm plain Jane."

"I've seen pictures of this man. He's a hunk among hunks. Those sapphire blue sparkly eyes melt hearts, even looking at his photo. His coal black hair highlights those eyes. Are they as sensual in person?"


Chapter 2 B

Tyler walked up behind Rebeka and bent so he could be seen on the laptop screen. "Hello. Do we know each other?"

Rebeka's hands covered her face, as she whispered, "Tell me this isn't happening."

"Yep, it is." Tyler chuckled. "Please introduce me to your friend."

"Tyler, this is my assistant, Amber Wilson."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Wilson."

"Please call me Amber. You're Dr. Sparkly Eyes, aren't you?"

"I am."

"I need to go." Rebeka released a deep breath. "Goodbye, Amber." She clicked off the computer and closed her eyes. "Tyler, I'm sorry. Amber's my assistant and a good friend, but..."

"Don't worry about it." Tyler grinned. "I've seen those articles. I don't pay attention to them." He paused. "I guess people like Amber do." His eyes met hers. "Did this raise your blood pressure?"

"I think maybe I need to go," she stood, turned to leave, and whispered, "to my room."

He took her hand. "You're not going to hide in your room or anywhere else. Sit on the couch while I get my bag."

Tyler returned with his bag and watched as she rubbed her arms.

Rebeka avoided eye contact, but said, "I didn't ask Amber to find information on you. All I asked her to do was get my financial records together."

"I've already figured that out, it's not who you are." Tyler motioned to the couch. "Please lie down. I want to see if I can hear the baby's heartbeat." He stood beside her.

"Really?" she asked as she laid back.

"Yes." Tyler placed his hand on her stomach. "I need you to raise the shirt, so I can measure your baby bump."

She raised her shirt less than an inch.

"I know this is difficult, but I need it higher." He paused. "Let me raise it. I won't expose more than necessary." He studied her baby bump. "I'm lowering the pants a little." When she gasped, he added, "It'll be all right."

Once Tyler had her clothes positioned, he pressed against her lower stomach. When he was satisfied, he used a tape measure and measured from the top of her pubic bone to the top of her growing stomach, where her uterus ended. He wrote it down. "Your doctor will need this information to make sure the baby's growing. Now for the heartbeat."

Silence filled the room as Tyler moved the stethoscope around her abdomen. He grinned at Rebeka. "Breathe."

She exhaled.

"I hear the heartbeat. I want to find the area it's the strongest." A few moments later Tyler removed the earpieces and held them out. "Want to hear your baby's heartbeat?"

"Can I?"

"Sure." Tyler held the chest piece against her stomach. "I don't want it to move."

Rebeka listened for a few moments and then smiled.

"I knew you'd have a beautiful smile. I'm glad I get to see it."

"That's really my baby?"

"It is."

"Thank you." Rebeka quickly adjusted her clothing.

"You're welcome. As soon as the weather cooperates, I'll set up a doctor's appointment. One of my friends is an OB/GYN. I think you'll like her."

"You don't need to do that. I'm sure she's busy."

"She is, but she owes me a few favors. I introduced her to her husband."

"Are you sure it's not a problem?"

"It's not." Tyler moved to the chair. "Want anything to drink or eat before I contact Roger?" When her eyes widened, he continued, "My lawyer friend."

She studied her hands. "Thank you, but I'm fine."

He stood and offered his hand. "Let's do this in the kitchen. You look like you could use some water."

Rebeka stood, but didn't take his hand, "Okay," and continued to the kitchen.

Tyler held her chair as she sat, grabbed her a glass of water and his laptop from the counter, and then pulled a chair closer to hers. "Roger's expecting us. I have the Zoom call set up."

"Thank you."

"Don't look so worried. Roger's friendly. I know he'll be able to help." Tyler paused. "You'll need to repeat the story."

"I told you. Can you tell him?"

"No. He needs to hear it from you. Besides I might get something wrong."

Tyler introduced his best friend, Roger Whitmore to Rebeka and then encouraged her to share her story.

Rebeka took a sip of water before she explained what had happened as she had told Tyler.

"Your assistant, Amber is getting your financial records together, right?" asked Roger.

"She is. I asked her to do that yesterday. She doesn't have to go back too far. I received my first royalty check on March third of last year. It wasn't very large, but by the following month my novel had hit the best seller list. My second novel came out September eighth and within a week it became a best seller. We're only talking about a total of eleven months."

"Good. Can I contact Amber?" asked Roger.


After Rebeka gave Roger the contact information, Tyler teased, "Keep an eye on her. She's read all the tabloids."

Rebeka sighed. "I'm sorry about earlier. I'll talk with her. It won't happen again."

Roger winked. "I can handle eligible bachelorettes."

Both men grinned at Rebeka's crimson cheeks.

"Back to the situation at hand," continued Roger. "How do you want to handle the father of your baby? You and your child have rights."

"I'm a public person. I understand I can't keep my pregnancy hidden." Rebeka avoided looking at the computer screen. "If I don't name him as the father, can I keep him out of the picture?"

"You can if he doesn't claim any parental rights. By doing that you won't receive any financial support."

"I understand. I don't want any. I'd rather be on my own than have him anywhere around my baby or me. I doubt he cares."

"He's the same person who embezzled your money, correct?" asked Roger. When she nodded, he continued, "I understand. Monday morning, I'll contact Amber and set up an appointment."

"Thank you. I'll let her know to expect your call."

"When the weather settles down and I've talked with Amber, I'll come by and discuss this with you in person."

"Maybe I'll be back in Dallas by then."

"Ty mentioned your blood pressure is elevated. I'm afraid the stress of dealing with Stuart might cause problems. Right now, you need to take care of yourself and the baby. I know Ty will ensure that happens." He checked his phone. "I'll let you go and contact you after I speak with Amber."

"I'll tell Amber to expect your call."

"Good." Roger grinned. "Take care of that baby. Bye."

Tyler stood. "I think that went well, don't you?" He held her chair.

"Do you think Roger will get the desired results?" Rebeka glanced at him before she stood.

"I do. I've seen him in action. I think you'll be pleased."

She stood and faced the living room. "I'll call Amber and let her know he'll be calling." She exhaled. "I'll also..."

"Let them work it out. Roger is used to things like this happening." When her eyes widened, he continued, "Really, he is."

Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned

Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece, Lily.

Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and rich spoilt brat, a not nice person

Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend

Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand

Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died

Christina - Elizabeth's close friend

Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old

Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily

Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Roger Whitmore - a lawyer and Tyler's best friend

Dr. Heather Sharp - OB/GYN and Tyler's childhood friend

Author Notes Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of a tabloid.

Chapter 2 is another really long chapter. I need to post it in three parts. Today I'm posting Chapter 2 part 2 and it's a little over 1200 words.

I was hoping to write that this time I didn't make any changes. Not such luck. Yes, I made changes last minute. No matter how much I edit, I still find errors. I hope I didn't make it worse. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

Chapter 6
Serendipitous Chapter 2 C

By barbara.wilkey

Tyler and Rebeka 2 days ago.

Previous Post:

Tyler stood. "I think that went well, don't you?" He held her chair.

"Do you think Roger will get the desired results?" Rebeka glanced at him before she stood.

"I do. I've seen him in action. I think you'll be pleased."

She stood and faced the living room. "I'll call Amber and let her know he'll be calling." She exhaled. "I'll also..."

"Let them work it out. Roger is used to things like this happening." When her eyes widened, he continued, "Really, he is."


Chapter 2 C

Rebeka contacted Amber through a Zoom call. "How's everything in Dallas?"

"It's a beautiful sunny day. I can't believe it's completely different where you are, but that's Texas for you." Amber held up some papers. "I found all the royalty and bank statements. I also have a record of your canceled checks and withdrawals."

"Good. Monday a lawyer friend of Tyler's, Roger Whitmore, will contact you for as much information as you can give him. He'll want to meet with you."

"You're kidding, right? The Roger Whitmore will contact me?"

"You know him?"

"Of course not." Amber giggled. "But your sparkly eyes and Roger are number one and number two most eligible bachelors in Dallas. Probably all of Texas." Amber took a breath and fanned herself. "I can't believe you accidently stumbled onto them."

"Amber, you need to pause. They're just men who are nice enough to help me out of a difficult situation."

"You're right, but I can dream, can't I? You're living your next romance novel. It doesn't get any better than this." She held up her phone. "Here's a photo of your sparkly eyes and Roger together. Get a look at those muscles. You must admit they're hunks."

"Okay, they're attractive, but there's a lot more to people than their looks."

"True, but all indications are they're great guys too."

"If they're that great, they'd already be married."

"Or maybe they haven't met the right person."

Tyler entered the room. "I think Amber's right. Roger and I haven't met the right women yet. I believe they're out there." His eyes met Rebeka's. "Lunch is ready, when you are."

Amber laughed. "He even cooks."

He winked. "Not really cooked, only sandwiches and a salad."


"Bye Amber, I'll stay in touch." Rebeka turned off the computer. Tyler held her chair as she stood. "She's a great assistant."

"I'm sure she is. You two seem to get along well, even though you're completely opposite."

They walked to the kitchen together. "We are very different." Rebeka sat in the chair offered.

After lunch, Rebeka went to her room and started writing. Amber may be right about my next novel. I could change some things, but there's a story here.

She started with an outline of her heroine and the hero. A few hours later she had a working timeline of events. She felt a few cramps and rubbed her stomach. I probably sat too long. Maybe a snack will help. She headed toward the kitchen by way of the bathroom.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she rushed into the kitchen. "Tyler!"

Tyler turned away from the lady who spoke to him through FaceTime. "Rebeka, what's wrong?" He hung up and went after Rebeka. He touched her arm as she retreated. "Rebeka?"

"I'm sorry I interrupted."

He used his thumb, dried her tears, and brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. "You didn't interrupt anything. I was trying to get rid of her. I'll explain later. Now, I want to know why you're crying."

He motioned for her to sit on the couch. When she did, he sat beside her. "Talk to me." When she remained quiet, he put his arms around her and guided her head to his broad chest. "Relax and tell me what's wrong. I can't read your mind."

A few moments later, Rebeka whispered, "I'm bleeding."

"Okay." Tyler closed his eyes and swallowed. "I need to examine you. Lay down, while I get my bag."

Tyler returned with his stethoscope around his neck. "First, I'll take your blood pressure and pulse. Next, I'll listen for the baby's heartbeat."

Silence continued as he completed these tasks. After he listened for the heartbeat, he offered, "I know you want to hear it."

He waited until he saw Rebeka's smile. "There's that beautiful smile again." He pulled a chair closer. "You want answers, but I don't have any. Only possibilities. Your blood pressure is elevated. That's not good. We'll need to work to get that down. There are a few other possibilities. I'd need to do a complete exam to diagnose it further."

She shook her head, whispered, "No." as fear entered her eyes.

He continued, "I don't have the proper equipment so there's no reason for that."

"Thank you."

"Now for a few possibilities: with vaginal bleeding there's a threat of a miscarriage, maybe an infection or Placenta Previa."

He stared at his stethoscope for a few moments then took out his phone, pressed a button, and waited until the call was answered. "Aunt Beth, later I'll call and explain, but where's your glucose testing kit you've never used?"

He hung up. "There's a possibility I want to check. I'll be right back." He left and then returned with the kit. He held a lancet. "Would you prick your finger? I want to check your glucose level."

She took the lancet, held it to her finger, and swallowed.

"Give it here. I'll do it. Look away." When she did, he pricked her finger and then squeezed a drop of blood onto the test strip.

"What's it say?"

"Unfortunately, what I suspected. Your glucose level is 165." His eyes met hers. "Little lady, your pregnancy is going to have challenges. I'll keep an eye on your blood pressure and your glucose level. As soon as possible, I'll get you an appointment with Heather."

He placed a call. Once this call was answered, he said, "Heather, good to hear your voice." He listened and then explained how he met Rebeka and then described her pregnancy. "She needs an appointment as soon as the roads clear."

When he hung up, he said, "I'm to keep monitoring you. If your blood pressure and/or glucose level continues to rise, we'll helicopter you to the hospital."

"Do you think that's necessary?"

He stretched his neck from side to side, as he stared at her. "I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think it was."


"Right now, I want you to rest. I know your life is in an uproar, but for your baby's sake you need to relax. I'm confident Roger will handle Stuart."

Under her breath she said, "I wish he could handle Father."

"I wish he could too." He touched her arm. "Right now, rest. We'll worry about your dad later. He's not a threat at this moment. While you're here you have nothing to worry about." He stood. "Want the TV on?"

"I don't watch TV."

"Okay. What can I get you?"

"My laptop. I can write."

"Writing doesn't stress you?" When she indicated it didn't, he stood. "I'll be back with your laptop."

When he handed it to her, Rebeka said, "Thank you." Then paused. "Sorry about interrupting you and your girlfriend. I hope me being here won't cause problems."

"Don't worry about it. Elena and I dated a while back, but it wasn't going anywhere. I tried to give her gentle hints, but she didn't understand. When I got guardianship of Missy, she couldn't understand why I'd leave Dallas to raise my niece. I thought she'd leave me alone. She has relatives in town, and through small town gossip, she heard Missy's in town and hoped I'd return to my old job. I'm not. I'm happy here. I won't be going back to Dallas, and Missy will remain part of my life. It has nothing to do with you." He tilted his head. "Let's pretend we, Elena and I, were still together, and I helped you, if she didn't understand and felt threatened then we'd have a bigger problem called trust. It's part of being a doctor. I help people."

"Thank you."

He stood. "I'll be in my den if you need anything." He glanced at Zeke lying on the floor by her. "My dog likes you."

Rebeka reached down and petted his head. "I like him."

"Good to know. Holler if you need anything."

Just after dinner, Tyler came in from checking the barn animals and began building a fire in the fireplace. "The wind's strong. I think the house is a little chilly. This should help."

He had a good fire built when the lights flickered. "I'll get the flashlights, just in case."

He returned and handed her one. "One of the hazards of country living." He took out his phone. "I'd better call Missy."

Just as he finished saying goodnight the lights went out. "It was nice of them to wait, wasn't it?"

"It was."

Tyler moved closer. "Okay, I know you're worried about the baby, your agent, and your dad. Is there anything else going on? I feel there is. I sensed you just tensed up. You need to be open and not keep things inside."

Rebeka remained quiet.

"I don't want to shine the flashlight in your face, but I'm also sensing tears. You need to talk. Are there tears?"

When she didn't answer, he reached over and touched her damp cheek. "Thought so." He paused a moment. "What brought these on?" Silence. "Rebeka, are you afraid of the dark?"

"No," came a whisper.

"Then what?" A minute of silence followed. "Amber told you I was in the tabloids. Are you afraid to be alone with me in the dark by a lit fireplace?"


"You are. I'm a bachelor and for some strange reason got voted the most eligible bachelor in Dallas. I'm not a playboy. Never have been and never will be. You're safe with me. I took an oath to help people, that includes protecting them, even from me. I'm also a Christian. Understand?"

He moved closer. "Since you're crying, you're under stress. That's not good for the baby or you. I'm going to hold you and hope it helps. That's all I'm doing." He put his arms around her and guided her head to his chest. "Just relax. Take deep breaths. I want you to feel safe." He hummed 'When You Wish Upon a Star'.

When he felt her body relaxing, he said, "Good. It's helping." He paused a moment. "Sorry about the song. I sing it to Missy when she struggles sleeping." When their eyes met, he continued, "Tonight I want you to sleep down here where it's warm. The bedrooms are chilly." She inhaled deeply. "Don't worry. I'll be in my room. You've got to learn to trust me. We may be like this awhile."

My youngest son, Steven's birthday is March 17th. We'll leave for the Gulf Saturday and return Tuesday. I should be able to post on Sunday, but sometimes life happens, no matter how much we plan.

I want to thank YouTube for both of these videos.

Heartbeat of an embryo at 13 weeks.

When You Wish Upon a Star

Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned

Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece, Lily.

Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and rich spoilt brat, a not nice person

Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend

Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand

Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died

Christina - Elizabeth's close friend

Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old

Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily

Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Roger Whitmore - a lawyer and Tyler's best friend

Dr. Heather Sharp - OB/GYN and Tyler's childhood friend

Author Notes Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of lit fireplace. Could romance be in the air?

Chapter 2 is another really long chapter. I need to post it in three parts. Today I'm posting Chapter 2 part 3 and it's a little over 1700 words.

I was hoping to write that this time I didn't make any changes. Not such luck. Yes, I made changes last minute. No matter how much I edit, I still find errors. I hope I didn't make it worse. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

Chapter 7
Serendipitous Chapter 3

By barbara.wilkey

Tyler and Rebeka 3 days ago.

Previous Post:

He moved closer. "Since you're crying, you're under stress. That's not good for the baby or you. I'm going to hold you and hope it helps. That's all I'm doing." He put his arms around her and guided her head to his chest. "Just relax. Take deep breaths. I want you to feel safe." He hummed 'When You Wish Upon a Star'.

When he felt her body relaxing, he said, "Good. It's helping." He paused a moment. "Sorry about the song. I sing it to Missy when she struggles sleeping." When their eyes met, he continued, "Tonight I want you to sleep down here where it's warm. The bedrooms are chilly." She inhaled deeply. "Don't worry. I'll be in my room. You've got to learn to trust me. We may be like this awhile."


Around 2:00 A.M. Sunday morning Tyler pulled a T-shirt over his head as he walked into the living room and stopped in mid-step. Why's Rebeka sleeping on the floor? Duh, because she's hugging Zeke. He stepped toward the fireplace and grabbed a few logs.

Once the logs were placed on the burning coals, he poked them until satisfied with their placement. He sat on the floor, turned, and faced Rebeka. Since she's hugging Zeke, I'd say she's more comfortable with him than me. He studied the situation a little longer. Of course, every man in her life has caused problems. Why would I be any different? Because I'm a nice guy.

He got up and went into the kitchen for a glass of water. I'm sure her dad loves her but disapproves of her lifestyle. It doesn't fit into his stringent views of womanhood. His fears have validation now she's unwed and pregnant. She'll face condemnation. I can't imagine her guilt.

Tyler opened and then shut the refrigerator. "I don't need a snack." Then he entered the living room, knelt close to Zeke, and petted him. "You came to our home when Missy needed you. Now Rebeka needs you. Keep up the good work, buddy," he whispered.

Tyler stood at the top of the stairs and studied Rebeka. "Working with Stuart for almost a year, you probably began to trust him. When you needed help, he took advantage while stealing your money. Why would you trust a stranger?" He turned toward his room. "I'm the one guy you can trust." He exhaled.

After Rebeka showered and dressed, she came downstairs. Tyler took a sip of coffee. "'Morning. Ready for a cup of tea?"

"Yes, please." Rebeka glanced around the room. "But there's no electricity."

He pointed to the fireplace. "I have a heat source." He pointed toward his den. "There's a small gas-powered generator just outside the window. It's for keeping phones charged. You're welcome to use it. I'm sure you need to remain in contact with Amber. I need to be available in case the hospital needs me."

"Thank you. If you're needed, how would you get to town?"

"They'd send a helicopter. It'd need to be serious before that would happen."

"I guess you're really important."

He tilted his head and winked. "Some think so. I don't believe it. I'm just like everybody else."

Tyler poured hot water into a cup, added a tea bag, and offered it to her. "Please enjoy." Rebeka thanked him, and he said, "For breakfast I can do scrambled eggs or oatmeal." He grinned. "Or both." As she thought, he added, "I could do pancakes, but they're not good for your sugar level. I'll check your blood pressure and glucose before I start breakfast." He opened his black bag. "Ready?"

"Yes." Rebeka waited silently until Tyler was finished. "Any improvement?"

"A little, but not significant." He exhaled. "Any change in the spotting?"

"It was light, but still there."

Tyler nodded. "Young lady, you're restricted to rest and relaxation today." He entered the kitchen and over his shoulder said, "I'll get the ingredients. The fire's hot. It won't take long to cook. I'm sure you're hungry. I feel like eating eggs and oatmeal. How about you?"

"Sounds good."

Rebeka picked at her food.

Tyler watched. "Once Aunt Beth returns, I'm sure the meals will improve."

"I'm sorry." Rebeka studied her fork. "It's good. It's that I'm not hungry."

"The baby needs nourishment."

"I know, but..."

"You need to quit worrying about things. Roger will handle your agent. When the weather settles down, you and I will handle your dad."

"You don't need to do that. Father's not your problem."

"I'm your doctor and he's affecting my patient."

"That's carrying doctor patient relations a little extreme."

"Maybe but it sounded good." Tyler reached over and picked up their plates. "I'll take care of these. Since there's no electricity, want to play a board game?" When her eyes widened, he asked, "Is there a problem with games?"

"I don't know how to play board games."

"You didn't play them as a child? I thought everybody did."

"Any games with dice or cards were forbidden."

"How about music, dancing, TV, or movies?"

"Those are touchy subjects. Some members will allow them to point. In my home music was allowed only if it glorified God. TV and movies were forbidden. Dancing or mixed swimming aren't allowed either."

"I've noticed you don't wear jewelry or makeup."

"Makeup and jewelry, other than a wedding ring or wristwatch are forbidden."

"Your hair's very long. Is that another guideline?"

"Yes, women's hair isn't to be cut. Mine has only been trimmed. Men's hair is to be kept short."

"What about clothes?"

"No slacks because they immodestly reveal the feminine contours of upper legs, thighs, and hips."

"When I offered you sweatpants, why didn't you say something?"

"You were being nice. I didn't think I should complain. Besides I figured there wasn't anything else available."

"To be honest, it's all that was available. I'm sorry. I bet you're uncomfortable."

"Not really uncomfortable, but I'm sure Father would disapprove."

"What else?"

"No sleeveless dresses or shirts, basically sleeves should come to the elbow. No low necklines or hemlines above the knee. Preferably they should be below the knee. I keep mine at the knee. Also, clothes shouldn't be thin material or tightly fitted."

"Can I ask the reason behind this guidance?"

"To safeguard women's character. It should be beauty of the character not of outward appearance."

"I understand." Tyler hesitated. "I have a question. It's none of my business, but November tenth, do you feel you were dressed immodestly? Is that part of your guilt?"

Rebeka showed him a photograph of her on her phone accepting her award. She shied away from looking at him, and almost whispered, "I've never felt so pretty before."

Tyler studied it and then his eyes met hers. "You're absolutely gorgeous."

"The neckline reveals too much."

"There's nothing immodest about that dress. You have nothing to feel guilty about. The dress had nothing to do with what happened." Tyler watched her eyes. "Really, it didn't. Stuart took advantage of you." He studied his ringing phone. "Sorry, I need to take this, it's the hospital." He went into his den.

When Tyler returned, he checked the fireplace and noticed a pan filled with water heating. He removed it, carried it into the kitchen, and saw Rebeka washing the breakfast dishes. He set the pan on the stove. "What are you doing?"

She tilted her head, studied her hands in the soapy water, and then lifted them. "Washing dishes, why?"

"You've been carrying hot water back and forth."

"I needed hot water to wash dishes."

"I thought I told you to rest and relax."

"You did, but washing dishes isn't strenuous."

"You shouldn't be lifting and carrying pans filled with water across the house." Tyler held up a dishtowel. "Dry your hands and have a seat in the living room."

"But I'm almost done."

He slightly jostled the towel and raised an eyebrow. As she dried her hands, he said, "I'll finish."

"In my home women did the dishes."

"I don't doubt that, and normally I'd let you, but you're having a difficult pregnancy and I'm your doctor. You need to rest, at least until Heather examines you. She'll give you more guidance."

He held out his arm for her to take. "I'll escort you to the living room."

Rebeka didn't accept his arm but walked beside him. Her eyes met his. "I'll rest on the couch in a few minutes."

Tyler watched her walk up the stairs and grinned. Those baggy sweats don't immodestly reveal your feminine contours. Somehow on you, they're the cutest dang thing I think I've ever seen. After a few moments he went to the stairs and called, "I'm waiting for you to return the couch."

Just as she sat on the couch, Tyler's phone rang. "I need to take this. I'll be right back."

Rebeka watched Tyler as he opened his black bag and she asked, "Is something wrong?"

Tyler's eyes met hers as he held his stethoscope. "You've already learned to read my face. I guess that's good." After taking her blood pressure, he said, "I need to go to the hospital, there's been a nineteen-car pileup with numerous serious injuries. We're the closest hospital. When the helicopter comes, it'll bring Aunt Beth. I don't want you to be alone. I thought about bringing you to town, but Heather didn't like the idea of you in a helicopter until she's had a chance to examine you."

"I'm sorry I'm causing so much trouble."

"You're not. Aunt Beth's friend will watch Missy, and I'll be there whenever I can. You'll like Aunt Beth. Pete, you met him on Friday, will be around to make sure there's plenty of firewood." Tyler grinned. "I'll still check on you. Aunt Beth won't be able to check your blood pressure, but she can check your blood sugar. I'm sure they'll have the bridge repaired in a few days. Who knows when electricity will return. It could be in ten minutes or ten days."

About an hour later, Elizabeth and the pilot, Bob, walked through the front door.

Tyler introduced everybody and gave his aunt instructions on Rebeka's care. His eyes met Rebeka's. "Young lady, I want you to do nothing but rest and relax. Don't worry about anything. As I've said before, Roger's taking care of Stuart and once things calm down with the weather, you and I will talk with your dad." He checked his phone. "I need to leave. I will be checking in."

He grabbed a bag and motioned toward the door. "Bob, I'm ready." He winked at Rebeka. "I'll see you in a few days."

Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned

Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece, Lily.

Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and rich spoilt brat, a not nice person

Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend

Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand

Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died

Christina - Elizabeth's close friend

Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old

Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily

Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog

Roger Whitmore - a lawyer and Tyler's best friend

Dr. Heather Sharp - OB/GYN and Tyler's childhood friend

Author Notes Thank you, Google Images, for a photo of the dress Rebeka may have worn to the awards ceremony.

Chapter 3 is short chapter, and I posted it in its entirety. It has a little over 1700 words.

I had hoped to write that this time and not make any changes. Not such luck. Yes, I made changes last minute. No matter how much I edit, I still find errors and find things to add and subtract. I hope I didn't make it worse. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.

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