"2024 Japanese Poetry "

Chapter 1
Our Love Began

By Gypsy Blue Rose

our love began

in the wings of chance—

I never thought

you would come into my life

bearing gifts of love and charm

before I knew it

your soul slipped into mine

flowing through my veins

with unwavering aim

straight to my heart

our breaths rise and fall

in unison from dawn till dawn

on the wings of spring breeze

braided with jasmine scent

and clear creek whispers


Author Notes Tanka is a Japanese unrhymed poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines. The syllable count is 31 syllables OR LESS. The first English poets who wrote tanka imitated the Japanese models of a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure resulting in Tanka poems that were too long compared to Japanese tanka because Japanese syllables are shorter than English syllables. The third line transitions from the descriptive and image-focused beginning lines into a reflective metaphor, simile, or personification for the closing lines. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love.

click here if you want to read modern tanka examples

click here to read tanka society of America information

click here if you want to read more modern tanka information

Thank you very much for your time and kind review.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid.

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Chapter 3
Silver Asian Carp

By Gypsy Blue Rose



silver Asian carp 

dream to live out of the sea

leaving their shadows behind


dare to be different

jump over the dragon's gate

aim to reach the golden shores



Author Notes sedoka is a Japanese poetic form 5/7/7 5/7/7

Thank you for reading my poem,


Chapter 4
Cricket Serenades

By Gypsy Blue Rose

cricket serenades

its prima donna till dawn

where weaving winds dance

over warm tangerine hills—

the flower full moon exists

through the lightening stage right

Author Notes - Stage Right and Stage Left always refer to the performer's perspective when standing on the stage.

- Prima donna = female opera singer; diva

- Full flower moon happens in May click here if you want to see the full list of Native American full moons

- Why do crickets chirp? They chirp for the sake of love. Male crickets employ their melodies to communicate their presence and attract the attention of their potential mates.

BUSSO (Bussokusekika) is an old rare form of Japanese poetry comprising six lines written in a 5-7-5-7-7-7 syllables pattern. It was created in the 8th century and was written from 710 to 1185. They are usually written about religion or philosophical beliefs but contemporary Busso can be any subject. source

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus

Chapter 5
Billowing Clouds

By Gypsy Blue Rose

feverish on my journey,

I stop to rest and gaze

at billowing clouds of smoke

     over charred blackened fields—
thinking of spring's green pastures

Author Notes farmers burn their fields or pastures to encourage re-growth

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

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Chapter 6
Queen of the Night Flower

By Gypsy Blue Rose


shooting star

wanders across 

   the royal blue sky—

queen of the night’s cup 

full of wishes


Author Notes If you see a shooting star, make a wish. Many shooting stars are a meteor shower.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

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Chapter 7

By Gypsy Blue Rose

summer flirts shamelessly

 with dahlia and poppy blossoms—

sewing a quilt of tangerine dreams

for young lovers lying on bluegrass

drowning in novice passion



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from pinterest

Chapter 8
Bees and Honey

By Gypsy Blue Rose


b e e s

m a k e

h o n e y

t o   s t o r e   i t

f o r   t h e   l o n g   w i n t e r

when sweet flowers sleep until spring

Author Notes Karen Cherry Threadgill asked me about the Fibonacci poetic form and that inspired me to write one. It's 'line and syllable' based like haiku.

The Fibonacci poem form is composed of six lines and 20 syllables. The number of syllables in each line of the poem is the sum of the previous two lines: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

The constrained form makes you very conscious of word choice, like with haiku.
Fibonacci poetry is not new, it has been around in one form or another for centuries. Gregory K. Pincus made it popular in 2006. Pincus came up with Fibs while pondering a haiku writing exercise.

I write the numbers next to the lines first and when the poem is done, I delete the numbers.

1 bees
1 make
2 honey
3 to store up
5 food for the winter
8 when sweet flowers rest until spring

click here to read more

Thank you for reading my poem,


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Chapter 9

By Gypsy Blue Rose



 mother-hips are made 

to carry little bundles of love  

while making dinner,

buying groceries at the store,

or walking at the shore … and more


dads have big shoulders

to carry toddlers here and there

they are great

but not as much fun

as mother-hips 



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are fine. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from pinterest

Chapter 10
Lonely Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

lonely night

in the Arizona Desert

     thirsty for love and water —

my only companion

a prickly cactus

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

pictures from pinterest

Chapter 11
Rain Drizzles

By Gypsy Blue Rose

r a i n   d r i z z l e s
over water lilies

along with adam and eve flowers

f  l o u r i s h i n g

with birds of paradise


Author Notes Birds of paradise, adam and eve, and water Lilies are all flowers.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Top picture: Water Lilies oil paintings by French Impressionist Claude Monet (1840�???�??�?�¢??1926). found in Pinterest

Adam and Eve is a shade-loving ornamental plant. This plant spreads quickly by self-seeding. All parts of this plant are poisonous to humans and animals. The plant can cause skin irritation and illness. The fruits are harmless to birds. They eat the berries and disperse the seeds.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and review my poem.

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

Chapter 13
the Silver Moon in your Eyes

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

you smile and I see myself

on the silver moon in your eyes

our gazes intertwine

your love is woven with mine

veiled with a quilt of stars

to keep us warm in the cold night

we sit at the end of time

where all that is and all that was

merges as one

we sit on sparkling grains of sand

caressed by aqua waves and sea foam

from time to time

the wind pours down the cliff

bringing the scent of the ocean to us

and the air glows with saffron light


Author Notes This week we are writing a YAMATO UTA POEM in the Japanese Poetry Club.

Yamato uta is an unrhymed free verse type of Japanese poetry. FORM: Free verse means there are no rules, the poem is not rhymed and it can be as long as you like. It was created by poets during the Heian Period 700 century. As with all Japanese poetry, keep it as succinct as possible with word imagery, easy to visualize. Most are about nature but you can use any subject you like.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 14
Our Eternal Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the sun forgot us yesterday

on the cold and windy shore

we cuddled by ocean whispers

and the fire of our souls

to keep us warm


and there

your body breaded in sand

gave birth to this poem

I just planted the seed

of our eternal love

Author Notes All low caps and no punctuation on purpose.

Man point of view

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

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Chapter 15
On a Flower Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check author notes (poem in black font in author notes)

On a flower moon,
I ran with bared feet
across the bluegrass

I looked up
through the net of trees
as they caught
the Pisces Constellation

The night bathed me
and for a moment
I lost myself
in the massive cobalt sky

The Universe
became my skin
and the flower moon
was my heart
beating in the dark

Lightning came jagged
and menacing
but in soft silver light
followed by faraway
songs of thunder
with electrifying notes

Author Notes The Pisces constellation lies in the northern sky. Its name means fish in Latin. Pisces is one of the largest constellations in the sky.

Yamato uta is an unrhymed free verse type of Japanese poetry. Free verse means there are no rules, the poem is not rhymed and it can be as long as you like. It was created by poets during the Heian Period 700 century. As with all Japanese poetry, keep it as succinct as possible with word imagery, easy to visualize. Most are about nature but you can use any subject you like. "Yamato-uta is composed of the many words born from people's hearts, as leaves grow from seeds". The people use these words dexterously to express their thoughts about what they see or hear." wikipedia

thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


On a flower moon,
I ran with bared feet
across the bluegrass

I looked up
through the net of trees
as they caught
the Pisces Constellation

The night bathed me
and for a moment
I lost myself
in the massive cobalt sky

The Universe
became my skin
and the flower moon
was my heart
beating in the dark

Lightning came jagged
and menacing
but in soft silver light
followed by faraway
songs of thunder
with electrifying notes

Chapter 16
Why Am I Unlovable?

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:words definitions and Yamato-Uta rules in my author notes

you will never know

how much I love you

and how it hurts
to feel unlovable

go ahead,

pierce my heart

with your cold touch

and your ambivalence

even in my dreams

you vacillate to be my man

and seem to be incapable

to appreciate who I am
why am I so unlovable?

Author Notes vacillate = to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute
ambivalent = having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about someone.

Yamato Uta is an unrhymed free verse type of Japanese poetry. The poem is not rhymed and it can be as long as you like. It was created by poets during Japan's Heian Period 700 century. As with all Japanese poetry, keep it as succinct as possible with word imagery, easy to visualize. You can write about any subject. "Yamato-Uta is composed of the many words born from people's hearts, as leaves grow from seeds". The people use these words dexterously to express their thoughts and feelings about what they see or hear." wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from Pinterest

Chapter 17
Today I Felt Your Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

today I felt Your love

when I least expected it

on the wings of a song

sweet and unpretentious

it filled my body and soul


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

picture by Nopenapa, Pinterest

Chapter 18
~ I Don't Want To Die ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:word definitions and poem form in author notes


I don't want to die

without tasting your lips

and your salty golden skin

but you live
on a distant shore


I don't want to die

crying inconsolably

like a motherless child

in nobody's embrace

below the cloudy sky

I don't want to die

without blending

    our bodies and souls
riding on a gypsy's caravan
wandering on winding roads

I don't want to die

without feeling your love

like a tight tango dance

beneath the bewitching Venus

and the jealous Moon



Author Notes Caravan = a group of travelers journeying together like a group of gypsies or pilgrims

Inconsolably = not able to be comforted

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

Gypsy "Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis

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Chapter 19
Poor Child

By Gypsy Blue Rose

p o o r    c h i l d

wants to visit the zoo

but all his dad can afford

is animal shadows

on the wall

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 20
Victoria's Secret

By Gypsy Blue Rose

the Victoria's Secret negligee

I bought for our date

   is collecting dust in the box—

I wonder if your wife

wears one for you


Author Notes For my friends abroad, Victoria's Secret is a popular lingerie store in America.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


picture from pinterest

Chapter 21
The New Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

new moon spears

dark nursery

where dry white roses die—
in flower vase

the last baby's breath

Author Notes - new moon is dark and hard to see
- baby's breath is a flower often used in flower arrangements
- white roses and baby's breath are often used at children's funerals

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


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Chapter 22
Across The Seven Seas

By Gypsy Blue Rose


lovers cross the seven seas

with open hearts they go

on a wondrous voyage

their sails full of southern wind

where ships ride the mist

in the reaping season

they climb rolling hills

midst ancient oak trees

that wear their finest garb

of flaming leaves

with exuberant wanderlust

their kindred spirits

dance through azure blue skies

where eagles soar

exuberant and free

Author Notes - Azure is a shade of blue

- The Seven Seas include the Arctic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


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Chapter 23
In The Midst of Darkness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:for Helen who prays for me

in the midst of darkness

a prayer raises

to my Divine Source

like a motherless child

seeking love and comfort

sometimes I worry

and sometimes I cry

for small stupid things

or for no reason at all

it's something I abhor

it's hard to lose control

but to find peace

I turn my will and my life

over to the care of God

I surrender


Author Notes Lately, I have been feeling anxious and sad for no good reason. I wake up at 3 am every night and it's hard to get back to sleep. I worry and worry, thoughts just go around and around my mind. The only thing that helps is prayer and asking God to take care of me.

Some of the phrases are from 12-step programs which are very spiritual. Other phrases are from my Unity Church.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.

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Chapter 24
Clouds Full of Clear Rain

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Helen ( lyenochka )

   clouds full of clear rain—

their cleansing cup overflows

from gurgling rivers

to seas of faith and blind trust

where they bathe in redemption

and unconditional love


Author Notes (new: "my cup overflows") (original: "My cup runneth over") is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalms:23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs" ** wikipedia

This week's Japanese Poetry Club challenge is to write a Busso poem.

BUSSO POEM (Bussokusekika) is an old rare form of Japanese poetry that consists of six lines written in a 5-7-5-7-7-7 syllables pattern. Created in the 8th century and was written from 710 to 1185. They are usually written about religion or philosophical beliefs but contemporary Busso can be any subject.
click here if you want to read more

Thank you for reading my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest

Chapter 25
~ I Love You ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:first stanza is the woman's poem, the second is the man's response

I love you,

your touch ignites

   a fire inside—

in remembrance of last night

I daydreamed all-day

I love you,

    you bring out the best in me—

I yearn to be

with you tonight to show you

how much you turn me on

Author Notes The Somonka, is a Japanese verse of two unrhymed poems (5/7/5/7/7 - 5/7/5/7/7) OR LESS exchanged between lovers in a statement and response form. The earliest Somonkas can be found as far back as the 1st century AD. click here, if you like, for more information ; . click here if you want to read more

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 26
* Cherry Blossoms *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

cherry blossoms

f a l l

  across the path to the church—

ground wears

its Sunday best

Author Notes "Sunday's Best" is an American idiom that people say. It means wearing the best outfit you have to Sunday's mass.

Gogyohka is a Japanese poetic form consisting of five lines free verse.

Thank you very much for reading my poem.


Chapter 27
Sun's Pink Fingers

By Gypsy Blue Rose

sun's pink fingers

wrapped around the clouds—

rain's smell of fertility

blows in through the nursery's window

tangled with promises of tomorrow

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 28
In The Amazon

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:about the amazon rainforest deforestation

~@~@~@~ In The Amazon ~@~@~@~

breeze dances with young saplings

amidst old magnolia trees

who share drops of wisdom

about the roots of all evil



Author Notes There are more trees in the amazon than stars in the Milky Way constellation

Magnolia tree is one of the many species in the Amazon


-Disruption of Livelihoods of Amazonia Peoples
-Less Rain and Moisture and more fires
-Destruction of forests destroys the homes, habitat and food sources
-Higher Temperatures
-Disruption of Migratory Corridors
-Erosion and degradation of the soil


- There are more trees in the Amazon than stars in the Milky Way.
- The Amazon holds the highest number of species in the world.
- Rivers of the Amazon carry approximately 20% of the world's freshwater to the Sea.
- The Amazon stores around 120 billion tons of carbon.
- The Amazon moderates local and global weather patterns releasing approximately -
20 billion tons of moisture into the atmosphere daily.
- The Amazon is home to thousands of indigenous peoples.
- One-quarter of all medicinal plants, many from the Amazon, are derived from
tropical forests, with as many as 4 billion people served.

facts about the amazon rainforest
wikipedia about the amazon rainforest
facts about the amazon rainforest

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you very much for reading my poem


picture from google public domain

Chapter 30
My Siren

By Gypsy Blue Rose


before we met

my life was a lazy boat 

drifting at sea

headed to nowhere

until you found me


the storm led me to you

my alluring siren 

singing songs of change

you saved me from drowning 

and I dove into you





Author Notes SIREN In Greek mythology, sirens are humanlike beings with alluring voices; they appear in a scene in the Odyssey in which Odysseus saves his crew's lives. The suren in my poem went rogue. LoL

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my pinterest account

Chapter 31
Good Morning My Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I woke up before daybreak

      with my head burrowed

      on the crook of your neck

you tickled my face 

      with your beard and eyelashes 

      like mischievous butterflies


I lay watching you sleep

      as the hazy light and dust slid down 

      through the window-blinds 

your golden chesthair

      stood up as my hands 

      hovered over your body

I wanted to cover you with kisses

      and gentle bites 

      from head to toes


good morning, my love


Author Notes - Toboggan is a playground slide

Yamato uta is an unrhymed FREE VERSE of Japanese poetry. FORM: Free verse means there are no rules, the poem is not rhymed and it can be as long as you like. Poets created THE YAMATO UTA POEM during the Heian Period 700 century. As with all Japanese poetry, keeping it as brief as possible with word imagery, is easy to visualize. Most are about nature but you can use any subject you like.

If you would like to join the Japanese Poetry Club click here all levels welcome.

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 32
Out of the Mouth of Babes

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Another afternoon at the park with my grandson, Atticus. I watch him run faster than all the other kids and it makes me smile.  He is a little below the average height for his age but has a large spirit and a big heart. When he ends the race, he comes over to me and proudly tells me, “Being small doesn’t mean I can’t be fast.”  Ah, “Out of the mouths of babes.”. He is kind and plays with all kids, regardless of their size, abilities, age, or race. 


falcon flies fast

over the highest mountains

with grand soul wings 



Author Notes Word count: 100 *help with grammar is welcome*

The peregrine falcon is the fastest member of the animal kingdom, with a diving speed of over 190 mph (300 km)

"Out of the mouths of babes" is an idiom that originates from the Bible, Psalms 8:2. This phrase highlights how sometimes profound, wise, or surprising statements can come from children.

100-word flash fiction in Haibun style. It's a Japanese poetic form that combines prose and haiku. The prose is flash fiction with 100 to 130 words plus one haiku at the beginning or the end. The haiku relates to the story without repeating but relating to the story and moving it forward for a deeper meaning.

Almost all of Japanese poetry is free verse.

Thank you very much for reading my flash fiction story.


The picture is of me with my newborn grandson, Atticus. I have taken care of him since he was born.

Chapter 33
The Final Line

By Gypsy Blue Rose


beautiful girl

I’m thirsty for your attention

   and when you pass by—

my heart races 

to the final line



Author Notes Ekphrastic means a poem inspired by a picture

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 34
Child of Yesterday

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:I pray for abused children may they be rescued

child of yesterday

trying to stay afloat

above the surface

of the past's pools

in her aquamarine eyes




pristine porcelain skin

made to be touched

by loving hands

but evil grabbed her first

and ravished her innocent soul


lost in furious seas 

of deviant intent

drowning in venomous

hate and lust

of tarnishing abominations


all she wanted and deserved

was pure and unconditional love 

and out of white cotton clouds 

 benevolent God's hands 

saved her innocent soul




Author Notes "I live with regrets - the bittersweet loss of innocence - the red track of the moon upon the lake - the inability to return and do it again" - John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 35
Snack Shack

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Snack Shack at the beach

     has delicious lunch specials —

homeless man

only has sand dollars


Author Notes A Naani poem has 4 lines. The total number of syllables in the poem are between 20 to 25. While the poem does not have to be about a particular subject it is often about human relations or current statements. �  rules from Poetry Dancesâ?? fanstory

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 36
* I Still Remember *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I still remember

as if it was yesterday,

your auburn hair spread

like a crown

over golden sand

the only witnesses

of your magestic beauty 

the bending reeds and me

bowing with complete

surrender at your feet

you lying on the beach

like the goddess of summer

I feel the urge to kiss you

and the waves agree with me

flowing in and out with the tides



Author Notes fiction, I am experimenting with writing from a man's point of view

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, woman by Dave Goudreau

Chapter 37
A Mother's Song

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:dedicated to my mom


let me wipe your tears

I’ll be with you night and day

keeping you close – 

I want to bounce you on my lap

and rock you in my arms

don’t worry about a thing

you won’t face the world alone – 

no need to be scared

I will look under your bed

to keep the monsters away



Author Notes I wrote this poem for my mother who died when I was ten years old. I always wonder how different my life would be if I still had her. She was a wonderful loving mom.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Painting by Natalia Tejera, Pinterest

Chapter 38
Cold Shoulder

By Gypsy Blue Rose

since you left me

    aboard your abandoned ship —

not one night has passed

that I haven’t been drenched

in cold waves


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 39
Dark Golden Sun in His Eyes

By Gypsy Blue Rose

He smiles

and I see myself 

on the dark golden sun

in His eyes

His laughter

waters barren fields

with multicolored rainbows

and fruitful flowers

His infinite love for all

never ceases

especially the most wounded 

broken people

God loves and is loved 

and He will never be forgotten

He lives in our hearts

Author Notes Inspired by the New Testament and the Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

Yamato uta is an unrhymed free verse type of Japanese poetry. Free verse means there are no rules, the poem is not rhymed and it can be as long as you like. It was created by poets during the Heian Period 700 century. As with all Japanese poetry, keep it as succinct as possible with word imagery, easy to visualize. Most are about nature but you can use any subject you like. "Yamato-uta is composed of the many words born from people's hearts, as leaves grow from seeds". �?�  The people use these words dexterously to express their thoughts about what they see or hear." wikipedia

thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


Pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 40
Goddess Aphrodite

By Gypsy Blue Rose


my Venus,

goddess of love and desire

garbed in saffron sun tunic

and anointed with meteor showers

her celestial diamond crown

and moon’s silver silk veil

adorn her stellar beauty

among all the other goddesses

of an old forgotten world




Author Notes Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and desire, stands as one of the most captivating and influential deities in ancient Greek mythology. Aphrodite was identified by Romans as Venus. click here if you want to see a list of Greek goddesses

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 41
Oh, Darling

By Gypsy Blue Rose

“Oh, darling!"

"You are so hot, give it to me!”

husband loves his wife’s new sexy talk

“Oh, my handsome mailman!”

in the bedroom corner, the cockatoo



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 42
Painting by Numbers

By Gypsy Blue Rose


Looking at the sky

a child asks his dad,

“Did God paint 

the constellations

by number?”


Author Notes Constellations = any of 88 configurations of stars or an area of the celestial sphere

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipediaThank you for taking the time to read and review my poem. Gypsy

Chapter 43
Blood and Tears

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:poem in black font in my author notes

fresh thorned roses

for the tombstone vase,

    at her husband’s cold grave—

sprinkled with drops

of blood and tears


Author Notes poem in black font for easy reading

fresh thorned roses
for the tombstone vase,
at her husband's cold grave,
covered with drops
of blood and tears

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 44
Dripping Drops of Gold

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Luna Moon Goddess 

sails across the seven seas

veiled with golden stardust

to enliven the night

with dripping drops of gold


Author Notes Luna was the Greek goddess of the moon

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Chapter 45
I Choose You

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:poem in black font in my author notes

I choose you

amidst a million sunsets




I choose you

‘cause you are the one

and we fit in so well

when we spoon in bed

and you scratch my back

Author Notes Spooning=something we say in America, when we lie in bed together front to back, like the spoons in the drawer. No double meaning.

To have my back scratched is one of my favorite things.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Chapter 46
Wind and Waves

By Gypsy Blue Rose


wind shakes young and tender leaflets 

and blow crisp amber and crimson leaves 

     that wave goodbye to migrant singing birds


coquette tides dance back and forth   

as waves with white foam skirts

tip toe around the shore  


Author Notes CONTEMPORARY SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables. Themes can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual. Originally it was written in four lines but it�??�?�¢??s okay to write it in more.

Chapter 47
Another Argument

By Gypsy Blue Rose


another argument‚

scared son hides in the closet

with his crayon drawings

of happy mom and dad

on the walls


Author Notes - National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 more information

- Child Help Hotline: 800-422-4453 more information

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my poem.


Top picture from Google public domain, bottom picture from Pinterest

Chapter 48
For My Heart

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:fictional poem inspired by Mary Magdalene

for my heart

all I need is your relentless love

during day or night

hot or cold

for my hope

I simply need angel wings

to reach heaven with a kiss

and your hands to hold 

you awaken my soul

with your unconditional love

is it real? is it wrong?

I have fallen in love


you come to me

with eternal dawn and dusk

dew on the flowers

and wave tides


you arrive with the sound

of a gentle finch

a soaring heron

or a peaceful dove 




Author Notes It is clear from the Gospels that Mary Magdalene had a great love for Jesus. She followed him as a disciple, ministering to him from her means (Luke 8:2-3), and had been with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the other women when Jesus was crucified (Mark 15:40-41).

RYOKAN - Taigu Ryokan was born in northern Japan in 1785. He was a successful haiku poet. When he was eighteen years old Ryokan met the Zen Master Kokusen became a Buddhist monk. He wrote about nature and the way people related to each other. The rules are simple: free verse, any amount of syllables and lines. Doesn't rhyme. You may use any poetic device.

Thank you for reading my poem, have a fabulous weekend.


Chapter 49
Interrupted Nap

By Gypsy Blue Rose

i n t e r r u p t e d   n a p

knock …  knock …  knock

the annoyed man opens the door

and nobody is there

~   t h e   w o o d p e c k e r   ~



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 50
The Key To Happiness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

to find the key to happiness 

contemplate the creek

it doesn't worry about the future

   or feel inadequate—

it simply goes with the flow


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 51
There's a Man

By Gypsy Blue Rose

there’s a man

with orange hair and tiny hands 

who wants to be 

the king of a great land

but now he’s felon number one



Author Notes KYOKA is a parody of tanka (Japanese poem) that contains social satire, irony, and humor in 31 (5-7-5-7-7) syllables OR LESS. The playful and mocking verse sometimes was targeted to guests at banquets where they were read out in an atmosphere similar to that of a roast. The form flourished during the Edo period (17thâ??18th centuries). Puns, wordplay, and other word games were frequently employedâ??and make translation difficult. A common technique was using a classical poem as a base and altered to give it a vulgar twist. The form attracted various social classes, including low-level samurais, commoners, and scholars of Chinese and Japanese classics. Sources Wikipedia source Japanese Wiki source Kujaku Poet Blogspot

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 52
The Moon Goddess

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For Rules, Please Read My Author Notes


Have you seen the beautiful moon goddess?   

She reigns gracefully over the sky and sea  

as capricious tides come and go upon the shore.   

Seeing her is as rare as an aqua blue moon.   




Author Notes I used 'aqua blue moon' for poetic effect. In reality, it's just a blue moon and they are rare, thus the saying ... "once in a blue moon". The next Blue Moon will occur on Aug.19, 2024. A seasonal Blue Moon refers to the third full moon in a season, according to NASA.

CLASSIC SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables. Themes can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual. Originally it was written in four lines but it's okay to write it in more. FIRST STANZA IS THEME: 3,4,4,4; SECOND STANZA IS ELABORATION: 3,4,4,4; THIRD STANZA IS COUNTER THEME: 3,5.; FOURTH STANZA IS COMPLETION: 4,3

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 53
The Lucky Boy

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Pensive lighthearted  geisha  

who are you thinking about?  

Has a lucky boy captured 

your young longing heart?

Author Notes For the Japanese Poetry Club. Everyone is welcome to join the club. Check the bottom link and follow the prompts. Please, do not hesitate to ask me for help.

Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture. Dodoitsu is a Japanese poetic form developed towards the end of the Edo period (1603 to 1867) about any theme. Form: four lines with 7-7-7-5 syllables and no rhyme for 26 syllables. The tone and structure derive from Japanese folk song traditions. The dodoitsu often focuses on love or work with a comical twist but you can use any topic you like. The title can be anything you like.

click here for more information


Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 56
Caribbean Cruise

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Caribbean Cruise goes down    

on a thunderous morning   

  far away from the seashore—

hungry sharks’ fast food


Author Notes This poem is for the Japanese Poetry Club. Everyone is welcome to join. if you would like to join click here then click on RESERVE SPOT and then click on SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY.

Dodoitsu is a Japanese poetic form developed towards the end of the Edo period (1603 to 1867) about any theme. Form: four lines with 7-7-7-5 syllables and no rhyme for a total of 26 syllables. The tone and structure derives from Japanese folk song traditions. The dodoitsu often focuses on love or work with a comical twist but you can use any topic you like. The title can be anything you like.

click here for more information


Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 57
On My Hammock

By Gypsy Blue Rose

on my hammock,  

lazy gazing at the silver moon

      amazed by its razzle-dazzle —

I forgot to send you a message

with the drifting clouds

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted

Chapter 58
Home at Eventide

By Gypsy Blue Rose

home at eventide 

with a grateful heart 

for your beloved 

and a song of praise 

upon your lips



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 59
Wake up at Dawn

By Gypsy Blue Rose

wake up at dawn 

with a joyful heart

   for the love you have—

and at the end of day

cherish twilight in your lover's eyes


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 60
If You Seek Pleasure

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:poem about true love

if you seek pleasure

and fear losing your lover

take a different path

you’re blinded by lust

and are not protecting your heart

melt your defenses

against true love

like a brook melts boulders

    drop by drop as it goes    

singing the night’s song


dare to feel deep pain

of too much tenderness

sacrificing if need be

for the one you love

with an open soul


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 61
Summer Muse

By Gypsy Blue Rose

summer muse

lost in adventures

    on faraway lands—

takes a break

from over-ambitious poet


Author Notes Summer starts on June 21st

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.

source = writers digest


Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, I use two programs for my presentations- ImageShack and Windows' Paint. All parts of my presentations are copyrighted.

Chapter 62
Droopy Mums

By Gypsy Blue Rose

My Mother and I were very close. I was always next to her, like a little barnacle.  When I was ten years old, Mom had a stroke and died. 

My family held a wake at our house before the funeral.  Her body was as cold as marble, it was hard to believe it was my mother.   The room was full of chrysanthemums, the smell was so overwhelming that it made me sick.   I can't stand them since then.

Friends and family were packed in my parents' bedroom.  They all stood around my mother’s bed.  At one point, a hysterical woman shouted, “She's alive!"  She held a small mirror in front of my Mother’s face.  There was a little condensation on the mirror as if my mom was breathing. I was so surprised and happy for a minute but the woman was wrong. 

I slept most of the day and night for a whole week after the funeral. I dreamt of my mother every night, I believe she knew I was not ready to let her go. I know it was her way to say goodbye.


drooping mums 

bend over stagnant water

with the scent of death


Author Notes Haibun is a poetry form that combines a haiku with prose. Haibun's prose is descriptive. The prose section is then followed by a haiku that serves to deepen the meaning of the prose, either by intensifying its themes or serving as a juxtaposition to the prose's content.

The subject matter of a haibun can vary widely and commonly describe an unfolding scene, a slice of life, or a special moment. These sections typically consist of a couple of paragraphs to about 300 words written in imagistic style. Haibun prose can be written in first-person or third-person.

The accompanying haiku usually appears at the end of the haibun composition, though in some cases it may appear in the middle or at the very beginning. The haiku is meant to be in conversation with the prose section, serving as a thematic accompaniment, juxtaposition, or grace note that deepens the meaning of the piece as a whole.

Haibun Guidelines

HAIBUN is a Japanese poetic form that combines prose and haiku.
TENSE: present or past
SUBJECT MATTER: autobiographical, travel journal, slice of life, memory, dream short sketch of a person, place, and event.
TOPICS: life as a journey, love affairs, illness, human concerns & experiences
POINT OF VIEW: first person (everything seen through the author's eyes), third person (he/she)
TONE sets a mood, often interrupted by the haiku
SENSORY: uses imagery, sensory, concrete details, no abstractions
FOCUS on one or two elements
LANGUAGE uses language to suit the subject matter and mood (colloquial, formal, dialect)
LENGTH: varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long prose entries with interspersed haiku, to memoir-length works Styles Haiku/prose Prose/haiku Haiku/prose/haiku, Prose/haiku/prose/haiku/prose/haiku etc.
PROSE tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, provides a background to spotlight the haiku
HAIKU: moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction. Guidelines for Writing Haibun in English by Margaret Chula click here to read guidelines for writing haibun for Haibun Today examples and more information click here for wikipedia definition click here for Graceguts- more information click here click here for a pdf file of guidelines

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


pictures from Pinterest account

Chapter 63
Hothouse Orchids

By Gypsy Blue Rose

hothouse orchids

seem to gaze at the raging storm

wishing to be

a dandelion in the wind

living dangerously


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, All parts of my poems and presentations are copyrighted and registered with fanstory.

Chapter 64
* Seeds of Love *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

emptiness inside of her

where seeds of love fall

but never grow—

blossoms blow in the wind 

past her empty home



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account, All parts of my poems and presentations are copyrighted and registered with fanstory.

Chapter 65
Love is All there Is

By Gypsy Blue Rose

svelte gypsy 

with smooth alabaster skin

    caressed by jasmine breeze —

that play with her moonless night hair

as her eyes light up the pond with love




Author Notes There are only two choices in the world, LOVE or FEAR. I chose LOVE.

Ekphrastic is a poem inspired by a picture or painting

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I have the complete copyright of my poem and presentation, and they are registered with FanStory.

Chapter 66
The Land of the Free

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Happy 4th of July!

the Statue of Liberty

  embraces all

she stands tall and proud

enlightening the world

as a beacon of hope

She welcomes immigrants 

with open arms

to the land of the free

away from power-hungry

dictators and kings fiends

Author Notes I grew up in Spain when the dictator Francisco Franco was in power. He ruled until he died in 1975; we didn't have the right to vote. He approached Hitler to bring Spain into the war on Germany's side.

I moved to America in 1974 full of hope and joy. Soon after, I became an American citizen. I am proud to be an American and I pray our democracy and our Constitution continue to be the law of our land. Happy 4th!!!

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy since 1886. for more information click here

The Constitution's first three articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, in which the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, the Congress; the president, and the Supreme Court and other federal courts. for more information click here

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I have the complete copyright of my poem and presentation, and they are registered with FanStory.

Chapter 67
* Ocean Waves *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

waves softly rock
the waning silver moon
cradled on the serene surface
with love

Author Notes Cinquain is a 5 line poem with a 2/4/6/8/2 syllable form

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


pictures from my Pinterest account

Gypsy Blue Rose copywrites for poems and presentations, and they are registered with FanStory.

Chapter 68
Following the Sun

By Gypsy Blue Rose

following the sun

she'll never embrace the moon,

nor will she cool down

neath a tree's shade in June

as the river rushes by

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 69
Jump Into the Deep End

By Gypsy Blue Rose

dive into my waters

I'll cover you from head to toe

with salty kisses

and untamable waves

to satisfy your soul

jump into the deep end

I'll show you how to let go

surrender your fear

of uninhibited desire

and embrace a sea of passion


Author Notes Ocean personification

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 70
Steps to the Past

By Gypsy Blue Rose

steps to the past

   where we had our last walk—
sitting by creek of tears

where gurgling water

sings a requiem chant


Author Notes requiem = is a solemn chant for the dead

this week, we are learning how to write a Jisei Haiku. If you want to join the club, click on the link below and find the Haiku Club. All people are welcome.

JISEI HAIKU (death poem) is a genre of Japanese poetry that offers a reflection on death coupled with a meaningful observation on life. It originated in Zen Buddhism The poem's structure can be written in haiku form 5/7/5 syllables OR LESS, or tanka form 5/7/5/7/7 syllables OR LESS. Death poems are typically graceful, natural, and emotionally neutral. Death is described as the imminent death of the poet OR metaphorically references such as sunsets, twilight, autumn, barren fields, falling leaves, bared trees, etc ... to suggest the transience of life.

to see source click here

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 71
Days of Darkness

By Gypsy Blue Rose

I sit in my room

 sorrowful midst blank pages,

asking myself, where's my muse?

Behind the long night,
your joyful muse waits for you

with paper, fresh ink, and plume

Author Notes When any type of artist is depressed, her or his creative process is blocked. It's hard to do anything that usually brings joy. I took a break from FanStory for two years due to depression. If you, or anyone you know, is suffering from depression free 24/7 help is available. The Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988.

Mondo is a short Japanese poetic form that consists of two stanzas. The first one is a question, and the second stanza is the answer. The length varies from one line haiku to a 5/7/7 katauta.

If you would like to join the Japanese Poetry Club, click the link below. Everyone is welcome.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Chapter 72
The Old Priest and the Fly

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:a little sarcastic humor

the old priest tried to nap

but a fly taunted him with a buzz

so he zapped it

    with his rolled-up sermon draft—

the fly didn’t see the light




Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from Google public domain and my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 73
Something to Ponder

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:please check author notes for use of the word ''manias'' in this poem

something to ponder,

in turbulent waters

a ship full of maniacs

    are not afraid —
to go over the edge

Author Notes OVER THE EDGE is an idiom: a mental or emotional state that makes someone completely lose control; literally, it's falling over the edge of something.

I don't mean any disrespect to people with mental disease, Calling people maniacs is insensitive and hurtful. I use the word for poetic purposes. The word 'maniacs' is politically incorrect. Now we say, people living with ... Schizophrenia, depression, mania, split personality, anxiety, etc .... because people are more than their illnesses. If you meet someone with diabetes or cancer, you don't say, I am diabetes, or I am cancer.

I live with bipolar disorder and I know the enigma related to mental disabilities in our country. With medication, we can live a normal life and we deserve respectful treatment.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 74
Sleepy Head

By Gypsy Blue Rose

While I overslept,
dew kissed the flowers

as they followed the sun

and sparrows sang love songs.

Morning miracles marched on

without my sleepy head.


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 75
My Knight in Shining Armor

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Where's my knight in shining armor?

Did he get lost in the Valley of Death

while he was on his way?

I hope he didn't get deep-fried by a dragon

or fall into a mountain crevasse.

Did an evil witch turn him into a toad?

I do wish I had a valiant knight

but I'll only go so far till I draw a line.

Author Notes Crevasse = deep cleft; narrow split or crack; crevices exist mostly in rocks and cliffs,

RYOKAN FREE VERSE is a Japanese form created by Zen Buddhist, Taigu Ryokan in 1785. He used themes of everyday life. The classic Ryokan Poem speaks directly to the reader's heart conveying a profound sense of enlightenment, serenity, and compassion. You may use poetic devices. For this modified Ryokan free verse I use humor.

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 76
Perfect Love

By Gypsy Blue Rose


forget perfect love

if yours left you with a broken heart

   don’t you fear – don’t you cry—

through the cracks will enter

God’s light


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you very much for your time and kind review.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and Presentation created by Gypsy Blue Rose@copyright2024

Chapter 77
Tangerine Break of Dawn

By Gypsy Blue Rose


I see you wake up 

at the break of dawn

as tangerine shades

cover your face

with a gentle touch



I lie close to you

embraced in your scent

of ocean breeze

and sandalwood

with mist of dripping dew



a string of wild horses

gallop on the meadow 

and a charm of finches 

chirp and chatter

on the bough 



I kiss you and smile

entangled in memories

of our loving

throughout the night

too tired to get up



Author Notes a 'string of wild horses' and a 'charm of finches' are the collective names

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 78
See The Sun In Me

By Gypsy Blue Rose


see the sun in me

shining  over the land and sea

as we jump into the river of life

and we breathe in the scent

of flowers and soil after the rain


Author Notes Haiku, and other Japanese poetry, originated in Zen philosophy. A Zen concept is 'interbeing' - everything in nature and human beings are connected, thus 'the sun in me'.

Inspired by Buddhist Monk, Thich Nhat Hanh's poetry

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poem and presentation created by Gypsy Blue Rose. I get a lot of questions about my presentations asking if i use a templet, I don't. I do all the artt work. COPYWRITE@2024

Chapter 79
~*~ My Beloved ~*~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

My beloved,


you are my life and death

my beginning and my end

I'm waiting for your letter

in vain


your withered flowers

are a mocking remembrance

of our forgotten love

crumbling between my fingers



I cut my veins

in tepid water

facing the end alone



Author Notes Fiction Free Verse

988 Suicide Life Line

Thank you very much for your time and kind review.

Painting by Ikenaga Yasunari. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 80
~ Cold Morning ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

cold morning,
a girl goes outside
with a carrot and scarf
    to make a snowman—
winter on her hands

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and
poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 81
With Firm Aim

By Gypsy Blue Rose



with firm aim 

the shot catches his prey

as her heart pounds in its chest

    the wounded doe meets her fate—

scarlet trail to its end 




Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and
poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 82
*~ Harvest Moon ~*

By Gypsy Blue Rose

harvest moon 

      melts into the sea—

at the shore 

a  wounded bird's heart   beats

at the beat of ebbs at eventide



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 83
A Long Journey

By Gypsy Blue Rose

on a long journey

he takes a morning break 

     to watch the wet grass blades—

in each dew drop

a sunrise


Author Notes This poem is about Matsuo Basho (1644 – 1694); is the most famous Japanese poet. Basho is recognized as the greatest haiku master. He’s well-known around the world.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

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The picture is Matsuo Basho, painted by Katsushika Hokusai

Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 84
Rainbow People

By Gypsy Blue Rose


blue people 

hate green folks

but their children speak 

the same language

of laughter and love




Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 85
Going for a Run

By Gypsy Blue Rose


mom tells chubby son

“you need to exercise!”

he runs with dinner's rice


Author Notes SENRYU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. Unlike Haiku, senryu is about human nature and doesn't need a season word. It's written in 17 syllables OR LESS and three lines. For Senryu you don't need a season word (Kigo).
the haiku foundation senryu rules

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 86
My Legacy

By Gypsy Blue Rose

what treasures

do I share with my children?

summer sunsets by the beach,

fall harvest moon, winter snow, 

and spring cherry blossoms


and when I die,

what will I leave to my children?

flowers in spring, fruit in summer,

crimson and gold leaves in autumn,

and pine trees in winter



Author Notes Zen: a Japanese school of Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation, calm, peace, and intuition

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 87
The Emperor's New Clothes

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Obsessed with crowd sizes and complete control, he surrounds himself with tush-kisser sycophants as our Nation is ready to move forward because we are not going back.



Kim Jong Un and Putin's

love letters are kept between the pages—

of the Art of the Deal


Author Notes sycophant= self-seeking flatterer

The Emperor's New Clothes is a book about an emperor who has an obsession with fancy new clothes, and spends lavishly on them, at the expense of state matters. One day, two con-men visit the emperor's capital. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are incredulous.

The gullible emperor hires them, and they set up looms and pretend to go to work. A succession of officials, starting with the emperor's wise and competent minister and ending with the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool.

Finally, the weavers report that the emperor's suit is finished. They mime-dress him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled. Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever.

HAIBUN is a Japanese poetic form that combines haiku with prose. It's in present or past tense. The subject matter can be autobiographical, a travel journal, a slice of life, a memory, a dream, or a short sketch of a person, place, or event. Topics can be about life, love affairs, human concerns, and experiences. The point of view is first person (the author's eyes), or third person (he/she). Use imagery, sensory, and concrete details. Length varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long prose entries with interspersed haiku.

The prose tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, and provides a background to spotlight the haiku.

The haiku moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction.

guidelines for writing haibun

for Haibun examples click here

for more information click here

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 88
Dad's Christmas Present

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to the victims and families of the Apalachee High School mass shooting

kid keeps gun in his gym bag,
a Christmas present from dad, 
and won't tell anyone
about his big surprise

dad taught him how to shoot 
big game, like elk, deer, and kids
frolicking at school's playground,
that recess may be their last

he's coming for your kids
and nobody knows why,
children better run, run, run
run for their precious lives

Author Notes I dedicate this poem to the victims and families of Georgia's Apalachee High School mass shooting on September 4, 2024. The shooter was 14 years old and his dad got him the AR-15 assault rifle for Christmas.

I can relate to school shootings at a personal level. In 1989, my son was at his school playground when a shooter killed 6 small children and injured many more. The shooter used an AR-15 assault riffle. My son watched his friend get shot right next to him. He suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and had therapy for a year.

I have nothing against gun owners or using guns for sport and self-defense, but I don't think civilians should have rapid-fire assault rifles, such as AR-15, for personal use.

An AR-15 is a lightweight semi-automatic assault rifle that shoots 60 rounds per minute. It's a military weapon of war. Civilians don't need to shoot 60 rounds per minute. the gun zone

Beginning in the 2010s, AR-15 style rifles became one of the "most beloved and most vilified rifles" in the United States, according to The New York Times; the rifles have gained infamy due to their use in high-profile mass shootings. Promoted as "America's rifle" by the National Rifle Association of America. wikipedia

From the 2000 to 2022 school years, there were 1,375 school shootings at public and private elementary and secondary schools, resulting in 515 deaths and 1,161 injuries. usa facts by government data on school shootings

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 89
Gazing at Crystal Stars

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Everyone is Welcome to Join the Japanese Poetry Club

Gazing at crystal stars  

and waving bare boughs  

we bask in the crisp Fall breeze.   

Doves perch on our windowsill

singing with a joyful trill.

I revel in your embrace

as I feel your warm caress

you set my heart aflame.


Author Notes Kanshi is a Japanese Poetic form that originated during the Tang dynasty in China. You may write one or more stanzas. Kanshi had multiple forms, rhymed or free verse but most notable were in 5 to 7 syllables in 4 to 8 lines.

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Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 90
The Thin Veil

By Gypsy Blue Rose


the thin veil between – 

day and night

moon and sun

land and sea

wrong and right


I know you must go

the cards never lie

but know the truth – 

if you go 

I will lose my mind


today you left at dawn

on the USS Alexandria

it’s out of my control

you say it must be done

you must go off to war


it has been a year

and today three marines 

came knocking at our door

I fell to my knees and prayed

for my husband’s soul


there’s a thin veil

between disrespect and honor

as we stand a few graves

from Donald Trump’s photo op

smiling with thumps up







Author Notes The bottom picture shows Trump with a few Maga supporters. The photo clearly shows the tomb of Green Beret, Darin Taylor Hoover. His widow, Sgt. Nicole Gee did not give permission to have her husband's tomb included in the trump's photo op and she is furious and disgusted about it.

Donald Trump's outrageous political photo-op visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Aug. 26, 2024, is a disgrace and disrespect that has created furor among it's disrespectful to our veteran heroes of war and their families. And against . Army officials said one of their employees was abruptly pushed aside, by Trump campaign officials when she asked them to stop.  Trump's campaign photos show Trump grinning widely and giving a thumbs-up gesture while standing behind the grave of an American serviceman killed during the 2021 U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan against the widow's permission. Visible in those images, too, are the graves of two U.S. Army Green Berets.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

USS Alexandria, (united states ship) list of usa warships

Chapter 91
Unhoused Poet

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Dedicated to homeless people


   Unhoused poet    

forced to walk on scorching ground,

is covered with sweat and grime  

as wealthy people in air-conditioned cars 

pass him by avoiding eye contact.



His useless “work for food ” sign 

hangs low 

heavy with hunger and shame.

The homeless man’s only possessions

a bag full of crumbs and poems


Author Notes We are experiencing extreme heat in Los Angeles, California. We have an air-conditioner at home so we are okay as long as we stay inside. I have been thinking about homeless people and how difficult it must be to live outside.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 92
The Raven Continues

By Gypsy Blue Rose




Two hundred years since the poet wrote The Raven,

      it continues tapping and rapping on his door.

The incessant nuisance drove him completely mad

      and Poe lives-on in The Raven, forevermore.






Author Notes *If you would like to join the Japanese Poetry Club, please click here and look for the haiku club* RESERVE A SPOT /SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY

The Raven
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Tis some visiter,
Only this and nothing more." - Edgar Allan Poe to read the Raven

IMAYO is a 4-line Japanese poem that has 12 syllables in each line. The imayo poem was originally written to be sung, but with contemporary imayo is optional. Also, poets have free range on subject matter. Feel free to use any poetic devices. Write one stanza or more. FORM = 4 lines at 12 syllables in each line 12/12/12/12.

more information wikipedia

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 93
Cerulean Sea

By Gypsy Blue Rose

sun dips into the cerulean sea 

midst dolphins 

    and moody blue waves —

summer sunset


Author Notes Naani poem has 4 lines. The total number of syllables in the poem are between 20 to 25. While the poem does not have to be about a particular subject it is often about human relations or current statements. poetry dances poem rules

Thank you very much for your time and kind review.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 94
* Collateral Damage *

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:in honor of the innocent victims of war


wars come and go  

among world countries  

 where soldiers and civilians die, 

by the hands of dictators and terrorists  

who disregard innocent lives




Author Notes "collateral damage" is dehumanizing of innocent non-combatants killed or injured during combat, used to reduce the perceived culpability of military leadership in failing to prevent non-combatant casualties

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 95
* The Wind of Change *

By Gypsy Blue Rose


    Fall is coming —

whispering between bared trees

as crimson leaves 

rustle and whoosh

carried by the wind of change



Author Notes "Take me to the magic of the moment
on a glorious night
where children of tomorrow dream
in the wind of change" - 'the Wind of Change' song by the Scorpions

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Top photo by Kristen KML on flickr. Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 96
The Queen of the Rising Sun

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Japanese Mythology


bask in sunshine’s warmth

lying on green pastures 

sprinkled with cobalt blue flowers 

where Ama reigns with love and care

of all sacred life below the summer sky


Ama moves in mysterious ways

with stars tangled in her hair

wearing a gown of celestial lace

don’t make her wait

the Queen of the Rising Sun


Author Notes Amaterasu (Ama) is a Japanese goddess known by many titles: Goddess of the Rising Sun, Queen and ruler of the Universe, Queen of Heaven and Creation. She is the center of Japanese spiritual life.

Ama’s primary role is to illuminate all things, but also nourishes all living creatures and marks the orderly movement of day into night.

The sun represents order and purity, two of Shinto’s most important concepts. All things in creation are ordered, from Ama down to the denizens of hells. This order is reflected in Japanese society as well.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 97
Our Woven Hearts

By Gypsy Blue Rose


dawn is breaking,

I wonder if you see it too

I like to think

it’s the same sun 

for me and you



our hearts are woven 

but tonight you’re not mine

because you’re not by my side

the moon is pale

and the stars will not shine



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but it's optional. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 98
Her Name is Destruction

By Gypsy Blue Rose


her name is destruction

remember it well

everything in her path burns to a crisp 

meeting certain death

beware - she's awake!


Author Notes Personification of volcano and lava.

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 99
Widower's Yard

By Gypsy Blue Rose


widower’s unattended yard

covered with dead grass

and a dew-covered

    weeping willow—

since his wife’s funeral




Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 100

By Gypsy Blue Rose


bewitched by an opened rose

memories of last night remain

in my body and soul —

lain beneath you

embraced by your piercing musk scent




Author Notes In the Japanese Poetry Club, we are learning to write Gogyohka poems. Everybody is welcome. click here if you want to check out the club

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 101
Beneath the Harvest Moon

By Gypsy Blue Rose


beneath the harvest moon 

magic dust falls upon the land

setting halloween witches afire

to spook creepy critters in disguise

and fill their bellies with sweet grass


Author Notes If you would like to check out the Japanese Poetry Club Click Here

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 102
Come With Me

By Gypsy Blue Rose

There’s a creek by my house. 

      Come with me.  I’ll take you there.  

It’s a sight to behold!        
The night hikes the mount 

      to take a peek of the creek.    
The silver moon and stars bathe there.  

      Come with me.   

Author Notes SIJO poem is a traditional Korean poetic form related to haiku and tanka. Sijo is comprised of 44-46 syllables. Themes can be romantic, metaphysical, reflection, or spiritual. Originally it was written in four lines but it’s okay to write it in more. The first stanza is the theme; the second is the elaboration; the third stanza is the counter theme; and the fourth is the completion.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 103
The Blind Date

By Gypsy Blue Rose

“Daughter, your blind date

has waited at the door

long enough.”

“Mom, he’s too funny looking

and I don’t want to die laughing.”


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 104
You Know I Have a Crush on You

By Gypsy Blue Rose


you know 

    I have a crush on you —

and as I lie 

below the fervent sun

I’m burned by your blazing eyes


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 105
Red Moon Over Mount Fuji

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes

red moon over Mount Fuji

where the temple bells toll loud

and the town's people stand tall

with pride and joyful spirits

Author Notes If you want to join the Japanese Poetry Club, click here everyone is welcome.

QIYAN JUEJU is a Japanese poem form consisting of four lines and each line has seven syllables.

First phrase = describe the scene
Second phrase = Add further illustration and detail
Third phrase = the true essence of the poem
Fourth phrase = put it all together and complete the poem

more information

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024, please don't copy it.

Chapter 106
Moon Goddess

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Moon Goddess

come down to Earth

to play with me

we can count stars

till I go to sleep




Author Notes Gogyohka is a five line unrhymed Japanese Poem, no syllable count needed.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poems and presentations by Gypsy Blue Rose @copyright2024

Chapter 107
Waves Come and Go

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:poem and presentation (c) copyright gypsy blue rose, please don't copy

waves come and go
upon the shallow shore

where dogs fetch love 

for their human pets

who beg for attention

Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 108
The Blue Jay

By Gypsy Blue Rose

blue jay left behind

    calls his mate hopelessly —

the sound of loneliness

Author Notes Blue jay birds are known for their striking blue plumage and their loud calls. They are good at flying long distances and migrate over 1,000 miles to warmer climates. These intelligent birds have complex social systems. A group of jays is often referred to a band of jays.

HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment. It resonates on a deeper level, enlightening the reader and making an insightful connection. Most haiku in English consist of three unrhymed lines of seventeen or fewer syllables, though today's poets use a variety of line lengths and arrangements.
Traditional Japanese haiku include a season word (kigo) that helps identify the season, and a break (kireji), usually a dash, that marks a pause. Haiku focus on experience captured in clear images. The most common technique is juxtaposing two images or ideas.

click here to read haiku examples
click here to read haiku rules
click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule
click here for season words

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Painting by Vivienne Dupont
Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024

Chapter 109
The Peacock

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Presentation and Poem (c) Gypsy Blue Rose@10/28/24

peacock struts carefully

around hard-to-get peahen

trying not to ruffle 

her feathers



Author Notes - Ruffle Someone's Feathers. = to upset or annoy someone
- Peahen = female peacock

Naani is one of India's most popular Telugu poems. Naani means an expression of one and all. It consists of 4 lines and the total lines consist of 20 to 25 syllables. The poem is not bound to a particular subject. Generally, it depends upon human relations and current statements. This poetry was introduced by one of the renowned Telugu poets Dr. N.Gopi, presently working as vice-chancellor to Telugu University, Andhra Pradesh.
for more info click here

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poems and presentations by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) @copyright 10/28/24

top painting by @image_shu

Chapter 110
King Cheeto

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright10/29/24

There once was a despicable cheater

      named King Cheeto, who lived at a theater.

He acted like a big baby troller

      whining and ranting on his golden stroller.

We don't need a wannabe-dictator leader.

Author Notes A limerick is a short, often nonsensical or funny, poem. The rhyme scheme of most limericks is usually aabba.

= Troller is a person who posts deliberately offensive or provocative messages online
= Cheetos are a brand of snack food

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @ 10/27/24

Chapter 111
Silence of the Lambs

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Poem and Presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @11/5/24


Agent Starling,

have the lambs stopped screaming?

They cry themselves to sleep every
s u n s e t.

Author Notes -- For The Little Shop of Horror Club this week's poetry prompt, is to write a cinquain based on a horror movie or novel. Use the name of the movie or novel as the title for your poem. Thanks to Marilyn Hamilton, for organizing the club event.

I chose Silence of the Lamb, my favorite horror movie. I used some of the quotes, here are the original and a few more. All are written by author Thomas Harris, writer of the "Silence of the Lamb".

"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti."

"God's creatures who cried themselves to sleep stirred to cry again."

"Hello Clarice..."

"It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told."

"People will say we are in love."

-- A cinquain is written using a pattern. "Cinq" is French for the number 5. This type of poem only has five lines. Each line follows a specific pattern.
The traditional cinquain, as developed by Adelaide Crapsey, has five lines and a strict structure based on syllable count. 2/4/6/8/2

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.

Pictures from my Pinterest account.
Poem and Presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @11/5/24

Chapter 112
Hurry Up

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Presentation and Poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @11/17/24

hurry up little butterfly

get on my back

it’s getting late

and we have mountains

to climb



Author Notes Poet talking to butterfly

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The presentation and poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @ 11/17/24

Chapter 113
The Calm After The Storm

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:For my best friend

the sun may hide

behind thunderous storms

but keep your faith—

when in darkness

look for the Light

Author Notes For my best friend and her husband who is facing health challenges.

"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul" - 3 John 1:2

Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The presentation and poem by Gypsy Blue Rose
(c) copyright 11/18/24

Chapter 114
I Know

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Poem and Presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @11/22/24


I know 

   our love is impossible—

but even in dreams

we must hide our passion

~ how cruel is our forbidden love ~



Author Notes This tanka is about a Japanese woman and a Buddhist Monk who are in love but can't have a sexual relationship. The full-time ordained Buddhist monks and nuns follow a strict celibacy commandment.

Tanka is a Japanese unrhymed poem with 31 syllables arranged in five lines; English tanka is 31 syllables or LESS because Japanese and English syllables are different. Tanka originated in the 6th century at the Japanese Imperial Court where lovers exchanged tanka poems for each other after a night of passionate lovemaking. With contemporary tanka the topic varies.
click here if you want to read modern tanka examples click here if you want to read modern tanka rules

Inspired by 'The Ink Dark Moon' - Love Poems by Ono No Komachi And Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright 11/22/24

Japanese poets have sough``1t to capture the essence of nature in their words, using vivid imagery and sensory descriptions to evoke a sense of awe, tranquility, and harmony. This deep connection to the natural world not only reflects the cultural and spiritual beliefs of the Japanese people but also fosters a sense of unity with the environment

Chapter 115
a Windy Night

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Presentation and Poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright @11/22/24


windy night,

the boy can’t go to sleep 

so he counts 

the ones who play under his bed

~ dust bunnies ~


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The presentation and poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright 11/22/24

Chapter 116
~ The Nativity Scene ~

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year



When I was little, my father built a Bethlehem City model every Christmas.  I was so proud of him.


The miniature town looked real.  It had rivers, made with metallic paper; little houses with real lights inside; peasants, shepherds, and other town folk; and a Nativity scene.  In the manger, we had Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, a donkey, a cow, shepherds with sheep, the three Wise Kings, the guiding star, and an angel.  


It was incredible.  Neighbors, friends, nuns, and priests came to see our miniature Bethlehem. 


Every year I looked forward to Dad's little Nativity scene and town. It was amazing.


After my father lost his job and our home, we had to move in with friends and family for a while. I don’t know how it happened but the Bethlehem got lost along the way.  



grand childhood memories

    of small things —

that built Christmas spirit



Author Notes I found the pictures in the Google domain, they are not our Bethlehem model.

HAIBUN is a Japanese poetic form that combines haiku with prose. It's in present or past tense. The subject matter can be autobiographical, a travel journal, a slice of life, a memory, a dream, or a short sketch of a person, place, or event. Topics can be about life, love affairs, human concerns, and experiences. The point of view is first person (the author's eyes), or third person (he/she). Use imagery, sensory, and concrete details. Length varies from very brief (1-2 sentences) with one haiku, to long prose entries with interspersed haiku.

The prose tells the story, gives information, defines the theme, creates a mood through tone, and provides a background to spotlight the haiku.

The haiku moves the story forward, takes the narrative in another direction, adds insight or another dimension to the prose, resolves the conflict in an unpredictable way, or questions the resolution of the prose. Prose is the narrative and haiku is the revelation or the reaction.

guidelines for writing haibun

for Haibun examples click here

for more information click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright 12/23/24

Chapter 117
Black December

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:dedicated to those who feel sad during the holidays


~ black December ~

Christmas lights don’t reach my eyes

 as darkness clings to me

and I can’t hear the carol songs

 in this merry-less end-of-the-year



Author Notes Gogyohka is a five lines unrhymed Japanese poem.
Feeling depressed during the holidays is common, it's called Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD. It affects 5 percent of adults in the USA.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons. The seasonal affective disorder (SAD) begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. These symptoms often resolve during the spring and summer months. Less often, SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer and resolves during the fall or winter months.

Treatment for SAD may include light therapy (phototherapy), psychotherapy and medications.

Don't brush off that yearly feeling as simply a case of the "winter blues" or a seasonal funk that you have to tough out on your own. Take steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the year. for more information about the Mayo Clinic click here

Some signs of S.A.D.:
1. forcing yourself to be happy
2. Low energy or burnout this time to the year is real
3. feeling the intensity of social isolation
4. facing unmet expectations or failed goals
5. commercialization and shopping fatigue
6 increased money stress
7 major depressive disorders with a seasonal pattern focus on metal health

Take the time to examine how you feel and speak with trusted friends or a mental health hotline if you are not sure if it's the blues or depression.

988 suicide and crisis phone line

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI suicide prevention hotline

Thank you very much for your time and kind review.


Artwork by Linda Nee. Presentation and poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) 12/19/24

Chapter 118
The Old Lady and the Turtle

By Gypsy Blue Rose

Author Note:Presentation and Poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright 12/26/24


turtle swallows its lunch 

in one gulp

as grandma watches it

with the kinship 

of a toothless smile


Author Notes Gogyohka is a five-line Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. You may use any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay. It usually doesn't rhyme, but natural not forced rhymes are okay. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe.
source = writers digest

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. The presentation and poem by Gypsy Blue Rose (c) copyright 12/26/24

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