By michaelcahill
The story of Vision and Sound spans time beyond that measured by humans. "Their story" is about two souls and their existance. "Their stories" are confined to those times when they have been on Earth as humans either together or separately.
The story is about their entire existence as souls and the journey they have taken. They are considered unique among souls in their connection to each other. The concept of soul mates is known here where souls reside. We understand and appreciate the term and human understanding of it. Vision and Sound exhibit that connection in ways that even we find difficult to explain.
They have both been on Earth many times and lived many lives. They have lived alone. They have been on Earth at the same time, unaware of each other. But, they have been on Earth an extraordinary number of times when they have found each other.
They have often embraced destiny as though they knew it stood in front of them with open arms. Awareness could never be more than a feeling, but sometimes it felt as though an invisible hand pulled them gently towards each other.
It is important that an understanding of our nature is established to properly tell their story and their stories.
Their story is a tale of two souls. Souls reside in what you would be comfortable in calling Heaven. I am satisfied with that as a name and a general concept. I could only confuse the matters at hand with further explanation.
I am also a soul. I reside there as well and know them both. I have certain abilities that other souls don't have. Again, the details and an overly detailed explanation would only cause confusion. I am a soul who knows what it is like to be human and remembers being human in detail. I know of the human lives of all souls. I know what souls have learned as humans and what they need to learn.
The other souls know when they are souls and they know when they are human. A human does not recall being a soul and what it is like to be one. The souls are aware of humans and can influence and even interact with them if they wish. But, they are not of great interest to them. Souls are of interest to each other.
Souls spend vast amounts of time discussing what has occured in lives spent on Earth. What was created? What good things were accomplished? What unfortunate acts were committed? Souls are more apt to observe than they are to intervene. After all, we do know that there is no real danger in anything that happens on Earth. All end up back here safe and sound. What is important is the learning.
You see? It is confusing already and I am stating this in the most simplistic terms I can possibly impart to you. I can safely tell you that you are a soul. You have lived here and you will live here again. You have met me and I know who you are. I tell you that almost solely to amuse you for you have no knowledge of it. You have no basis to believe it or not to believe it. But, your reaction to it would be the same as the two individuals in this story if they happened to be reading this as humans.
Now, listen, as this is important. A soul is altered by being human. A soul retains what it experiences as a human. It brings those experiences back as part of themselves. When it returns to being a human, those parts are already there and they do influence what reactions occur in the new life that begins. I'll leave it at that for now. Once again, confusion begins just thinking about it, doesn't it?
You can call me, Magic Felix. It's just a name that I came up with to amuse myself. Some of the other souls find it amusing. Some of the souls find it obnoxious. I find that amusing.
We call the two souls, Vision and Sound. Souls are not male or female, only humans are. Vision is a soul that has evolved into a being that relies on sight and visual stimulus to interpret the world. Sound relies on sound or the lack of sound. Sound is a name given partially in jest. Sound is not one to give speeches. Sound listens and speaks when it is time and usually with well thought out and chosen words that tend to be the last words.
That is simplistic and you will find that old souls like these are not simple. But, names will help identify them at least.
Of course, those are traits and names. Vision could be born as a human that is blind. Sound could be born into a family of politicians and live a life groomed for speech giving on the stump seeking office.
There is a great deal more to tell of the nature of souls and the workings of our home. When do we return to earth as humans? How many times do we come back? Are we ever through coming and going? Is there a time when we move on to something higher? Are we in danger of being discarded? Is there a hell? Is there a God? Which religion is the right one?
Well, I am not going to answer most of those questions. Those are for you to decide. If you knew, there would be no need to find out now, would there? If you have to find out then that seems to give life an important purpose doesn't it? Yes, it is a good plan.
Let's get on with the story. There will be plenty of time to discuss all of this. Too much of this will give you a headache. Anyway, I feel like telling some tales about my two favorite souls.
I take you back now about eighty thousand years to their first encounter as humans. Though the beings they inhabited were not exactly homo sapiens, they were nonetheless no more than a step away from becoming that. I reference time because you referrence time. We have no use for it. I am aware that you do.
Author Notes |
I discovered upon reading the original story that I'm going to have to rewrite almost all of it. I seem to be a better writer than I used to be! Well, for once, I have a direction and a basic story line to referrence. That is a new one for me. As always, critique, suggestions and input of all kinds is most appreciated. I am a novice when it comes to novels. So, help is needed and received with gratitude.
I'm calling this a fantasy though I am not sure that fantasy is the proper term. There are even elements of biography in this. So... any thoughts? Characters: Magic Felix: Narrator. A soul with special abilities. It is never stated, but appears to be the soul that is in charge. Vision- An old soul that interprets the world relying on visual input. Sound- Another old soul that relies on sound to interpret the world. A great listener that is usually going to offer the last word due to diligent consideration of all sides. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | This is an introduction to a book. I'm not sure what category this falls under. Fantasy? |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Your input has been wonderful. I do know where this ends up. I don't exactly know how it gets there though! Any ideas or suggestions will be seriously considered. There is a lot of room withing the story to explore and I'm more than happy to do that. Thank you so much. Some great improvements already to the first parts. Big smiles!! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | As humanity progresses there will be more interaction and dialogue and less narration. It won't be long. Great input that I thank you for. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
The stories will be moving into more conventional modes now that much of the introductory explanations and caveman segments are finished. Keep the feedback coming please! I realize this is an unusual story. The individual stories of their encounters on Earth will be longer and more detailed from here on out and should make this easier to follow. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | This is going much slower than usual for me. A much more difficult write. Getting to were it is going is proving difficult. I know what is there once I get there though. Ha! I very much appreciate the candid input you're giving me. It is truly keeping me from going way off track. Open to all input and suggestions. Thank you so much. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
I couldn't ask for better input. Please keep it coming. It is such a help to me in telling this story. There is so much to consider and your thoughts and ideas do wonders in keeping me focused.
Locations: Earth: The story and stories happen on Earth as two souls occupy human hosts in a series of lifetimes. When in human form, they have no knowledge of previous lifetimes or of their lives in Heaven as souls. The souls have feelings and memories, but they are not conscious. They do influence the humans they occupy heavily. Heaven: Heaven is a name we use to help the reader more easily understand where the souls live and come from. The souls call it home. Often referred to as "the other side". Characters: Magic Felix: The narrator. A soul that has special abilities. He has knowledge of all souls. He knows of all their lifetimes as humans and also knows what is is like to be a soul within a human body. No other soul is conscious in human form. Vision: Also known as Vi. Acknowledged to be thought of as female. The main character that we follow throughout several lifetimes. She will be seen in many identities both male and female throughout time as we track her story towards the present. Sound: Also known as Sam. Acknowledged to be thought of as male. The other main character that is so often found with Vision as they encounter each other over and over again. Also seen in both male and female hosts. Seen along with Vision through several lifetimes. There are various other characters most of whom are not seen again. Occasionally there is a character that appears that has encountered the two main characters before. That will be pointed out if it is of significance. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | The feedback continues to be amazing. I'm starting to get a better feel for where I'm going and how to get there. Thank you so much. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
I'm letting this go where it will. Wonderful input that is helping me so much. I can't thank you enough.
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Continued excellent feedback has me right on track. The reviews have been excellent and most helpful. Please keep them coming. I read every word and I apologize for being behind with responses.
The horns used in these times were quite simple and some military men used them to signal troops to advance or take a particular action. Music came to early Roman culture by way of conquest. They simply took the music of the Greeks and Persians and adopted it as their own. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Been off line. At the library to put a chapter up so you don't forget me. Back on line soon I hope. Thanks for all your help! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | At a neighbors house posting. They are thrilled! Hahaha. Thank you for continuing with the great input and support. I am enjoying this section quite a bit. I may become a gladiator! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Four separate forces converge on one spot at different times. Victory and defeat will change hands more than once. Great input and amazing ideas. I am listening, believe me. Thank you so much. At my neighbors again. Rachel is her name. I didn't even know it yesterday!! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
This is a little complicated.
There are four forces converging on the same area to do battle. #1 The Persian forces led by Artabanus coming to free the slaves in the city. #2 The troops of Tibertin who rushes to meet them rather than wait. He hopes to ambush them with a surprise attack. #3 The Persian slaves who have over run the city because Tibertin left it under guarded. They are rushing to aid their brethren that come to free them. #4 The southern forces of Tibertin led by Waltrian who have bypassed the city and rush to aid Tibertin. Martius is the Persian child that played with the Roman guard and discovered the city to be empty of soldiers. I left off the little headings this time as there would be too many and just confuse the matter. I realize this became a bit complicated. It all boils down to a lot of Romans fighting a lot of Persians. Our main characters are stuck somewhere in the middle of all this. Not the most romantic situation. Thank you for all the great suggestions and support. I had no idea this part of the story would turn into this. I think this section will wrap up in one more post, two at the most! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
So concludes this single lifetime. Vision and Sound or Vi and Sam as they are called will soon return to Earth at the same time again. The just concluded section expanded much to my surprise! So we will see what happens next. Any suggestions? You always have great ideas, so don't be shy. :)
I do have a finished book to go by, but the tone and style of it is a little different than I have fallen into here. So I am contemplating the next move carefully. I want to maintain continuity, but I do have some areas that I want to go into as well. I should just realize that I'm going to rewrite everything and just ignore what I already have. Hahaha! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
A little more "tell" than I like, but had to establish some things. Hope it didn't drag too much. Hope you will be as forthcoming with input and suggestions as always. You are lifesavers. Thank you.
Valerius is pronounced-Va-leer-ee-us Characters Vision also called Vi occupying Julia in this lifetime Sound also called Sam occupying Valerius in this lifetime Cassius-Julia's older brother by one year |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Thank you for the continuing great input. Listening intently. I'm behind in responses, but I am reading and have copied the reviews into word. Thank you so much. I appreciate every word. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Advice, suggestions, and input all gratefully accepted. Your help has been wonderful. Thank you so much.
This is listed as "Fantasy" for lack of a suitable category. There is philosophy in this as well as grains of non-fiction. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. So exciting to receive all of these excellent ideas and input. I can't tell you how delighted I am with the great support. Thank you. I know I'm behind in responses. I review first. But, I read my reviews and copy them to word. I'll try to catch up. They don't go unread. Thank you so much.
By the way. I'm calling this a fantasy for that is the only designater that comes close. It's not exactly a fantasy. There are elements of philosophy and there is also some underlying non-fiction as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Thank you for the great input. I appreciate any input. If something isn't ringing true or leaving you disappointed, PLEASE let me know. I often have questions myself if I am taking the right direction or if something is working. Criticism is fine! It all helps a great deal. If something sucks, tell me so I can unsuck it! Hahaha.
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Delighted with the wonderful advice and input. Please keep it coming. I'll try to get caught up with responses, but I put reviewing first. I know you'd rather have a review than a response. But, I do read every single review and copy them to Word. Thank you. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
I will try to get some headway going on responses to your fantastic input. I hope you notice the direction of the story and the many influences your ideas and input have had on the writing of this. Thank you so much. I had to rate this a three for violence because a two doesn't show any warning or even make mention of it. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | This continues to expand. The story goes where it goes, I suppose. Wonderful feedback as always. Great reviews filled with ideas and suggestions all downloaded to Word for future editing. Thank you so much. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
The story continues to evolve. The times dictate the issues and highlight what may not be as apparent at other times in history. Yet, these issues are always there in some form.
Wonderful feedback as always. So very appreciated. Thank you so much. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Moving along at the pace the story is dictating. Wonderful input and suggestions. I am delighted with the excellent feedback and consider every word carefully. Thank you. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Feedback continues to be excellent. Most appreciated. I'm always open to any suggestions. Is the pace to your liking? Let me know your opinions and input. I do listen. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Suggestions and input always eagerly sought! Wonderful input so far, much appreciated.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
I'm pleased with the direction this has taken. I hope you are too. The feedback has been wonderful and helpful as well. Any and all suggestions are listened to very seriously and are most appreciated.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Florentina is a new character that Valerius has met on the way home. As sometimes happens in life, things happen that are unexpected. This is one of those things. Your input is continuing to be a huge plus to me. I can't tell you how many great ideas come from reading your thoughts. Thank you so much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. Thank you so much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Excellent feedback. I learn from each little nit that is pointed out so please don't be shy. I appreciate it greatly. Some wonderful ideas that I keep in mind as well. Thank you everyone!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Truly excellent ideas coming with almost every review as well as great encouragement. This is one of the most enjoyable writes I have done. Thank you. List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
This post ran a little long to maintain continuity. I hope it is so incredibly exciting that you didn't notice!!
The feedback continues to be wonderful. Please continue to offer any and all suggestions. I consider everything you offer. Many of your ideas are intriguing. Your support means the world to me. Thank you! List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
The feedback and support is wonderful. Any suggestions or input is considered most seriously. Thank you so much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Excellent feedback and support continues. It is so appreciated. I am enjoying this section of the book more than anything I have written. I draw so many ideas from your comments and suggestions. I can't thank you enough!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes | Wonderful feedback as always. I am hopelessly behind and apologize for not answering every review in a timely manner. I do read every word and copy to my files in MS WORD. Wonderful input. Thank you so much! |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Feedback continues to be invaluable. Thank you so much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Romance blossoms as it must! Feedback continues to be wonderful. Thank you so much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful insightful feedback and excellent suggestions. Thank you so much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful insightful feedback and excellent suggestions. Thank you so much. List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful insightful feedback and excellent suggestions. Thank you so much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
I love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. The story takes place about 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
I love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-The priest from the nearby village that Valerius has been called upon to treat. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Wonderful feedback. I listen to every word and take it to heart. I often get excellent ideas from your thoughts and comments. The encouragement has been so appreciated. I apologize for my terrible record in responding to reviews. I'm buried and try to keep up with reviews first. I swear I read every word and appreciate your input more than you could possibly know. Thank you so very much.
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-The priest from the nearby village that Valerius has been called upon to treat. Agapito-A man in the forest met by Winslow and the others. He claims to be "the oracle", but only to scare the others and protect himself. They take pity on him and offer help. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
love this story. I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. The story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well. |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much!
List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value. There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much! List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value.
There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much! List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
Sorry for the sparseness or posting. I'm buried in reviews. Everyone's posting like it's going out of style. Hard to keep up. Hopefully it will die down soon. Looks like this section will wrap up soon. Always open to suggestions of any kind. Should I make this book one and conclude with this story? Or, just keep going forward regardless of the length? I didn't realize I'd fall so madly in love with 500 AD. :))
The Red Plague is small pox. There were many strains some more deadly than others. The best treatment was cleanliness to avoid infection and fluid intake to avoid dehydration. These methods were ancient in nature and as the Dark Ages approached falling out of favor. Treatments for all ailments would become more and more dependent on prayer and practices with no medicinal value. There is an end to this section coming soon. Two or three segments at the most. (I hope) I love the input and suggestions and help you all have been giving me as well. Thank you so very much! List of characters: Julia- the current incarnation of Vision. Vision is one of the souls that we are following throughout time. Julia is considered mentally ill. She has recall of past lives in great detail and sees them unfold before her. Very unique. Valerius- the current incarnation of Sound. Sound is the other soul that we follow. In this lifetime he becomes a physician and is drawn to Julia. As soulmates they are always drawn to each other although they are unaware of their connection. Petrus- The father of Valerius Abramus- The father of Julia Cassius- The brother of Julia Leopold- A church leader who is of a mind that the mentally ill are demon possessed. A danger to Julia Trellitia- A mentor to Valerius and sympathetic to Julia. The widow of the former village physician. Gregorio- Another mentor to Valerius. A well known physician in the great city of Constantinople. Rastavius- A mentor to Leopold and a leader of the church in the great city. Would kill a demon possessed person to free their souls and has done so. Very dangerous and influential over Leopold. Lourdes- A young woman that Valerius meets on the road home. Mother of Florentina. Florentina- Daughter of Lourdes. A new patient for Valerius. Showing signs of mental illness. Loves music like Valerius. Thurston- Another priest in the village. An ally to Trellitia and Valerius. Left Constantinople to get away from Rastavius and now has to contend with Leopold. Bishop Julius Brosius- A Bishop in the hiearchy of the church. Father Cervantes- a young priest that Leopold has taken under his wing. Winslow-husband/Adeline-wife/Noreen-daughter/Grenadier-disturbed son-- a family cast out of a nearby village when their son was accused of demon possession. The family fled to save their son's life. New patient for Valerius. The Oracle- A strange man that Julia and the others meet in the forest and invite to join them. Father Cicero-A priest from a nearby village that had been performing prayer and other rites on Grenadier to drive out the demon he believes the child has inside him. He is searching for Winslow and his family. Father Travis-Valerius travels to treat him and finds him to be at odds with Father Cicero over demon possesion. he story takes place after 500 AD. It is the beginning of the Dark Ages right after the fall of Rome. The church is becoming conservative and considering mental illness the work of the devil. It is a danger to Julia and Valerius who wants to treat her and protect her. Other patients come to Valerius and they are in danger as well |
By michaelcahill
Author Notes |
This is in the end stages of this section. Bear with me as I close this out. I have some things in mind and I must write them. I hope they are to your liking. This section will conclude book 1. I'm not sure yet if there will be two books or three. The story ends in the current century. There are many lifetimes in between. There are lifetimes lived separately as well. I know where I want to end up, but I'm not sure how I want to get there or how long I want to take. I had no idea that this chapter would end up being this length. Oh well, I loved writing this. Your help has been amazing. Wonderful feedback all the way through that helped the story and me as a writer. Thank you all very much.
For anyone late to the game. This is the story of two souls who are drawn to each other. They are soul mates. They keep running into each other in various lifetimes. In spite of tremendous obstacles they are drawn to each other. As humans, they are unaware of any previous existence or life beyond the one they are currently living. In the current story, one of the souls has visions of previous lives. She doesn't know exactly what they are, but she comes to understand that there is an existence beyond the life she is living now. |
By michaelcahill
Author Note: | The Final Chapter of Book One |
Author Notes |
This is the final chapter of Book One. There will be at least one more book and possibly two. Their story ultimately ends up in the here and now. There are many lifetimes in between. Some are lived separately and some are lived together. I'm not sure if I want to include lives lived apart or how much of their interaction in heaven I want to include. That will determine if their is one more book or two. Any suggestions?
Your feedback and loyalty in following this story has been wonderful. I've copied and pasted all of your reviews to word for when I edit this. I realize I am terrible about responding to reviews. I apologize for that. I do read every word. I'm just buried and can barely keep up with reviewing. My new years resolution is to do better. Thank you all very much. |
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