Start Your Novel
Instructor: Stacia Ann (Stacia Ann)Includes a free two month upgraded membership! Details
Please Sign In or Create A Free Account first.Start Date: Monday, January 4th, 2016
Duration: Four Weeks
Class Size: 7 Students
Seats Left: 3
You will learn the techniques for beginning a novel through reading sample chapters from a classic novel "The Great Gatsby," recognized as a great 20th century novel, and available online. This novel will be used as a model in all of the novel writing courses.
In addition, students will participate in weekly writing exercises toward the completion of their novel chapters.
Week 1: Getting ideas, difference between "short story scope" ideas and "novel scope ideas," deciding protagonist and main conflict, the genre of novel, and developing your idea into an outline
Read: outline of "Great Gatsby"
Write: Your novel idea and novel outline
Week 2: Where to begin? Deciding the correct place in the story events to open your novel, introducing the main characters, the narrator, the major conflict, the "usual universe."
Read: The first chapter of "The Great Gatsby"
Write: Your first pages/chapter 1 of your novel
Week 3: How do I keep readers interested? Introducing the main "story question" and the "inciting event" that "kick starts" the story.
Read chapter 2 of "The Great Gatsby"
Write: next pages/chapter 2 of your novel
Week 4: Where do I go now? Starting the protagonist on his or her journey: the "call to action" and moving from the "usual universe" onto the journey
Read: chapter 3 of "The Great Gatsby"
Write: next pages/chapter 3 of your novel
Instructor: Stacia Ann
About The Instructor:
Stacia Ann is an Linguistics Lecturer and Writing Instructor at the University of California. She has a doctorate of Education, Master's of Art in English/TESOL. This instructor has taught writing classes for over ten years. She also teaches academic writing and English as a Second Language at the University of the Pacific. A published author including works of short fiction and academic nonfiction including contest winning stories.