I really, rea Anderson grabbed the pillow from her. As she attempted to reach for it, his arms surrounded her. They stared into each other's eyes. His arms drew her closer. A silent stare continued.
"Didn't you say something about breakfast?" whispered Shana.
"I did," answered Anderson. They remained locked by each other's eyes.
A few moments later, Shana said, "I think we'd better go."
They remained in each other's arms.
"I think you're right." Anderson didn't remove his arms.
A definite sixer, Barbara!
"You have nothing to be sorry(FOR or ABOUT)."
Comment Written 05-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 05-Aug-2018
OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am on top of the world getting a six from you. You just made my day. Thank you. I will make that change.