Reviews from

Reflections of a dying breed

The future is not written in stone.

36 total reviews 
Comment from Sharon Davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A succinct, thought-provoking piece that invites the reader to pursue their best life, for as long as that life exists. Well composed and presented. Thanks for sharing this work.

 Comment Written 18-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you, Sharon, for your kind and thoughtful review. I appreciate all the nice things you said about this prose piece. You covered what it was about very well.
    Thank you for this excellent rating and review.
    Have a good evening,
Comment from Leann DS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is well written and it has a great message. It certainly gives me something to think about. Actually, I read it three times. :-) Thank you for sharing this. And blessings to you.

 Comment Written 18-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you, Leann, for your kind review. I am impressed that it was thought-provoking for you and that you read it three times. Thanks for the excellent review and rating.
    Take care,
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great message, Jesse. You were beginning to worry me with the existentialist beginning (so poetically written that it felt like free verse) but you end with a a powerful exhortation, "You can taste defeat but, know that your heart is still aflame with desire, to do something righteous, noble, and profound with your life." We all know our lives on earth have an expiration date but we can live the best lives we can by loving others and blessing those who remain.

 Comment Written 18-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you so much, Helen, for this unique analysis of my prose piece. It is funny...some people love the introduction the most and others like you like the ending the best. I love the phrase "a powerful exhortation." Wow, I am impressed with how you view my ending.
    I appreciate your quoting me, and thank you for your kind words. I like your idea of loving others and blessing those who remain.
    Have a happy Tuesday and on through the week.
    Take care,
reply by lyenochka on 18-May-2021
    You, too, Jesse!
reply by lyenochka on 18-May-2021
    Thanks, Jesse! Have a great rest of the week!
reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    You too!
Comment from TheTurtleDude
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice piece of literature. You have a nice use of imagery. Your piece of literature also has a great message to it. Thanks for sharing.
Best Wishes,

 Comment Written 18-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you so much for your kind comments and encouraging review. I am glad you liked this and that you think the message is great as well.
    Have a wonderful day,
Comment from Janet Foor
This work has reached the exceptional level

Really good work Jesse. Loved the opening line that set the tone and drew the reader in.
A thought provoking and timely piece with reflections of the past.

Well done.

 Comment Written 18-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you so much, Janet, for the wonderfully insightful review and the exceptional rating! I am glad you chose the opening best friend actually said to me as he was looking at his analog watch. He was my muse for this prose piece, and I have thanked him profusely.
    I am glad you thought it was thought-provoking and timely in its applications of looking at reflections of the past.
    I appreciate your kind words very much!
    Those and your six stars mean the world to me!
    Have a beautiful afternoon,

Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is terrific writing, Jesse. You flesh out the setting with excellent use of imagery; ie we are on the game-field of life. The conflict is that we are being replaced, which is a natural cycle and the resolution, no problem, just keep going on until you are a shooting star.

Excellent writing. You are really taking to prose, next thing you know, you'll be writing a novel.

Always a pleasure to read and review. :)


 Comment Written 18-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you, Gloria, for your kind review. I appreciate you letting me know what worked for you and your summation of what I was saying in this prose piece.
    It is always a pleasure to read your reviews, my friend. It feels really good to know, that you think, that I am taking to prose. What you say means a lot to me.
    Have a great day!
Comment from Irish Rain
This work has reached the exceptional level

Never too late to make a difference.
One kind gesture, a smile...we never know
the effects down the road on others our
actions can leave.
I always said the future belongs to the
But... I will never relinquish my hold on
the present. I enjoy it too much, ha ha.
Love this Mr. Jesse,

 Comment Written 17-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you so much for your insightful commentary on my prose piece. I am overjoyed with the exceptional rating! It was a great surprise last night to receive it, and I am sorry that I didn't get back to you sooner but, life intervened. I love what you say about never relinquishing your hold on the present. I agree wholeheartedly!
    Have a lovely day, my friend,
reply by Irish Rain on 18-May-2021
    Don't worry about getting to my reviews right away...I do mine when I can. As you gets in the way sometimes, especially this time of year.
    Loved your piece...have a great week!!
reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thanks for understanding.
    I am so happy that you loved my prose piece!
    Have a good rest of your week!
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thanks for starting my week off with a boost of encouragement, my friend! Yesterday is gone. Today, the first day in the rest of our lives. And tomorrow, if it comes, a chance to measure what's left to do and "Begin Again." Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 17-May-2021

reply by the author on 18-May-2021
    Thank you, Ric, for your insightful and thoughtful review. I am glad I could start off your week with a boost of encouragement! Your unique commentary is uplifting and realistic. Thank you for this wonderful review and excellent rating.
    Have a great rest of your week!
Comment from Bill Schott
This work has reached the exceptional level

These are the times when, as we reflect on what we have done and can still do, we realize that the past is what it is and the future will now be what we can accomplish in a measured space. Still, we must make hay while the sun shines.

 Comment Written 17-May-2021

reply by the author on 17-May-2021
    Thank you so much, Bill, for this exceptional rating! I love your commentary and assessment of our life and times and what we can expect and do with the finite time we have left! Thank you for the insights and your generosity with the extra star!
    Have a great week...let it be one with plenty of sunshine so you can make hay!
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your opening sentence is phenomenal! You so thoroughly capture the speed of life! No time to sit on the sidelines...or to cede our life's footprints to the fresh faces youth nipping at our heals! Such a motivational write! Bravo!--Karenina

 Comment Written 17-May-2021

reply by the author on 17-May-2021
    Hello Karenina! I am so glad to read your review and am even gladder that you like my prose so much! I love your comments...kind and insightful. Thank you so much for your wonderful review and excellent rating!
    Take care, my friend,
reply by karenina on 17-May-2021
    Thanks Jesse! Wishing you a wonderful week!--Karenina
reply by the author on 17-May-2021
    You too!