"The Aspen Grove Murders"

Chapter 1
The Aspen Grove Murders

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

[Chapter One]
Somewhere I had crossed the crime scene tape without knowing, edging my way to her with trembling hands.
A bloodied rock had become her pillow, and fallen leaves blanketed her petite frame, as if she were tucked in bed for the night.
I crouched down to look at my daughter more closely. Her face was the color of parchment and cold to the touch. Smoothing her red curls into place,  I worked my fingers to the side of her neck to confirm what I already knew--she was gone. 
All the Halloween revelry had ceased, and the air that commanded the night stirred the forest like a witches' brew.  
Footsteps came towards me from behind, crunching the dry leaves and snapping twigs. "Sir, step away from the body! This is an active crime scene!"
I rose, turned, and faced the man. "I'm her father, Tommy Thompson."
"Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove, PD.  Mr. Thompson . . . I was the one who sent the auxiliary officer out to your home."
"I wasn't at home. I was serving hot apple cider at the fall festival.  Phoebe said she was going to have her face painted, and check out the astronomy exhibit.  When she didn't return by 5:30 . . . ."
Falling backwards, I staggered away from the sight, refusing to believe a crime had been committed against my girl. The cop's voice dogged me as I tripped along in a drug-induced nightmare.
"Wait—!  Mr. Thompson!"
The next thing I knew, hot coffee was in my hand, and a nice lady named Wilma or Willa shared the space beside me on the tailgate of a rusted Chevy pickup. Hot tears fell uncontrollably, and I gave up trying to stop them.

My mind couldn't comprehend what I'd seen, much less search the heavens for an answer. More help arrived, and the blue lights flashing in the dark scalded my eyes.
A group of terrified parents clutched their children while waiting for an official word from the police chief I'd met in the woods. He finally arrived with the sheriff, followed by a swarm of reporters.
He spoke with a sadness in his voice that matched his expression. "I am sorry to say that Phoebe Mae Thompson has passed, and her closest relationship has been notified. Our office would like to extend our condolences to her father, Tommy. It is the loss of our young ones that hurt our tight-knit community the most.
"I will need statements from everyone who had seen or interacted with Phoebe during today's open air festival. Be assured, we are gathering all the evidence, and we will update the citizens of Aspen Grove accordingly. After you have given your statements, I encourage you all to head home.  
"If anyone needs a ride, Sheriff Gonzalez will gladly accommodate your party.  That is all for now."
An hour later, the heavy-booted captain made his way to where I was, his breath expelling in the bitter cold. "I'm so sorry for your loss," he said again.
"Why my girl? Why . . . ?" I hurled the Styrofoam cup and rocked back and forth in pain.  
Accusations flew out of my mouth left and right. "What's being done? Do you have any leads? Persons of interest? Has the coroner arrived? "
"If you're ready to come out of retirement, Mr. Thompson, or should I say, Lieutenant Thompson, just say the word! I'm terribly understaffed."
Refocusing, I saw the two officers near me, poised, and ready to help.
"I ... I'm sorry!"
"There's no need to apologize," said the captain. "As difficult as this is to ask, I still need a statement from you."
I stared back at Captain Riley, seeing my former self: same height, same weight, same burdens.  We may have been the same age. "Anything to move along the investigation."
"Thank you!  Detective Willa Sams will take your statement while I help out the sheriff. So many came on foot for today's festivities. I can't let them walk home . . . not tonight."
Willa magically produced another Thermos of hot coffee as the temperature began to plummet. Lacing my hands around the cup, I welcomed the questions, willing to do anything to secure justice for my daughter. 
"Fire away, Detective." I said. 
"You probably know this drill from your years with Baltimore PD, so here we go. Was there anything out of the ordinary going on with Phoebe?"
"Besides hormones, no. Phoebe was perfect. I'd just talked to her about the changes she was experiencing with her period, as learned secondhand by living with four older sisters, and my wife. She seemed to embrace it, and was very confident in herself.  Mind you, she cried at the drop of a hat, but smart and kind like her mother . . . ."
"Where is Phoebe's mother?"
"She's buried in Baltimore. A story for another time perhaps, Detective Sams?"
"I understand. I'm really sorry for your losses. I can't imagine."
"Hopefully, you never will!"
"During the festival, did you see anyone suspicious hanging around or hitting on Phoebe?"
 "There was a young man dressed like he was from the 1500s, with long hair, and a linen robe tied with a rope. He came to my booth for apple cider, twice, and spoke in thees and thous. I didn't take him too seriously because he had on a Rolex watch. I figured he was role playing or getting into character.  That's the only thing that stands out at the moment."
"Had you ever seen him before?"
"Definitely, not. One-of-a-kind!"
"What time did Phoebe leave you?"
"Around 3:30. The face painter had a long line and Phoebe eventually gave up. She returned to get a drink around 4:15, and had agreed to be back by 5:30. The last time I saw her, she was headed to the astronomy exhibit."
"No texts or messages on your phone?" 
It was all that I could do not to slug myself. "No. Phoebe lost her cell phone the day before yesterday."
"I see. Thank you, Mr. Thompson. Let me know if anything else comes to mind."
"Please, call me Tommy. I soaked your jacket with tears, so I think we've graduated to first names."
An unobstructed full moon rose above the tree line and shone directly overhead, casting a luminous light in every direction.
Captain Riley worked his way back to the vintage Chevy and sat. I handed him the remains of the coffee, which he accepted with a nod, and drank it down in appreciation.

After a few minutes of silence, he looked me square in the eye, and said,  "I have a cot at the precinct if you'd like to crash there tonight. Tomorrow morning we'll resume our investigation."
"We?" I asked. 
"Yeah. Think on it.  I'm good . . . as long as you don't go vigilante on me!"

I accepted the offer to stay at the precinct, unable to face the reality of going home. There was no home, not without Phoebe. 
Hoarfrost had come overnight, icing the patchwork ridge of our town; a postcard fall day I would trade in an instant for the life of my girl.
Captain Hank Riley and Detective Willa Sams arrived at the precinct within a few minutes of each other, setting the day in motion as the coffee brewed.
I gulped down my first cup of the Donut Shop Blend as I showered and shaved in the world's smallest bathroom, then attempted to fit into Hank's clothes. The collar was too tight, so I borrowed a clean t-shirt, going full-on Don Johnson. I squeezed some Visine into my blood-shot eyes, finger-combed my hair, and gargled with mouthwash that burned like molten lava. 
Not allowing myself to overthink what I was about to do, I boldly stepped into Riley's office,  "I'm ready when you are, Sir. " I announced.
 Willa stood beside me as I took my oath to serve and protect, received my new badge, filled out a ridiculous amount of paperwork, and strapped on a 9mm Glock.
The growl in my stomach signaled it was time for something other than coffee.
Willa spoke, rather authoritatively, after taking a hard look at me in the light. "I'm behind the wheel today, Detective. That's an order!" 
"Already bossing me around, Detective Sams?" 
The look in her eyes said it all.  Can't say I blamed her. 
My temporary partner turned out to be a no-nonsense kind of gal, and insisted we go to Jo's Diner for a pancake breakfast. 
"Morning, Jo,"  Willa said, grabbing the first available booth. 
"It's been a helluva night by the looks of you both!" said the vivacious owner while pouring steaming coffee into porcelain mugs. "Two specials?"
"Sounds good," Willa said. 
The friendliest person I have ever known wasted no time as she offered her condolences,
"Tommy, I'm so sorry about Phoebe!  I have placed a reward jar smack dab in the middle of the counter! Folks have been quite generous—except for Ralph—who I caught trying to snitch! Can you imagine? I made him feel so bad, he put it back and added ten dollars! Anyway, folks 'round here love you,  and we are gonna find the guy who did this!"
"Guy? Betty Jo . . .  do you know something I don't?"
Switching gears faster than a Ferrari, she yelled to the cook, "I'm taking a smoke break now!"
The voice answered back, "I thought you quit?"
"Whatever! I need ten minutes! That should give you enough time to whip up two more specials!"
She parked her pencil behind her ear as she looked me up and down. "So . . .  you're back to being a detective? I think that's what you were always meant to be."
"Everyone around me thinks so," I said, distracted by the overflowing reward jar. 
She scooted me over with a delightful bump of her hip, and let loose her inner detective. "Here's what I think happened to your girl. Please don't toss me in the loony bin until you've heard me out."
Betty Jo's eyes narrowed as she spoke, "Not so long ago, there was a coven of witches that lived in the next town. They practiced ritual sacrifices on All Hallows' Eve! My theory is that they quit for awhile to avoid prosecution, but this old gal thinks they may be up to it again. They 'specially like pretty virginal girls between twelve and fourteen-years-old."
"Jo! How do you know this?" I questioned, trying to keep my voice down. 
"Because. . . they came after me," she hissed, "just like your sweet Phoebe!"
Looking around, she lowered her head further and continued, "The young recruits new to the order must prove their loyalty to Satan by bringing a live sacrifice on Halloween. Generally, it's held outside, especially if it's a full moon, or like last night's rare blue moon."
"How the deuce did you escape?" I asked.
"I broke away, grabbed a fallen tree branch, and whipped his sorry, unconsecrated ass!"
"How old was the guy?" 
"Eighteen, I think . . . ."
"And you were?"
"Phoebe's age. Don't make me say the year out loud, Tommy. It's too embarrassing!" 
"What did he look like?"
"Charles Manson creepy! Long unkempt hair, and animal-like fingernails. He wore a burlap tunic over blue jeans. I dunno . . . dressed like he escaped Hell on a day pass!"
I looked at Detective Sams, and said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" 
"Yes——! Betty Jo, would you consider a new career as a detective?" Willa asked. "Tommy needs a partner!"
"Do ya?  So . . .  you don't think I'm crazy?" 
"We'll, maybe a little,"  I teased. "So, you really whipped his butt?" 
"Swear on my papa's grave," Betty Jo said in earnest. 
Our conversation was interrupted by drama from the galley. "Two specials for you, Jo!" hollered the cook. "Are ya done yapping?"
"Almost! Did I mention it was a ten minute break?"
She pressed her fingers to her temples and gave them a quick rub before continuing, "I will need some training, especially with all that technical crime scene stuff. "
"We'll train you," Willa assured. "Captain Riley trained me. It's an ongoing process in law enforcement. The newer DNA  technology helps in crime-solving and getting a conviction to stick."
I added my own bitter reality. "And then you have judges that let the guilty walk on a technicality, only to kill again. Truth——that's why I left Baltimore PD because some low-life scum was given a free pass and let back on the street. On that day, it was my wife, Lilly,  gunned down for a few bucks! Phoebe and I were home, watching Charlotte's Web  for the umpteenth time."
The whole diner must've heard what I said and came to a hush.
"Say no more," Betty Jo said, breaking the somber mood. "I accept! It may be time to trade in my spatula. Tommy and Jo! That has a nice ring to it——don't you think? Kinda like Starsky and Hutch!"
My would-be partner left a ruby-red kiss on my cheek before rising to get our meals.
I will never have a dull day again,  I thought, imagining Betty Jo Jenkins in her new role as a police detective.
After a filling breakfast, Willa and I headed out to the coroner's office to meet with Dr. Achaius Stuart.

A knot was building in my gut, hoping Phoebe hadn't been sexually assaulted. In my fifteen years with Baltimore PD,  that was always the first question concerned parents had asked me. Now, I was living their fears in real time. 
The coroner's office was one of the oldest structures (still standing) in our quaint town. The 1930s bungalow was  painted sage green, with a weeping willow swathed over the roof line, and potted ivy lining the front porch steps. The inside was equally as charming, and heated with a wood stove. 
The gentleman doctor didn't seem to mind the cold, wore hand-knit woolens, clogs, and spoke in Scottish-English. His wild, grey hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and his blue eyes had a unexpected sparkle. This was odd to me——considering his unique profession. 
"Enter! It's a dreich day! Come in, come in! I keep it cold in here because I prefer it. Now then, I have your girl ready for you, Tommy. Willa and I will step outside and give you some privacy. No rush at all!"
"Thank you, Doctor," I said, trying not to break down. 
The light auras I had last night returned, and I wondered if I could even do this. Summoning courage, I asked, "Was Phoebe violated?"
"No, she was not! It appears she fought like a wildcat. I scraped a good amount of DNA from underneath her fingernails." 
"And your determination?"
"Clearly a homicide, blunt force trauma. Possibly an abduction gone wrong or interrupted. You mind that as you say farewell to your bonny lass. We will speak more later, once the lab results are returned. 
"Now——please!" I begged, holding up my badge. " I've come out of retirement to seek justice for her.  Phoebe was everything to me! Surely you can understand?"
"I do. It's a wicked world we live in, Detective Thompson. The only other thing I am able to tell you from my assessment is that I've seen this before as the county coroner. Your daughter escaped a much worse fate. Much, much worse.
"It's this old man's opinion that Phoebe had been chosen for human sacrifice and had fought off her killers and won us some DNA. Perhaps we will find the one responsible, and maybe the whole clan of 'em. I can't imagine how many innocents they've killed over the years."
I pressed him for a simple answer. "First, Jo Jenkins, and now this news from you? Let's go arrest those monsters now! Where do they meet?" 
"Detective . . .  do you own a Bible?" 
"What's that have to do with this?" 
"Because you must understand the kind you're dealing with here. They don't meet in buildings, and when you look for them, they disappear into thin air.
"It is a spiritual battle we wage, my friend. The Bible describes them as rulers, authorities, powerful forces of evil in the heavenly realm. Satan is their master, and his earthly followers do his bidding.
"Your girl was a pure one, innocent; and they wanted her. Frankly stated, she fought her enemy to the death. Trust me when I say, the person assigned to Phoebe will be punished severely or killed by the demonic leaders of this cult."

Suddenly I knew what I had to do for Phoebe's sake, and those who'd come to the same end.  I bowed my head and prayed, "Lord, forgive me for being gone so long.  I need your help . . .  for Phoebe's sake."
Wiping more tears on my sleeve, I said, "All right, take me to her."
The east facing window filled the tiny room with soft light. My eyes dropped to the sheet-covered body laid upon the table. I could touch my Phoebe now, without anyone telling me to step away. 

My hands traced her beautiful face, as I admired her translucent skin dotted here and there with freckles, each one reflecting her unique name and personality. Pulling her as close as possible, I held her for a long time before saying anything.
Finally, I whispered, "I know you're already with God and your momma, sweet pea. I won't be far behind."
When I couldn't look upon her anymore, I kissed her cheeks and left the room, remembering our best days together. 
Willa was waiting outside the washroom with a curious look in her eye. 
"What is it?" I asked.
"If Doc Stuart wasn't the coroner, I'd insist Captain Riley hire him alongside Jo," she said. 
"He's both intelligent and insightful," I said, then added, "maybe we could persuade him to help us."
Willa pulled me over to  the doctor's cramped office which was a menagerie of collectables and historical things.  If there was a color on the wall, I couldn't tell you what it had been originally, or if it was wallpapered.
Newspaper clippings, obituaries, and copious maps of Maryland were scattered with colorful pin dots, and lined every available inch of the wall space. There had to have been a reason for each map, and the pins that seemed to form odd shapes around our municipality.
The coroner entered the office and spoke, "Interesting, isn't it? Do you see the upside down cross with Aspen Grove in the center?" he asked, pointing. 
I grasped the occultic symbolism right away, and managed to eke out a proposal, "Would you consider being a consultant on this case, Doctor?" 
"Well . . . I thought you'd never ask!"
To be continued . . . .

Author Notes Dreich day: Scottish for cold and wet.

Chapter 2
The Aspen Grove Murders #2

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter One—
Willa was waiting outside the washroom with a curious look in her eye. "What is it?" I asked.
"If Doc Stuart wasn't the coroner,  I'd insist Captain Riley hire him alongside Jo," she said, emphatically. 
"He is intelligent and insightful," I commented, then added, "maybe we could persuade him to help us."
"Wait until you see this!" Willa exclaimed, as she pulled me by the arm into the doctor's office.
The tiny room was a menagerie of collections and oddities of all kinds. If there was a color on the wall, I couldn't have told you what it was originally, or if it had been wallpapered. Every inch of wall space was covered in maps of Aspen Grove, scattered with different colored pindots. There had to be a reason for each map, and the pins that seemed to form odd shapes around our municipality.  
The coroner overheard us, and entered the room, "Interesting, isn't it?" he asked, pointing. "Do you see how the pins form an upside down cross with Aspen Grove at the center?"
I grasped the occultic symbolism right away, and managed to eke out a proposal, "Would you consider being a consultant on this case, Doctor?"  
"Well . . . I'd thought you'd never ask!"
{Chapter Two}
I leaned against the doctor's desk and studied the maps on the wall, trying to make heads or tails of Aspen Grove and the numerous colored pindots. Catching his eye, I asked for more insight.
"Doc Stuart, explain——if you would——the difference between the white pindots versus the orange and red ones in the area I found Phoebe."
"You're very observant," he said, drawing closer to me. "A single white pindot represents a youth under sixteen years old that has disappeared. The red pindots are like your Phoebe, in that a body has been recovered. Orange is Jo Jenkins, as she is the only one who lived to tell a story."
Detective Willa Sams said what I could not," Look at all those white dots, Tommy. There must be at least thirty-five here!"
"There are actually forty-two disappearances all together," stated the coroner. "I've been keeping a record of my observations since 1980."
Fresh anger boiled up inside me once again, and I let loose. "For decades our children have been preyed upon by these murdering creeps, and with impunity? I'll not rest until Phoebe's killer rots in prison!"
"Righteous anger is good, Tommy," said the perceptive doctor, "and I gave the last police chief a burning snoot full! He immediately resigned, packed up his apartment, and left town. If you ask me, I think he was spirited away by the presence of Hank Riley!"
I calmed down a little, thinking I had my first person of interest. Turning to the resourceful Detective Sams, I got things rolling.
 "Willa, I want a full background check on this guy. What's his name?"
"Joe Santucci!"
Miss Fast Fingers was already flying on her cell. "Done and done, Detective Thompson," she said with a click. "It will take a few minutes to get a complete report with known associates, family members, and an updated criminal background check."
Something told me former Chief Santucci had much more than back alimony or unpaid parking tickets associated with his name.  Doc Stuart seemed to be an excellent judge of character. 
The day was getting prettier by the minute, and I was ready to go outside.  There was something I needed to do before I laid my daughter to rest. 
"Willa, since we are waiting on Phoebe's labs and the background check on Santucci, how about a walk?"
"Where to?"
"The crime scene. Phoebe's silver cross is missing, so I thought I'd look around. It was a family heirloom."
"You go ahead and take some time," she said softly. " Captain Riley wants to meet with us over lunch. We have to go through all the oral testimonies we collected from the fall festival. The captain has two eyewitnesses that interacted with the same odd-looking guy you'd mentioned."
"Do we have a name?" 
"No... but we have a sketch artist coming this afternoon."
"I'll be back by then," I assured, clueless of what lay ahead of me in the forest.
My heart began to ache as I continued deeper into the area I would never be able to forget. How my girl loved to romp through the Maryland woods on autumnal days like this, pointing out the natural beauty.
The morning gray had given way to a crystal blue sky; and I wept again thinking of Phoebe's beautiful blue eyes against her red hair.
In the distance, I sighted the crime scene tape, still roped around the trees; and I slowed in reverence. The sun was so intense, I sought relief in the shade. Oddly, it didn't help. 
In the light, I caught sight of a transparent creature, seemingly not of this world, hovering over me.
The face was that of a little girl, with opal hair and skin. Wings flanked her frame, and were the size of a great eagle. Her robe was long and colorless, as if color was forbidden in this otherworldly place.
I was filled with awe, sensing the angel was of righteous origins. She floated down to where I was standing, and spoke, "I am Patience. From where have you come, Sir?"
"My knees wobbled along with my voice, "I am trying to figure out who killed my daughter. Are you the answer to my prayer?"
"I am if your name is Tommy."
"Assured I was having a hallucination, I asked, "Is this real? Are you real?"
She didn't respond, but pressed something into my hand: Phoebe's silver cross. 
"So... you are real! Forgive me. As you can see, I have been shaken to the core by this. Can you help me, Patience?" 
"The Lord has sent me to help you, and like my name, your mission will require an abundance of patience."
"I am afraid to say, I am just the opposite.  I want this case solved today!"
"And what about the others?" the angel begged. 
I found a trace of saliva, and sputtered,   "Others? You sound like Doc Stuart!"
"He's a lovely man. A gift to you; and your . . ."
"Yes.  A gift to you and your team," she said, finishing her sentence.
Suddenly the sky turned coal black; and the wind picked up, stirring every fallen leaf and stripping the trees of the remaining ones. Another creature appeared in our midst: a demon of rank——I supposed at the time——and watched as he materialized from the surrounding trees. 
The demon was crawling with everything unclean and nightmarish, had veined, bulging eyes, and wore a moth-eaten suit from another age. His wild, raven-colored hair and brows stood on end as if electrified. A noxious smell filled the air, and I came close to throwing up. 
"Who is this... person, standing on my turf?" he seethed, showing his blood-stained teeth. 
Patience moved in front of me, then grew in stature three times her size, transforming into a ravenous lion.
"Nix! This is my turf now! " she roared. "BE---GONE!!"
The lion reared back on its haunches and flew, pouncing on the evil spirit until he was no more. When the dust settled, Patience was the same as before, with her demure smile and gloved hands folded in quiet victory. The sky returned to a cloudless blue, and the leaves were restored to the trees as if the showdown had never happened. 
I was frozen, unable to move or speak after witnessing such a thing.  
"Draw close, Tommy," the angel said, wrapping me in her robe. "Receive the power of God for your task!"
After my encounter with Patience, I felt different because I was different; so changed I was ready for whatever was required of me. Fear had  left me too, and in its place was courage and fresh faith. 
If my red-headed girl could look evil in the eye and defy it, so could I. 
I slipped her cross around my neck and vowed not to take it off until I had found her killer and closed all the cold cases, every last one of them. 
To be continued . . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor of the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. Jo has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.
Patience: Angelic Visitor.
Nix: Territorial Demon.

Chapter 3
The Aspen Grove Murders #3

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Two —
After my encounter with Patience, I felt  different because I was different; so changed I was ready for whatever was required of me.
Fear had left me too, and in its place was courage and fresh faith. If my red-headed girl could look evil in the eye and defy it, so could I.
I slipped her cross around my neck and vowed not to take it off until I had found her killer and closed all the cold cases, every last one of them. 
{Chapter Three}
Although I couldn't see Patience with my physical eyes, I sensed she was near; and I remembered her words to the demon, "This is my turf now!" There was obviously a battle for the area between the forces of good and evil, and I was now a key player. 
Touching my hand to Phoebe's cross, I realized the next step: it was time to return home, the place I'd dreaded until now. Setting my face north, I picked up the pace and hiked the well-worn path to my cedar-hewn structure. 
Cardinals were visiting the low-lying feeders; and, apparently, the squirrels had taken their fair share of the birdseed. Other than that, not much had changed since yesterday, except the red-haired girl I would have swept into my arms in greeting if given one more day. 
The aroma of my famous apple cider still clung to the entryway;  and the stray cat Phoebe had named returned once again, curling his striped tail around my ankles. 
I stooped and greeted the orange Tabby, stroking it's luxe coat. "Well, it's just you and me, Sebastian. Phebs is gone . . . ."
The door creaked, reminding me to oil it; and two days of junk mail tumbled to the floor. 
Rummaging through the pantry, I found the gourmet cat food my kind-hearted daughter had insisted on buying, and tore open the easy-open pouch on the third try. A clean banana split bowl offered itself for the presentation, then I filled the largest container I could find with tap water for my languishing visitor.
I propped open the porch door and issued a directive to the full-grown Tabby. "Do your business outside, and we will discuss a more permanent arrangement. Comprender?"
Amazingly, the cat seemed to understand. Grabbing my car keys, I exited through the garage, promising my tentative roommate I'd return by sundown. 
I slid into the last parking space, thinking I had minutes to spare. Only then did I realize the time I spent in the forest with Patience was in the spiritual realm and not of this earth. 
Captain Riley's eyes met mine in examination. "Tommy... you look different!"
"I do? Huh. Must've been the walk in the forest."
"Not buying it, Detective, and as Willa would say——spill!"
Before I could respond, Willa entered and gasped, "What in the world?  Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, Tommy?" 
"I'm a guy. One glance in the morning does it."
Willa dragged me to the tiny bathroom and Riley followed, not that there was any room in there for three adults. 
Looking in the mirror, I saw someone else. I ran my hands over my face, and turned my head side to side in astonishment. 
Willa couldn't contain herself another second, and spoke, "Okay, this falls in the category of the unexplained. Are you the same man with the creased forehead and sunken eyes from this morning? You remember... the one forbidden to drive?" 
 "If I told you I had an encounter with an angel, and saw her decimate a demon in my presence, would you believe me?"
Our conversation in the loo was cut short by the arrival of the two eyewitnesses: a married couple that willingly offered themselves, Dan and Maggie Van Velzen. 
Willa greeted them both and escorted them to the conference room, then politely excused herself to prepare a fresh pot of coffee.
I grabbed a pad and pen, and pulled up a chair and sat. Both Dan and Maggie looked at me with blank expressions; so I reintroduced myself, "I'm Phoebe's dad, Tommy Thompson. I've come out of retirement to help solve my daughter's case."
My new "look" continued to mystify everyone in my orbit.  
The tender Missus was the first to snap out of it. "Oh——yes! I'm sorry. I hardly recognized you, Detective Thompson.  Dan and I are so sorry about Phoebe! She was such a lovely girl!" 
"Thank you," I said, still producing more tears than I thought possible. 
Reaching for a tissue, I continued, "Your unique last name sounds familiar. Detective Sams and I spent time with Doctor Stuart this morning. He showed us a map of Aspen Grove, and the record he has kept of children that have gone missing from our municipality since 1980. Did I see one with the name Van Velzen?"
The father erupted, "Yes, you did!" he sobbed. "Our daughter, Candace.  She... she's...."
Willa returned with the coffee to find the room in a puddle. Thankfully, I was able to offer comfort and hope to the couple, the same thing given to me by the angel, Patience.
And so it began, as the Van Velzens recalled what they'd seen at the fall festival,  and the strange visitor they noticed that had taken Phoebe by the arm in a way that suggested familiarity. This was hard for me to hear. But I know my daughter; and as a seasoned detective, I also know things can appear to be one way, when in reality, they're just the opposite. 
I met with the sketch artist and gave him the description of the suspicious time-traveling young man with the Rolex watch  I'd seen hanging around the festival. When finished, the artist showed me the drawing,  then asked, "Is this close?"
I studied the image and made a comment, "The hair needs to be darker, but yes, you have him on paper."
That night, Detective Willa Sams called me at home to tell me of the news.
 "Tommy, the Van Velzens described the guy to a T, and the sketch was identical to yours. Not only that, they remembered him from 2009; the year of Candace's disappearance. Strange thing is, he's not aged a bit."
"Have you submitted the sketch to the National Criminal Database?" I asked. 
"Just now," she said, unable to hide her fatigue. "Hank and I are still here, playing the waiting game."
I gave the pot a final stir and licked the spoon. "How about a working dinner? I have 4-alarm chili, cornbread, and apple cider."
"Say no more!" she said, coming alive. "We're locking up now!" 
I looked at my newly acquired cat, and said,  "Company's coming in ten!"
White Falls, New York. Present Day——
A film of gray mist hung over the town of White Falls, casting a ghostly aura. The only lights burning at the late hour came from the RaceTrac Gas Station and the neighboring Crouching Lion Pub, whose Christmas lights flickered year-round. 
Joe Santucci stopped for double scotch at the pub, then wheeled his luxury sedan around to the brightly lit pumps for the premium extra.  A call came in as he was waiting for the credit card receipt to print, and it upset him. Really upset him. 
He hung up the call prematurely and dropped his cell phone on the pavement, smashing  it with his heel until it was unrecognizable. "Nobody treats me like that," he screamed.  "Nobody!  Do you hear me?"
The station's attendant heard him loud and clear and issued a warning, "Mr. Santucci, get a hold of yourself!"
Wiping the perspiration from his brow, he nodded, then slapped a thousand dollar bill in the man's hand. "What did you overhear?" he asked, his voice altered by the possession of another. 
"Absolutely nothing, Sir. Don't forget your receipt, Mr. Santucci." He turned and left, tucking the bill in his coat pocket. 
A vintage Harley pulled in, straddled by an older man. He revved the engine as if he were trying to annoy the unstable Santucci. The rider was dressed in all black, wore spiked metal gloves, and a helmet emblazoned with a skull and crossbones. The man's soulless eyes burned into Santucci like a blow torch.
The wretched man stumbled to his Mercedes, unable to look at the mysterious rider anymore. As he peeled out, the bad dream finally disappeared into the night.
Two hours later, he'd forgotten about the threatening phone call and the not-so-easy-rider he'd encountered at the gas station. Smirking, he praised his actions, and how he stood up to cult's pressure and their unreasonable demands. I'm in control, he thought, not the other way around. Time is on my side. They need me; and when they realize it, they'll be back.

A single headlight came up from behind him on a two-lane highway, and as Santucci reasoned, had to be traveling at an unbelievably fast speed.
"Are you crazy?" he said aloud, then slowed. Finally he rolled down his window and signaled for the motorcyclist to pass.
Nothing doing. 
They continued on for a mile or two, and the crazed cyclist became more aggressive, ramming the Mercedes repeatedly in torment. 
The human trafficker and exploiter of children begged for his life as his sins came calling. "No!  Wait! All I need is a little more time!"
The demonic spirit leapt from the Harley and onto the speeding Benz, driving it over the cliff. Joe Santucci died on impact. 
To be continued . . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor of the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. Jo has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.
Joe Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angelic Visitor.
Nix: Territorial Demon.

Chapter 4
The Aspen Grove Murders #4

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Three—
A single headlight came up behind him on a two-line highway, and as Santucci reasoned, had to be traveling at an unbelievably fast speed. 
"Are you crazy?" he said aloud, then slowed. Finally he rolled down his window and signaled for the motorcyclist to pass.
Nothing doing.
They continued on for a mile of two , until the crazed cyclist became more aggressive, ramming the Mercedes repeatedly in torment. 
The human trafficker and exploiter of children begged for his life as his sins came calling. "No—wait! All I need is a little more time!" 
The demonic spirit leapt from the Harley and onto the speeding Benz, driving it over the cliff. Joe Santucci died on impact. 
{Chapter Four}
White Falls, New York—
The demon shed his mortal exterior and spread his wings in flight. He spiraled down, down, down to the Mercedes and landed on top of the smouldering wreckage, landing feet first with a loud K-Thunk! 
His sulfurous breath expelled in puffs as he moved about in the bitter cold.  Reaching through the window, he touched the man to make sure he was dead. 
"Yep.  He's a goner! Excellent work, if I say so myself."
Cupping his hand to his remaining ear, he strained to listen. "No sirens?  The slow response from our officials will serve its purpose, and allow me to look around, undisturbed."
Narrowing his eyes, he searched the Mercedes' interior for the cell phone. He discovered a lollipop in the glove compartment, and stuck it in his mouth, forgetting his teeth and soul had rotted eons ago.
"Hooey! No wonder dentists make a killing!"
Refocusing, he continued digging.
"Nothing but a bloody Bluetooth," DeeCayed observed, stroking his pointy chin. "Curses!  I need that phone! And, I need it bad! The master will certainly cut off my other ear if I fail him!"
Stepping back from the twisted metal, he circled his right hand in the air and summoned fire, his black eyes reflecting the inferno.
A spiritual war was brewing over the mountain town of White Falls, and at the center was a tiny SIM card from Joe Santucci's cell phone. 
No human knew of its whereabouts——only the Lord who sees all, and His servants, the angels.
Carried on the wind, was Patience, ready to secure the phone, and deliver it to Detective Tommy Thompson.
A territorial demon known as DeeCayed, was about; and he, too, was searching for Santucci's cell, and would stop at nothing to obtain it. 
It was deader than dead at the RaceTrac gas station. Night manager and sole attendant, Chase Levins, had nodded off in his comfy chair, oblivious to the dumpster-diving teenager. 
At first glance, he thought the girl rummaging through the trash was homeless, but as he watched her graceful moves, he thought—no!  Maybe a college student down on her luck. 
He approached her cautiously. "What are you doing at this late hour?" he asked. "Are you hungry?" 
The angel straightened and met his gaze. "Me... hungry? Oh! Heaven's no! I was searching for a lost cell phone. I have it now!" she said in triumph. 
The man stared, not sure what to make of the story, and the beautiful woman holding what appeared to be Joe Santucci's Smartphone, except it was in one piece. Impossible, he thought. I must be dreaming.  I saw the criminal destroy it with my own eyes!  
"Are you a cop?" he asked.
"No," she replied, matter-of-factly. "I help law enforcement from time to time."
"Like a consultant?"
"Yes . . . ."
"Do you have a name, Miss?"
"Call me Pat."
"All right, Pat. For the record, I didn't have anything to do with Joe Santucci." 
"Mr. Levins, did a thousand dollar bill buy you that line?"
A sickening feeling washed over the man, and he wondered how the night visitor knew about such things. 
The wind changed direction, signaling the angel's departure.  Before leaving, she offered,  "Another will come shortly and ask you about the phone, and he will kill you regardless of your answer! Take my car——now——and drive to Aspen Grove, Maryland. Tell the police everything you know about Mr. Santucci's crimes. It will redeem you in the end. Go!"
Snapping her fingers, the car's engine started and Chase Levins found himself behind the wheel in a flash.
I awoke in a panic, hearing the voice of Bob Barker over my head. Jumping to my feet, I realized Sebastian had pawed the remote and turned on The Price Is Right. 
"Is that the time?" I gasped, then stumbled to the Keurig  and brewed a travel mug full of the strong stuff. 
Willa and Hank had left me for dead, and had been kind enough to clean up the chili mess and pack away the leftovers. I opened the cat food on the first try, and scooped it into in the washed bowl that only a woman like Willa Sams would leave behind.
I cracked the porch door and leapt the stairs in four strides. As I was stepping into the shower, I sighed. "Remember . . .  you have God, and an angel on your side, my friend. He's placed an extraordinary team of people around you to help."
After I'd showered and given myself a good talking to, I ventured into Phoebe's room and breathed in the sweet scent of her. 
Diffused rays of morning light fell on a Bible, lying open on her desk; and it called to me.
 I sat, and began to read the text in Ephesians 6—
For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. 

I mulled this over for awhile, and decided to take my daughter's Bible with me and learn more. Apparently, both Phoebe and Doc Stuart were ahead of me in spiritual things.
The doorbell rang and Sebastian jumped from the bed and scurried down the stairwell to investigate. An Amazon delivery, I supposed.
I opened the front door to see someone else: a young lady from Speedy Delivery  who was no stranger to my cat. He practically flew into her outstretched arms. 
"Sebastian!" she exclaimed, pulling him close.
I cleared my throat, and asked, "Package?"
"Are you Tommy Thompson?" she asked, keeping her face hidden beneath a pink ball cap. 
"I am."
"Delivery for you, Sir. Sign here . . . ."
I studied her for a few seconds, noticing her posture and flawless skin.
She sighed. "Yes, it's me. I really need to work on my disguises!" 
To be continued . . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. Jo has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.
Joe Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angelic Visitor. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. 

Chapter 5
The Aspen Grove Murders #5

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Four—
Sebastian jumped from the bed and scurried down the stairwell to investigate.  An Amazon delivery, I'd supposed.  
I opened the front door to see someone else: a young lady from Speedy Delivery who was no stranger to my cat. He practically flew into her outstretched arms.
"Sebastian!" she exclaimed, pulling him close.
I cleared my throat, and asked, "Package?"
"Are you Tommy Thompson?" she asked, keeping her face hidden beneath a pink ball cap. 
"I am."
"Delivery for you, Sir. Sign here . . . ."
I studied her for a few seconds, noticing her posture and flawless skin. 
She sighed. Yes, it's me. "I really need to work on my disguises!"
{Chapter Five}
DeeCayed was in a bad way and wasn't sure how he was going to fix it before his boss found out.  As he was contemplating the situation, the phone wired to his head rang. It was Beelzebub. 
"My Prince, how may I serve you?"
"Cut the crap, Dee! Where's the cell phone? As you know, I needed it yesterday. Tell me you didn't incinerate the device!"
"No... no, nothing like that! This is a temporary setback!  I have everything under control," he said, crossing his lying fingers behind his back. 
"I see nothing but a pyrotechnic display on the news! Listen to me closely, Dee. I want Joey's cell in my possession at this time tomorrow. Do you understand?"
DeeCayed looked as though a thunderstorm had nailed him as sweat trickled down his crooked spine. "I'm on it! It's practically in my hands!"
"Need I remind you, failure is not an option?"
"No, my Liege."
"Good! I'd hate to lop off the other ear!" Click

The high ranking demon resumed the hunt for the coveted cell by donning his mortal cloak——a chilling visage of a biker that had lost his soul long ago. 
Things were picking up at the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls under the temp employee filling in for Chase Levins. She knew how to do all the important things and brewed a heavenly pot of coffee. 
As expected, the biker had returned to the gas station in a last ditch effort to acquire the missing cell phone or lose his ear. 
"Demon at the pump!" Patience alerted. "It's showtime!"
The angel nodded nonchalantly to let the impersonator know of the specifics. "Morning! The coffee is free with a fill up. Help yourself."
"Don't mind if I do," he said, looking the new girl up and down. "Where's the manager?"
"I'm the manager," she replied in a more assertive voice. "I may be a temp and a woman, but if you look at me that way again, you'll lose more than your ear."
"Ooh! Feisty!  I adore feisty!"
He thought he'd have his way with her until another car pulled in. Drat! This could have been really fun!
His filthy dreams were interrupted when she spoke again, "Payment now, and then hit the door before my boss comes in and hauls you out with the trash!"
The demon hurried with the cash and feigned an apology. "I was just kidding around, Miss. No harm, no foul! I'm actually looking for my cell. I dropped it yesterday while I was here. Could I have a look around?" he asked, stuffing money into every available donation container. "I just love those guys at the Shriners Hospital."
"Yeah——I bet you do!"
Patience continued in her role as she knelt and lifted a box from underneath the counter marked Lost and Found.
"The night janitor collected a few things. Is this the cell you're looking for?" She waited, hoping he'd take the decoy. 
"Oh, yes. That's it! You have made my day!"
"I wish I could say the same!" she muttered under her breath.

An enormous gift had been given me by way of the angel, Patience. I'm not sure how she acquired the criminal's cell phone, or knew of the contents. I thought it best not to ask too many questions. 
"Joe Santucci is gone," the angel said in parting. "The evidence on his cell phone will help with your investigation. Be forewarned, the evil spirits surrounding him are in a frenzy. But do not worry, Tommy,  if ever you are in trouble, just call for me."
I entered the precinct ridiculously late, bearing a box of warm doughnuts and the package containing the cell phone, hoping my gifts would make up for my tardiness. 
Detective Willa Sams snagged me first, stealing my line. "You're never going to believe what I'm about to tell you!"
"Good morning to you too, Detective." I said, handing her the packages while I wiggled out of my coat and hung it on the rack.
"What's this?" she said with a glimmer in her eye. 
I let her have it square on. "Doughnuts."
"You know what I mean. The small package in all the bubble wrap."
"It's Joe Santucci's cell phone."
"That's not funny, Tommy. I mean——you're kidding, right?"
"Nope, not kidding."
"I suppose you saw this morning's news? Joe Santucci's car went over a cliff in White Falls, New York last night.  The car and body were burned beyond recognition."
Now it was my turn. "What...? Has the coroner made a positive identification?" 
Captain Riley entered and switched on the vintage black and white TV. Channel 9 Breaking News in White Falls came into view as Hank announced, "No, they haven't identified the body yet, but the Medical Examiner has the charred remains on the table. I suspect it may be our man."
I sat for awhile and looked at the same horrific scene on replay. The news cameras zoomed in on the fulminating heap of metal; and I realized the miracle of the cell phone and the reason for the angel's choice of words: the evil spirits surrounding Santucci were in a frenzy.  Apparently, so. 
I thought again what I had to lose by involving myself in this case, and realized it was nothing compared to losing Phoebe Mae. 
Captain Riley turned the TV off, and asked. "Tommy, explain how you just so happen to have Santucci's cell?"
At this point, I felt I was treading on thin ice, and had to tell Hank and Willa the truth.
"Remember when I told you I'd encountered an angel at the crime scene? Well... it was more than a brief encounter.  Call it a supernatural partnership. Not only does the angel want to find Phoebe's killer, she's revealing the key players that have been involved in these decades-old crimes against our children. This morning she appeared at my door to deliver the cell phone."
Both Hank and Willa turned as white as the driven snow.
I took off my newly acquired service revolver and badge and handed them to Hank. "I'm sorry to have wasted your time.  I know this sounds crazy; but to me, it's real.  Maybe I will start my own business as a private investigator." 
The captain placed everything back in my hands, and spoke reassuringly, "No, Tommy! We don't think you're crazy. Take a look at this report."
To be continued . . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. Jo has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.
Joe Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angelic Visitor. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. 

Chapter 6
The Aspen Grove Murders #6

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.


Previously, in Chapter Five~
Captain Riley turned the TV off, and asked, "Tommy, explain how you just so happen to have Santucci's cell?"
At this point, I felt I was treading on thin ice, and had to tell Hank and Willa the truth. 
"Remember when I told you I'd encountered an Angel at the crime scene? Well... it was more than a brief encounter. Call it a supernatural partnership. Not only does the angel want to find Phoebe's killer, she's revealing the key players in the decades-old crimes against our children. This morning she appeared at my door to deliver the cell phone."
Both Hank and Willa turned as white as the driven snow. 
I took off my newly acquired service revolver and badge and handed them to Hank. "I'm sorry to have wasted your time. I know this sounds crazy; but to me, it's real. Maybe I will start my own business as a private investigator."
The captain placed everything back in my hands and spoke reassuringly,"No, Tommy! We don't think you're crazy. Look at this report." 
{Chapter Six}

C aptain Riley handed me the letter sent from Doctor Stuart's office. I opened it, and stood silent, astonished by the coroner's findings. My eyes watered as I continued down the page of the official report dated November 1. 
DNA #1
Taken from: Thompson, Phoebe Mae
DOB: 8/5/09
Blood matched to: Joseppi L. Santucci
DOB: 1/15/73
DNA #2
Taken from: Crime Scene 
Blood matched to: Unknown Male 
DNA #3
Taken from: Crime Scene 
Hair matched to: Unknown Male in #2.
Dr. Achaius Stuart, M.D. 
Office of the Coroner 
Aspen Grove, MD
I read it again and studied each of the crime scene photos, making sure I'd understood what was implied. "So, Santucci did this to my girl? I thought he'd left Aspen Grove years ago?"
Five seconds later, I was out the back door without my coat, running blindly through the trees. The wind picked up and chilled me further, but I didn't care. 
"Lord, what am I supposed to do with this? A monster, possibly two, killed her?"
I threw my gun as far as it would go and my badge along with it. As soon as I heard the thud, I was reminded of my words: "Whatever it takes, I will solve Phoebe's case and all the others—no matter what."
"This can't be happening!" I screamed, falling to my knees. "Lord, you should have taken me instead of her. I don't want to live in this wicked world anymore!!"
The soft touch of Patience lifted my head as her angelic eyes bored into my soul. "Tommy, no! Don't say that!"
"Why not?"
She held up a cell phone, of all things, and a video came on. It was of me, just as I was dressed today, and holding a newborn baby.
"Is that real?"
"Yes, it is, and a wife and beautiful little girl are waiting in your future. Be brave enough to live, Tommy. Lilly and Phoebe are watching."
"What about Joe Santucci?"
The video switched to another scene and it was a screenshot directly from hell, and I understood the end of the wicked like never before.
Half an hour later, I found the things I had thrown away along with my courage. Afterwards, I cleaned up with some icy creek water before going inside. Naturally, Hank and Willa rushed to greet me. 
"I'm doing better," I said. "I needed a chat with the Lord."
"Obviously, it helped," Willa commented. "Your glow has returned."
Hank weighed in. "We can do this later...."
"No" I insisted. "Time is a-wasting—as Betty Jo Jenkins would say." 
I sat sideways on Willa's desk, and continued, "So... the guy at the festival with Phoebe may have been murdered too? There appears to be a lot of blood on this rock."
"Yes, there was," Hank explained more fully. "Originally, Doc Stuart thought it may have been from Phoebe. The strands of dark brown hair and blood imply a head injury."
Turning to Willa, I asked, "Has anyone contacted us about the sketch?"
"Nothing yet," she reported. "I have checked my email religiously."
I meant to say thank you to my temporary partner who'd become a real friend, for I know how important it is to have friendships, and love, and that I was created for loving relationships. I thought back to the video Patience had shown me, and how happy I looked. 
My sense of purpose returned when I realized not everyone had been given this unique opportunity. Many like Dan and Maggie Van Velzen were waiting for justice, and for me to do my job. 
By early afternoon we decided to put together a crime board. I wondered by the pristine look, if it had ever been pulled from the Staples box. 
Willa found her calling as she wielded the black marker. I stepped up to the crime board as she wrote. 
"Let's start with our first person of interest: Joseppi L. Santucci. Since this is his real name, we will update all our internet searches. Put something like autopsy forthcoming by his name," I said, although I knew it was our man. 
"Got it," Willa said as she scribbled. "Number one is Joseppi L. Santucci, Autopsy Pending."

"Number two is our 'Unidentified Mystery Man' from the fall festival, who was clearly present at the crime scene. We need to consider if this man was a victim of a crime himself," I offered in restropection. "Has anyone reported a missing person fitting his description?"
"No," said the captain. "No missing persons have been reported at all."
"Can we team up with the Sheriff and go over the woods again?" I asked. "Something has got to turn up."
Hank nodded in agreement. "That's a great idea, Tommy. I will call the Sheriff right now and tell him about the report. He's got a great pack of hounds. Excuse me while I make the call. You two continue with the crime board."
Running behind the Captain, I added one more thing, "Check the ER and see if a man came in on Halloween with a head injury."
"On it!" he said, waving at me. 
The wheels continued to turn as I thought about the other reasons the mystery man may have eluded us. 
"Willa, if he had committed a crime as an adult, we'd have something on him. However, if he was a juvenile offender, the file may have been sealed. Second, and very common these days, are rape kits that have never been processed. Since Santucci was our former chief of police, I would bet my Orioles tickets that we have many unprocessed kits filed away in evidence storage. I volunteer to go through the boxes on nights and weekends."
"I will be glad to help when I can, Tommy."
Willa heard the copier tweet and flew from the room, returning with photo art. "Here's the sketch of our man for the board."
Our "Unidentified Mystery Man" was added to the crime board with his likeness portrayed in shades of charcoal grey. 
"Do you have a recent photo of Santucci's ugly mug?" I asked.

Willa let out a sigh. "That's the thing, Tommy. Joe Santucci was really good looking—in a creepy, soulless way."
"Better looking than Hank?"
Hank must've heard his name and returned on cue.
"Well... I bet Santucci is smokin' hot right about now!" 
While we were admiring our first crime board; the door jingled. A man walked in with dark, terror-filled eyes.
Captain Riley greeted him and offered a chair. Willa came with hot coffee and the doughnuts we hadn't touched. There was something so strange about him until he spoke, "I'm Chase Levins from White Falls, New York. An angel sent me here. She asked me to speak with Detective Tommy Thompson about a man named Joe Santucci."
White Falls, New York—
The cellphone was dead. Dead as a doornail. DeeCayed had three hours and thirteen minutes to make good on his promise to Beelzebub. I'm toast if I offer my Lord a non-working device, he thought. 
Scratching his evil head, he examined the cell, and wondered how it could hold so much information. Nevertheless, his boss required it; and he thought his new plan was a good one.
Surely there was incriminating evidence Beelzebub could use for his advantage, he pondered inside himself, and something in it for me!
He let his raw-boned fingers do the walking in the yellow pages of the phone book, one which hung from a rusted chain of the disgustingly filthy phone booth. It was nearly as revolting as his soul, but not quite. A neat freak had left a bottle of hand sanitizer so the demon dabbed a little behind his remaining ear for good luck.
He perused the torn and worn pages and noticed an ad highlighted in bold print.
"There it is! Fast and affordable cell repair."
He dialed the number and waited. "I'm sorry, the number you've reached is no longer in service. Please dial "0" for further assistance."
"Curses! There's got to be something. Wait a sec—what's this? Fast Eddy's Cell Repair. No job too small. SIM card removal. Huh... I've heard that term before. That must be the memory thingamajig inside the phone. Yep, that's what I need!"
He hurried and dialed again.
Ring... Ring... Ring!  "Fast Eddy's. This is Pat."
The voice sounded strikingly familiar, but the demon continued, "Hi! I have a broken cell phone that needs a look-see. Where are you located?"
"Far away. Do you have a pen? You may need to write this down."
"Go ahead. I know this area like the back of my hand."
"Where are you now?"
"I'm in a—uh—phone booth."
"The one near the interstate?"
"I guess so."
"Okay. Take the Mountain Pass Causeway east to the first exit. Be careful, a car went over the cliff there last night. Exit at Southland Boulevard. Go straight for about ten or fifteen miles until you reach the Mega Mall complex. Parking is seven levels. I would park mid-tier and take the stairs. You can't miss us at the tippy top!"
DeeCayed touched his ear and reminded himself of Beelzebub's words and the consequences of failure. "I will be there in a flash."

To be continued . . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. Jo has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.
Joe Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. 

Author Notes It is possible for the gender of a person to be determined from a DNA blood sample.

Human have 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 of these pairs are common in both the males and the females, however, the last pair of chromosomes vary. The Females have a pair of X-chromosomes; whereas the Males have an X-chromosome and a Y-chromosome.

Forensic scientists have methods for the detection of the [Y-chromosome] in the blood samples by polymerase chain reaction; concluding the presence or the absence of the Y-chromosome.

Chapter 7
The Aspen Grove Murders #7

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Six~
Ring... Ring... Ring! "Fast Eddy's. This is Pat."
The voice sounded strikingly familiar, but the demon continued, "Hi! I have a broken cell phone that needs a look-see. Where are you located?"
"Far away. Do you have a pen? You may need to write this down."
"Go ahead. I know this area like the back of my hand."
"Where are you now?"
"I'm in a—uh—phone booth."
"The one near the interstate?"
"I guess so."
"Okay. Take the Mountain Pass Causeway east to the first exit. Be careful, a car went over the cliff there last night. Exit at Southland Boulevard. Go straight for about ten or fifteen miles until you reach the Mega Mall complex. Parking is seven levels. I would park mid-tier and take the stairs. You can't miss us at the tippy top!"
DeeCayed touched his ear and reminded himself of Beelzebub's words and the consequences of failure. "I will be there in a flash."
{Chapter Seven} 
DeeCayed was out of breath after leaping the steps to the very top of the Mega Mall. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the flashing neon sign: Open. Walk-ins Welcome.
Upon entering Fast Eddy's Cell Repair, he took a number, trying to exercise restraint.
Five, ten, fifteen tortured minutes passed until it was his turn, an eternity as the clock hastened to his deadline. 
He forgot to offer pleasantries when his number was announced, and blurted out, unabashedly, "I called earlier from the phone booth about a broken cell. All I need is for the information to be transferred off the SIM card and onto a new, top-of-the-line phone. It's for my job, you understand. I'm up for a big promotion."
The angel masquerading as an IT technician looked it over. "It will be costly...  approximately $1,800. Would you like a written estimate?"
"No, miss. How could I put a price on goods and services as valuable as these? By the way, Pat, how long will this take?"
"Two to four hours... if everything goes smoothly."
His eyes grew bulbous as sweat poured from his forehead like a waterfall. "You call that fast... or affordable?!"
The angel's stare made the demon stumble backwards.
"I apologize," he stuttered. "That's not... no... not a problem! I will enjoy a magazine or two while I wait in this comfy chair," he said, mopping his brow. 
Three hours later, the young lady returned at closing, and said, "I'm sorry. The SIM card appears to be ruined."
As she set the device on the counter; the demon narrowed his eyes. Of course... the beautiful manager from the gas station!
"Haven't we met before?" DeeCayed probed. "You're the new manager at the RaceTrac in White Falls, and if I'm not mistaken, you gave me this crap phone!"
Shedding his mortal exterior, he leapt over the counter as chains sprung supernaturally from his hands, binding the angel to the wall. "I've got you now, pretty one!"
Patience transformed into a lioness once again, and roared, "OH, NO YOU DON'T!!"
Drawing a sword of godly light, she broke the bonds one by one as a spiritual battle ensued. The angel got the upper hand and drove the demon out of the shop and up the stairs to the roof. Four great eagles circled about the tower waiting for the angel's command.
"Take him to the lair of Beelzebub!" Patience directed, holding the demon underfoot with a razor-sharp blade to his ear. 
"As you wish, Mighty Patience," the birds cawed, "as you wish!"
DeeCayed begged, pleaded, and bargained as the eagles took him hostage. "You can have White Falls, Angel! I—I will leave for good!"
"I now have White Falls in my grasp, you contemptible Imp! Enjoy your first-class ride out of here!"
"Nooooooooooo!! Pleaseeeeee!"
Aspen Grove Police Department~
Our precinct had been upended by the arrival of Chase Levins and his outrageous announcement: an angel had sent him with important information about Joe Santucci, and she'd loaned him her car. I thought for certain it had to be Patience, since she had delivered Santucci's cell phone to me earlier.
Captain Riley looked outside, and quickly gave an account: "A '59 Porsche! Your angel has impeccable taste. I had one identical to that in high school!"
Our light banter unsettled Mr. Levins, and he didn't say much after the Porsche comment. I feared the only thing keeping him together was his RaceTrac uniform. Captain Riley had already promised to help the Sheriff with the search, and left us with our unexpected visitor. 
After Detective Sams and I had won Chase Levins' confidence, he began to relax and open up about Joe Santucci. He had no idea about the car crash in White Falls, and we kept it away from him until we got his testimony. 
Mr. Levins told of human, sex, and drug trafficking coming by truck and cargo vans through White Falls and routed to the northeast to Canada. To my surprise, our new informant said Santucci appeared to be a middle man under the control of someone named Fee
Willa and I had enough experience to know "Fee" may have been one of those types who just had one descriptive name that defined his person or a group of persons involved in criminal activities. 
"I have never seen Fee—only heard of him," Mr. Levins continued. "Supposedly he and his associates, including Santucci, met at the Crouching Lion Pub to make their plans. I would check out the owner of the pub if I were you. I can't imagine he was clueless to the clandestine meetings inside the seedy-looking establishment. There's a reason it's draped with Christmas lights and open 24/7 when nothing else is stirring in White Falls.
"Then, the day before yesterday, around midnight, Santucci pulled in to RaceTrac for a fill up. I heard yelling and came out to see what was going on. Joe had stomped his cell in a fit of rage, then screamed, 'Nobody tells me what to do! Nobody! Do you hear me?'"
"Interesting," I said, as I wrote it all down.
Willa commented, "It sounds like Santucci had had enough of being the middle man."
The main phone rang, and I excused myself to take the call. It was the medical examiner in White Falls County, New York.  
I listened as the doctor confirmed it was Joseppi L. Santucci in the Mercedes-Benz that had gone over the cliff on Mountain Pass Causeway. "There's no doubt, Detective. I have a positive match from his dental records."
"Was alcohol involved?" I asked.
The doctor paused, then said, "No. He had a small amount of gin in his stomach. The adrenaline spikes in his bloodstream is a telling sign of death by fright. His fingernails left marks on the steering wheel cover."
I drilled deeper. "Do you think someone drove him off the cliff?"
"You will have to talk to the sheriff about that. It's my understanding there wasn't anything discernible, if you catch my drift."
"I understand more than you know."
"Detective, call my office anytime. I will be glad to clarify the report in any way I can. It's coming to you right now."
"Thank you, Doctor Ellsworth. Santucci was linked to my daughter's murder with a positive DNA match just this morning."
"Really? I'm sorry to hear that, Detective. Please accept my sincere condolences."
"I'm sorry too," I said in parting. 
To be continued . . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fee: To be revealed.

Chapter 8
The Aspen Grove Murders #8

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Seven~

I listened as the Medical Examiner confirmed it was Joseppi L. Santucci in the Mercedes-Benz that had gone over the cliff on Mountain Pass Causeway. "There's no doubt, Detective. I have a positive match from his dental records."

"Was alcohol involved?" I asked.

The doctor paused, then said, "No. He had a small amount of gin in his stomach. The adrenaline spikes in his bloodstream is a telling sign of death by fright. His fingernails dug into the steering wheel cover."

I drilled deeper. "Do you think someone drove him off the cliff?"

"You will have to talk to the sheriff about that. It's my understanding there wasn't anything discernible, if you catch my drift."

"I understand more than you know."

"Detective, call my office anytime. I will be glad to clarify the report in any way I can. It's coming to you right now."

"Thank you, Doctor Ellsworth. Santucci was linked to my daughter's murder with a positive DNA match just this morning."

"Really? I'm sorry to hear that, Detective. Please accept my sincere condolences."

"I'm sorry too," I said in parting.

{Chapter Eight}  

The past has a visage, superstition, and a mask. Hypocrisy. Let us denounce the visage, let us tear off the mask.

Victor Hugo ~ Les Miserables


Our meeting with Chase Levins spilled into the evening hours, so I took the liberty and ordered a couple of pizzas.

Takeout wizard Willa Sams had it all delivered by Uber with a half-off meal deal, possessing more coupons on her cell phone than a body could imagine. I was in awe. 

We ordered for Captain Riley who had been detained on the search. A text from him said the Sheriff's dogs had caught a scent at the crime scene and led the searchers all the way to the Jenkins' farm. He asked if we could meet up with him if they found anything. Willa and I assured him we would be there no matter the hour, possibly with Chase Levins in tow.


The November evening was as wild as it was bitter cold, the temperature plummeting to near freezing. In the moonlight, Captain Riley could make out the form of Betty Jo Jenkins coming up the dirt path to greet the party of searchers.

"Evening, Sheriff... Deputy... Captain Riley!" she called out. "Y'all must be frozen half to death! Can I brew some coffee for ya?"

"Thanks, Betty. Maybe in a bit," said the captain as he eyed the outbuilding at the rear of the sprawling property. "Mind if we take a look inside your barn?"

"Sure thing! I have a key for the door. It's kept locked per my daddy's wishes. This way...."

Lead dog, Prince, caught the scent again, and let out a long howl, signaling a find. "Oooooooooooooowhooo!"

The group took off in the painted path of moon glow and finally reached the barn's entrance and halted. The three dogs continued to howl and carry on. "Heel, Prince," commanded Sheriff Gonzalez. "That's a good boy!"

Captain Riley did the same with his team of bloodhounds, Delta and Delilah, and calm followed.

"There must be someone in here, or the world's largest raccoon ever tracked. I have never seen Prince so—on the hunt," the sheriff commented.

Betty inched her way through the pack and opened the lock. "I don't think there's anyone in here except my resident raccoon, which—by the way—is pretty scraggly, and maybe a few field mice!"

The sheriff stepped through the door with a powerful flashlight and illuminated the dimly-lit structure. "Yep, there's your mice taking cover! I don't see your local bandit yet," the sheriff said in jest. "The ol' raccoon probably heard the commotion and escaped out the gaping hole right there!"

"I've been meaning to fix that," Betty Jo lamented. 

Something stirred overhead, causing hay to shower down on Betty. She spun around and studied the open-air loft. "Looky there, y'all."

"It appears to be a human hand," said the sheriff, shining his light. "Is that a wrist watch?"

"It sure is!" said the eagle-eyed Betty. "Oh, it's him alright!"

"Him?" The men questioned in sync.

"You know... the odd looking guy that was last seen escorting Phoebe Thompson from the fall festival. He had on an expensive watch, remember?"

Suddenly, a loud moan drew a quick response from the Sheriff. "Call 911! He's alive!"


Captain Riley texted us as we finished eating, and it was all caps: COME ASAP! C.R. 15 TO JENKINS FARM ROAD. CAN'T MISS IT!

Detective Sams ran to the loo and was ready to roll in five. I had Chase Levins bundled up and in the back seat of the cruiser, then helped Willa with her hand full for the trunk. 

We left the precinct around 7:00 with Willa behind the wheel and sirens blaring. I turned around, surprised to see Chase Levins with a look of sheer delight. 

I called the captain on the radio. "Detective Sams and I are headed west to the Jenkins' farm. ETA  fifteen minutes."

"Copy that!" replied Captain Riley.

A few minutes later, red lights appeared in our rear view mirror, catching up quickly. Willa pulled to the right and had to stop on the easement to give way to the emergency vehicles. Her arm stretched across me in protection mode as we came to a sudden, rough stop. Once the ambulance passed, she looked to our passenger. "Are you okay, Mr. Levins?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said in a soft tone.

Willa turned to me with those deep brown eyes, and apologized. "I'm so sorry!  The easement along here must be in shambles!" 

It was then I saw it—the similarities in Willa Sams and the other women in my life that I'd loved and admired: protective, nurturing, caring, and loving. I was safe with her. I could trust her. I could easily love her. If I was honest with myself, I'd have to admit I was already falling in love. Unfortunately, my grief in the loss of Phoebe was still a wound that was red, raw, and exposed. 

"We're fine," I said, ripping myself from her gaze. "Let me check the front right tire." 

I got out slowly and practically fell down the hill. Willa was right–the roadside was crumbling. How our sedan hadn't gone in the ditch was a miracle. I knelt and examined the tire. It, too, was a miracle. 

I walked around to the driver's side and leaned in. "Willa, pull up about six feet and then I will hop back in. I'm afraid too much strain on the right side will blow out the tire."

"Okay. Step back, Tommy. I don't want to run over your foot."

"I will get behind the car and give you a push."

Before I could do anything, Chase Levins was out of the car and standing beside me ready to help. I shouted, "Sams! Give it a little gas!"  

We inched out of the dangerous area in a few seconds and onto a level piece of road. Walking back around, I looked at the right tire again, amazed by the firm appearance; then hurried back inside the car with our star witness. 

Willa checked all her panels and resituated herself. After a deep breath, she merged back on the country highway and resumed speed. 

Captain Riley's voice came back on the radio, "We found the man from the fall festival, Tommy. He's still dressed as you described him, however; he's very beat up and bloodied. Good news is... he's breathing!"

My heart leapt out of my chest. "I want him alive, Captain!"

"We're doing our best," the captain assured. "Betty Jo has been squeezing his hand and talking to him. The EMTs are pulling in now."

"Willa and I had to make a safety stop, but we're coming!"

I looked over at my partner, embarrassed by flooding tears, only to realize she was crying too. 

To be continued. . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Delta and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fee: To be revealed.

Chapter 9
The Aspen Grove Murders #9

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Eight~ 
Captain Riley's voice came back on the radio, "We found the man from the fall festival, Tommy. He's still dressed as you had described him, however; he's beat up and bloodied. Good news is... he's alive!"
My heart leapt out of my chest. "I want him alive, Captain!"
"We're doing our best," the captain assured. "Betty Jo has been squeezing his hand and talking to him. The EMTs are pulling in now."
"Willa and I had to make a safety stop, but we're coming!"
I looked over at my partner, embarrassed by my flooding tears, only to realize she was crying too. 
{Chapter Nine} 
By the time Detective Sams and I reached the Jenkins' Farm, the only eyewitness to my daughter's murder was being loaded into an ambulance. I felt sick as I watched the emergency vehicles leave together in red strobes of light. 
I rolled down my window, waving Captain Riley over. "Capt'n! Where are they taking him?"
Hank hurried over to the patrol car and leaned in, his warm breath expelling in white vapors against the cold. 
"Mountain Valley General. You and Sams go on to the hospital. While you're there, check Mr. Levins into the hotel across the street and pay for it with the precinct's credit card," he said, removing the card from his wallet.
After handing me the Visa card, he addressed our witness, "We appreciate your help, Mr. Levins. Are you heading back to White Falls tomorrow?"
"No, sir," he replied. "I think I'm going to try and find a job here until a case is formed against Joe Santucci's criminal empire. Not too long ago, I worked as an IT technician for Global Cellular."
The look on Riley's face was the same as mine. "Well... isn't that providential? Come by the precinct tomorrow, Mr. Levins. Tommy has a cell phone that needs a look. The SIM card has been damaged."
"I would be happy to."
Willa texted me and said she had Chase Levins settled at the hotel and would be coming to the ER shortly. Meantime, I waited in the busy hall of the emergency wing outside Triage #3. An opportune moment presented itself when an orderly left the curtain drawn open while restocking the supplies.
Sure enough, lying there on the bed was suspect #2 in my daughter's murder—the man seen leaving with Phoebe from the fall festival on All Hallows' Eve. 

I stepped out of the way as doctors and nurses rushed in and out with their heads buried in their iPads. A nurse must've seen me standing there, and spoke, 
"May I help you, Detective?"
I tried to respond; but, as I looked past her, all I saw was a frightening specter coming up from behind.
The man looked as if he'd never seen the light of day, with white hair as long as his tunic. His beard was longer still, and grazed his thigh. There was no expression on his face, only soulless eyes that told of an allegiance to a dark lord.
Suddenly, he picked up his pace and ripped back the privacy curtains of Triage #3, and shouted, "Gaston! Gaston!"
The militant nurse approached him and spoke in an authoritative voice, "Out–—out! No one's allowed in there just yet. Once he's stabilized, it's immediate family only!"
Glaring at the nurse, he raised a crooked finger. "Who speaketh in such a manner?"
That's all it took. I held up my badge, and reiterated the same. "Excuse me, are you family?"
No response.
I continued, "Sir, the nice folks here will need to see some sort of identification. Once they have verified a familial relationship, they'll make you a visitor's badge to wear while on the premises."
Not even a glimmer. He looked at me as if I was nothing more than a fixture. 
"You have two choices, sir. One—is to work with the hospital staff. Two—you can leave through the exit."
He stood for a while, motionless.
Willa came in the main door and saw what was happening, and immediately took her place beside me. A security guard joined us making a threesome. 
I held up my badge again. "So, what's it going to be, sir? It's your choice."
He wrapped his long robe around his reed-thin body, and shuffled out the way he came.
"Did anyone get a pic of this guy?" I asked. 
The nurse replied, "We have the warlock on security surveillance, Detective."
"Does the warlock have a name?"
"I don't know, but I have seen him before," the nurse confessed. "My guess is—that's the son or grandson in there. It's just a guess though. Don't quote me on that."
"Can you tell me if Gaston had any identification on his person?"
"Unfortunately, no, Detective. But his blood soaked clothes and shoes have been set aside for the county coroner. Doctor Stuart called earlier and said the man may be linked to an unsolved murder."
"That's why I'm here. Nurse...?"
"Price. Nancy Price," she said straightening her badge. 
"Thank you, Nurse Price."
"Go and rest, Detective. I'll call you when he wakes up."
Nurse Price was more than accommodating, and made sure I had WiFi, pillow, and a blanket for my stay.
Willa entered the small waiting room and sat, offering me a fresh coffee. I sipped it and realized it was the way I liked it: piping hot with real cream and two sugars. Sweet Willa, she always seems to know what I need, whether it's simple or complicated.
"It's late, Tommy. Why don't you go home and get a few hours of sleep. If our guy comes to, I'll call you right away."
I thought for a moment, and said, "I don't think I could sleep a wink right now. Besides, I can sleep anywhere. I insist you go and get some sleep. Your flag's at half-mast, Detective Sams."
"Okay," she sighed. "I'm beyond exhausted...."
"Do I need to call a cab for you, Sams?" I asked, loving to tease her.
"Oh, for heaven's sake—!"
"Then... let me walk you out."
"All right. It's nice having a gentleman as a partner," she said, unable to look me in the eyes.
I powered down my laptop and stowed it at the nurse's station for safe keeping. Layering up, we headed back outside. 
The temperature continued to drop in the valley area, causing me to button my coat all the way to my chin. A merciless wind hit us as we turned north to the rear parking lot. Instinct caused me to wrap my arm around Willa to shield her from the icy blast. I'm glad I did.
Willa and I could feel the evil presence before he manifested, coming up from below the earth. The smell that preceded him was sickening.
My partner held on to me, and cried, "Tommy!! What—is—that?"
The angel's offer to come when called returned to my mind. Looking up, I prayed, "Lord, help us! Send Patience!"
Lightning split the night, followed by a clap of thunder. The demon drew a sword and spun aimlessly around in circles, striking at nothing.
Although I couldn't see the angel, I knew she had arrived. I heard her. Willa heard her.
"Over here!" the angel taunted. 
The demon stabbed the air in desperate strokes time and time again.
"Getting a little rusty aren't you, cursed one?" She laughed. "You're doomed! You know that, right?"
"Show yourself, Angel. Are you afraid to show yourself?"
"Afraid... of you, Nix? How absurd!"
All was quiet for a moment until the angel fluttered down from above, bringing an aura of holy light. This was a Patience I had never seen, clad in full warrior dress. 
Willa muttered, "Is that the angel you encountered in the woods?"

"None other." I said, gaping. 
"The demon bared his rotten teeth and growled like an animal, then lunged at Patience with the sword and missed again. 
A giant eagle swooped down and swallowed the demon's sword. Three more eagles followed and grasped the demon firmly in their talons. The demon tried to move, but he could not, succumbing to the angel's power. 
Patience drew her sword and circled it above her head, stirring the wind once again. 
"Servants of the Living God, listen! Take the demon to the place where all uncleanness dwells."
"Yes, Mighty Patience!" the spirit birds said in unison. 
"Give Beelzebub a message, if you will. Tell him—'The battle is the Lord's, and we shall have the place known as Aspen Grove!"'
"At your command, great angel!"  
The eagles mounted on the tempest with their captive beneath them, gaining altitude.
"Go... ! Go...! Go...!" the angel cheered until the otherworldly scene faded and the night returned to calm. 
Patience bowed her head in prayer, and spoke in a language of a heavenly tongue. When finished, she trod to where Willa and I stood. 
"Come! Both of you... come!" She covered us with her wings, and graced us with indescribable heavenly gifts.
To be continued. . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fee: To be revealed.


Chapter 10
The Aspen Grove Murders #10

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Nine~
Patience drew her sword and circled it above her head, stirring the wind once again. 
"Servants of the Living God, listen! Take the demon to the place where all uncleanness dwells."
"Yes, Mighty Patience!" the spirit birds said in unison. 
"Give Beelzebub a message, if you will. Tell him—'The battle is the Lord's, and we shall have the place known as Aspen Grove!"'
"At your command, great angel!"
The eagles mounted on the tempest with their captive beneath them, gaining altitude. 
"Go...! Go...! Go...!" the angel cheered until the otherworldly scene returned to calm. 
Patience bowed her head in prayer, and spoke in a language of a heavenly tongue. When finished, she trod to where Willa and I stood. 
"Come! Both of you... come!" She covered us with her wings, and graced us with indescribable heavenly gifts.
{Chapter Ten} 
I awoke in the hospital waiting room with the feeling of someone hovering over me. Opening one eye, it was as I suspected. "Mornin', Captain!" I said, stretching my long arms. "What time is it?"
Willa sprang up from the other couch. "It's not what you think, Hank. Tommy and I were...."
I suppressed a smile as my partner tried to instantly straighten herself and finger comb her loose strands of hair.
"No need to explain," said the captain. "If I can't trust my sister and my lead detective, whom can I trust?"
"Willa's your sister?" I asked in a tone of disbelief. 
"Technically... my half sister. My—our—mother remarried. Willa is the surprise baby of the second marriage. As you may have noticed, I'm very protective."
I lapsed into silence although I wanted to tell Hank about our angel/demon encounter last night, and the reason Willa had slept here instead of going home. Now just didn't seem like the right time. 
"So, Tommy," Hank drawled, "any news about the guy from the barn?"
My mind snapped back. "Yes. We have a possible first name, Gaston. Nurse Price informed us he had slipped into a coma. He's being transferred to a room in critical care today. No other identification or information has surfaced on him yet. It's early, so maybe we will get responses to our inquiries as the day goes. Also, Doc Stuart came in the night and swabbed his bloodied clothes for DNA."
"Yeah, Doc Stuart called me first thing, and we talked for a long time," the captain told. "I'm swearing him in as a case researcher; and Betty Jo Jenkins as a detective this morning. That being said, I need for you and Willa to pick up Chase Levins and be in the office no later than ten o'clock."
"We will be there! I have a good feeling about this, Captain! 
"So do I, Tommy! Are you comfortable having Willa as your permanent partner?  From the looks of things, you two work very well together."
"I can't imagine having any other partner than Willa Sams." I said. 
{Estate of Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a Fee}
Fee sat in his tastefully decorated home office as he listened to the report, his anger erupting out of every pore. 
"You're certain it was Gaston in the emergency room?" he asked. "Santucci assured me he was dead!"
The long time assistant pulled a newspaper from his brief and spread it out before him. "Joe Santucci is dead, and the Benz you bought him is a piece of abstract junk art! He was in the car when it went pell-mell over a cliff in White Falls, New York."
Fee screamed, "How-did-I-not-know-this?!"  
"The medical examiner just confirmed it, Fee."
"And Gaston is brain dead, lying in a hospital!!"
"Gaston's father says he's 'unconscious' and surrounded by cops."
Fee flipped over the hour glass and watched as the grains sifted through the tiny opening. 
"Pour me a double bourbon and bring Candace to the drawing room. She may prove to be helpful with her husband."
"Yes, I'll get her now."
She had a life once. A good life with loving parents. Tears came at the thought of them and her life back in Aspen Grove. Everyone thinks I'm dead. I guess that's true. I am dead. 
Looking at her little child was the only thing that warmed her. This house is cold and lifeless, like the god they worship. 
A quick knock came at her bedroom door. "Just a moment! I'm putting the baby to bed."
The assistant saw the door ajar and hurried in. She covered her breasts and bowed her head in submission. "Yes...."
It was all he could do to hide his feelings. "Please forgive me, Mrs. Paulette. Fee wants you in drawing room this instant."
"Tell him I'm coming."
Wrapping a shawl around her shoulders, she quickly slid into her house shoes and left for the inquiry, praying to God this was her opportunity. 
"You called, Lord Fee?"
"Yes, Candace." He looked her up and down with hungry eyes. "Your husband has gotten himself into trouble, and it could lead back to me. I don't have any other solution except to send you to him. As beautiful as you are, the hospital staff will certainly let you in."
"I would be glad to go. Today?"
Yes... in an hour. Do something with your hair and put on a little lipstick. You're looking rather pale, my pet. The housekeeper will bring you some clothes, underthings, boots, and a coat. Hurry now. The car will be here shortly."
"And the baby, my lord. I must have him with me."
"If you insist. Far be it from me to separate a baby from his mother." 
Nothing could have been further from the truth or more damnable. But the desperate mother played along.
"Thank you, Fee! You won't be disappointed."
Candace entered the circular-shaped drawing room within the hour. She was dressed to kill with her shimmering brown hair secured in bejeweled hair pins, and her youthful cheeks and lips polished in raisin-red. Most importantly, she had a diary of her years at the Fee estate hidden in the diaper bag.
Fee rose from his chair as if he were in a trance.
"You look ravishing! How can I let you out of my sight?" He took her by the arm and escorted her and the baby to the waiting car, the morning sun dancing across her face in approval.
"After today, you're all mine," he whispered, nibbling her ear. 
Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out a syringe filled with poison. "Take this with you. Don't worry—Gaston won't feel a thing."
"With pleasure, my Lord."
The final act of kissing her captor was the hardest thing she'd ever done; but she did it, and to her credit, it was cinematic. 
The sedan carrying Candace and her newborn slowed as it grazed the speed bumps at the entrance to Mountain Valley Hospital parking. 
The taxi driver announced, "This is it, Mrs. Paulette. My instructions are to wait for you by the exit."
Hearing her name made her shiver, but she continued with her plan. "It will take some time, and I have the baby's mid-morning feeding soon."
"I'm at your service. Just text me when you're finished, and I'll pull the car around."
Thinking quickly, she asked, "What is your cell number?"
He said it twice and she memorized it, not that she'd ever owned a cell phone. 
She gently wrapped her infant for warmth, then tucked her clutch inside the diaper bag. "I'm ready."
The driver came around and helped her out of the back seat, and watched as she went inside. "It is done, great Patience! Candace is safe in Tommy's care." At that, the angel was gone. 
I was waiting for Willa when I saw a young lady in the lobby of the ER, seemingly lost and looking for a friendly face. Although I was running terribly late, I felt compelled to stop. 
"Oh... what a beautiful baby!" I said. "How old?"
"He's two weeks." she said hurriedly.
Her troubled eyes searched mine, and I felt at the moment she had no one in her life she could trust.
"Actually, I need your help, Detective. Can we talk in private?"
"Absolutely. Here comes my partner, Detective Willa Sams. Do you mind if she joins us?"
"Not at all! Where can we go?" 
"The chapel." I said, then ushered the ladies around the corner and through the double doors. 
We sat together in a small half-pew near the back of the sanctuary. The baby began to fuss, so Willa offered to help. "May I walk him?"
"Yes! Are you sure you don't mind?" 
"Of course not! I love babies. It's looks like you could use a little break." Willa held the tiny baby in her arms, and swayed back and forth in rhythm until he was back to sleep.
Meantime, the young mother handed me a journal that was so old, and so thick, it had been rubber banded to keep it from falling apart. 
"What is this?" I asked.
"All the evidence you will ever need against Fitzgerald Elling and Professor Gaston Paulette. My name's Candace Van Velzen. I was abducted from Aspen Grove in 2009, and I've been held against my will all this time," she said, dabbing tears. "Help me, won't you please, Detective Thompson?"
To be continued. . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince is a search and rescue dog. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 

Chapter 11
The Aspen Grove Murders #11

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Ten~  
Meantime, the young mother handed me a journal that was so old, and so thick, it had been rubber banded to keep it from falling apart. 
"What is this?" I asked. 
"All the evidence you will ever need against Fitzgerald Elling and Professor Gaston Paulette. My name's Candace Van Velzen. I was abducted from Aspen Grove in 2009, and I have been held against my will all this time," she said, dabbing tears. "Help me, won't you please, Detective Thompson?" 
{Chapter Eleven} 
"There is nothing like first hand evidence...."
Sherlock Holmes—A Study in Scarlet 
A triangle of light advanced across the chapel, casting an ethereal glow on Candace Van Velzen. I knew she had much to say, and her first hand evidence was key in bringing the many guilty ones to trial. I listened and wrote it all down as fast as I could. 
More evidence came from her Gucci clutch as she handed me a syringe, warning it was filled with a lethal poison. 
"I've been given in marriage to a man that is currently in the ER, Gaston Paulette. He was my abductor in 2009; however, he changed his mind and saved me from human sacrifice. His father, a warlock, forced us to marry. It's not legal, but what could I have done? I was their prisoner. I bore Gaston's children and lived in this nightmare to stay alive. Daniel is the only baby who has seen the light of day. 
"Fitzgerald Elling, or Fee as most of his servants call him, owns the estate where Gaston and I live together in unholy matrimony. Fee is a very bad man, Detective, and has sent me to kill Gaston by injecting him with whatever's in the syringe. I can't kill Gaston. If I do, I become one of them, and I will never be one of them.  And I will never return to Fee!" She sponged her eyes again before she continued, "You must be the answer to my prayers!"
I stood and pulled her up. "And you're the answer to mine. But first, we have to get you and the baby to safety."
She smiled for the first time. "I knew I saw goodness in your eyes. You too, Detective Sams."
Glancing at her watch, she announced,  "I almost forgot! Fee's cab driver is waiting for me outside the ER in one of the designated parking spaces. He's an older gentleman, and dressed in a black uniform. The white Mercedes sedan he's driving looks to be brand new. Could you peek and see if he's still there."
Willa slipped the baby back into her arms, and offered, "Allow me to take a look; then I'll call this in to Captain Riley. He's probably wondering where we are."
"Thank you, Sams!" I said, unaware of the time. 
A few minutes later, Willa returned with no sighting of the Mercedes. Candace prattled off the cabbie's cell phone number; so I called it from the hospital's courtesy phone, hoping to delay him on her behalf. 
An automated voice immediately came on the line, "I'm sorry, the number you have reached is out of service...."
I hung up thinking it could have been nothing or maybe something more deliberate. I went outside and checked for myself and saw nothing. I returned to the chapel by way of the main corridor, looking for anyone dressed as a cabbie, either sitting or milling about. No one fitting the description was inside the hospital either. 
The situation with Candace was urgent, and all the more so when I realized Fee wouldn't be far behind. I gathered the ladies and made sure we had everything, then said, "We need to leave the hospital as quickly and inconspicuously as possible."
Willa handed me a biohazard evidence bag with the syringe inside, and I tucked it inside my trench coat.
We followed the signs to the main desk of the maternity wing, hoping to get an infant's car seat. Willa explained the situation to the first person in a white jacket she saw, and we had it in a blink, and a complimentary tote bag full of formula and disposable diapers too. 
I power shopped in the hospital gift shop and found some normal clothes for Candace: a pair of stretch jeans, blouse, sweater coat, ball cap, and dark sunglasses. She changed in the ladies room and went from Armani to Mommy, and was unrecognizable. 
"I will pay you back, Detective," she said, "every penny."
"Consider it a welcome home gift from all of us at Aspen Grove PD," I said, then took the baby in my arms. 
Willa, Candace, and baby Daniel left the hospital around 11:00 in a yellow taxi. I followed in the police cruiser for about a minute, then realized I had completely forgotten about Chase Levins. I turned around and headed back to the hotel. 
I called Willa's cell, and she picked up right away.
"Missing something, Detective Thompson?"
"Besides you and a decent breakfast—just Chase Levins!"  I said, erupting in laughter. "Two hours of sleep in the hospital's waiting room isn't going to cut it today, Sams. I can't believe I forgot about him! I'm on my way now."
"Be safe, Tommy," Willa said.  "I just texted Hank, and updated him about Candace.  He's beyond excited."
"Me too! I'll be there shortly," I assured. "You know, Sams, the tide turned today."
"I know," she whispered.
"And I'm not just talking about the case, Willa. If this day ever ends, how about dinner tonight? I have something to discuss."
"Takeout at my place?"
"No. I was thinking—Leonardo's. You'll have to dress up. You do own one of those?"
"A dress? You'll have to wait and see. What time?"
"How about... 7:30?"
I heard a little sigh from Willa before she said goodbye and hung up. Suddenly I remembered my first love. That grand feeling when you breathe out their name and inhale their presence. The moment when you put yourself out there and realize the other person might love you back. 
Lair of Beelzebub. Upper tier of Hell.
Temperature today: 166 degrees Fahrenheit.
Forecast: Smoking hot with a 100% chance of demon expulsion.
The lord of the demons was in a foul mood, striking at anyone who moved. Two territorial demons had been delivered to his doorstep in 24 hours, and it wasn't sitting well. Angels had always tormented him, but this was too much. DeeCayed and Nix were in the hot seats, and their constant whining and complaining were giving him a ferocious headache. 
What shall I do with these two? he moaned. My hands are tied, and they must go back in the field. Woe is me! 
The hideous creature rose from his gilded chair, and paced back and forth across the smoldering floor, his long, horn-studded tail dragging behind. 
"Brought to me by angels," he seethed, "the both of you!"
DeeCayed blurted, "Patience is no ordinary angel! We're talking fully loaded, sword bearing, ass-kicking angel who's not bad looking! Gorgeous, actually."
Nix chimed in, "Yeah. Have you seen her 'lioness' feature? Lookee here, I still have scars from the thrashing!" 
Beelzebub wigged-out. "Silence, you fools!  I know who Patience is, and I am fully aware of her powers!!" 

The evil leader of the hordes took his leave with a sigh, his mood becoming sullen and his countenance crestfallen. All was quiet for a few minutes in the underground slow cooker. Finally, Beelzebub broke his silence.
"A little bird told me there's a lot going on in Aspen Grove, Maryland. Patience wouldn't be spreading her wings there if it wasn't so. All kinds of buzz related to the late Joe Santucci and his lost cell phone, a phone I have yet to acquire. 
"Since I am saddled with the two of you, I have no other recourse except to send you both to Aspen Grove...."
Stunned, the two demons flung themselves at his feet where they kissed each deformed toe profusely. 
"Thank you, my prince," DeeCayed said in homage.
"I was gonna say that, Dee! You're always trying to one-up me."
"Grow up!" said Dee.
"You first!" snapped Nix. 
"Pardon, master," they said in concert.
"You two are leaving for Aspen Grove soon, so pay close attention. The little bird I mentioned said to start with a detective named Tommy Thompson. It seems the angel has a special interest in him."
DeeCayed spoke, "My prince, I don't mean to be impertinent, but it is difficult to operate with only one ear. It is sorely missed and needed in my line of work." 
"Come here, Dee."
"Yes, lord."
"Right here, Dee. Even closer—!"
DeeCayed broke out in a sweat, his hands dripping as the master's rough, hot lips kissed his cheek. "Can you hear me now, Dee?"
"Uh huh...."
"Good. If you succeed in Aspen Grove, your ear will be restored, and better than before. But... if you fail me in any way, the consequences will be worse than you could imagine." He pinched the demon's remaining ear until he drew a response.
DeeCayed bellowed,  "Ooooouuuucccccchhh!!"
Beelzebub let him go and shouted, "There will be no more talk about kick-ass angels, or lioness features or... or... lack of equipment. Do you understand?!"
"Yes, I—I understand...!" DeeCayed blubbered, cupping his ear. 
"Nix, you got it?"
"Yes, master. We are leaving for Aspen Grove right away."
The two demons bowed in homage before they departed.
To be continued . . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 

Chapter 12
The Aspen Grove Murders #12

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Eleven~
DeeCayed broke out in a sweat, his hands dripping as the master's rough, hot lips kissed his cheek. 
"Can you hear me now, Dee?"
"Uh huh...."
"Good. If you succeed in Aspen Grove, your ear will be restored, and better than before. But... if you fail me in any way, the consequences will be worse than you can imagine." He pinched his ear until he drew a response.
Beelzebub let him go and shouted, "There will be no more talk about kick-ass angels, or lioness features or... or... lack of equipment. Do you understand?!"
"Yes! I—I understand...!" DeeCayed blubbered, cupping his ear. 
"Nix, you got it?"
"Yes, master. We are leaving for Aspen Grove right away." 
The two demons bowed in homage before they departed. 
{Chapter Twelve}
It was an accident waiting to happen, as most accidents begin with negligence. When combined with hurry, potholes, rain, and plain old stupidity, it can be deadly.
Five Hunks Moving had only two movers, and were packing up a home on Aspen Grove's south side. The truck was overwhelmed with stuff, and a Sub-Zero refrigerator that wasn't on the packing list.
But the lovely female homeowner pleaded and pouted, then slipped them a couple hundred dollars for their inconvenience. Twins Brady and Benton McElvaney agreed, they had to make it work.
So as the story goes, the fridge went in last with a "Heave!" then a "Ho!" and the door was shut. More or less. 
Benton questioned, "Dude, shouldn't we secure the fridge? It's a piece of art!"
"Nah! It'll be fine," said Brady. "We're just going across town."
Benton opined, "I dunno, Bro. Can we afford another one-star berating on Google?" 
Something inside the elder McElvaney rumbled around, and it wasn't his undigested breakfast. Yet, he ignored his conscience, again. The money—oh yes—it was talking loud and clear.
"Hand me the bungee cord, Ben. That ought to do it!" 
"That's a great idea, second only to duct tape, Brady!" 
"Positively brilliant, my main man. It can't hurt." 
The two stood back and admired their work. After a knuckle bump, they jumped in and roared out of the neighborhood, leaving a cloud of black smoke behind. 
The long driveway to the hotel was lined in red brick pavers, and curved around pine trees and manicured shrubs in a park-like setting. At the end was a covered porte-cochere which overlapped the grand entrance to the Mountain View Inn.
I caught sight of Chase Levins just as he exited the 1920s structure and headed my way. He saw me pulling in, and hurried to catch me. 
I slid into the only available parking spot and unlocked the doors. My star witness wasted no time resuming his place in the back seat of the patrol car. 
"Sorry I'm late, Chase! I've had a few delays this morning."
"No problem, Detective. Your partner texted me and let me know you were running a little behind."
"Of course she did. Detective Sams thinks of everyone and everything." I said, unable to suppress my admiration. 
After checking my mirrors and yielding to pedestrians, I followed the winding road back to the main intersection. 
Chase commented, "Detective, are you in a hurry?"
"Yeah, you could say that. Captain Riley told me we will be swearing in two more detectives today, and we have to process evidence and take a sworn affidavit. Somewhere in there, one of us will get you started on the cell phone."
"I don't mind," he said. "I'm ready for a change of scenery and a new career. All I did in White Falls was manage the RaceTrac seventy hours a week. That kind of lifestyle gets old."
"I know what you mean. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. My daughter's loss is keenly felt."
"I can tell," he said, then grew quiet.
Looking in the rear view mirror, I glanced at my passenger and announced, "I'm going to take the interstate. Hopefully they're not working on the roads today." 
North I-95 was packed; and, of course, construction had us slimmed down to two lanes. Seemingly out of nowhere, rain began to fall. After a few minutes, I decided the hassle wasn't worth it and merged right to exit.
My plan changed when I noticed a violation in front of me: a moving truck with no lights and an open rear door. 
For the life of me, I couldn't understand why the rear door was up, and how a thin bungee cord was keeping the truck's cargo inside. Loose items began to litter the highway with each jarring pothole. 
I flashed my lights and beeped my siren several times to get the driver to pull over. Suddenly, the truck veered left and clipped a minivan, then jerked to the right and lost control. The last thing I saw was a refrigerator flying out the back.
Back at the precinct, Captain Riley was preparing for the swearing in of Doc Stuart and Betty Jo Jenkins. He had ordered a big spread for lunch when he heard Candace Van Velzen would also be coming. 
The door jingled, announcing someone's arrival. The captain took a deep breath, straightened his tie, and turned the corner to see who it was.
"Willa! You made it. Where'd you get the adorable baby?" he teased. 
"Captain Hank Riley, meet Candace Van Velzen and her baby, Daniel!" 
The captain was stunned at how lovely she was, and saw her parents' likeness. Taking her arm, he spoke, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Candace! Your parents will be beside themselves in excitement."
Candace smiled with her eyes. "I am so pleased to meet you, Captain. To see my family seems like a dream. I keep wondering if this is real."
The captain spoke reassuringly, "It is real, and after we feed you and get your testimony, we'll put you and Daniel in protective custody."
The newborn started fussing so the attentive mother reached in her purse for his pacifier, but touched something else. She pulled out the syringe of poison she was certain Detective Thompson had put in his coat. 
"Detective Sams! How'd this get in my clutch?" 
Willa's eyes widened as she took the bag of evidence. "I don't know. I saw Tommy put it in his trench coat as we were leaving the hospital."
"Candace looked at both of them, and said, "Well, you have it now. Let's all agree we saw it."
Captain Riley reached for his cell phone and snapped a quick photo. "There. I will forward this to our iCloud files. Doc Stuart should be here any minute, and I'll turn the syringe over to him for examination."
"Good," Candace said. "That thing gives me the heebie-jeebies!"
The phone rang and Willa excused herself from the conversation to take the call. "Aspen Grove PD. Detective Sams speaking."
Everything about her turned somber as the State Trooper's voice relayed her greatest fears.
"Detective Sams, there's been a multi-car crash on I-95 Northbound. It's bad; but luckily it was not fatal for your detective, Lieutenant Tommy Thompson, and a civilian traveling with him, Chase Lloyd Levins of White Falls, New York. Both are being transported to Mountain Valley Hospital. May I speak with your police chief?" 
Willa's eyes began to water as she searched the heavens in desperation. 

"Yes... The captain is standing right here...."
Captain Hank Riley held the phone in one hand and gripped Willa Sams in the other. 
The day passed without my knowing, or many days; I wasn't sure.  My eyes had trouble opening; and I realized it must have been from the blood still in my eyelashes. I finally managed to blink a few times and moisten them.
Sitting in a chair beside me was Willa Sams, asleep, her head resting on the hospital bed. I stared for a long time, wanting nothing more than to look at her and feel her near me.
I finally touched her hair and breathed her name, "W—Willa...."
She jolted awake as if from a nightmare. "Tommy! Thank God you're all right! I have so much to tell you!" 
I sat up weakly and opened my arms. "Come here."
The love in her eyes was evident as she moved carefully to my side. We didn't discuss work, the case, our partnership, or the wreck. All I said was, "I love you," over and over. She did the same, leaving tender kisses on my love-starved lips.
The nurse interrupted us and I was a little glad. She gave me ice chips, and a much needed freshening, then unhooked me for what I was about to do. 
"I'll be back in a little bit, Tommy." Willa said. "Can I get you anything?"
"Just you," I said in the most direct way possible.
Her eyes told me she understood, and she blushed in parting. 
"How do I look?" I asked the day nurse, Debi Marquette. 
"Like a man in love."
"Nurse Marquette, I need a ring, and anything besides this hideous hospital gown. I'm 6' 3" if that helps you."
"I'll be right back," she said, turning on her heels. "Don't get up without me, Mr. Thompson," she warned, waving her hand in the air. 
"Yes, ma'am!" 
Fifteen minutes later, my ring bearer and fashion coordinator returned with a bag of surprises and a small white box.
Handing me the satin box first, she inquired, "Well... what do you think? It's actually a stunning ring. And with my employee discount, and frequent buyer miles, I made out like a bandit!"
I thought it was perfect– a single white pearl surrounded by tiny diamonds in a platinum setting. I looked at her in amazement. "Thank you! You have excellent taste."
"So do you," she said with a wink. "Now, let's get you dressed. I have a pair of tan Tommy Bahama khakis and a casual shirt," she said, rubbing her hands in delight. "The outfit had your first name on the tags, and I thought—why not?"

Reaching into the magic bag, she pulled out the clothes and a pair of shoes. "Don't get too excited. They are glorified slippers. The reason I know is because my hubby loves them. These are a gift from me... a little something to thank you for your service."
"Debi, are you a hugger?" I asked.
She looked both ways. "I am as long as you don't blab it to my husband!"
The doll of a nurse did most of the hugging, and made sure I didn't over exert myself. The way she dressed me seemed effortless, and not as painful as I thought it would be. When finished, she crossed her arms and looked me over. 
"Okay. Give it to me straight. How do I look? " I asked. 
After an official nod, she cut the tags, then ran her fingers through my hair with something incredibly masculine. 

"Is the head bandage necessary?" I begged.
"Yep. There's nothing I can do about that. From what I've observed, you're blessed to be alive. Now, take a deep breath, Detective. I hear Miss Sams coming...."
"Thank you," I said. "You're really good at this!"
My heart heaved in my chest seeing Willa in a pink lace dress with her glorious brunette hair cascading down her curves. 
"So... you do own a dress! You look exquisite, my love! Way too good for a beat up ol' cop like me."
I called her back to my arms to admire her beauty, then kissed everything permissible: her perfumed hair, forehead, eyes, cheeks, dimples, chin, and ended at her moist mouth; wanting more, but waiting until our wedding night for the rest. 
"I can't live without you, Willa Sams." I took her left hand and kissed it lovingly before opening the tiny box.
"Will you marry me?"
"Yes...! Oh yes, Tommy!"
To be continued. . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.

Author Notes

Chapter 13
The Aspen Grove Murders #13

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Twelve~
I called her back to my arms to admire her beauty, then kissed everything permissible: her perfumed tresses, forehead, eyes, cheeks, dimples, chin, and finally her moist mouth; wanting more, but waiting until our wedding night for the rest. 
"I can't live without you, Willa Sams." I took her left hand in mine and kissed it lovingly before opening the tiny box. 
"Will you marry me?"
"Yes...! Oh yes, Tommy!"
{Chapter Thirteen}
It was late into the night when I realized Willa had gone home to sleep. I sat up and switched on the light, trying to make out the time. The hospital room had lost its purveyor of cheer, I thought, until I noticed a love note propped on the nightstand. 
It was short and sweet, with Willa's pink lipstick pressed on a folded piece of parchment. "I love you, Tommy," she said in inked love.
I kissed it to my lips, wishing for the morning sun to flood the room, and for the nearness of her.
It was only a few days ago I was running mad through the woods, despairing of life. But the angel Patience met me there, and had given me a peek of what could be, if only I had the faith to believe. 
Then, the day before yesterday, I was in an accident, and had remembered very little until now. Mind you, it was in pieces and not fully intelligible at the moment; but I decided it was necessary to jot it down since my brain was firing. 
Running my hands through the drawers; I found a pad and a pen and began to write. 
The first thing I remembered was a bag of evidence I had put in my trenchcoat. Candace something-or-other gave it to me for safe keeping. I closed my eyes and saw the scene, then fell back on the rock-hard bed and stared at the ceiling. 
"Oh, shoot! What was it?" I said aloud. My words finally triggered the memory."That's it! A syringe with poison.... Candace said that she had been sent by Fee to kill her husband." The name Fee passed me by, but I wrote it down nonetheless.
I sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed. Using my college shorthand, I scribbled furiously, then held it under the lamp. "Yep, I should have been a doctor!" 
It was then I caught sight of my cell phone, propped in the charger, the green light aglow. However, my caretakers had purposely kept it as far removed from me as possible. The nurses and my heart-stealing fiancée were in cahoots to make sure I was resting, I deduced.
I slowly got out of bed and shuffled across the room. Surprisingly, there were only two missed calls and voicemails: one was from my regular doctor; and the other was from my youngest sister, Rena. Neither one concerned me at the moment, nor could I call them back at this hour. 
I scrolled down and saw a missed call from Chase Levins from two days ago. I sat in the utilitarian chair and thought about the name and tried to make the connection. 
"Of course, Chase was riding with me when I crashed!" I announced to the empty room.  I picked up the hospital phone and dialed the front desk.
"Hi. This is Detective Tommy Thompson, room 211. Chase Levins' room, please."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Hold just a moment."
A few elevator songs later, the receptionist came back on the line. 
"Sorry about that, Detective. Mr. Levins was discharged yesterday, released to Captain Hank Riley. Is there anything else I can do for you at this time?"
"No, but thank you. That's great news." 
She went on, "A few days ago, you were asking about a man in the ER."
I closed my eyes and winced. "Yes, and how is he doing?" I asked.
"About the same."
"I will let my Captain follow up with him. Thanks again."
I hung up; realizing my amnesia was much worse than I'd feared.
Willa came back the following morning around ten o'clock with a Mary Poppins-size bag of surprises. 
"Park your pretty little self right here, Detective Sams." I said authoritatively. "We are newly engaged, and I must be close to you for the entire day!"
"Says who?"
"Says me!" I kissed her in greeting and admired her non-police clothes. "You look so beautiful this morning. What's the special occasion?"
"I'm engaged to a tall, sweet, handsome man. He's a Detective, you know. I've had my eyes on him for a long time."
"Was it love at first sight?"
"Yes! But it wasn't until a few days ago, I realized he felt the same."
"And when are you and this "Detective" getting married?"
She smiled and looked me square in the eye. "Before Thanksgiving! I want to dazzle you with my cooking!" 
"That's my girl. I was thinking the same thing! However, I am already dazzled."
We laughed and kissed some more, and how wonderful it was.
"So, what's in your ginormous purse?" asked the terrible snoop. 
"A few comforts from home: shave kit, clothes, and some reading you had lying on your bed. By the way, someone must be looking after Sebastian. He was fed and watered, and looks to be gaining weight!"
The memory slapped me upside the head. "Sebastian!" I screamed. "I have a cat!"
Endless picking and poking was the theme of my day. If it hadn't been for my love, I would have planned a break out, called a preacher, and eloped. 
Around two o'clock, the Neurotrauma Specialist entered my room, then spoke, "I'm Doctor Sizemore, Adult Neurologist. I hear congratulations are in order! "
"Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD; and this is my fiancée and partner, Willa Sams."
"Nice to meet you both," he said, extending his hand. "First, I need to take a look at your head wound, Tommy, and make sure it's healing."
"Certainly. Can Willa stay?"
"Absolutely. It shouldn't take too long."
Nurse Debi Marquette entered, carrying a tray of bandages. The doctor gave way to her as she set it on the rolling table. She smiled reassuringly as she leaned my head back against the pillow, then asked Willa to keep my head still and turned to the right. 
"I will be as gentle as I can, Tommy," she said. "Look at your beauty while I take off the old bandages."
"No problem. I could do that all day...."
The gauze pad was removed last and tossed into the waste bin, laying bare the wound for the doctor to see. All the while, Willa took all my pain away with her loving gaze.
The doctor stepped in and turned his head every which way, examining me with a studied eye and gloved hands.
"It's healing quite nicely, Tommy," he said. Finally he asked a few questions in order to gauge my memory loss. Although I answered the easy ones, I told him the truth about how little I remembered from the day of the accident. 
"That's perfectly normal," he assured. "Your memory should come back as the swelling subsides. Write down your memories, listen to music, visit with the familiar and make connections with your co-workers, friends, and family."
Turning to the nurse, he continued, "If you would clean the wound now, and put on a fresh bandage."
"Right away, Doctor," she said. 
I pleaded, "Can we ditch the mummy look and opt for a large Band-aid?"
Doctor Sizemore pulled up a chair and sat, then suggested, "A waterproof bandage will suffice."
Once Nurse Marquette was finished; I addressed the elephant in the room. "So... when can I go home?" 
"Not today, Tommy. You have a significant amount of swelling, which explains the memory loss. I'd like to keep you here a little longer.
"Doctoring aside, I've ordered a romantic dinner for two to celebrate your engagement. We've had patients get engaged and even get married here. One couple recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary." 
"Thanks, Doctor. That's incredibly kind!"
Willa confessed, "A nice meal sounds amazing! Thank you so much!" 
"Great!" The neurologist rose and walked to the door. "I hope you like Chateaubriand!"
Out in the hall, Nurse Marquette hurried after Dr. Sizemore, and entreated, "May I speak to you in private?"
"Of course! Let's step inside Wound Care."
Once they were behind closed doors, the kind-hearted nurse asked, "Is there something else going on with Tommy Thompson?"
The doctor nodded in admission.
"So... why are you holding back?" she asked, baffled. 
"Because they just got engaged," confessed the doctor. "I don't want to spoil their happiness. The detective has already had a Meningiomas tumor removed. He may not be aware it has returned if he's missed a check-up. Either way, we will deal with it tomorrow morning."
The nurse tried to hide her tears, but she could not. "How large is it?"
"About the size of a quarter, and precariously close to the optic nerve."
Doctor Sizemore put down his things and offered his hands. "Let's pray for a miracle."
"Yes! We must pray and believe that God will heal him."

The two bowed their heads in the sanctuary of the little room where bandages and things for mending broken bodies lined the shelves, and they prayed for the life of Tommy Thompson. 
An early dinner came rolling in the door and it smelled heavenly. With the help of Nurse Marquette, we had it bedside, and a steady rain set the romantic scene. 
I couldn't eat much, and the headache I had earlier came back. Willa made me feel better by putting on some soft music. 
"The chocolate cake will keep, Tommy. I put the lid on so it doesn't dry out."
"Chocolate. Sounds delicious, doesn't it?" I said, imaging it shared between us.
"Yes... it does. I haven't had a fix lately," said my chocoholic fiancée.
"Let me rest a bit, then we will destroy it, I promise!" 
She kissed me sweetly, and whispered, "Have I told you in the last ten minutes how much I love you?"

I feigned a complaint. "No, but showing is as important as telling."
"Right now, I'm showing by letting you rest, and in being helpful. Let me check your voicemail."

"Thank you, love. I think one is from my primary care physician," I said, unaware of the urgent message. 
She sat and listened intently, forgetting to put it on speaker phone. The distress the voicemail caused her was immediate. 
"Willa—sweetie—what is it?" I asked. 
She stood and shook her head. "No... no! This... this can't be happening!! Excuse me, Tommy, I have to go outside."
"Outside? It's pouring! Willa... look at me! Whatever it is, we will get through it!"
Nothing I said brought her to me. Anguish, pure undiluted anquish, had seized my bride-to-be. She began to sob uncontrollably and bolted from the room. 
The rest was a blur as I stumbled out the door and somehow made my way to the main elevator. I hit the down button—frantically—begging for entry. The door opened and closed, and beamed me down to the first floor.
I exited at the lobby and looked both ways, finally sighting Willa in the outdoor garden area. All she had on was a flimsy little dress, and was soaked through. 
Everything inside me hurt because she was hurting. I pressed on, through the double doors and down the walkway, calling out her name, "Willa...! Willa...!" 
She spun around, meeting my eyes. "I'm so, so sorry, Tommy!"
"There's nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart. If I remember correctly, I was a hot mess the day I met you. Please... what has upset you so?"
"I felt like I had just found you, Tommy, only to lose you again, then again! The message from your doctor said something about a recurring brain tumor!"
"You will never lose me, Willa! I love you with everything I am."
"I know you love me, Tommy. I—I want a life with you... children!"
I reached for her trembling frame and drew her in. "Darling, I can't guarantee how long my life is going to be. Neither can you. I beat this brain tumor before, and with God and you in my corner, I will beat it again. The only assurance I can give you is this: I will love you all my days. Every second, minute and hour."
We kissed passionately and desperately, moving heaven and earth to defy the torrents.
To be continued. . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.


Chapter 14
The Aspen Grove Murders #14

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Thirteen~
Willa spun around, meeting my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Tommy!" 
"There's nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart. If I remember correctly, I was a hot mess the day I met you. Please... what has upset you so?"
"I felt like I had just found you, Tommy, only to lose you again, then again! The message said something about a recurring brain tumor!"
"You will never lose me, Willa! I love you with everything I am!"
"I know you love me, Tommy. I—I want a life with you... children!"
I reached for her trembling frame and drew her in. "Darling, I can't guarantee how long my life is going to be. Neither can you. I beat this brain tumor before, and with God and you in my corner, I will beat it again. The only assurance I can give you is this: I will love you all my days. Every second, minute and hour."
We kissed passionately and desperately, moving heaven and earth to defy the torrents. 
{Chapter Fourteen} 

For neither good nor evil last forever; and so it follows that as evil has lasted a long time, good must now be close at hand.
Miguel de Cervantes—Don Quixote

There's nothing like the sky on a clear night: a measureless expanse of velvet above the earth, with myriads of diamond-studded stars, and the moon—distant—calm and serene.
I felt so small underneath such grandeur, a beauty created long before mankind came to be.
Somehow a prayer formed from my favorite place.
"Lord, you made all these things in my view and so much I've yet to comprehend. As I sit here, I sense there is nothing too difficult for you—nothing at all. That is why I am turning to you, Mighty God. 
"My brain tumor has returned and my neurologist can't operate until the swelling goes down. As I've prayed many times throughout my life—I'm in need of healing.

"The magnificent woman you put in my life has planned our wedding for tomorrow. I'm not asking this for myself, but for Willa and the children we hope to have. I desire to be well, so I can be the very best husband, father, and detective I can be. Right here, right now, these are the most important; and none of them are attainable without you."
I knelt in the quiet of the outdoor sanctuary until peace fell, and it was in that moment I knew God had accepted my prayer. 
Sebastian returned, and curled around my feet to remind me of the late hour. 
"Thank you, Lord. Amen!" I said in parting. Lifting my tabby, I took to the back stairs, not aware of the aura of light following behind me.
Under the same magnificent night sky, yet unaffected, sat Fitzgerald Edward Elling, having a smoke on the porch outside his room. His eyes glowed in malevolence, much like the ends of his smoldering cigarettes. When he was done, he crushed the last butt until it was nonexistent, a foretelling of what was to come.
Although his assistant was off the clock, he called him back for another interrogation and tongue lashing.
The balcony door creaked open revealing Simon, the harried slave to Fee's every whim. 
The thirty-something man's face was care-worn, unshaven, and his Bluetooth dangled from its clip like a binky. 
Simon beckoned his master inside to the warmth, holding the door. "It's freezing out here! Can we discuss this inside?"
Fee rose and took one last glance at the grand estate below him, then pushed his way inside. 
"Pour me a drink!" he commanded, then fell into his favorite chair. 
"The usual?" asked the assistant. 
"Yes, straight up!" 
His assistant poured the whiskey with care and served it immediately. "What concerns you at this late hour, Fee?"
"Update on Gaston Paulette!" he seethed, "are there any changes?"
"None. He's still in a coma, sir, and surrounded by hospital security 24/7."
"And tell me again how no Private Investigator has found a trace of Candace and her baby...!"
"That's correct. She was last seen going into the hospital and she never came out. No sign of the cab, or the driver either. The service's number has been disconnected, and the website has gone to never-never land. It must've been a well-planned escape from the beginning."

Fee unhinged. "It was my idea to send her to kill Gaston, you pin-headed ninny! How could she have done such a thing, and so masterfully? My precious pet turning against me like that! I was very good to her, you know. Her traveling outfit was all designer... the coat alone was five thousand dollars!" Tipping back his head, he gulped the rotgut, then slammed the empty glass on the table. 

The assistant showed his true self. "Is that what you call—good?"
"How dare you!" Fee snapped. "You ungrateful, smug, little piece of ----!"
"Oh! I dare! Now, if there's nothing else, I'm going back to bed before this freak show resumes at sun up." At that, he turned around and walked away.
"Simon, stop!"
The scarred and beaten assistant paused, then turned around.
"You know, that's the first time you've used my name in years, Pops. On that note, I think it's time for my departure. Who knows, maybe I will meet up with Candace someday, and in a much better place. Except for having her guts, Candace and I had a lot in common."
"If you leave, I will kill you!" threatened Fee.
"Death would be a welcome relief!! Don't you realize I've kept records of your crimes since I could hold a pencil? Oh yeah—! You'll be thinking of me long after I'm gone!"
Simon untied his silk bathrobe, exposing his naked body. His head lowered as he wept, his middle finger tracing the permanent scars. "Go ahead, you coward! Do it!"
Fee stood and reached for his gun, then took aim at the young man's heart.
Suddenly, light filled the room, and blinded the evil Fee. A firm hand took the gun from his grip. "No!" said the angel's voice. 
When his sight returned, Simon was gone. 
{Jenkins' Farm, outermost part of Aspen Grove}
It was official, Betty Jo Jenkins was now a detective. She had a shiny new badge and service revolver, but most importantly, a new purpose in life. 
The champion markswoman could handle a gun or rifle better than most, and made the best deep-dish apple pie in three counties. Now, with a key witness in her care, and a case mounting against a criminal empire, her protective instincts would prove to be indispensable. 
The day had been a long one; but she couldn't rest until her guests had been fed, the property walked, and main house secured. 
"Candace, is there anything else you and Daniel need before I turn in?"
"No, Miss Betty, I mean, Detective...." 
"Oh, please. When the doctor handed me to my parents, he didn't add detective to my name. Call me Betty Jo."
"All right. I really appreciate you keeping us here, Betty Jo. It's so beautiful in the country."
"It is that! Captain Riley will be staying here for the long haul, bunking in the rancher's cabin. I expect him shortly. Y'all go on now, and get a good night's sleep!"
A flash of light followed by a loud thud from the front porch interrupted the bedtime scene. What came next was worrisome. 
"Candace, go up to your room and bolt the door. Call Captain Riley on speed dial from the landline."
"Go on, sweet mama! Take your baby boy and go!"
Once the upstairs door was shut; Betty Jo reached for her Glock22, switched off the light, and crept to the front door. Pulling back the drapes, she eyed the porch area. It was then she sighted a man in the moonlight as he was coming from the bushes.
Something's not right, Betty thought, and how the heck did he get way out here dressed like that?
In one bold move, she turned the deadbolt, flung open the door, and stepped out on the porch.
"Aspen Grove PD! Show me your hands!" 
Sheer horror gripped the young man as he stood in front of her. "An angel brought me here! Please—! You must believe me. She said you'd want to hear what I had to say."
Betty nodded, lowered the gun, then spoke, "Well... we get a lot of that around here. Come on, you look like a mango Popsicle fresh from the deep freezer in that... exotic getup. What's your name?"
"Simon Elling. I'm the son and personal assistant of a very bad man."
"No kidding! Come in, Simon. Let me get you a cup of hot tea and some warm clothes, then we'll have a talk."
To be continued. . . .

{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.

Author Notes Rotgut=whiskey

Chapter 15
The Aspen Grove Murders #15

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Fourteen~
Once the upstairs door was shut, Betty Jo reached for her Glock 22, switched off the light, and crept to the front door. Pulling back the drapes, she eyed the porch area. It was then she sighted a man in the moonlight as he was coming from the bushes. 
Something's not right, Betty thought, and how in the heck did he get way out here dressed like that?
In one bold move, she turned the deadbolt, flung open the door, and stepped on the porch.
"Aspen Grove PD! Show me your hands!"
Sheer horror gripped the young man as he stood in front of her. "An angel brought me here! Please—! You must believe me. She said you'd want to hear what I had to say." 
Betty nodded, lowered the gun, then spoke, "Well... we get a lot of that around here. Come on, you look like a mango Popsicle fresh from the deep freezer in that... exotic getup. What's your name?"
"Simon Elling. I'm the son and personal assistant to a very bad man."
"No kidding! Come in, Simon. Let me get you a cup of hot tea and some warm clothes, then we'll have a talk."
{Chapter Fifteen}
That which we lack attracts us. No one loves the light more than the blind man.  
Victor Hugo ~ Les Miserables
A light snow had fallen overnight, covering Aspen Grove in a fine, white powder. I thought it perfect for my wedding day, symbolic of a fresh start. I slept well, considering my excitement, because normally, I don't. I'm like a child on Christmas Eve that way. Surprising to me, I felt good; and the consistent throbbing in my head was gone. 
I didn't think too much about it and readied myself for Hank's arrival. He texted me first thing saying he had my "groom commissions" well in hand.
I took a mug shot of myself, and texted my reply.
Tommy T: We have a wedding emergency according to my assessment!
Hank Riley:  I know just the place, Tommy. Full service shampoo, style, grooming, facial, nails.... They're across the street from a tuxedo rental store too. Can't beat it. 

Tommy T: Yes, yes, and yes! What time?
Hank Riley: I'm at the Jenkins' farm at the moment taking care of a new development. At least an hour.
Tommy T: Perfecto. C U soon.
I gave myself a long look in the mirror. "You're getting married, Tommy Thompson. It's actually going to happen!" I floated to the shower with Sebastian trailing behind in curiosity.
The shower was warm and good, and the thought of Willa as my wife made me dizzy with delight. After I toweled off, I wrapped my robe around myself and retreated to the warmth of my bed.
Bed, I thought, my last night alone without her. Wow, I can hardly believe this is happening to me! I picked up the phone and dialed the hotel, making sure the honeymoon suite was ready. 
"Mountain View Inn. This is Reginald. How may I assist?"
"Good morning. I would like to confirm my reservation for this weekend. I have a suite registered under the name of Tommy Thompson."
"Yes, Mr. Thompson. An early check-in is set for three o'clock. Two dozen red roses have been ordered for your room. Chilled champagne and chocolates will be on a tray beside your bed, as well as a menu if you would like a late supper delivered to your room. Is there anything else?"
"No, but thank you. I'm getting married!"
Hank Riley picked me up in a rental car that was loaded with every creature comfort imaginable. I saw a side to my rough-and-tumble captain and future brother-in-law I had never seen before or even contemplated. Maybe it was his clothes and the sleek sedan. The career cop looked like he stepped off the cover of GQ.
After an hour in the full-service barber shop, we went suit shopping to get me worthy of my bride. This was not my thing, really; aside from the tan trenchcoat I wear as a matter of course. Yet, I found myself giving in to please my darling bride.
The third suit I tried on was the winner. There was no question; and I would have it for any future events. 
"I'll take it, and the dress shirt, undershirt, shoes, belt, and socks," I said. "What else do I need?" 
"A tie, my good man!" Hank announced. "How about this one?" He draped a blue tie over my shoulder. "Brings out your azure eyes," he said, trying to stifle laughter. 
"You did not say that to me!" I said in unbelief. 
"Oh—but  I did! Welcome to the family. I really mean that, Tommy. You two have something very special."
After I was dressed, my best man nodded his approval and left me for a moment, then returned with a first-aid kit of all things. "Let me tidy up your head wound and put on an invisible bandage for now."
"That's right... you were an Army medic, if I recall."
"Yes, I was. I'm especially good with wound care."
While he was dressing my wound, I offered an apology. "Captain, I'm sorry for being so absent from the force. I'm sure it has put you under a lot of stress."
He looked at me square on. "Nonsense! None of this is your fault. Besides, your angel has been helping us in ways you could not imagine. I've also contacted a detective in another state who has agreed to come and help us. She arrives next week. You have nothing more to do than to marry my sister and to get well. Your job will be waiting for you when you're ready."
There was still snow on the ground when we reached the wedding chapel, and it was enough to create an idyllic setting for the ceremony. The sun was out too, and the birds were singing in the trees, as if they knew it was a special day.
Hank locked the car and we followed the shoveled path to the rear of the chapel. 
The minister greeted us and put us to ease right away. I filled out the legal papers and signed next to where Willa had already left her signature. I could smell her perfume still lingering in the small study, and sensed her nearness.
"Once everyone arrives, we will begin," said the marrying man. "I understand it's an intimate gathering."
"It is," I replied. "A handful of close friends." 
Astounding to me, I was remembering things I hadn't remembered the day before: Chase Levins, Candace Van Velzen and her infant son, Daniel, Fee, and Gaston Paulette. My mind was all over the place. 
I wrote down the memories in my notebook and slipped it into my suit pocket. It would have to keep from this point on until Monday. Nothing was more important than my beautiful Willa, and to vow my love and devotion to her before God and these witnesses. 
After a few minutes, the piano began playing. "It's time, Tommy," said the minister, smiling. "Your life is about to change."
"For the better," I said, and opened the door for the elderly gentleman and Hank. The three of us walked to the front and stood together in a circle of flowers. 
I couldn't help but cry in sheer joy as Willa turned the corner, adorned in heavenly light. By the time she reached me and I took her hand, I was drenched in tears. She drew a hankerchief from her gown and dabbed my cheeks. "You are so beautiful, my darling Willa. I can't believe you've agreed to be mine."
"You're looking quite handsome yourself, my groom," she said, squeezing my hand. "I love you so much—!"
Her eyes met mine and my gaze never left hers from that moment. I was in a love so deep, I knew I'd never be the same.
The ceremony was sweet and sacred as the minister led us through our vows.
"Do you, Tommy, take Willa, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?" 
"I do!"
"Do you, Willa, take Tommy to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death?"
"I do!"
"I understand we have rings to exchange. Tommy, here is your ring for Willa. Place it on her finger and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed. In the name of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
"Willa, with this ring, I thee wed, in the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
"Willa, here's your ring for Tommy," he said ceremoniously.
"Tommy, with this ring, I thee wed, in the name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
The minister gathered our hands and imparted blessings to us. "May God bless your union with the riches of His love and grace, now and always. Amen."
I lifted the veil and gazed lovingly at my bride. I thought her more beautiful than a moment ago. I admired her again, thanking God I would awake to this face... this delightful laugh, and drink of these pleasures every day of my life. I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her long and deep, in a way never-to-be forgotten.
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.

Author Notes

Chapter 16
The Aspen Grove Murders #16

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Previously, in Chapter Fifteen~ 
The minister gathered our hands and imparted blessings to us. "May God bless your union with the riches of His love and grace, now and always. Amen." 
I lifted the veil and gazed lovingly at my bride. I thought her more beautiful than a moment ago. I admired her again, thanking God I was awake to this face... this delightful laugh, and drink of these pleasures every day of my life. I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her long and deep, in a way never-to-be forgotten.
{Chapter Sixteen} 
Our wedding reception was more of a greeting to everyone that came to the ceremony, and gave us all a chance to mingle a bit. 
Our two newest detectives, Betty Jo Jenkins and Dr. Achaius Stuart, were holding down the fort, but were thoughtful enough to send their congratulations along with a bottle of champagne. 
Chase Levins had come, and brought us a gift card and spoke to us personally. 
Nurse Debi Marquette was there with her husband, Glen, and hugged us to death. Although I knew I would see her on Monday for my brain scan, she said nothing about it, and focused solely on our happiness. 
My sister, Rena, had arrived fashionably late, and made her presence known. I wish I had warned Willa about her, and the way her thoughts came directly to her mouth unfiltered. But it had slipped my mind with everything I had going on. 
She kissed my bride in animated excitement. 
"Tommy said you were drop-dead gorgeous, Willa! For once he's not exaggerating. You must understand what I'm about to tell you. Poor thing has been surrounded by four older sisters his entire life. Our father would have died had the doctor said— 'It's a girl!' one more time."
I smiled and changed the subject. "Rena, I'm so glad you could come! Are you in town long?"
"No. I am still looking for a job. I was going to ask around here to see if you had any openings on your force?"
"Yes! We are in desperate need of good cops. See Captain Riley before you go." 
"Seriously, Tommy?" she questioned. "That would be outrageous working alongside you...!" 
Willa chimed in, "No more outrageous than marrying your partner!"
"I will do that!" my sister assured. She kissed us both in parting and whispered in my ear, "Love, love your bride, Tommy! You did really good!"
After a few minutes, I was ready for my honeymoon to begin; and Willa let me know she felt the same. 
The rental car was a surprise gift from Hank as he put the keys in my hand. 
"Can you drive us, please?" I asked. "I doubt we will be leaving the inn until Monday's checkout."
Hank nodded. "You got it! I don't know what I was thinking...."
It was around three a.m. when I awoke from the sweetest sleep, aware my bride had left the warmth of our love cocoon. The water was running, so I assumed she was enjoying a long soak in the tub. I sat up and turned on the light; and while I was rearranging the covers, noticed blood on the sheets. 
I threw on my robe and headed to the bathroom, pausing at the door to knock. "Willa, are you okay?" 
"Come in, honey. I was just toweling off."
"That's my new job," I said, taking her freshly washed body in my arms.
"You're an incredible lover, my husband," she sighed, kissing my lips.
Something in her eyes flickered a sadness, so I continued. "I happened to notice a little blood on the sheets. I hope I wasn't too...."

"No! Just the opposite. You're as passionate, skilled, and tender as I thought you would be."
"Then it must be from your hymen."
"Yes. I was a virgin until you."
"How wonderful for me to be your first lover and your husband!"
The light in her eyes grew dim. "Can we go back to bed, Tommy? I have something I must tell you."
"Of course," I said, reaching for her robe.
We returned to the down covers and laid together face to face.
Tears formed in her eyes as she began— "I'm not sure if you are aware that Hank was my legal guardian from 2004 to 2008. We did the best we could making a home together after our parents were killed in a car crash.
"At that point, Hank was a deputy for the Aspen County Sheriff's Department; and I was a ninth grader with a lot of insecurities and very few friends. Unfortunately, I was home alone more often than not. We lived in a small apartment complex with a sprawling back yard that abutted an apple orchard. 
"My first boyfriend, Vic, lived in the unit above us. There was something about him that Hank didn't like, and that I couldn't see until—
"... until one terrible evening. Hank had picked up a shift at the Fourth of July event in the park. Vic came over to the apartment, unannounced, and wanted to come inside. I wouldn't let him in, but he convinced me to meet him in the backyard. I thought it might be okay, since it was outside; so I grabbed a blanket and went out. Meantime, Hank called the house phone; and when I didn't answer, he suspected the worst and left the event. 
"As the evening progressed, so had Vic's sexual innuendos. After the fireworks, I tried to play it cool and announced I was going to bed. He accused me of tormenting him, then grabbed me by the hair and forced me to the ground.
"He literally ripped open my sundress and had his jeans down in seconds. He was about to penetrate me when I saw Hank running towards us...."
"Baby, I'm so sorry!!" I cried, sponging her tears and my own. 
She went on— "Hank pistol whipped him to unconsciousness, and cuffed him.  I couldn't even look at my brother, and rolled over in the grass and wept in shame."
"It was his shame—not yours!" I insisted. "You did nothing wrong, sweetheart! You were so young. How could you possibly have known he would do that?"
"Oh, Tommy... how perfect you are!" 
I kissed away her pain until the blackbird of the past had left, and morning light danced upon our happiness.
We had a sumptuous breakfast of blueberry pancakes, maple bacon, and pressed coffee in the comfort of our suite. 
It was a pleasure to take our time and not rush out the door to a meeting or to be anywhere other than in the company of each other. We worked the crossword puzzle from the morning paper, confirming my suspicions about my bride's high intelligence. Afterwards, we bundled up and took a long walk in the garden, bought a bag of bird food, and tossed it to the ducks. The November chill finally drove us back inside for more hot coffee.
'Casablanca" was playing on the television so we cuddled on the couch and watched it together.
"Don't you just love this movie, Tommy? It's so romantic." 
"Actually, I prefer the older movies. There's more glamour, I think. It's all about the first kiss instead of climbing into the sack without any commitment. Maybe I'm old fashioned."
"I'm the same way. That's one of the many things I adore about you, Tommy."
The complimentary basket of gourmet food hadn't been touched; so we tore into it and took turns feeding each other, which ultimately ended in a game of strip poker. After an intentional loss, I took my beautiful bride in my arms and carried her back to bed.  At no time did we discuss tomorrow, as it would be here soon enough. 
{Jenkins Farm, outermost parts of Aspen Grove}
Captain Hank Riley arrived at the safe house which was filling up quickly with witnesses in need of protection.
Spent from all his various tasks and wedding activities, the captain sought out some pie and coffee in the comfort of Betty Jo's kitchen.
"Well... there you are, Captain. Take a seat. I just put on a giant pot of beef stew, and a pumpkin pie is cooling. Sunday dinner will be ready directly. Coffee?"
"Yes, please...."
She poured the steaming brew, then asked, "How was the wedding?"
"It was beautiful, Betty. I wish you could have been there... and Doc Stuart too. You both were dearly missed."
"I guess that's part of being a cop," Betty Jo commented. "We don't always get to go places; and some places, we don't want to go. You know what I mean?" 
"Yes, I certainly do. It's going to get better, I promise. We have enough evidence to arrest Simon Elling's father, Fitzgerald. Thing is, this case is bigger than anything I have ever been involved with; and more is coming, as Chase Levins has just finished with Joe Santucci's cell phone.  
"I have Doc Stuart logging the cell's information into evidence now—and to no one's surprise—the deceased Santucci was one of Fitzgerald Elling's main players.
"The ever-widening ring of corruption extends from Louisiana and runs all the way up the east coast to Maryland and then turns north to White Falls, New York."
Betty sat and nursed her cup of coffee. "And we're without Tommy as our lead detective until he gets well. What are we going to do, Captain?"
"Well, I found her by accident, a tough cold case detective from Lafayette Township, Louisiana. She arrives tomorrow with three members of her team and two dogs. 'We're going to partner with your team, form a sting operation, and take down this man they call Fee, she said.'"
"I like her already."
"I do too. Here's the kicker—she's blind."
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.

Author Notes

Chapter 17
The Aspen Grove Murders # 17

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Sixteen~
"The ever-widening ring of corruption extends from Louisiana and runs all the way up the east coast to Maryland and then turns north to White Falls, New York."
Betty sat and nursed her cup of coffee. "And we're without Tommy as our lead detective until he gets well. What are we going to do, Captain?"
"Well, I found her by accident, a tough cold case detective from Lafayette Township, Louisiana. She arrives tomorrow with three members of her team and two dogs. 'We're going to partner with your team, form a sting operation, and take down this man they call Fee,' she said."
"I like her already."
"I do too. Here's the kicker—she's blind."
{Chapter Seventeen}
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.
Albert Einstein

The day could not have been any more beautiful. Maybe it was the love in my heart that'd heightened my appreciation of everything around me. I had so many reasons to live, and the most important one was holding my hand. 
"What do you say we walk to the hospital instead of driving, my love?"
"That's a wonderful idea, Tommy. How long do you think the scan will take?"
"An hour or two; and then we'll need to meet with Doctor Sizemore."
I put my arm around Willa to fend off the chill. It was as if another page had turned, and I hoped I had many days to offer this incredible woman. 
"I love you, Mrs. Thompson," I said as we paused at the crosswalk. The light was red, so I took the opportunity to kiss my wife until the green light appeared. Whatever the day held for me was now a day for the two of us. We had become one flesh and spirit as the good book promised. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling was in a fury. Not only was his assistant gone, so was his cell phone and laptop which had a wealth of incriminating evidence. Had I dreamed it? Had Simon vanished from the estate? Surely not! 
The more he thought about it, the more he realized Simon had betrayed him, and after two days it was looking like his assistant/son wasn't coming back. Clearer to him, was the threat Simon was because he knew so much. 
As much as it pained him to obliterate the grand estate: the fine furnishings, the paintings, the sculptures, the library, the collectibles, the cars, and the immaculately kept gardens, he simply had to. 
There was nothing else to do except to torch the house and rid himself of any remaining secrets looming in the dark recesses of the compound. Most importantly, it had to look as though Simon did the unspeakable act. No one would believe Fitzgerald Edward Elling would have done this to himself. 
Unaware to Fee, was the presence of two demons, Nix and DeeCayed, rooting him on in his evil ways.

First, everyone and everything within the estate will have to go, except for me, of course. Then I will have more than enough time to find Simon, the lucious Candace, and finish off Gaston Paulette. A triple threat deserves a triple reckoning!
The toilet of his mind continued to churn. 
How to do it though. Arson? A bomb? Too bad I can't orchestrate a natural disaster and blame it on global warming. Wouldn't that be rich?
After deep contemplation, Fee had a plan in place, and assured himself he'd be able to pin the arson on his miserable, unstable son, Simon.
I'll swoop down to the jail after Simon's arrested, and give him a free ride to hell! 
Fee called the five house servants together for a quick meeting and spoke, "After dinner, I will need an inventory of the wine cellar. Consider your wages doubled, and a choice bottle of wine for your service."
No one volunteered.
"Sweeten the deal," the demons whispered to Fee in unison.
The despicable man flashed a fake smile. "Did I say bottle? I meant a case of wine from any year."
All agreed wholeheartedly, not knowing what horrors had been planned for the wine cellar. 
Captain Hank Riley hired an auxiliary officer to help Betty Jo Jenkins mind the safe house so he could leave with confidence and manage his busy day. Help was coming, and the overwhelmed captain had to be at the precinct to greet her. 
Doc Stuart had stopped to pick up warm doughnuts and made a fresh pot of coffee in hopeful anticipation. Always the researcher, the good doctor was studying the mysterious detective who'd agreed to come all the way from Louisiana to help. 
"I've been reading up on this blind detective, Hank; and I'm completely baffled. Here she is on the cover of America's Wealthiest Women. Says that she's the sole heiress to the Andre Dupree art fortune. Her net worth is 10 Billion dollars!"
"Let me see that. This woman couldn't possibly be the same lady...!"

Hank read on and didn't hear the front door jingle. 

"Hello... anybody home?" the female voice drawled. "It smells so good in here!"

Hank straightened up and saw the woman before him as though she'd stepped out of the magazine, and with the biggest German Shepherd he'd ever laid eyes on. 
"Captain Hank Riley, I presume?" she announced, extending her hand.  "I'm Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township PD; and this is my dog, Officer King."
Vying for the soul of Aspen Grove was the angel, Patience; readying herself for what was about to go down at the hands of Fee.
Kneeling at the highest point of the municipality, she prayed:  "Lord of heaven and earth, be praised! Hear my plea, I ask, and clear the way for the righteous. Use your servant to accomplish your will for Aspen Grove. An evil man has taken root here and harmed the sons and daughters of mankind."
The mighty angel lifted her hand and pointed at the estate. "Evil resides in there, my Lord."
Heavenly light shone on the angel and revelation was given, along with strength for the fight. After a time of fellowship, the angel rose and searched the skies. 
"Come, come, mighty eagles! We have more to do!"
On the winds they gathered, a great angelic host much like her. Their heavenly bodies were that of an eagle, and their heads were part eagle and part human. Spiritual eyes graced them on their heads and forearms. Each warrior had a gold bow, and a quiver containing five arrows. 
"The God of heaven and earth be praised," the eagles sang, then bowed their white-crowned heads in homage. 

"The leader of the eagles, a magnificent creature with extraordinary powers, knelt to receive his commissions. "Great Patience... I am at your service. My name is Faithful."
"Bless you, Faithful. It has been a long time. Find the demons who are behind this, and bind them up with these...." Patience reached into her regal garments and grasped a handful of cords made of iron. "Bind DeeCayed and Nix hand and foot until I am ready to deliver them back to Beelzebub. 
"Yes, great angel," Faithful said, and extended his hands to receive the strong cords. 
Patience looked to the skies, and cried, "Lord, send the rain; it is needed to quench the coming fires. I plead for the humans; spare them, O Lord! And have mercy on the trees and the creatures of the earth!" 
The God of Heaven granted Patience's request. Black clouds quickly formed, and the once blue sky was gone in an instant.
"Night approches!" announced the angel. "Let us go now!" The sight was a wonder to behold as Patience led the many to the Fee estate. She knew the way, and had been there many times before.
To be continued. . . . 
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. Money and power are his gods.
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son.
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Cold Case Division: That's me, the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 

Chapter 18
The Aspen Grove Murders #18

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Patience looked to the skies, and cried, "Lord, send the rain; it is needed to quench the coming fires. I plead for the humans; spare them, O Lord! And have mercy on the trees and the creatures of the earth!"
The God of Heaven granted Patience's request. Black clouds quickly formed, and the once blue sky was gone in an instant. "Night approaches!" announced the angel. "Let us go now!" The sight was a wonder to behold as Patience led the many to the Fee estate. She knew the way, as she had been there many times before.

{Chapter Eighteen}
Two hours came and went while I succumbed to copious tests, blood draws, and an MRI, causing me to admit I was way off in my guesstimation for today's hospital visit. Things have a way of doing that when medical science falls into the category of the unexplained. 
Around five o'clock, the radiologist escorted me to the office of Dr. Sizemore where my beautiful wife was waiting. 
Willa and I sat as close as we could, admiring the framed brain art—for lack of a better word—and a full human skeleton, a striking likeness of me, I thought. Dr. Sizemore entered, balancing a laptop in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 
"Good to see you both," he said, setting his load on the desk. "My congratulations! Nurse Marquette told me you were married Saturday and how lovely the ceremony was."
I looked over at Willa and smiled. "We decided not to postpone our happiness. We're elated!"
"I can see it in your eyes!" commented the doctor. He sat, then powered up his computer. 
The look on his face confirmed what I had sensed to be true: the Lord healed me the night before I married Willa. 
Unable to contain myself, I said, "The tumor's gone, isn't it?"
With his calm and assured demeanor, he delivered the good news. 
"Both of you, come around and see for yourselves."
Excitedly, we beheld my brain in 3D. X-ray #1 had a tumor visible at the base of the skull near the optic nerve. X-ray #2 appeared to be tumor free.
"As you can see here on the second image, there's not a trace of the tumor I saw five days ago, Tommy," said the doctor. "No sign of a concussion, either. Off the record, I'd say—we have witnessed a miracle!"
Willa wrapped her arms around me and wouldn't let go.
{Fee Estate —Meyer's Hollow, Maryland} 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling was filthy, and he was rich. Filthy rich—as the saying goes. 
He was a pitiful human being and user of people. No woman would have him, and no man either. He was alone. 
For whatever reason, Candace got to him.
I've never been in love with anyone, but the kiss she laid on me before leaving still has me mesmerized. 
Shaking his head, he came back to reality. The kiss wasn't real. A theatrical performance, a facade! If it had been real, she would've returned to me by now.
The memory of Candace's parting; and Simon's subsequent disappearance, hurried him along in his evil plan.
Wasting no more time, he packed a leather tote for his getaway: a toothbrush, some wardrobe essentials, a bottle of aged scotch, and his .45 Colt. 
A demonic voice told him to look in Simon's room, so he decided to take a few minutes to dig around for any clues of his son's whereabouts. 
The desk was first, and filled with surprises.
"What's this?" he gasped; examining the ornate wooden box. Rose perfume mingled in the folds of the stationery, and the stack of fine-grade papers had been tied off with velvet ribbon. He opened a few of the letters and read the unbelievable.
"Dear Candace... I love you.... You are the only light in this dark place and the only good person I have ever known. Every morning when I awake, I want to die; and then I remember I might have a chance to see you, and live in the light you possess. Longingly, Simon"
"Candace, can you meet me tonight after Gaston nods off?  I thought we might have a picnic in the garden, blanketed by the stars. It's beautiful out. Why the garden, you ask? It's where I first saw you, and loved you with my eyes. Yours forever, Simon."
"My darling Candace, I left a gift at your door. I hope you like it. Rose perfume for the loveliest rose. Affectionately, Simon."
Fee exploded in anger and hurled the box of love letters across the room. "So, it's true!! Simon had been plotting a betrayal all along! How could I have been such a fool?!"
Suddenly he realized the letters had never been delivered to Candace, but it didn't matter. The evil man was incensed.

Wherever Simon is; Candace and the baby are there too! 
He rifled through the desk and found an engraved lighter with Simon's initials. How perfect for my plan!
Fee arrived in the kitchen and set his leather tote beside the back door, undetected, then issued a directive to the cook. "I will have a small dinner tonight, Raoul. A roast beef sandwich, potato salad, and a Dr. Pepper."
"But... I prepared your favorite dish—coq au vin!"
"I'm not in the mood—!" Fee growled.
"Yes, Fee. Would you like to eat in the dining room?"
"No, the kitchen will do."
"As you wish."
The servants seemed oblivious to his sinister intentions although he did not eat his supper in his typical unhurried manner, gulping down the Dr. Pepper like it was water.
Pushing himself away from the table, he announced his fake plans to inventory the wine cellar without delay. 
"Raoul, round up Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen."
"Yes, sir! Straight away!" the master chef responded. 
Once he was assured all of the servants were in the wine cellar, Fee crept down the stairs, locked the cellar door, and lit a fire at the entrance. A minute later, he cut the house's main power.
Their screams and pleas followed him up the stairs and out the kitchen door.
To assure his success, Fee set Simon's car on fire, and purposely dropped the engraved lighter for the investigators to find. The despicable man stood back to make sure the fire took. It did, the flames reflecting in his soulless black eyes.
Fee hurried from his lofty estate, not bothering to look back.
The angels were ready as the sky let loose a deluge.
Patience called to her equal, "Faithful, bind the demons while I get the humans out of the wine cellar!"
"At your command, great angel!" Faithful departed with the strong cords he had been given, sighting Nix and DeeCayed fleeing to the woods. 
To the eagles, she cried, "Gather the water and extinguish the flames in the garage! Hurry!"
"Yes, great Patience," the eagle's cawed. 
In the wine cellar, thick, gray smoke continued to overwhelm the room. The flames had eaten the bottom of the oak door, demanding entry. 
"Oh... my... God!! Fee has locked us in here!" housekeeper Tammy Vance screamed. "I will never see my Louisiana again! Someone—please—help us!"
Raoul circled his arms around his trembling staff. "I'm so sorry! I tried to call for help, but there's no cell reception!"
The five clung together and uttered their tearful goodbyes. 
Patience floated to the lowest portion of the house and into the smoldering wine cellar. The mighty angel lifted her wings and put out the flames one by one until they were no more. "You are safe, now," she said. "All of you, come with me. Touch my garments that we may leave this place behind."
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Cold Case Division: That's me, the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 

Chapter 19
The Aspen Grove Murders #19

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.



Previously, in Chapter Eighteen~
In the wine cellar, thick, gray smoke continued to overwhelm the room. The flames had eaten the bottom of the oak door, demanding entry. 
"Oh... my... God! Fee has locked us in here!" housekeeper Tammy Vance cried. "I will never see my Louisiana again! Someone—please—help us!"
Raoul circled his arms around his trembling staff. "I'm so sorry! I tried to call for help, but there's no cell reception!"
The five clung together and uttered their tearful goodbyes. 
Patience floated to the lowest portion of the house and into the smoldering wine cellar. The mighty angel lifted her wings and put out the flames one by one until they were no more. "You are safe now," she said. "All of you, come with me. Touch my garments that we may leave this place behind."
{Chapter Nineteen} 
Willa and I left the hospital and decided to take the scenic route to the precinct. The storm I'd seen earlier had dissipated; but I could smell smoke in the air.
"Willa, sweetheart, do you detect smoke?"
"Yes, I do. It smells like a car may have caught fire. I'll call 9-1-1."
A female voice came on the line. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?"
"This is Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove PD. My partner and I are traveling east on County Road 15. Both of us smell smoke."
"Yes, Detective. It's most likely coming from a house fire in Meyer's Hollow. The fire has been put out and first responders are on the scene."
"That is good to hear! Thank you so much."
Relieved at the news, I kept on driving through the hills, admiring the tall aspens.
Willa got through to Hank and put him on speakerphone. "Hey, brother! Tommy and I are going to stop by the precinct with some pizza and good news. Have you eaten?" 
"Terrific! I wasn't expecting to hear from you lovebirds until tomorrow. Sure, stop in. Don't bring any pizza though. Our guests have brought an Italian spread from Luigi's: minestrone, antipasto, lasagne,  lobster-stuffed ravioli, garlic bread, and cannolis." 
"Great...!" I said, "because we're starved."
Our tiny precinct was unrecognizable to me when we pulled in. A Ford Expedition and a vintage pickup truck were in the guest parking, and both had Louisiana license plates and were layered with road grime. 
"What's all this?" Willa asked, looking puzzled.
"The guests our captain alluded to...," I said, wondering who they could be.
"Underneath the porch light, I noticed a tall woman with silver hair swept up in a claw and sporting sunglasses, although it was dark. To her right, stood an enormous German Shepherd. 
Willa said what I was thinking. "Tommy, that woman is a cop... and she appears to be blind!"
It was only then I recognized her. "Of course! The Blind Girl from Lafayette Township. I just read about her in Crime Weekly."
"Blind Girl?"
"That's what she calls herself, and the media has run with the name. I wonder what she's doing here?"
"Wouldn't it be grand if she could help us, Tommy? I mean, if she's been featured in Crime Weekly, she's had to have solved more than a few cases."
"All of them, my love. Just recently... a decades-old quadruple murder. Come on... I want to meet her and introduce ourselves."
This was a first for me. Yet, the blind detective wasn't what I'd read about or expected; and I found her to be direct, warm, and personable.
"I'm Detective Sally Law; and this is my dog, Officer King. You must be the newly married detectives," she said, extending her hand with a smile. "You're just in time for supper. It's not Cajun food, mind you; but it's equally as delicious."
"Detective Law, so nice to meet you, and you too, King!" The shepherd had a big personality, yet was obedient to his owner without so much as a voice command. Her right hand was the rudder of the mighty King. 
"This is my wife and partner, Willa." I said in a gushing tone. 
"So nice to meet you both." the Louisiana detective said.  "Tommy, may I say how sorry I am for the loss of your daughter, Phoebe Mae. I know what it's like to lose a loved one."
"Thank you, Sally. It has been difficult; but in the sadness, God has brought me a beautiful bride and a promise of future happiness."
"Yes! And the good God has done something similar for me. Let's go inside. I'd like to introduce you to my husband and the team member traveling with us. Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste has a dog too, so... consider yourselves warned."
Meeting Detective Jackson Law was a treat, but watching him interact with Sally was like seeing myself with Willa in twenty years. Jackson's eyes sparkled every time he looked at her; and his love for his detective wife was evident, even in a room full of strangers. 
Sally's voice changed when she addressed Jackson; and, as with King, she had devised a secret code known only to the two of them. 
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste was a trip, and spoke with a thick, French-Cajun accent. He, too, had a close bond of friendship with the blind detective. I could tell the team held each other in the highest esteem. In all, Aspen Grove PD had much in common with Lafayette Township's finest.
What we lacked as a force would be brought to bear in the next few days; and, over a plate of delicious lasagne, I sensed we would turn things around in Aspen Grove for good.
"So Detective Law and company, what brings you to our humble precinct?" I asked. 
She finished her bite and dabbed her lips with a napkin. "It's twofold, Tommy. Her name is Tammy Sue Vance, missing from Lafayette Township since Halloween 2012. I have recently reopened her cold case. Mysterious calls have been coming from this area code to her mother on special occasions. No voice comes on the line, just background sounds and a click. The pattern suggests she may still be in this area, and is being held against her will.
"Second, my team and I are here to help your force. We know what it's like to be a tiny dot on a state map, overwhelmed, and understaffed."
Before the evening went any further, Willa and I stood and made our announcement.
"As you know, I had my brain scan today; and it's official, there's no brain inside there at all," I teased. "Seriously, there is a brain, but no trace of the tumor they'd seen the week before. Doctor Sizemore says it's a miracle."
"And I agree!" my bride of three days cried. 

Doc Stuart stood and lifted his wine glass. "To the miraculous all around us!"
"Hear, Hear!" the group agreed. 
{Meyer's Hollow}
A full moon rose in the sky before the man known as Fee. The scene was hypnotic to him, and lighted the way to the fishing cabin he'd owned for decades. No one comes here anymore, he thought, except for Simon, and he wouldn't be using this now. Too rustic for the younger generation. 
He walked along the once familiar path, snapping fallen branches beneath his heavy boots. The hooting of an owl in a nearby tree chilled him to the bone. Fee stopped in his tracks and listened. "It sounds like the owl said, 'Whoo... whooo thinks he can escape from me?"'
Fee called out. "Is this a joke? Simon... is that you?"
"Whoooooooo thinks Fee can escape from meeeee?" the voice taunted. 
Suddenly the moon disappeared behind a cluster of black clouds, and with it, the light. Fee could no longer see the way forward. Terror struck him. 
Imagine... the monster terrified! A Herculean god stripped of his powers! He tried to run, but he could not. The great Fitzgerald Edward Elling was stumbling... tripping... groping... like a blind animal in a wolf's den. 
The wind echoed through the trees and beckoned again, "Fee... Fee...!" 
Somehow he made his way to the end of the path, keeping a tight grip on the designer tote. He fell up the brick steps, and set the bag down with a 'plop', letting go a moan. He could barely see, or think, and was sweating profusely. 
Rallying himself, he found the key, poked it in the hole, turned the knob, released the latch, and opened the door. Dashing inside, he slammed the door, locked it, secured the deadbolt, pulled the chain, then scooted an ancient chiffarobe in front for good measure, only to realize he'd left his precious tote on the porch. 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me, the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog.
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson. 

Chapter 20
The Aspen Grove Murders #20

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Nineteen~
Rallying himself, he found the key, poked it in the hole, turned the knob, released the latch, and opened the door. Dashing inside, he slammed the door, locked it, secured the deadbolt, pulled the chain, then scooted an ancient chiffarobe in front for good measure, only to realize he'd left his precious tote on the porch. 
{Chapter Twenty} 
The evil Fitzgerald Edward Elling barely slept, fearing the imaginary dangers around him. The only things real were his crimes, and the ruminations of his sin-sick soul. As with every human being, there comes a time when those things don't keep silent anymore. They'll drive you to God, or they'll drive you mad. At this juncture, Fee was the latter.
Besides, someone or something had moved his tote to the far side of the porch. He was certain he hadn't imagined it.
It was Simon, no doubt!! He'd been here—or still is—hiding in the woods. I can't let the betraying man-child get to me! What I really need to do is focus on myself, for now, and form a new plan.
Adding to his hysteria, was his cell phone reception. 
This isn't going to fly! What was I thinking coming to this dilapidated shack? I require amenities, buyable pleasures, Wi-Fi, and fine food. In the morning, I'll hike to the main road, hail a cab, and check in to a five-star hotel. 
Staring at the clock, he saw it was only midnight, and moaned again.
I awoke to the most wonderful feeling, Willa and I at home in bed. As I watched the white rays of light dance across her beautiful form, awe swept over me once again. 
After a bit, I tucked the covers around her, then followed the stairs down to the kitchen.
Sebastian heard me and made his presence known with a loud—MEOW! He, too, needed attention. I went to refresh his food and water before anything interrupted me, but noticed someone had already done it. A cat mystery I have yet to solve. 
I started the coffee, then got some frozen bacon going in the frypan. 
The kitchen clock was a few minutes shy of seven o'clock when I heard Willa coming down the stairs.
"Do I smell bacon?" she purred in her morning voice. 
"G'morning, my love. Coffee's ready for you," I announced, "and bacon and eggs are coming up."
"Not before a kiss, my husband," she said sweetly. After a little smooching, she left me for a moment and returned with the morning paper and two mugs of the strong brew. 
"So... today you and I are the ones to get the warrants for Fitzgerald Elling's arrest and search of his estate?" she questioned.

"Yes. Judge Petrovich will be in her office sometime after nine," I said. "After we secure the warrants, Sally and her team will join us, and we'll drive to Meyer's Hollow. Meanwhile, Captain Riley, Doc Stuart, and Chase Levins are preparing all the evidence for the Maryland Prosecutor's Office."
"Oh, Tommy! It's finally happening!" 
{Jenkins' Farm, outermost Aspen Grove} 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins was up with the sun, and she would be the first to tell you she was a quintessential creature of habit. Which crowed first? The rooster or Betty Jo? It was hard to say. 
By seven, she'd already walked the property, gathered fresh eggs, watered the plants, showered, and dressed. The coffee was percolated and fresh muffins were on the counter by the time Captain Hank Riley arrived in the kitchen.
"I hope the coffee's extra strong, Betty. It's been one of those nights."
"Did you get any sleep at all?" she inquired. 
"Precious little. I dreamt about all the lists I had to make, and finally got out of bed and wrote them down. There's so much happening today. We're going forward with the evidence we have against Fitzgerald Elling. Tommy and Willa are getting warrants for his arrest and the property search."
"Oh, thank the Lord!" Betty Jo said. "Let's get you caffeinated, Hank. You're gonna need it."
As soon as the coffee was poured; Simon entered, carrying a load of firewood.
"Simon! How thoughtful of you to build a fire."
"I wanted to make myself useful, Miss Betty. It's the least I can do, seeing as I've eaten my weight in your delicious pie!"
"Flattery will get you everywhere, young man. That compliment went straight to my Texas-born head!"
Shortly after, Candace tiptoed in with Daniel asleep in her arms. "Good morning! The coffee smells so good!" From there, her eyes went immediately to where Simon was building the fire. 
Both Hank and Betty Jo had noticed the way the trial witnesses glanced at each other in every setting, and today was no exception. 
Candace asked, "Miss Betty, would you hold Daniel for a few minutes?"
Smiling, Betty Jo set her mug aside and took the sweet bundle. "Of course! What a hunk of love! Let's go on a little adventure...."
The young mother, who'd been robbed of her teenage life, trod softly through the kitchen and prepared a large mug of coffee, remembering it was half cream and half coffee for Simon, and coffee and a dab of cream for herself. From there, she went to the den and sat on a stool near the hearth. 
"I made you a coffee, Simon. Extra creamy, the way you like it."
"Thank you," is all Simon could muster; but his eyes said so much more.
Candace caught sight of a scar on the side of his neck that seemed to go on indefinitely; then shuddered when she realized the source of his scar. Unashamed, she moved closer and touched the scar gently with the tips of her fingers.
"Simon, please forgive me. I have misjudged you. You had it so much worse at the estate than I did. You're nothing like...."
"... My monster of a father?"
"Fee is your father?" 
"Unfortunately...." A single tear escaped his eye and made its way to his chin. "Candace, it is I who should ask your forgiveness. You have done nothing but...."
"Nothing but what? Go ahead... I'm listening."
"Nothing but make me fall in love with you. I love you, Candace!"
Candace searched his eyes and saw his sincerity. "You're in love... with me?"
"Yes! Since the first time I laid eyes on you."
Tears streamed down her beautiful face. "No one's ever told me they loved me, except for my parents."
"That is baffling to me," Simon protested.
"I'm curious... did you send the rose perfume?"
"Yes, I did. You're probably not aware, but my bedroom was directly above yours. I heard you through the air vents, especially your weeping. The perfume was a gift to cheer you a little."
"Simon, may I hug you?"
The two stood and held each other close, and during the precious moment, somehow their lips found each other.
A loud knock came at the door, which rallied both Hank and Betty Jo.
"Are you expecting someone today, Betty?" Hank asked, then slipped quietly to look out the peep hole. 
"Not at this hour." Betty answered, quickly handing Daniel back to Candace. 
"It's Sheriff Gonzalez!" Hank announced. "Let's take this out to the porch, Betty Jo. It looks to be important if he's here in full force."
The two armed themselves, bundled up, and went outside for a conference with the sheriff. 
Meantime, Candace and Simon neared the window to see what was going on. 
"There's four Aspen County Sheriff  SUV's, and an Arson Unit, Simon! What do you think this is about?"  
Simon circled Candace and Daniel with his arms, and said, "I don't know for sure. Strangely, I feel it may be related to my dad."
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. Now living in Aspen Grove, Chase is doing IT work for Aspen Grove PD. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. Tammy Sue Vance was a teenager when she disappeared from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, in 2012. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me, the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson. 

Chapter 21
The Aspen Grove Murders #21

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty~ 
Meantime, Candace and Simon neared the window to see what was going on.
"There's four Aspen County Sheriff SUV's, and an Arson Unit, Simon! What do you think this is about?" 
Simon circled Candace and Daniel with his arms, and said, "I don't know for sure. Strangely, I feel it may be related to my dad."
{Chapter Twenty-One}
Fee had overslept. He wasn't sure how, but he had. The alarm clock was still screeching when he came to consciousness.
Throwing back the quilt, he got out of bed and staggered to the kitchen.
"Coffee, coffee, coffee! Where are you? Please tell me there's some that's been vacuum-sealed!" There was, but he was forced to brew it the old-fashioned way. 
After rummaging through the pantry, he came up with two cans that hadn't expired, and made a breakfast out of corned-beef hash and SPAM. One bite sent him into a paroxysm of coughing which he tried to remedy with the terrible coffee.
He stumbled to the kitchen sink and let it go. "Blargh!!!"
Cursing himself all the way to the bathroom, he showered in the coldest water known to man, cursed some more, dressed, and repacked his tote with everything—except the handgun. Looking around in what he hoped was the last time, he bid the cabin adieu. He pushed aside the antique chifforobe, opened the copious locks, turned the knob, and stepped outside. 
What he saw before him was unexpected, and nothing like he had ever encountered. 
Shrouded in white mist was an otherworldly creature, hovering like a giant hummingbird over the ground. The form resembled an angel, with branch-like wings on each side of its transparent body, the wingspan extending far beyond his peripheral sight. A strange power emitted from the spirit. 
Not at all surprising was Fee's annoyance, as he thought himself an invincible god, as it were. 
Flaring his soulless eyes, he spoke, "Spirit, I need to leave this place immediately! I have a very important appointment!"
Nothing he said altered the creature's position, as it forbade him to move past the porch. 
After ten minutes of struggle, Fee pulled his gun, took aim, and fired.

The day went as I had suspected, until Willa and I left the judge's chambers with the warrants for Fitzgerald Elling in our possession.  
Outside, it was another scene altogether. My wife and partner had to reach over and close my gaping mouth. 
Filling the atrium was most every law enforcement officer in Aspen County, along with our visiting friends from Lafayette Township PD.

"I apologize," I said. "We had our phones off while in the judge's chambers. Obviously, we missed something epic." 
"We all did," stated Captain Riley plainly.

I saw the Arson Squad among us, and knew it had to be related to the warrants I had just received. 
"Let me guess, we finally move in on this guy, and he burns down the house?"
"You're close," said the captain, "attempted to burn down the house, and the five house servants trapped inside."
Willa gasped, "Oh, no! Are they okay?"
The captain hurried, "Understandably, they were shaken, and had inhaled smoke; but all of them are recovering at the county hospital."
After we calmed, he continued, "Here's the thing that makes me hopeful. The house staff reported an angel put out the fire and escorted them to safety. Each one described her as having long, golden hair, enormous wings, and a crown on her head."
"Patience!" Willa and I cried. 
While making our plans, Detective Sally Law asked, "So... where is Fitzgerald Elling? "
Sheriff Gonzalez spoke, "We don't know, Detective. After combing the area of the estate, he was nowhere to be found. The staff said Fee had asked them earlier in the day to inventory the wine cellar. After dinner, the five left for the cellar to begin the inventory when Fee reportedly followed behind them, bolted the cellar door, and lit the fire. 
"Our department was unable to finish our investigation because it's not only an arson case, but a crime scene involving the attempted murder of five people. As of today, Captain Riley has graciously filled me in on Mr. Elling's other crimes, and of the warrant for his arrest." 
The sheriff paused for a moment to pass around a recent photo of Fitzgerald Edward Elling, then continued, "An APB has be sent out on the wire for Mr. Elling. Updated information on him will come throughout the day via your cell phones. I'd like to thank you all for your help with the investigation of the Elling Estate. It looks to be a massive endeavor and will most likely take several days. Back to you, Captain Riley."
"Thank you, Sheriff. I'm not able to go today; but our newest detectives, Betty Jo Jenkins and Doc Stuart, will be here shortly to join you all. I'm confident we have the best team for this task, and that we'll have Fitzgerald Elling behind bars sooner than later. Besides... how can we lose when we have a team of stellar individuals and an angel on our side?"
The weather was fine for our drive to the Elling Estate in Meyer's Hollow, which took about a half hour. In all, we had eight vehicles. 
Willa and I were the last ones to pull into the sprawling property. We followed the sheriff to the garage area, and parked near the path to the outdoor garden.
Willa touched my hand gently, and said, "I feel something, Tommy. I can't put my finger on it though."
"I feel it too, sweetheart. Perhaps it's the profound sadness that lingers here," I said, reaching for her hand. 
"You're right, Tommy. I'm sure that's all it is."

A tap came at my window, and I saw the blind detective standing there, seemingly raring to go.
"Tommy, would you and Willa like to join me outside? King's already on to something."
Willa beat me to it. "We'd love to join you, Sally."
"Fantastic!" she replied. "Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste and Samson will be joining us. Jackson is best suited for the CSI team; and as you might expect, King and I are better equipped for a hunt."
Willa and I had been on the winding road for awhile, trying to keep up with King and the blind detective. I don't know what she eats for breakfast; but as soon as I had the chance, I was going to ask. 
The lieutenant and Samson were keeping up with her without missing a step, and were strategically kept to her right, which I presumed was to see her hand signals to King. All I could hear was the rhythmic sound of her boots meeting the pavement and the occasional snapping of her fingers. 
Half hour later, we came to the end of the paved road and exited onto a narrow dirt path. The scene changed as we went deeper into a natural preserve. About a quarter mile in, we stopped for rest and hydration. 
King and Samson sat in perfect obedience while they waited for water. Quietly, the blind detective gave them each a long drink, a treat, and petted them affectionately. 
Willa commented, "She's not like any law enforcement officer I've ever met, Tommy. She's so confident and comfortable in her own skin."
Before I could agree, Sally spoke, "Miles... Tommy, if you would, check the area to the left for fresh footprints."
The lieutenant said, "Samson's nose is down again, Madame Detective. It is as you suspect—!"
"Let's venture in a few feet and look," I said. "If we see tracks, we'll call for backup."
Sally advised, "King tells me it's the man we're looking for, and Samson has just confirmed it. To their credit, our dogs are seldom wrong. That being the case, I insist we call for backup now, and dress up for the party."
"Yes, ma'am," I said, deferring to the senior detective from Louisiana. 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Detective Willa Sams, Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's temporary partner.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. Now living in Aspen Grove, Chase is doing IT work for Aspen Grove PD. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. Tammy Sue Vance was a teenager when she disappeared from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, in 2012. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me, the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson.  Miles refers to Detective Sally Law as Madame Detective. 

Author Notes Dress up for the party: putting on full protective gear.

Chapter 22
The Aspen Grove Murders #22

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-one~
Before I could agree, Sally spoke, "Miles... Tommy, if you would, check the area to the left for fresh footprints."
The lieutenant said, "Samson's nose is down again, Madame Detective. It is as you suspect—!"
"Let's venture in a few feet and look," I said. "If we see tracks, we'll call for backup."
Sally advised, "King tells me it's the man we are looking for, and Samson has confirmed it. To their credit, our dogs are seldom wrong. That being the case, I insist we call for backup now, and dress up for the party."
"Yes, ma'am," I said, deferring to the senior detective from Louisiana.
{Chapter Twenty-two}
{Jenkins' Farm, outermost part of Aspen Grove}
Captain Riley arrived back at the safe house, only to be greeted with curious eyes. 
"Captain, I know you must keep things private, seeing as this is an ongoing investigation," Simon commented, "yet, no one knows my dad better than me. Tell me—please—what has he done?" 
"Simon, I wish I could tell you for certain. There's an APB out for him, and a warrant for his arrest. That's all I have at the moment."
"So... he's not at the house?"
"No, he's not. Do you know where he might be hiding?"
Simon thought for a few minutes, and asked, "Did he take his car, or leave the estate by cab?"
"The 2022 Mercedes registered to him is still there, and no cab service was reported to have been in the area."
"Then he's either at the fishing cabin, or has hitchhiked to my mother's old place in Baltimore."
"Your mother is living?" 
"No. She was declared dead after a boating accident. The authorities never recovered her body."
"What is—was—her name?"
"Victoria Cole Elling. Birthday... April 11, 1973."
"And the fishing cabin you mentioned?"
"Approximately four miles from the estate on Lake Jessup, the same lake as the boating accident."
Sheriff Gonzalez arrived with Detectives Betty Jo Jenkins and Jackson Law to help us in the forest search. We all dressed in full protective gear, including Sally, King, and Willa who were staying behind at the entrance.
Thanks to dogs Samson and King, and a confirmation from Captain Riley, we'd pinpointed the cabin's location, and the owner as Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
The only outlet was Lake Jessup, and it did not allow motorized watercraft anymore. Confident we had Elling trapped, we were ready to move in. 
After giving my bride a kiss, I left her with reassurances. "I won't be gone long. Say a prayer, darling."
Jackson and Sally parted in the same way, and it made me admire them even more. 
We formed in two groups. In the lead was Jean-Baptiste, Samson, and Sheriff Gonzalez; while Jackson Law, Betty Jo Jenkins, and I brought up the rear.
The path to the fishing cabin was heavily treed, and strewn about with the last remnants of autumn, with acorns and fallen leaves along the way. Obvious to us were the fresh footprints of the man we were seeking.
About twenty feet from the cabin, we hid behind an old fence laden with grapevines, in order to observe the surroundings unseen. The faint smell of brewed coffee still hung in the air. 
Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste scoped the front of the little cabin, then said, "I see blood on the porch railing. I'm moving in for a closer look." 
Betty Jo stood and fell in behind him, saying, "I have you covered, Lieutenant. Lead on...."
Something inside me bubbled up, so I signaled my concerns to Sheriff Gonzalez. "I'm calling Willa to check in."
He nodded, and gave me a thumbs up. 
As soon as Willa came on the line; I knew Fee was there by the pinched sound of her voice. "Captain Riley," she said, tipping me off. "There's no sign of Fitzgerald Elling. I think we've reached the end of the road."
"Don't hang up, sweetheart," I said, "we're coming!"
I heard a man's voice in the background, then nothing.
How I ran so fast, I couldn't tell you. I'd hoped everyone was behind me as I tripped along, my worst fears multiplying with each step. 
Had Willa been given to me just to be taken away? And was it only a week ago she had been struggling with the same issue? Suddenly, I understood what she had been going through, as I was now the one with everything to lose.

As I neared the road, I caught sight of the desperate scene and sank to my knees away from view. "God help us," is all I could manage to pray.
A few minutes later, the team caught up with me and knelt. 
"We need to act fast," I said. "He's focused his attention on Sally and has separated her from Willa and King."
Jean-Baptiste quickly assessed the situation, then whispered, "I don't like this! He has a gun pressed to Madame Detective's head. His right coat sleeve is tinged with blood. Willa appears to be handcuffed to my truck. King has been given over to Willa from what I can tell."
The lieutenant looked again at the blind detective's right hand. "Yes, I see it now. She has signaled to King to remain quiet and still."

"I can take Fee down from here," Betty Jo offered. 
Jackson spoke, "I know my wife. She could have pinned this guy down in seconds. I'm sure he threatened to hurt Willa, King, and possibly all of us. Trust me, Sal's made herself the target so we'd come in full force."
I added, "I believe you, Jackson. However, we have one shot to get Sally away from him. Only one."
I turned to Betty Jo and asked, "Are you sure...?"
Betty Jo stood on a firm patch of soil and readied herself. "Gentlemen, upon my word, not a hair on those cherished heads will be out of place; and Elling will live the rest of his days behind bars. I am—after all—the daughter of Cooper Lee Jenkins."
"Let's get ready to move," I announced. "Miles, stay glued to Fee and have a second shot ready, if need be.
"Sheriff... I need you to give backup to Miles while Jackson assists Sally. Betty and I will see to Willa and King."
The native-born Texan lifted her rifle, aimed, and said, "On three—!"
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide.

Detective Willa Sams-Thompson: Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's wife and partner.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant.

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. Now living in Aspen Grove, Chase is doing IT work for Aspen Grove PD. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. Tammy Sue Vance was a teenager when she disappeared from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, in 2012. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III, renamed Daniel by Candace. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house with her infant son, Daniel. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me—the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson.  Miles refers to Detective Sally Law as Madame Detective. 

Chapter 23
The Aspen Grove Murders #23

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-two~
Betty Jo stood on a firm patch of soil and readied herself. "Gentlemen, upon my word, not a hair on those cherished heads will be out of place; and Elling will live the rest of his days behind bars. I am—after all—the daughter of Cooper Lee Jenkins."
"Let's get ready to move," I announced. "Miles, stay glued to Fee and have a second shot ready, if need be. 
"Sheriff... I need you to give backup to Miles while Jackson assists Sally. Betty and I will see to Willa and King."
The native-born Texan lifted her rifle, aimed, and said, "On three—!"
{Chapter Twenty-three}
"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles." —Charlie Chaplin 
The sun was atilt in the November sky as the harrowing scene played out, a day none of us would ever forget. 
Fitzgerald Elling held the blind detective in front of him, his cheek pressed to hers. His left arm was stretched across her chest. In his right hand was a .45, aimed at her temple. 
Both were dressed in black, and it was hard to distinguish where Sally's tall frame ended and Fee's began. God, please help our friend, I prayed silently. 
We held our collective breath waiting for the shot. 
Betty's voice reflected her expertise. "Cover your ears! One... two... hold up!"
Lowering the rifle, she knelt. "Tommy... he's much too close to her. We need a distraction. Throw a stone towards the lake and stir up some waterfowl. Maybe that'll do it."
"You got it. Be ready to shoot." 
"I will," she assured.
I reared back and heaved the rock as far as possible, stirring up the birds. 
Success was granted. Fee released his tight hold a bit, and pointed the gun at the noise. 
The markswoman rebalanced herself, took aim, and fired. 
The single gunshot echoed throughout the hollow as screeching birds fled from the surrounding trees. 
Elling gasped as the bullet struck his right shoulder, the thrust causing him to tumble backwards. However, our elation turned to horror as he pulled the detective down on top of him, the gun still in his grip. 
The strategy went out the window as we ran pell-mell towards them in an attempt to save her. 
I heard Jackson's voice above the madness. "The gun, Sal! Disarm him!!" 
Sally reached back and dug her fingernails into his face, soliciting a scream. "Owwwww!"
"Drop the gun right now!" she commanded. 
Jean-Baptiste was the first to arrive, and stood over him with his gun drawn, "You heard her—drop it!!"
Fee let it go and moaned. 
After the EMTs arrived and had stabilized Fitzgerald Elling, they whisked him away to the county hospital in Meyer's Hollow. I sat with Willa, Sally, and King until they were checked out thoroughly and had been rehydrated.
Sally refused ambulance transport and said she'd rather go to a clinic than a hospital for a sprained hand. Honestly, I didn't think she wanted to be parted from Jackson and King again. 
"You were very brave, my Louisiana friend. Thank you for protecting Willa. I'm forever in your debt."
"You will never be in my debt, Detective Thompson," she said. "For your team came to my rescue. Thank you so much! Dinner is on me."
I stared at her in admiration, then finally gave in to her offer. We packed up everything, dogs and all, and headed back to Aspen Grove.  As suspected, Sally never went to the clinic; but she was the first one to excuse herself from the dinner table. "It's been a long day," she said. "I need a warm soak in the tub."
The next morning, we headed for the Elling Estate in the same way as the day before, arriving just as the sun was coming up. Everyone was in good spirits and immediately went to task. We switched it up a little since I had to leave with the sheriff as soon as Elling came out of recovery. 
Arresting the criminal was my top priority for the day, and he had to be cognizant for the event. 
It was nice riding along with the sheriff, and getting a free tour of beautiful Aspen County. According to him and the elderly gentleman at the two pump filling station, the 1920s yellow brick hospital hadn't changed much over the years.
We pulled in to the medical center, parked, and headed inside. The lobby was small, and, thankfully, not very crowded. 
"We are here on official business," I said, flashing my badge. 
The receptionist went through the motions without so much as a smile. "Patient's name?" 
"Fitgerald Elling."
She typed with lightning speed, then said, "Second level, follow the signs to Critical Care." 
There was a stairwell nearby so we took it to save time, or so we thought. 
The Critical Care Unit was another world altogether, and was hopping with action. I got the attention of the first uniformed person that would look me in the eye. 
"Good afternoon! Fitzgerald Elling's room number, please," I inquired, showing my identification. "Of course you know Sheriff Gonzalez," I said as a matter of course. "We have warrants for his arrest, and we are here to apprise him of his rights."
The cheer in the nurse's face drained. "I'm Mr. Elling's nurse, Lucy. Come this way, Officers."
We walked in a line behind the scrub-clad nurse, through the old structure and into a newly-renovated wing. She stopped just short of the room at the hospital's community bulletin board. 
Lowering her voice, she spoke, "As you can imagine, I've seen so much in my thirty years at a county hospital. So I don't mind saying—this man is pure evil."
"We know," said the sheriff, "but we can't arrest someone for being evil, and must prove a crime has been committed in a court of law."
The nurse looked us up and down. "That shouldn't be too difficult. I cared for two of the survivors of the estate fire. A husband and wife—Raoul and Tammy Perez. They were just discharged this morning." Suddenly, the supervising nurse looked as if she'd seen a ghost.
"Nurse... are you okay?" I asked. 
"Look here on the board! Tammy Sue Vance missing from Lafayette Township, Louisiana. That's Tammy Perez. I swear it's her!" she exclaimed. 
I removed the flyer, and asked, "Do you have a moment to call this number and tell the detective what you just relayed to us?"
She pulled a cell phone from her deep pockets and saved the number. "Detective Sally Law.... I'll call her right now!"
"Thank you!"
She pointed to the door of room 2122, and said, "Go in. He's wide awake."
I knocked before entering to make our presence known. "Mr. Elling, I'm Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove, PD. This is Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez."
"No flowers? How unneighborly of you both," he said sarcastically. "By the way, how are the double dip ice cream sundaes I left behind? Who knew women cops could be so delicious, yet so... feisty!"

God help me. It was all I could do not to rip his filthy mouth from his red clawed face. I didn't grace him with a response, nor did I plan to stay any longer than was necessary. 
I unfolded the warrants and began.
"Fitzgerald Edward Elling, you are under arrest for the following:
"False imprisonment of Candace Van Velzen.
"Regarding your son, Simon Elling, the charges are many: blackmail, attempted murder, and multiple counts of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse of a minor child."
I stopped as I thought again of Simon Elling, and all the evidence he had graciously brought us so far. My voice cracked as I stated the last charge. "... And rape of a minor child."
After gathering my composure, I continued—
"Regarding Gaston Paulette, conspiracy to commit murder. 
"Added are the following charges from the Aspen County Sheriff's Office:
"One count of aggravated and reckless arson; five counts of attempted murder; assault of a Louisiana Township Police Officer; threatening a police officer; and holding three police officers at gunpoint.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed by the state. Do you understand your rights and the charges against you, sir?"
The look on his face was one of bewilderment. "This is a load of crap!" he seethed. "Do you have any evidence at all?"
I leaned in. "You seem like an intelligent man, Mr. Elling. Do you think we'd be wasting our time if we didn't have plenty of evidence for the Maryland Grand Jury?"
"One more time, do you understand, or do you want it translated in another language?"
"I understand...." 
"Good. One more thing, Mr. Elling. This is an age progression photo of a missing person from Lafayette Township, Louisiana. By chance, was she employed at your estate?" 
He looked briefly at the photo and shook his head. "I plead the fifth." Unfortunately for him, the glimmer in his eye told me everything.
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both  Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails as well as at the crime scene. 

Detective Willa Sams-Thompson: Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's wife and partner.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant. 

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. Now living in Aspen Grove, Chase is doing IT work for Aspen Grove PD. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling has just been arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. Tammy Sue Vance was a teenager when she disappeared from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, in 2012. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her as his wife at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III, renamed Daniel by Candace. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house with her infant son, Daniel. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me—the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson. Miles refers to Detective Sally Law as Madame Detective. 

Chapter 24
The Aspen Grove Murders #24

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-three~ 
"One more time, do you understand the charges and your rights under the law? Or do you want it translated into another language?" 
"I understand...."
"Good. One more thing, Mr. Elling. This is an age progression photo of a missing person from Lafayette Township, Louisiana. Her name is Tammy Sue Vance. By chance, has she been employed at your estate?" 
He looked briefly at the photo and shook his head. "I plead the fifth."
Unfortunately for him, the glimmer in his eye told me everything.
{Chapter Twenty-four}
After I had arrested Fitzgerald Elling, I pointed to the bedside phone. "You're allowed one phone call, and I hope you'll contact your attorney. Don't forget to dial nine first."
"Where's my cell phone?" he snapped. "I had it on me before I tangled with the Louisiana wildcat!" 
I tried not to smile from ear to ear. "Well—apparently—it has gone missing. The good news is, my team is searching the area as we speak. As for the bad news, I have first dibs on all your electronic devices."
I reached for the outmoded phone and set it beside him. "Don't forget... nine!" 
As I was leaving, the criminal asked, "Where's Simon?" 
Turning, I said, "He's good, and much safer than when he lived with you." 
If looks could kill, I'd be dead. 
Later, outside of room 2122, Sheriff Gonzalez called for round-the-clock security, since he had ample staff and more resources. 
"This guy is a criminal kingpin, with connections to who knows who," I said. "We can't let our guard down for a second."
"You're right, Tommy; and we won't let up our guard until Elling's hauled off to prison. By the way, word on the street is... Fee's hiring the notorious 'Slippery' Sam Farnsworth."
"I expected as much. I've tangled with the unscrupulous defense attorney when I worked for Baltimore, P.D." 
All of a sudden we were distracted by the sound of expensive shoes clicking on the linoleum. "Do you hear that? Twenty bucks it's Farnsworth and his entourage," I wagered.
"You're on," said my sheriff friend. "No way he's here already."
I knew I had won the bet because they always wear thousand dollar shoes—always. And like cockroaches, they come out of the woodwork when there's a crumb to be had. 
{Jenkins' Farm, outermost Aspen Grove}
After hearing about the arrest of his father, and potential threat to his life, key trial witness, Simon Elling, lapsed into a deep funk. The magic bubble had burst—or so he'd thought.
Simon spiraled down even more after Captain Riley made his case. "This is one of the hardest things I've had to consider. But I think it's best if I move you to another—more secure—safe house. I don't have one yet, but I'm working on it."
After relaying the news, Hank relaxed a bit. "What are your thoughts on the changes?"
"You're probably right. If my father goes after anyone, it will definitely be me. Understand, he's had a fixation on Candace for some time. My reason for staying on as his assistant was to protect Candace from him. If it wasn't for her, I would have left my position years ago."
"That's interesting to know," said the captain. "Is there anything else you'd like to share?"
Simon lowered his voice. "I'm in love with Candace. Do what is best for her and Daniel, Captain. Their safety and happiness are more important than mine."
During lunch, Hank and Candace sensed a dark cloud over Simon, as he hardly spoke, smiled, or made eye contact. 
After five minutes of staring out the window, Simon pushed himself away from Betty Jo's leftover beef stew and cheddar biscuits. "Excuse me, I'm not feeling very well." 
Candace offered, "I will wrap it up for you, Simon."
"Thanks," he said weakly, and headed up the stairs. 
Captain Riley ran his hands over his face, realizing the love between the trial witnesses had snowballed. Before he could say anything, Candace offered, "Let me talk to Simon, Captain. I was planning on it anyway. After that, I'll need to have a heart-to-heart with you and Miss Betty."
"About the trial?"
"No. About living my life." 
Simon decided to check on Daniel before going to his room, a habit he'd formed without realizing. 
Opening the door slowly, he tip-toed in. Daniel was lying contently on his back and snuggled into a blanket. Unable to resist, he bent over and admired the baby, wondering if he would ever know such joy. 
He laid a gentle kiss on his freshly bathed head, and whispered, "Daniel... I wish you were mine, with all of my heart...."
Interrupted by Candace's approach, Simon left the room, quietly pulling the door shut. 
Afterwards, he hurried to the next level where he had been installed, and lay fully clothed on the bed. The afternoon sun filled the suite with light and warmth, yet he felt cold and desperately alone. 
The inner conflict from earlier in the day ensued. "I need to end this relationship now. But... how can I leave her? Daniel?"
The other voice answered back, "Because they deserve better, that's why!" 
A gentle tap at the door arrested his thoughts. "Yes?"
"It's me. May I come in?"
Candace entered; and, although they were alone, he still couldn't manage to look her in the eyes. 
"Simon, could we sit together in the hallway? I have something to say."
One of the many things he admired about Candace was her directness. There was no pretense, no wasting of anyone's time. 
"Of course," he said, still unable to meet her gaze. 
He stood and walked to the closet, unbuttoning his work shirt. "I'll be right there. I need to change my shirt."
The arms he craved wrapped around him; and the voice he loved softly spoke, "What's wrong?" 
Turning, he tried to speak; but he couldn't. Then, suddenly, she kissed him; and it wasn't like anything he'd ever experienced. It was electric, pure, and wholly possessive. Every pore of his being was awakened. 
He convinced himself this was goodbye, so he gave his all—unashamed—and savored the taste of her lips.

In the moment, Simon finally found the courage he had been seeking. Pushing aside a wisp of hair, he looked intently into her blue eyes.
"Candace, I want you to listen to me. Captain Riley and I think it's best if I go somewhere else until the trial is over. After that, I'm going to give you enough money to start a new life and college tuition for Daniel. You're beautiful, intelligent, and such a wonderful mother. I—I can't let myself screw up your life!" 
Candace sponged away her tears. "No to leaving here, Simon; I won't stand for it! Second, how could you ever screw up my life?  I think the real issue here is—do you love me?"
"More than anything!"
"Then... what's the problem?" she asked emphatically. 
"I'm not a whole person, Candace. You deserve better than this broken resemblance of a man!" 
He pulled away, then angrily removed his undershirt, exposing his abused frame. "Look at me!! Look! Trial Exhibit A!" 
"I am looking at you—the real you! You're not the sum total of your father's abuse! You're not these scars!" she said, then closed distance between them.
Cupping his face, she continued, "I see the handsome man that I love, one with a kind smile, expressive eyes, and a generous heart. Don't be thinking I didn't notice your six pack abs though," she said, trying to lighten the mood. 
Visions he could not control raced through his head. He saw them together in the future. Although it was brief, the happiness they shared was undeniable. He with Daniel on his shoulders; she with another child in her arms.  Could a wife and family be destined for me? he thought.
Candace didn't let up as she moved in to claim her prize.
"I don't want money or fancy things. I want a life with you—now! The trial will happen when it happens. It could be many months, or a year or two away! 
"I've been robbed of thirteen years of my life! Thirteen years forced to live in the house of Fee with Gaston Paulette! I had no love... no hope... no self-respect... no anything—until you. If you'll let me, I will love you forever!"
"That's exactly what I want!" Simon admitted. "You and Daniel are all I want in this world!" 
Nothing more was said for the longest time, only sighs and whispers from the heart as Candace rested her head contently upon Simon's chest. Finally, it was settled between them. 
"What do we do now?" Candace asked. 
The changed man pressed a sweet kiss to her lips, then excused himself. Dressing in the best looking flannel shirt he could find, he sought to make himself presentable for what he was about to do.
He'd always worn his mother's gold ring on his pinky, and had never taken it off—until now.  "I'll be right there, sweetheart," he announced, giving the ring a much needed polishing. 

By the time he'd returned, the afternoon sun had cast an ethereal light on Candace, making her more breathtaking than a moment ago. 
He walked to where she was, and knelt. Taking her left hand in his, he made his plea, "Without a doubt, there is a God, and He is merciful, kind, and loving. I know, because He brought me you. My earth angel—my beautiful Candace—will you marry me?" 
If yes were kisses, it was a resounding yes! 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both  Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails as well as at the crime scene. 

Detective Willa Sams-Thompson: Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's wife and partner.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant. 

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. Now living in Aspen Grove, Chase is doing IT work for Aspen Grove PD. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling has just been arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. Tammy Sue Vance was a teenager when she disappeared from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, in 2012. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. He has just proposed to Candace. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her illegally as his "wife" at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III, renamed Daniel by Candace. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house with her infant son, Daniel. She has accepted Simon's proposal. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me—the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson. Miles refers to Detective Sally Law as Madame Detective. 

Chapter 25
The Aspen Grove Murders #25

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-four~
By the time Simon returned, the afternoon sun had cast an ethereal light on Candace, making her more breathtaking than a moment ago. 
He walked to where she was, and knelt. Taking her left hand in his, he made his plea, "Without a doubt, there is a God, and He is merciful, kind, and loving. I know, because He brought me you. My earth angel—my beautiful Candace—will you marry me?" 
If yes were kisses, it was a resounding yes! 

{Chapter Twenty-five}
Simon buried his head in Candace's sweet smelling hair, never wanting to let her go. Without moving, he breathed, "What do you think about getting married tomorrow?"
Candace pulled away, her hair tousled from their passionate kissing. "I was hoping you'd say that! But how? I have nothing to wear, no money, no—!"
Simon removed all hesitation with his reassuring words. "Look at me, Candace."
She studied him with glowing eyes. "You're changed, aren't you, my love?"
"I'm changed in here," he said, pointing to his head, "and transformed by your love," he said, touching his heart. "There's nothing that's going to keep me from you, or you from me. All I want is to be married to you... to know only you."
"Love and devotion—we have those in spades! How are we going to pull this off?"
"I have money, and plenty of it; in a trust given to me by my mother."
Her eyes widened. "Trust money? Wouldn't a withdrawal call attention to you?" 
"No. My mother was not only wealthy, she was smart; and made sure my inheritance wouldn't be tampered with. My father has no access to the account or knows of the activity. Now... let's tell Hank and Betty the good news, and get our wedding planned and paid for!" 
Winning the bet wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped, although Sheriff Gonzalez slipped me the bill pretty quickly. "You're really good, Tommy," he said smiling. 
"I know," I replied in a temporary moment of glee.
Then, Kenneth Farnsworth spoke; and he was as smug and condescending as ever.
"Detective Thompson! What a pleasant surprise!" 
"Counselor, I wish I could say the same."
"I'm here to see my client—alone. My personal assistant will be attending me."
I pointed to the door. "Both of you will need to sign in."
The vainglorious defense attorney ran his hand through his perfectly coifed hair and straightened his silk tie before leaving his signature.
"Make sure we aren't interrupted, Detective."
Nurse Lucy appeared; throwing the fear of hellfire into the two men. "This is a hospital, not a monastery. You have twenty minutes to do your business. I suggest you get on with it!" She sized up the personal assistant in one glance. "And I hope you know shorthand."
The two disapperared without a word, closing the door behind them.
Fee took one look at his defense attorney and immediately unloaded. "You've got to get me out of here, Ken! This is a freaking nightmare! They served me green Jello for lunch!" 
The counsel painted the picture in graphic terms as he spoke, "You've done this to yourself, Fitzy! Best case scenario is a reduced sentence."
Fee unhinged. "Reduced sentence? Are you out of your Harvard-loving mind?"
Farnsworth leaned in, speaking in a low growl, "You've become sloppy in your old age, Fitzy, and much too wicked for redemption. No one is going to touch you except some rookie public defender. Nobody!" 
"Then make me disappear. I know you can do it, Ken! Fifty mil in an off-shore account."
"One hundred million, my friend. I have a high-maintenance staff."
"Done." Fee said. "Afterwards, I'll need a plastic surgeon to get a new look."
"Of course. I have several to choose from. You'll be unrecognizable when they're finished with you. Speaking of services, a retainer is required before the bank closes today. Fifteen bucks outta do it." 
Farnsworth snapped his fingers, causing his assistant to jump like he'd been cattle prodded.
"Your account number, Mr. Elling...."
"It's 535-26616-7331-033."
The assistant had it taken care of in a blink. Once the transaction was confirmed, the two men shook hands in agreement. 
"Your arraignment is scheduled for Friday at three o'clock. I'll be in touch before then," the slick lawyer assured.
Before parting, Farnsworth looked at his client, then asked, "What the hell happened to your face?"
"A wildcat attacked me."
"Wildcat, huh? About 5' 10" with a badge and a Louisiana accent? Looks like she made quite the impression."
{Beaver Creek Apartments, Meyer's Hollow}
Tammy Perez was going through her things, wondering what to pack. Slamming the dresser so hard it rocked, she screamed, "What if Fee gets out on bail... and... and... goes after us! You know he's evil—Raoul—and powerful! No doubt he killed Simon; and God only knows what he did to Candace!"
Raoul offered comforting words to his wife. "Please don't upset yourself... and the baby. Remember, an angel saved us, sweetheart. An angel! We have a future ahead of us. Now, pack your bags. We're going to a resort to rest and relax."
"I want to go back to Lafayette Township and see my mother and sister so badly, but I'm afraid to involve them in this mess. As trial witnesses, it will be easy for Fee to make our lives miserable, or worse, go after our families!"
She sat on the bed and wept. "I'd always imagined a different life than this."
Raoul sat beside her, and stroked her rounded belly. "I love you, Tammy. If you want to go to Louisiana—then let's go!"
"It's not that simple," Tammy said. 
"Why not?" he asked. 
"Because... I was abducted from Lafayette Township when I was fifteen—that's why!"
Tammy wrapped her arms around herself as she recalled that night.
"It was Halloween, and I'd begged my mom to let me go to a bonfire with a few of my school friends. It was your typical bonfire with s'mores, ghost stories, and juvenile pranks. Around nine o'clock, my boyfriend, Bobby, walked me home. We stopped in the woods to talk which led to some necking. Suddenly, I felt a heavy hand upon my back and a stabbing sensation which emptied me of all strength. After that, I have very little memory of that time, or how I escaped my captors and wound up in Maryland. 
"I do remember I was a maid at a sleazebag motel near the interestate, and that I slept and bathed in the unoccupied rooms. I waitressed, tended bar, and washed mountains of dirty dishes. Sometimes I ate from the discarded plates, or scrounged food from the local dumpsters. Raoul, I did things I didn't think I would ever do in order to survive. Terrible things! I've asked God to forgive me for selling my body, and for stealing money from my employers. 
"Then, one October day, I took an Uber to Meyer's Hollow to view the fall foliage. I noticed a big house at the top of the hill and it seemed to call me. When I arrived, the gate was wide open, so I boldly walked up to the front door, knocked, and asked about a job. Simon hired me on the spot."
Raoul was horrified, never knowing of his wife's tragic past. "Tammy—sweetheart—why didn't you tell someone, or confide in me sooner?" 
"I did tell someone—a dirty cop named Joe Santucci."
The doorbell rang, sending Tammy into a panic. "Who could that be?!"
Raoul wiped his tears, then steadied her. "I'll handle it. It's probably just the neighborhood kids selling raffle tickets."
The protective husband peered through the hole and saw a man and woman holding up official looking badges. "It's the police, honey. I am going to step outside and talk to them."
Tammy followed behind to investigate. "They're not from the sheriff's office," she observed. "They're dressed way too nice."
"Maybe they're FBI," Raoul suggested. 
The couple took a deep breath, then opened the door. 
"Good afternoon! I'm Lead Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Cold Case Division; and this is my...."
Tammy burst into tears and ran into the detective's arms. "How in the world did you find me...?"
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}

Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and find justice for all those like her. The story is told in his voice.

Phoebe Mae Thompson: The coroner has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both  Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails as well as at the crime scene. 

Detective Willa Sams-Thompson: Aspen Grove PD: Tommy's wife and partner.

Captain Hank Riley: Chief of Aspen Grove PD.

Betty Jo Jenkins: Owner of Jo's Diner. Eyewitness and survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. She has agreed to give up her spatula and join the police force.

County Coroner, Dr. Achaius Stuart: The good doctor joins Tommy and his team as a consultant. 

Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: County Sheriff. Prince, Samson, and Delilah are his search and rescue dogs. 

Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove. Deceased. 
Sebastian: Stray Tabby adopted by Tommy. 
Patience: Angel sent to help Tommy. Goes by the name Pat or Patty. 
Faithful: Warrior Angel and leader of the fighting eagles. 
Nix: Territorial Demon in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
DeeCayed: Territorial Demon in White Falls, New York. Transferring to Aspen Grove, Maryland today.
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons, or Satan. His name means: Lord of Filth.
Chase Levins: Night Manager of the RaceTrac Gas Station in White Falls, New York. Now living in Aspen Grove, Chase is doing IT work for Aspen Grove PD. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling, a.k.a. Fee: Head of a crime syndicate and has ties with the local occultists and witches. He was also tied to the late Joe Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling has just been arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital.
Fee's Staff: Raoul, Anita, Tammy, Keith, and Orsen. Tammy Sue Vance was a teenager when she disappeared from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, in 2012. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. Currently at the safe house. He has just proposed to Candace. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Abducted Candace Van Velzen in 2009 from Aspen Grove and has kept her illegally as his "wife" at the Fee Estate. They have a newborn son, Gaston III, renamed Daniel by Candace. Professor Paulette awaits murder charges in the death of Phoebe Mae Thompson of Aspen Grove and more criminal charges coming in the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He is in a coma at present.
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace has escaped her captors, and is going to blow the whistle on the House of Fee. Currently at the safe house with her infant son, Daniel. She has accepted Simon's proposal. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse, and my dear friend on FanStory.
Doctor Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist.
Kenneth Farnsworth: Defense Attorney for Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Cameo Characters from my Blind Girl Mysteries—
Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division: That's me—the blind detective is returning for a a few chapters to help out. Officer King: my faithful service dog and Superdog. 
Detective Jackson Law: Lafayette Township Police Department, Cold Case Division. My husband and partner.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: Lafayette Township Police Department; and his bloodhound, Samson. Miles refers to Detective Sally Law as Madame Detective. 

Chapter 26
The Aspen Grove Murders #26

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-five~
The protective husband peered through the hole and saw a man and a woman holding up official looking badges. "It's the police, honey. I'm going to step outside and talk to them."
Tammy followed behind to investigate. "They're not from the sheriff's office," she observed. "They're dressed way too nice." 
"Maybe they're FBI," Raoul suggested. 
The couple took a deep breath, then opened the door. 
"Good afternoon! I'm Lead Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township Cold Case Division; and this is my...."
Tammy burst into tears and ran into the detective's arms. "How in the world did you find me?" 
{Chapter Twenty-six}
Are we so patently ignorant as to believe that today just happened? For the incalculable number of complexities inherent in a single day are leagues beyond the reach of mere happenstance, and the threads that seamlessly tie these complexities together are beyond coincidence of the most fantastic sort. 
—Craig D. Lounsbrough 
The longer I live, the more I realize there's no such thing as coincidence. In life, our paths serendipitously intersect with others. It may be for a moment, so quick we oftentimes fail to see the significance. Do we observe? Do we really see the people around us in these hurried times? As a husband, father, and detective, I can tell the importance of the moment and paying attention to these interactions. 
Today, my comment to Nurse Lucy Sheehan in passing yielded life-changing results. The good news pinged my phone as I came from the deep recesses of the county hospital.
To: Tommy T
From: The Blind Detective
Hey, Tommy! Thank you for giving my cell number to Nurse Sheehan. It's my girl! Tammy Perez and Tammy Sue Vance are one and the same. I will get a full statement from her and forward it to your office, as some of her story not only connects to Fitzgerald Elling, but to former police chief, Joe Santucci. She's more than willing to help us with our investigation. I see a decades-old alliance between Elling and Santucci, as I'm sure you do. Thanks again! My best to you and Willa.
After the message, I let out a whoop-whoop, drawing a few looks from the hospital staff. 
Outside the hospital was another scene altogether. The sky was a pitch black, and rumbled continuously. It hadn't rained yet, but I could smell it coming. Tall aspens bowed to the wind as it whipped the surrounding area.
I decided to man the door for those coming and going trying to beat the imminent storm. For whatever reason, a laundry truck pulled up to the main entrance and parked. The driver and two other persons hurried to unload stacks of fresh linens before the storm let loose. I continued to hold the door, and made myself as useful as I could. 
Twenty minutes later, I observed only two men returning to the truck and pulling away. Suspicious, I headed to the main desk and inquired, "Have you seen a uniformed man about this tall with a load of linens?" 
"Yes, earlier.... Let me check the security footage."
"Thank you," I said, feeling anxious. I continued to look in every direction, scanning the sea of blue uniforms. 
A minute passed, and it felt like an eternity.
Finally, I left my business card with the receptionist, and said, "Call me if you see the man I described." I hit the stairs running and exited on the second floor in Critical Care.  As soon as I came around the corner, I saw him talking to Nurse Lucy. The look on her face tipped me off. 
I walked past nonchalantly and grabbed the attention of Sheriff Gonzalez.
Lowering my voice, I said, "Emmanuel, I think the guy conversing with Nurse Lucy is not who he appears to be, possibly attempting to get a coded message to Elling."
"I was just about to go over there when I saw you, Tommy. Something's off."
Just then, lightning struck the old hospital with a mighty CRACK! The continuous rolls of thunder shook the structure. Everything went black for a few seconds until the generators kicked in. Patients cried out in panic. Staff with cell phone lights were moving to help. I quickly dialed 9-1-1. 
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"
"There's been a lightning strike at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital."
"Do you smell smoke?"
"No, not at the moment. I'm on the second floor near the roof. It may have struck the antennas."
"Thank you, sir. Engine 57 has been dispatched. ETA, five minutes." 
Once the power was up and running, the staff hustled to check on the patients. 
But the suspicious man was gone; the pile of linens tossed on a chair. In his haste he'd dropped a piece of paper. Written in black ink were three words: "Friday, be ready." 
I tucked the note in my coat pocket and thought, Yes, I will be ready on Friday too, Fitzgerald Elling. You'll never escape me. 
{Jenkins' Farm, outermost Aspen Grove}
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins had just arrived back at the farmhouse, trying to beat the approaching storm. To her surprise, Captain Hank Riley met her at the truck door with an umbrella. 
"I was hoping you'd make it home in time," he said. "We're going to be walloped!"
"Hank—I'll need to check on the horses!" 
"They're fine. Simon and I just took care of everything in the barn. Chickens are in the coop."
As they walked together, a rush of warmth rushed through Betty Jo, and it wasn't menopause. Curious, she asked, "I don't suppose dinner cooked itself?"
"I wouldn't dare," replied Hank, "but, Simon insisted...."
Betty stopped them at the side door. "Hank Riley, besides the storm, what's going on here?" 
"Simon and Candace are engaged, and they're getting married tommorow."
A modern-day miracle occured, as Betty Jo had been rendered speechless. 
The smell of Italian food permeated the sprawling country home. Fine China, white linens, and tall candles graced the seldom-used dining room table. A fire blazed in the hearth, setting the rooms aglow. Betty found herself tearing at the sight.
In walked Simon, wearing an apron. "We're having a private dinner party this evening. Would you like to freshen up before dinner, Miss Jenkins?"
Betty Jo kissed the young man on the cheek, then whispered. "I would love that."
All four were thinking how good it felt to be together and celebrate Candace and Simon. Maybe it was the flickering candles and the glow in the couple's eyes, or perhaps it was the sound of the rain playing a melody on the tin roof. To the angels peering in the window, it was love, blossoming in spring. 
Betty finished the last bite of the delicious lasagna, then asked, "So... we're having a wedding tomorrow?"
Candace offered, "Yes—hopefully—at three o'clock. I'm going to need your help, Miss Betty. I'll need to get prettied up."
Simon reached for the hand of his bride-to-be, then said, "You're already gorgeous, sweetheart. But I'd love nothing more than to buy you a wedding gown and everything to go with it."
Betty stood, and announced, "I have a wedding dress that I never wore. Would you like to try it on?"
"Miss Betty—I couldn't!"
"Of course you can, darling girl. Let's go and take a look."
"Okay," Candace said in trepidation. 
Betty Jo's bedroom was a museum of old memories, every bit of the shelving lined with framed photographs, trophies, and blue ribbons of her accomplishments. In the storage closet was a painful memory—a beautiful, never worn wedding gown.
Switching on the light, she removed it from the bag and hung it on the closet door. "Lovely, isn't it?"
Candace gasped as the dress was revealed. "Are you kidding me? This is unbelievable! Miss Betty... the neckline... the details. It's exquisite!"
"Try it on while I look for the shoes and dangly earrings. They've got to be around here somewhere."
Candace slipped it on and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Touching it reverently, she was overcome. "Miss Betty... look."
Betty turned around and clapped her hands. "Oh... my... goodness!" 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters}
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner, Head of CSI Unit, Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is forthcoming. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace have just announced their engagement. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has accepted Simon Elling's proposal. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's defense attorney. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove and track down a missing person, Tammy Sue Vance. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.

Chapter 27
The Aspen Grove Murders #27

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-six~
Candace gasped as the dress was revealed. "Are you kidding me? This is unbelievable! Miss Betty... the neckline... the details. It's exquisite!" 
"Try it on while I look for the matching shoes and dangly earrings. They've got to be around here somewhere."
Candace slipped it on and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Touching it reverently, she was overcome. "Miss Betty... look."
Betty Jo turned around and clapped her hands. "Oh... my... goodness!" 
{Chapter Twenty-seven}
{Meyer's Hollow}
I think I slept. If I did it was precious little. It's hard to sleep in a hospital waiting room when you're my height. I started at a slow crawl, making my way to the vending machine for a strong cup of dark roast. Unfortunately, the coffee came first, then the Styrofoam cup followed. 
Nurse Lucy came from behind, and said, "That coffee machine doesn't work half the time, Detective. There's plenty at the nurse's station. Help yourself."
"Thank you, Lucy." 
"The Internet is still down," she reported. "I'll get the security footage you're seeking once we're up and running. It could be awhile. Meantime, I'm giving sponge baths. Fitzgerald Elling is up first," she said, disappearing into his room. 
Within five minutes, the sound of Elling's protests filled the halls, and it was so satisfying. 
I called Willa to tell her I loved her; then I texted Captain Riley to see where I was needed today.
The captain immediately called me back. "Tommy, can you do me a favor?" 
"Of course, Hank. Anything at all." 
"I'm overwhelmed here. Added to my day is Candace and Simon's wedding. Can you take care of the groom for me?" 
"Absolutely! Where's he now?" 
"At the safe house."
"Let Simon know I'll be there within the hour. By the way, Hank, where are you?" 
The captain hurried, "I'm with Doc Stuart and Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste. Samson has discovered a body near the fishing cabin. Doc Stuart has done a preliminary assessment, and has suggested it might...."
I blurted, "It's Victoria Elling, isn't it?" 
"Captain... are you there?" 
"I am. You could be right, Tommy. Everyone here thinks it's her, including Doc Stuart. Don't say a word to Simon and Candace. I don't want to spoil their wedding."
"I wouldn't dare. How long until we know for sure?" 
"According to Doc Stuart, two to three days. Hopefully the DNA speaks."
Candace awoke from the sweetest sleep, yesterday's storm a distant memory. Sun filled the room and shone on the pearlescent wedding gown draped across the closet door. A note was left on the nightstand, graced with a single red rose. Opening the scented paper, she trembled as she read her first love letter. 
My beautiful bride, 
Every night for the last thirteen years, I've dreamt of you, and how wonderful it would've been to have you as my own, to love you completely and purely.
Then, I would wake up to hopelessness: you, thought to be another man's wife; me, loveless, abused, and broken beyond repair. 
I wrote you many love letters from the time I was sixteen until now, but I never sent them. Oh... how I wanted to! I continued to love you from afar, my beautiful one, longing to touch your brunette hair, gaze into your blue eyes, and kiss your sweet lips. 
I took on a job I hated just to be near you.  I was going to leave the estate many times, but I couldn't. You had captured my heart early on. 
Now, my dreams have come true. You are everything to me, Candace; and I love you more than breath.  I can't wait to be your husband, your lover, and the bearer of your deepest secrets. Your... provider, protector, and a loving father to Daniel. 
Detective Thompson is taking me into town around ten o'clock. Let me know if there's anything you want or need for yourself or for Daniel. 
All my love,
The day went by quickly for the happy groom. He especially enjoyed my company and wedding expertise since I had been married an entire week.
First was the local bank so that Simon could make a cash withdrawal from his savings to pay for his purchases. 
Next was my favorite place: The Groom Stop. I read the newspaper and drank copious amounts of caffeine as the thirty-year-old was transformed by the magic hands of the men's stylist. 
Time was of the essence so we wasted none, and we talked as we shopped. I had come to admire the only son of Fitzgerald Elling. Simon was kind, generous, intelligent, and funny. The apple had fallen far from the tree and rolled into the next county. 
Everything he tried on looked good on his muscular frame. He bought a traditional black tuxedo and a dark blue suit; the same as I had done. For some reason he didn't like the tuxedo shirt, and took it off in the middle of the store. 
I tried not to react when I saw his scars. Knowing the source of the abuse, and the terrible crimes committed against him, I couldn't contain my emotions. 
He must've seen my struggle, and softly spoke, "My father can't hurt me anymore, Detective. Thankfully, God has sent me an incredible woman to love, and to grow in love with. These scars remind me of the person I don't want to be."
"Good for you, Simon. Very few overcome such things and go on to have a better life."
After a final fitting, I gathered up the wedding clothes, and asked, "Is there anything else?" 
"Yes, a few things for Candace and Daniel. I'll just be a few minutes in the boutique."
Pointing to the wall clock, I said, "We'll need to head back around one." 
"I have a list," he assured. 
Simon went to the fragrances to buy rose perfume for Candace. He purchased everything in the scent he could find and had it gift wrapped. 
Next were the wedding rings. To his surprise, the shop had several sets to choose from. The 18 karat gold filigree bands were the prettiest ones. He tried on the men's and gauged the ladies' band size by slipping it on his pinky. "I'll take these as well," he said, adding it to his pile. 
From there, he found a small but well stocked baby's section. He completely unloaded the baby boy rack. With his arms full, he marched to the counter to add some more. 
Lastly, was lingerie. "Oh, yes...!" he said, repeatedly, imagining their wedding night. Everything silky and soft in aqua blue and cream were chosen.
The sales associate rang him up quickly with a look of sheer glee. "Your total is $2,801."
The groom handed over the cash, then asked for a printed receipt. 
Returning to the tuxedo area, Simon did the same with his suit purchases and threw in some cologne for himself. "Okay," he said, "read me the damage."
"Not bad at all," said the salesman. "$4,285 on the nose. The Armani suit was on sale. I haven't had anyone look good in it... until today."
"I'm surprised," he said, patting his imaginary paunch. "I've been eating so much pie lately. You wouldn't believe the weight I've gained." Everyone within earshot rolled their eyes. 
I carried the suits as Simon juggled everything else. Once in the car, Simon was back out again. "I forgot! I need to pick up the flowers!" 
"Across the street, " I said, pointing. 
He leapt like a gazelle and returned in ten minutes with the biggest rose bouquet I'd ever seen. 

She was a vision to him, a treasure he would never grow tired of. Her soft features and porcelain skin glowed in the afternoon light. As she drew near, he cried. "You are ravishing, my love. The gown looks like it was made for you! My darling, are you really for me?"
"Yes, Simon. You and no other. I love you!"
Hank was dressed in a tuxedo as his best man; and Miss Betty was the matron-of-honor, looking equally as stunning. The preacher stood in front as the couple joined hands. Tommy and Willa Thompson were taking turns holding Daniel. 
The country preacher began, "Simon and Candace have asked that I read from First Corinthians 13 today...."
Simon asked, "Pastor, may I do the honors?"
Opening it, he read the passage.
"Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous; love does not brag, it is not arrogant. It does not act disgracefully, it does not seek its own benefit; it is not provoked, does not keep an account of a wrong suffered, it does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; it keeps every confidence, it believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 
"Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we know in part and prophecy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away with. When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known. But now faith hope and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
Simon returned the holy book, and took his bride with both hands. 
The pastor wiped his eyes and continued with traditional wedding vows, finishing with the ring ceremony. 
"Candace, here is your ring for Simon. Place it on his finger and seal your devotion."
"Simon, with this ring, I thee wed: with my body I thee worship, and all my worldly possessions I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
"Simon, here is your ring for Candace. Place it on her finger and seal your devotion."
"Candace, with this ring, I thee wed: with my body I thee worship, and all my worldly possessions I thee endow. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
"By the powers given me, I pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no man separate. You may kiss your bride."
Their eyes glistened with tears as love's warmth filled them both. He cupped her face, and admired the precious gift given him. Tilting his head, he kissed her softly and passionately, over and over, ending with a long, possessive kiss.
"My wife," he whispered.
"My husband," she breathed. 
To be continued. . . .

Chapter 28
The Aspen Grove Murders #28

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-seven,
Their eyes glistened with tears as love's warmth filled them both. He cupped her face, and admired the precious gift given him. Tilting his head, he kissed her softly and passionately, over and over, ending with a long, possessive kiss. 
"My wife," he whispered.
"My husband," she breathed. 
{Chapter Twenty-eight}
Simon was the first to stir the following morning; yet Candace was still fast asleep, her chest going up and down in slow motion.
He gazed at her, thinking how deliciously satisfying she was to him in every way. But, it was more than sex; it was a union of body, soul, and spirit. 
He kissed her gently before getting out of bed. 
"Good morning, my husband," she whispered. 
"It's early, sweetheart. Go back to sleep. I was just admiring how beautiful you are and how blessed I am." He bowed to kiss her again, running his hands through her perfumed hair. 
"Is Daniel awake?" she quizzed. 
"No, he's sleeping like a champ."
"Then we have a few minutes?"
"More than a few minutes, my love."

Betty Jo had fallen asleep on the couch, something she rarely did. Sounds in and outside the house made her jump into action. Only then she realized she still had on her formal dress. 
"Hank Riley... is that you?" 
"I'm sorry to wake you, Betty Jo. I was going to make some coffee."
Betty tried to do something with her unpinned hair and gave up. "The last thing I remember is sitting with you on the couch drinking the pink champagne no one wanted. It must've knocked me out." 
"You had one glass. I think it was the wedding preparations and doing everything yourself."
"You make a good point, Hank." 
Betty lifted her long dress so she wouldn't trip and sauntered to the front door for a look outside. "I thought I heard a vehicle. Believe it or not, it's Western Union."
Hank met her at the door. "This early?" 
"I hope no one has died," Betty commented. "I don't think I could break away and go to Texas right now."
Betty Jo opened the front door to receive a cold blast, and something else more chilling.
"Telegram, ma'am. Are you Mrs. Elling?"
Betty's eyes grew wide. "Excuse me... who's this for?"
"A telegram for Simon Elling."
Captain Riley stepped out and put his arm around Betty. "Thank you. Where do I sign?" 
Back inside the house, Captain Riley opened the suspicious telegram.  It read—
Congratulations on your wedding! I hope this monetary gift will make up for my absence. Contact me at the Waldorf Astoria in Versailles. 
Papa Cole.
Enclosed was a check made out to Simon Cole Elling in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, signed by his grandfather, Greyson T. Cole. 
Betty gasped. "Hank, how... how in the world did he know Simon was here, and that he was married yesterday?"
The captain responded, "More frightening—does Fitzgerald Elling know about this too?"
Betty expressed her concerns without holding back. "They're not safe here—not anymore!  What are we going to do?"
"Fee's arraignment is today. I have it on good authority his bail will be denied. That being the case, he'll be in prison until the trial begins. Don't worry, Betty. I have a few options."
"And for today?"
"I will be here with you all day, and I'll get two more deputies out here pronto. It's going to be okay."
"What do you want me to do, Captain?"
"You're better equipped to handle Simon and Candace. Tell them the truth, and that I'm working to relocate them as soon as possible. Prepare them as best as you can."
Betty's big brown eyes filled with tears. 
The captain took off his jacket, badge, and gun before he approached her. "Come here," he said sofly. He opened his arms and invited her in, then held her close. 
Back at the county hospital, Fitzgerald Elling had a visitor. Well, two if you counted the German Shepherd. 
Nurse Lucy entered the room to see if Elling had eaten his breakfast and was ready for any company. He, of course, wasn't in the mood for hospital cuisine or hospitality. 
"A detective to see you, Mr. Elling."
"Not interested," he growled. 
"She asked if you could spare five minutes of your time. Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township P. D."
He straightened up, and said, "Of course!"
The nurse ushered them in, offering the blind detective a chair. 
"You may go, nurse!" Fee directed as if the nurse was his subordinate. 
As soon as they were alone, she drawled, "Mr. Elling, I came unannounced. Would you like your attorney present for our conversation?"
"Detective... now why would I want to do that? I'm sure I can handle you on my own. What can I do for you today?"
"I have concerns. You're not thinking of trying to escape before the arraignment, are you?"
"Heavens, no! Then I wouldn't get to see you again."
"That's not what Detective Tommy Thompson told me earlier. He actually found the man trying to deliver a message to you the night of the storm. He's being interrogated as we speak."
The detective stood and drew closer. "Know this, if you somehow manage to escape, I will find you. I have made it my life's mission to prosecute you for your many crimes. That's right. I'm staying here with Aspen Grove P. D. as a detective and criminal profiler. And it's not enough to put you away, Elling. My team will work tirelessly to expose every low life associated to you. We're already on to your crooked attorney."
Elling's heart rate increased. "You've got nothing."
"Your heart monitor is telling on you...!"
She turned to go, and added, "Oh, by the way, my team found Victoria's body."
"Now, you're bluffing!"
"I'm sure she was lovely once. Tall, with blonde hair. She had on white jeans and a blue striped sweater. The engraved wedding band was a monumental oversight on your part." 
Fitzgerald Elling's countenance turned dark and sour. "Good day, Detective!" 
Snapping her fingers, she summoned her faithful dog. "See you around 3:30, Mr. Elling."
"I thought you were blind, Detective." 
"Another monumental oversight on your part, sir. I see you very clearly."
To be continued. . . 
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner, Head of CSI Unit, Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is forthcoming. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace have just announced their engagement. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has accepted Simon Elling's proposal. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's defense attorney. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove and track down a missing person, Tammy Sue Vance. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.

Chapter 29
The Aspen Grove Murders #29

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-eight~
She turned to go, and added, "Oh, by the way, my team found Victoria's body."
"Now, you're bluffing!"
"I'm sure she was very lovely once. Tall, with blonde hair. She had on white jeans and a blue striped shirt. The engraved wedding band was a monumental oversight on your part."
Fitzgerald Elling's countenance turned dark and sour. "Good day, Detective."
Snapping her fingers, she summoned her faithful dog. "See you around 3:30, Mr. Elling."
"I thought you were blind, Detective."
"Another monumental mistake on your part, sir. I see you very clearly."
{Chapter Twenty-nine}
"Let us sacrifice one day to gain perhaps a whole life."
Victor Hugo—Les Miserables 
{Jenkins' Farms, outermost Aspen Grove}
Captain Hank Riley was going to arrest himself. The charges: failing in the matters of the heart, and first-degree idiocy. He had Betty Jo in his arms, and he could have told her. Traces of her perfume made his self-criticism more justified. 
I must get a life outside of law enforcement! It's past time, my friend. 
Betty Jo bounded from the house with bag lunches for him and the two deputies he'd called for extra security. He watched as she served the men with her charming smile and infectious sweetness, then turned to come his way. His heart leapt as it always had when he saw her. 
Serving Hank last, she took her leave beside him on the porch swing. 
"Thank you, Betty. You're the quintessential hostess and purveyor of sunshine."
"My pleasure," she said. 
Captain Riley's resolve was tested as a call came in from Doc Stuart. 
Betty Jo signaled she was going back inside. Reaching for her hand, he pleaded, "Can you stay?" 
"Of course," she said, noticing he hadn't let go. 
"Doc Stuart.... Betty Jo's here with me. I'm putting you on speakerphone."
"It's in regards to Victoria Elling. I've identified her body and need to notify her next of kin. Could you tell Simon for me?" 
"I certainly will. Thank you, Achaius. I appreciate your hard work. Victoria's father, Greyson Cole, is in Versailles at present. I will text you the information."
"Thank you both! I must run if we are going to bring additional charges today against Fitzgerald Elling."
"Keep me posted."
After the call, Hank was quiet, and continued to hold her hand.
Sensing the heaviness, Betty offered, "Would you like for me to tell Simon?"
"I'll tell him in a bit. I have something very important to do, and I can't put it off any longer." 
His demeanor prompted her to ask, "What's so important?" 
He turned his cell phone to vibrate. "Betty, when Simon, Candace, and Daniel go into protective custody, I'll be leaving too; and the thought makes me heartsick!  I've grown accustomed to seeing you every day. When you're away, I can hardly wait to see you again. Yours is the first voice I hear in the morning, and the last one in the house at night." 
Betty Jo touched his face lovingly. "Hank... am I dreaming?" 
"I'm rusty at this," he confessed. "What I'm trying to say is—I love you, Betty Jo Jenkins;  and I can't live without you!" 
Tears drenched her once again. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a tissue and dabbed them away. Afterwards, he led her to the bunkhouse where he'd been staying as a guest.
Once they were alone, the captain disarmed himself, transforming into a man in love. Betty Jo followed his lead, removing her vest and weapons, and set everything on the dresser. 
He came from behind, and wrapped her in his muscular arms. 
"Betty, I love you so much," he whispered. "Tell me I haven't missed my chance with you."
Turning around, she fired away. "If you're rusty, Hank Riley, then I'm the busted, rusted ol' hinge on the barn door!"
"I think I've found the oil can," he said, grinning like a fool. "So... do you feel the same?"
"Oh, Hank, I've loved you for the longest time! I was just waiting on you, captain of my heart."
After hearing her words, he kissed her—slowly and tenderly—then again and again, each one becoming longer, deeper, and more passionate. And it was like he had imagined it a thousand times, and better than anything he'd ever known.
Both felt the powerful love as it passed between them, and they cried. 
Back at the precinct, Chase Levins, Willa, and I were holding everything together. Waves of help and updated news came around lunch. 
Cling! Cling! went the front door chime. I was delighted to see it was Detective Sally Law and her dog, King. 
Deep down, I'd wished the Louisiana detectives were ours to claim. We still had so much to learn from them, and I sensed they were leaving soon. But I was wrong. 
Sally sought out the freshly brewed coffee and morning doughnuts, and came back to where I was with extras. 
"Tommy, did you get anything out of the guy from the hospital?" she inquired. 
"Not yet. We're having a standoff at the moment. His lawyer is taking his sweet time getting here."
"Let Jackson help with that, Tommy," she insisted. "You have enough going with Fee's arraignment."
"I have a lot today, for sure. In an unusual turn of events, we will be arresting his attorney, Kenneth Farnsworth, on wire fraud, bribery, and two counts of conspiracy. I have a feeling it's the tip of the iceberg with him."
"I spoke with Captain Riley this morning, and he told me all about it," she reported. "Are you going to arrest Farnsworth before or after the arraignment?" 
"Immediately afterwards." 
She sipped on her coffee, and continued, "Tommy, on another note, the captain offered me a permanent position here as a detective and criminal profiler. Jean-Baptiste, Jackson, and King come with me, of course. So... what do you think about that?" 
I reached over and hugged her. "Sally! I don't know what to say."
"So... you're okay with it?" 
"I'm out of my mind with excitement! Yes!" I touched the silver cross from my precious Phoebe, and saw her face flash before me. 
The perceptive detective said, "Don't worry. We'll find them all. That's why I've come."
I could hardly speak after she said those words. They were so exact and sincere. It was as though the angel Patience was speaking through her.
The door jingled again with the arrival of Doc Stuart, Jackson Law, and Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste.
"We got him!" Doc Stuart announced. "The DNA Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste gathered from the cabin matched the blood on Victoria Elling's body. Apparently, Fitzgerald killed her in the cabin and carried her to the woods and buried her. The hard matter of her fingernails and teeth held on to his blood after all this time. She fought him, the brave woman. She was with child too... his child."
At the Aspen County Courthouse, the arraignment of Fitzgerald Edward Elling was underway. The proceeding started unusually late, the judge coming immediately from her chambers at 3:50 p.m. 
The bailiff entered, calling the court to order. "All rise! The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich presiding!"
The judge took her seat, and spoke, "Good afternoon, everyone. You may be seated."
Elling looked like hell; his grandstanding attorney looked like a million bucks. Yet the animosity between the two was evident to anyone with perceptions.
Sally, King, Willa, and I were seated directly behind the criminal and his soon-to-be-arrested attorney. 
The judge scanned the courtoom with her all-seeing eyes, and announced, "Due to the sensitive nature of these charges and the persons involved, I will ask the press to voluntarily remove themselves at this time." 
Three left the courtroom: a woman I recognized from The Aspen Grove Daily, and two men. 
After a brief interlude, she began. "Mr. Elling, please stand with your attorney as the felony charges are read; and the clerk will record your plea."
The two stood. 
Judge: "Regarding the person of Candace Van Velzen: imprisonment, and conspiracy to kidnapping. How do you plead?"
Defense: "My client pleads not guilty, Your Honor." 
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of not guilty."
The county judge paused at the second group of charges, obviously gathering her composure. 
Judge: "Regarding the person of your son, Simon Cole Elling: misappropriation of trust funds, embezzlement, child abuse, physical abuse, eight counts of sexual battery, eight counts of first-degree rape, and sodomy of a minor child. How do you plead?"
Defense: "Not guilty on all counts, Your Honor."
The courtroom came to a complete hush. Both Willa and Sally were quietly sponging their tears. 
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of not guilty on all charges."
Judge: "Regarding the person of your son, Simon Cole Elling, an adult: attempted murder, bribery, blackmail, and financial fraud. How do you plead?"
Defense: "Not guilty on all charges, Your Honor."
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of not guilty on all charges."
Judge: "Regarding the person of Gaston Paulette: conspiracy to commit murder, and aiding and abetting a kidnapping. How do you plead?"
Defense: "Not guilty on all charges, Your Honor."
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of not guilty on all charges."
There was a slight pause as papers were shuffled again. 
Judge: "From the Aspen County Sheriff's Office, the following charges have been added: 
"One count of aggravated and reckless arson, and five counts of attempted murder. How do you plead?"
Defense: "Nolo contendere on all charges, Your Honor."
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of nolo contendere on all charges."
Judge: "In the person of Detective Sally Law, Lafayette Township PD: assault with a deadly weapon, detaining a police officer by force, and threatening a police officer with bodily harm. How do you plead?"
Defense: "Nolo contendere on all charges, Your Honor."
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of nolo contendere on all charges."
Judge: "In the person of Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove PD: threatening a police officer, and detaining her by force. How do you plead?" 
Defense: "Nolo contendere on all charges, Your Honor."
Judge: "The court will enter a plea of nolo contendere on all charges."
Judge: "And last, but certainly not least, restraining by force, a Canine Officer of Lafayette Township PD. How do you plead?" 
Defense: "I guess it's nolo contendere, Your Honor."
Judge: "'I guess' is not an acceptable plea, Counselor. Do you need a moment to confer with your client?" 
Elling: "Whatever!"
Judge: "Counselor... a word please."
Farnsworth leaned into Fee and whispered something; then left for the front in haste. But it was too late. The judge covered her microphone and heated words were exchanged. Acquiescently, he nodded, turned around, and hurried back to his seat. 
Judge: "I'm waiting, Counselor...."
Farnsworth: "My apologies to the court, Your Honor. The plea is nolo contendere."
Judge: "Thank you. The court will enter a plea of nolo contendere."
The final charges cinched the denial of bail. 
Judge: "In the person of Victoria Cole Elling: murder in the first-degree, and aggravated battery. As previously discussed in my chambers, these two charges are new. I will waive your response until Monday, if you'd like to think about it some more, Mr. Elling. If not, we can proceed."
Elling: "I plead not guilty to both."
Judge: "Very well, Mr. Elling.  The court will enter a plea of not guilty on all charges."
The judge stamped the legal papers and gave them to the clerk. 
"Fitzgerald Edward Elling, I rarely deny bail in my court, but today I'm denying yours. I perceive you to be a threat to the safety of our community. You will need to surrender yourself to the custody of Sheriff Gonzalez."
She signaled to the enforcer standing to her right. "Sheriff, if you would escort Mr. Elling to the county jail."
Fee exploded. "This is an outrage!" 
"And a contempt charge too," said the judge in her last words to Fitzgerald Elling. 
Farnsworth stood. "Permission to approach the bench, Your Honor."
"Permission denied, Counselor. We will take this into my chambers now. Detectives Tommy and Willa Thompson, and Detective Sally Law, if you would please join us."
"Yes, Your Honor," we said in unison.
She rapped the gavel. "Court is adjourned!"
To be continued. . . . 
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner, Head of CSI Unit, Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is forthcoming. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace have just announced their engagement. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has accepted Simon Elling's proposal. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's defense attorney. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen acounty. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove and track down a missing person, Tammy Sue Vance. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.

Author Notes The hard tissues of humans are bone, tooth enamel, dentin, and cementum. Hard tissue, or hard matter, holds on to DNA. It is helpful in identifying older corpses and in solving decades-old crimes.

Nolo contendere: a defendant's pleading that does not admit guilt but subjects them to punishment as though a guilty plea had been entered. The determination of guilt remaining open in other proceedings.

In Maryland, a person who is convicted of sexual assault/sodomy is guilty of a felony and is subject to additional imprisonment not exceeding 10 years.

Chapter 30
The Aspen Grove Murders #30

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Twenty-nine~
"Fitzgerald Edward Elling, I rarely deny bail in my court, but today I'm denying yours. I perceive you to be a threat to our community. You will need to surrender yourself to the custody of Sheriff Gonzalez."
She signaled to the enforcer standing to her right. "Sheriff, if you would escort Mr. Elling to the county jail at this time."
Fee exploded. "This is an outrage!"
"And a contempt charge too," said the judge in her last words to Fitzgerald Elling. 
Farnsworth begged, "Permission to approach the bench, Your Honor."
Permission denied, Counselor. We will take this into my chambers now. Detectives Tommy and Willa Thompson and Detective Sally Law, if you would please join us."
"Yes, Your Honor," we said in unison. 
She rapped the gavel. "Court is adjourned!" 
{Chapter Thirty}
Fitzgerald Elling did not go quietly from the courtroom, hurling graphic threats at his attorney in parting. "This was a circus sideshow, Kenny! You're fired!"
"No, you're fired!" snapped Farnsworth. "Victoria came back from the dead and told on you!"
I stepped in and pulled the attorney away before he did something stupid, and it was just in time. 
We finally got to the judge's chambers, although late. Once the doors were closed, Willa apprised the fallen defense attorney of his charges and rights:
"Kenneth Farnsworth, you are under arrest for wire fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state. Do you understand your rights and the charges against you?" 
"Counselor, what's happened to you?" asked the judge. 
"I don't know," he moaned, easing into a chair. "I'm in way over my head!"
Tears stained the sleeves of his silk suit. I let him marinate in his misery a few minutes before offering a suggestion. 
"Do you want redemption, Kenneth?" I asked.
"I do," he said, "and I don't care about returning to this life either."
"That's good to hear. Help us by turning state's evidence. Your former client has corrupt alliances, and we want to know who they are and where they live. Someone like you would be very beneficial to our case." 
I pulled out my wallet. "This was my beautiful daughter, Phoebe Mae. She was my only child, Mr. Farnsworth. She and many like her have been preyed upon in our community since the 1970s, most of the crimes occurring around Halloween. She was murdered by Joe Santucci, and the man you heard about today in court, Gaston Paulette.
"Santucci is dead; and occultist Paulette is in a coma. Elling's connected to both these men, and is also the common denominator in many other crimes. You've seen what he's capable of, Ken!" 
"I'm sorry about your girl, Detective. This morning, my pregnant wife announced she's leaving me. I must make a change while I still have a chance. We can start right now, if you'd like."
"I'll have to take you down to the precinct and book you first, then we'll go from there. I have someone in interrogation who's waiting for his lawyer. Would that lawyer be you?"
"Yeah, that's me. One more thing I'll need to rectify."
"Judge, before we go, is there anything else you'd like say?" I offered.
"No, but thank you, Detective. If justice comes out of this, then it's been worth it."
{Versailles, France}
Greyson Cole loved to walk after dinner, a lifelong habit that had extended his days according to his cardiologist. However, the weather had turned foul, and the biting wind made him shiver. He turned up his collar and headed back to his temporary home at the Waldorf Astoria. 
He passed many couples along the way, and a few lonely, cold middle-aged men much like himself. The force of the wind pushed him along like an imaginary hand all the way to number 1, Boulevard de la Reine.
The thickly accented doorman greeted him. "How was your walk, Monsieur Cole?"
"Terribly lonely for some reason, Phillipe. It's the chill, perhaps."
"Oui, mon ami," the Frenchman said in fellowship. 
He proceeded to the front desk to check in.
"Good evening! I hope your walk was pleasant," said the concierge.
"Haunting," he replied. "However, it is my mood... not the place."
"A telegram for you, Monsieur Cole...."
"Thank you," he said, grasping the envelope. "Good evening."
A voice trailed him from behind. "Cookies and milk? I hear it's the thing in America."
The international investment banker stopped. 
"Yes, cookies and milk are the greatest comfort food! You know, my daughter was a Girl Scout. We'd devour a box of the thin mint together, and wash them down with ice cold milk. Good times...."
"I'll see what I can conjure up," said the concierge. "I will have room service leave it outside your door, monsieur."
"Thank you. You are very accommodating."
Foregoing the elevator, Greyson climbed the stairs to the third-floor, and entered his suite using an electronic key. The room was warm and inviting, and his feathered bed had been turned down by the chambermaid. 
He showered and slipped into a Turkish robe, then poured a half glass of whiskey. Curling up in a overstuffed chair, he slowly opened the telegram and read the contents. 
From: Dr. Achaius Stuart
Coroner and Forensic Detective, Aspen Grove P. D. 
Aspen Grove, Maryland, U. S. A. 
Mr. Cole,
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you this news by telegram. Three days ago, a body was found  buried on the Fitzgerald Elling Estate near Lake Jessup. The remains belong to your daughter, Victoria Cole Elling. I have ruled Victoria's death a homicide, and turned my findings over to my team at Aspen Grove P. D. We had enough DNA evidence to charge your former son-in-law, Fitzgerald Edward Elling, with first-degree murder and aggravated battery. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
I have notified your grandson, Simon, as well. 
Please let me know if you would like a burial or cremation.
My sincere condolences in your loss.
Achaius Stuart
Stunned by news, the grief-stricken father stumbled to the door and opened it. There on the tray was a box of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies and two glasses of milk. Running his hands over his face, he sobbed uncontrollably. "Vickie, I'm so sorry...!"
Back at the safe house, a sumptuous evening meal had been served family-style in the formal dining room—Betty Jo outdoing herself once again. "I made all your favorites," Betty Jo said. 
"It smells and looks delicious," commented Candace. 
Hank squeezed her hand under the table. "Yes, it does! Thank you, Betty."
"Captain... Miss Betty, Candace and I want to thank you for everything. Both of you have become family to us. Leaving here ... well, it's just...." Simon broke down. "Are you sure this is the only alternative?"
"For now," the captain assured. "It's only temporary until our force is more functional. We are stretched to the max preparing for this trial. Betty Jo and I agree, it's for the best. All three of you have become family to us too. Trust me when I say, you'll be protected and cared for until the trial."
After pie and coffee, Betty stood, and announced, "Hugs all around and early to bed! Detective Jackson Law said he'll be here at first light to pick you up." 
The four lingered in tearful hugs. Finally, the young couple went up the stairs together, Simon cradling Daniel in his arms. "Good night!" Candace called. 
"Good night!" Hank and Betty said together.
"Aren't they the sweetest?" Betty cried. 
"They are! I'll miss them."
After the dishes were cleared, Hank reached for Betty Jo, and said, "The dishes can wait. May I have this dance?"
"There's no music."
"Oh, but there is...."
"Inside or out?" she asked. 
"Outside. The moon is luminous."
The two layered up and went to the back porch. Hank unbuttoned his coat and pulled her close to ward off the chill. 
"This is so nice," she said. "Like a dream...."
 "It's wonderful," he agreed, lost in her sweet smelling hair. "I never want this to end."
"Neither do I...."
He led her slow and sure across the porch, his feet light as a feather. 
"You're an incredible dancer, Hank. I feel like we're floating."
He lifted her chin to his and kissed her long and good. I love yous were repeated again and again. 
Hank released her slowly, then stepped back and knelt. Pulling a diamond ring from his pocket, he eased it onto the all-important finger. "This was my mother's engagement ring. It's really the only thing she insisted I have when she passed away. Now, I understand why."
"Hank Riley, you've made me cry four times today!"
The besotted man continued, undaunted, "Only happy tears, I hope. Betty Jo, I promise to hold your hand through life, and never let you go—no matter what."
"No matter what?" she reiterated.
He scrambled to his feet and cupped her lovely face. "No matter what! I promise to love you—and only you—with all that I am. Will you marry me?" 
"Oh, Hank! Yes...! Yes!" 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria's Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. He body has been exhumed and autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.

Author Notes

Photo mine, Law Family Archives. Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. This view is called, the diamond ring effect.

State's Evidence: A criminal turns state's evidence by admitting guilt and testifying as a witness for the state against their associate(s) or accomplice(s), often in exchange for leniency in sentencing or immunity from prosecution. The testimony of a witness who testifies against co-conspirator(s) may be important evidence.

Chapter 31
The Aspen Grove Murders #31

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Thirty~
He lifted her chin and kissed her long and good. I love yous were repeated again and again.
Hank released her slowly, then stepped back and knelt. Pulling a diamond ring from his pocket, he eased it onto the all-important finger.
"This was my mother's engagement ring. It's really the only thing she insisted I have when she passed away. Now, I understand why."
"Hank Riley, you've made me cry four times today!"
The besotted man continued, undaunted, "Only happy tears, I hope. Betty Jo, I promise to hold your hand through life, and never let you go—no matter what."
"No matter what?" she reiterated. 
He scrambled to his feet and cupped her lovely face. "No matter what! I promise to love you—and only you—with all that I am. Will you marry me?"
"Oh, Hank! Yes...! Yes!" 
{Chapter Thirty-one}
A small twin engine plane carrying precious cargo made its descent into Stark's Airfield outside of Baton Rouge. The scene was enthralling, hopeful, and blushed in autumnal colors. Morning sun bathed everything in silver light. 
"CESSNA THREE ONE SIX ZERO FOXTROT requesting landing, over."
"Affirmative. CESSNA THREE ONE SIX ZERO FOXTROT you are clear for landing. 
"Copy that."
Candace held onto Daniel, and Simon grasped them both with his left hand. "Are you ready for this, my bride?" 
"Yes! Daniel is too."
"He looks asleep to me," Simon observed. 
"I love you, Simon!"
"I love you more!" he said. 
After the plane touched down, it came to rest at Hangar #3.
A voice from the tower came over the radio, "Great landing, Jackson. You're all clear."
"Thank you, Max. I have a few deliveries to make and I'll be back in the air."
"Copy that. We'll have you refueled." 
Detective Jackson Law came around and opened the passenger's door, secured the metal steps, then left. Simon came first, gained his footing, and turned to receive his family. Insistent on relieving Candace of her motherly duties, he took Daniel in his arms like a pro.
"Already the attentive husband and daddy!" Candace said in admiration. "I must say, you're a quick study."
Simon took her by the hand, and said, "Welcome home, my wife."
Candace stepped down, and into Simon's embrace. Brushing his cheek with a kiss, she whispered,  "I hope our honeymoon is as wonderful in Louisiana."
"It's never going to end with you, Candace. I predict it will be even better now that you're a blonde bombshell," he teased. 
Jackson returned with the suitcase slung over his shoulder, and asked, "Do we have everything?" 
"The binkie!" Candace cried, "it must've fallen in the plane!"
Simon handed her the child and went back inside. A minute later, he came up triumphant. "Got it! We wouldn't last a day without the binkie!" 
A tall man in a dark blue suit and sunglasses appeared at the hangar door. Two men of equal stature and dress followed behind. 
Jackson began with the introductions. "Governor Preston Jones, meet trial witnesses Simon and Candace Elling, and Candace's son, Daniel."
"Nice to meet you at last," said the governor. "I understand you were recently married?" 
"Yes, three days ago. My beautiful Candace overcame me with her persuasions."
"I can certainly understand that!" said the governor. "It was love at first sight for me and my wife."
"I was a goner with Sally on the first date," confided Jackson. 
"So... I'm in the brotherhood of the happily married!" the new groom commented. "I like the distinction!"
"Wear it like a badge of honor," the governor said. "You'll be the better for it!" After the comments sunk in, he continued, "You'll be perfectly safe in our care and have privacy too. Our guest house has everything you'll need and is very secure."
Simon noticed the time, and offered, "Detective Law, before you go, please allow us to thank you in some tangible way. May I treat you to lunch, or order something in at the governor's house?" 
"Thank you, Simon, but I must be back in Aspen Grove by nightfall. Which reminds me, these are for you."
Jackson handed Simon a large envelope containing new identification papers and legal documents to be signed for Daniel's adoption.
"Per your request, your last names will be legally changed from Elling to Cole. Sign where the tabs are marked, and mail the contents to the enclosed address. The lawyer will handle everything."
Simon extended his hand. "Are you sure we can't talk you into lunch, Detective?" 
"No, I can't leave my gal for too long. You know how it is."
Jackson gave his friend a hug before leaving. "Thank you, Preston. Sally sends her love, and said to tell you she misses y'all something terrible, especially your Mema's lemon poke cake!"
"What's lemon poke cake?" Candace asked.
"It's like Mardi Gras in your mouth," the governor lauded. "Come on, let's get you situated and introduced to Louisiana cuisine."
Back at the Jenkins farm, Betty Jo was readying herself for her first day back at the precinct, hopeful for the good changes ahead. Mostly, she was in a state of bliss, now engaged to Captain Hank Riley, whom she loved.
After showering and spending a little more time on her hair and makeup, she chose black slacks, a silky blouse, and a sweater coat to wear. Leather boots complimented the outfit, and she could move fast in them.
Functional footwear's important for a detective, as one never knows what a day will hold. 
The sound of Hank Riley's footsteps were heard leaping onto the front porch, as he always leapt when he was happy. "Betty—sweetheart—are you ready?" he called. 
But, what happened next, Betty Jo couldn't conceive or process until much later. A shot rang out, and the captain fell in front of her, gasping. "Get to safety," were his last words before he blacked out. 
After that, one thing consumed her day and night: holding her fiance's hand, and begging God for his life. 
Iridescent light filtered through the hospital window, and onto Captain Hank Riley's sleeping face. It didn't wake him, as nothing could at that moment; but the rays illuminated his chiseled features and dark head of hair. His torso was wrapped in layers of gauze; and his muscular arms were exposed, the tubes and IVs sustaining his life. The constant bleeping of the heart monitor was monotonous, but comforting. 
There was nothing fancy about the small suite, other than it was private and had it's own bathroom. 
Beside the captain was his loving Betty Jo, half-sitting, half-lying on the edge of the hospital bed, and still dressed as she was the day before. Her head was bowed, and long dark brown hair tumbled on the bedsheets. Although she slept, her hand never left his.
Stirring to the light, she sat up and looked at him, tears forming once more. "Darling, remember you said you'd always hold me. Don't let me go! Not yet! Come back to me, love...."
Betty Jo had broken hospital protocol, and refused to leave Hank's side. Setting the doctors and nurses straight, she made her sentiments clear, "I'm not leaving this room until he comes to!"
And that was that; and the Texas-born woman held to her faith, and her word, and gained privileges and 24/7 access to the man she loved. 
For weeks, every member of our team visited Mountain Valley Hospital ICU: Sally, Jackson, Miles, Chase, Doc Stuart, Willa, and I took turns sitting with Hank and relieving Betty Jo, albeit for a moment. The sweetest thing was to see Betty Jo with Hank. She'd kiss him affectionately, sing to him, bathe him, and read aloud from Hank's collections of Louie L'Amour westerns. 
Everyone turned into the best version of themselves, angels each one. My former nurse, Debi Marquette, came over from neurosurgery to pray with us. Uniformed hospital staff we didn't know brought us coffee and hospital meal tickets.
The Sheriff's office helped us with our heavy case load, and launched the investigation into Captain Riley's shooting.
I stepped in as temporary captain of Aspen Grove P. D., leading our team as we prepared for Fitzgerald Elling's trial, and in the day-to-day policing of our municipality. 
Our indomitable force came together as never before in the sanctuary of that room.
Thanksgiving came and went; and before we knew it, snow was on the ground and December was upon us. Miracles oftentimes come in pairs, or threes; and three of them stepped off the elevator one evening when I was attempting to get on. I hardly recognized them at first: Candace with her blonde hair and Simon brown as a nut from the sun. The man I thought was their bodyguard, I soon learned was the governor of Louisiana. 
To be continued. . . . 
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria's Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. He body has been exhumed and autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Chapter 32
The Aspen Grove Murders #32

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-one~
Our indomitable force came together as never before in the sanctuary of that room. 
Thanksgiving came and went, and before we knew it, snow was on the ground, and December was upon us.
Miracles oftentimes come in pairs, or threes; and three of them stepped off the elevator one evening as I was attempting to get on. I hardly recognized them at first: Candace with her blonde hair and Simon brown as a nut. The man I thought was their bodyguard, I soon learned was the governor of Louisiana.
{Chapter Thirty-two}
The evening scene was as it had been for fifteen days: Betty Jo lying partially on the hospital bed, her hand touching Hank Riley's. The beep... beep... beep... of his heart monitor was steady and sure. 
Suddenly, the angel Patience appeared, filling the room with golden light. 
She studied the couple as she went to work. Pulling a flame from her breast, the angel applied it to Hank Riley for his healing. For Betty, she anointed her with holy oil, then applied the same to Hank. Lastly, she spread her wings over them and said prayers to the Lord Almighty. 
With her commissions complete, the mighty angel departed the place, leaving a sweet scent behind. 
One of Hank's eyes opened, then the other, before the hospital room came into focus. A smile spread across his face as he studied his beautiful fiancee, still asleep beside him. 
"Thank you, God. Thank you!" the captain said in grateful praise. 
Betty shot up. "Oh, Hank!  You're back!" 
"Get me some water, please, so I can kiss you, sweetheart."
Betty poured a glass and touched it to his dry lips. He drank and drank without taking his eyes off her. 
"This tastes so good, my love."
Betty Jo lowered the guard rail and moved as close to Hank as she could. "I don't want to hurt you," she said, giving him little kisses. 
"Kiss me, deeply," he begged, "you won't hurt me."
She did as he asked, and kissed him like he'd just returned from war. 
The doctor and nurse were so glad to see the awakened captain, they didn't care his fiancee was practically in bed with him. Actually, it was because of Betty Jo the captain was alive. She had kept him from bleeding out by applying pressure to his gunshot wound and calling for an air ambulance. 
The attending physician checked him thoroughly, and was very pleased by what he saw. "Captain Riley, you are one lucky man. We had to remove your spleen, but so far so good. The internist will want to look at you in the morning."
Hank cut to the chase. "I want to marry this incredible woman as soon as possible, Doctor."
"It's not entirely up to me, Captain. You suffered a traumatic experience, and a dangerous amount of blood loss—so much, that your body shut down because of it. Best case scenario would be around Christmas."
"What day is it?" Hank asked. 
"Thursday, December first."
The hopeful groom smiled, and said,  "A December wedding. How wonderful that sounds."
Hank gazed at Betty Jo. "What do you think?"
"Any day, any time, any place, Hank Riley. As long as I'm marrying you."
The doctor stood, and announced, "You have guests, waiting in the hall. All the way from Louisiana, from what I understand."
Betty Jo left to greet the visitors, straightening her clothes and tousled hair all the way to the hall. 
Upon sighting Simon, Candace, and Daniel, Betty exclaimed, "So, it is you! What timing!  Hank just woke up."
"May we see him?" Simon asked.
"Only two at a time are allowed." Betty said. "Let me hold that precious baby while you visit Hank."
There was no argument as Betty scooped the baby into her arms. Daniel grabbed her hair as the games began between them. "You best be giving me my hair back, you rascal! I'm getting married, and I need my hair to look pretty for the captain!"
Betty Jo scooted Simon and Candace inside and hurried to close the door. "They're strict here. The nurse will give you the two minute warning before you know it. Go on now!" 
Willa and I had been walking slowly as we acquainted ourselves with Governor Jones.  The man appeared to be genuine and welcoming.
As we turned the corner to ICU; Betty Jo caught sight of us, and said, "Hey, Tommy...Willa. Have you heard? Hank's awake!" 
"What?" Willa cried. "Tommy and I would love to see him!" 
"Of course!" Betty Jo assured. "Candace and Simon are in there right now." 
"We'll wait," I said, then went to introductions. "Forgive my manners, Betty Jo. This is Louisiana's Governor, Preston Jones."
"I recognize your name. It's a pleasure to meet you, Governor," Betty Jo said. "How good of you to bring them back to see Hank."
In the room, Candace and Simon fell upon Hank with tender affection, as if he were their father. "Thank God you're okay, Captain," Candace said.
"I knew we shouldn't have left... I felt it! This is all my fault." Simon protested.
The captain set him straight. "Hold on, my friend. This is not your fault. Not at all. If the bullet had hit either of you, or... or Betty Jo, I would never be able to forgive myself! It's my life's career to serve and protect. I don't know any other way."
Simon asked, "Have they caught the shooter?"
"I just woke up, so I'm not really sure. Anyway, it's an Aspen County Sheriff's matter because the Jenkins' Farm is county, not city," Hank said. "I'm sure they've already launched a full investigation."
Relieved a bit, Simon continued, "We're so glad to see you well. That's most important. On another note, we're here for a few days for my mother's funeral. My granddad Cole will be arriving tomorrow from Versailles. We're having a small gathering at the Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery at eleven o'clock. You and Betty are welcome to come."
"I'll see what I can do. I'm sure Betty Jo would love to attend."
In the same hospital, another man had awakened from his coma: Gaston Paulette. I'd waited for this day since his DNA was found at my daughter's crime scene and under her fingernails. I just happened to be outside of Hank Riley's room when the call came. Willa and I excused ourselves, and went downstairs to Critical Care. Although visiting hours were over, the nurse allowed me in to see him alone.
Not sure of Paulette's mental state, I encouraged Willa to wait outside the door. 
When I entered, he was sitting up, staring at a picture on the wall. Knowing I had my work cut out for me, I pulled up a chair and sat. 
"Mr. Paulette, I'm Detective Tommy Thompson with the Aspen Grove Police Department. Now that you're awake, I was hoping to ask you a few questions."
Nothing. His eyes loooked at me, but it was as if he was in another world. 
I stood and offered him a glass of water. "Would you like a drink?"
He nodded, and I helped him as he took a few sips. Still, no words came out of his mouth.
It was late, and I was excessively tired; so I decided to take another tack.
Opening my wallet, I pulled out a school photo of Phoebe. 
"Mr. Paulette, have you ever seen this young lady?" 
"I want a lawyer, and I demand to go home!" he said in one breath. 
"Of course you do. "Where—exactly—is home?" I asked.
"The Fitzgerald Elling Estate. I live there with my wife!"
"Oh, Fitzgerald Elling? He's in jail awaiting trial, and his partially burnt-down house is closed off."
"Where's my wife?" he demanded. 
Ending the charade abruptly, I said, "Wife? You have no wife!"
I walked back to the door. "Willa, will you come in here, please?"
"Yes, Tommy." 
"Mr. Paulette, this is my wife and partner, Detective Willa Thompson."
The man came alive. "You have a lot of good looking women in your life, Detective."
I could feel the heat as it rose inside me. I got in his face, and seethed, "I'm down one, beautiful, intelligent, red-haired daughter, because of scum like you, Paulette!" 
Willa touched me on the sleeve. "Tommy, easy. Allow me—!" 
I backed off. "Thank you, Willa. Read him the charges, and apprise him of his rights...."
Willa began, "Gaston Paulette, you are under arrest for the abduction and murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson; and the abduction, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and perpetrator rape of Candace Van Velzen. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state. Do you understand your rights, and the charges against you, sir?" 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria's Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. He body has been exhumed and autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes Without treatment measures, your body will completely lose its ability to pump blood and maintain oxygen delivery once you have lost about 50 percent of your blood volume.

Your heart will stop pumping, other organs will shut down, and you will likely be in a coma. Death is likely if aggressive life-saving measures have not been taken.

Your body can compensate for a good deal of blood loss. However, at a certain point, it shuts down unnecessary components in order to protect your heart.

Chapter 33
The Aspen Grove Murders #33

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-two~
I could feel the heat as it rose inside me. I got in his face, and seethed, "I'm down one, intelligent, beautiful, red-haired daughter, because of scum like you, Paulette!"
Willa touched me on the sleeve. "Tommy, easy. Allow me...."
I backed off. "Thank you, Willa. Read him the charges and apprise him of his rights...."
Willa began, "Gaston Paulette, you are under arrest for the abduction and murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson; and the abduction, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and perpetrator rape of Candace Van Velzen. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state. Do you understand your rights, and the charges against you, sir?"
{Chapter Thirty-three}
Willa wasn't feeling well, the flu I thought at first. Then she came out of the bathroom with a pregnancy test in her hand. "Boy or girl, I don't care," is all she said with the sweetest look. 
I swept her in my arms, "I don't either. Oh, my love. We did it!" 
"We did! Don't say anything just yet, Tommy. I want a confirmation from the doctor."
"Of course, sweetheart. You have a glow about you though. I should have suspected as much." I kissed her as passionately as the day we were married, then knelt and kissed her belly. "Welcome, little one. We love you already!"
Insisting Willa take the morning off, I prepared her favorite breakfast: a pot of herbal tea, scrambled eggs, and toast. We visited a while before I headed out to the precinct.
The drive was beautiful, as the morning sun peeped from behind the white-capped ranges surrounding Aspen Grove. More snow had fallen overnight, making everything pristine, and the skies were so blue, they made my eyes water.
I was elated, we were going to have a baby; and the new day was in agreement. 
I had much to do as acting Captain, so I arrived with warm doughnuts in hand. A proven staff motivator. 
Our newly sworn in officers were present and raring to go. Sally, Jackson, Miles, Doc Stuart, and Chase Levins—all of whom I couldn't imagine being without. 
"Good morning, Tommy!" Sally said in greeting. "Crime board today?"
"Yes, ma'am!" I said. "We have a lot to do. Give me ten minutes, and we'll gather in the conference room."
I stood at the crime board and updated everyone on Captain Riley. "Thank you all for carrying our precinct, and for the support, prayer, and help with Hank and Betty Jo. Our Captain's hoping to get out of bed as fast as he can. He's thoroughly focused on getting married before Christmas. I'm sure you all agree, we couldn't be happier for them.
"Now, first up is Gaston Paulette. He'll be delivered here shortly for booking. Who would like to process him?"
Jackson and Sally volunteered. 
"Thank you, both. However, Paulette has shown himself incapable of being in the same room with a woman."
"I'll have Paulette processed in no time," Jackson assured. "Miles and I will walk him over to the jail."
"Great! That really helps. Jackson, if you would gather the necessary paperwork and head to interrogation. He'll be here any moment."
"Yes, Captain...."
"My title is only temporary," I quipped, and continued. "Item two for today is--Paulette's residence before he lived at the Elling Estate. I can't seem to find a thing on his prior life."
Chase spoke up, "I'd be glad to handle that for you, Tommy."
"Thank you, Chase. I'll need all the Paulette family members' names and addresses. I'd like to pay them a visit today."
"Doc Stuart interjected, "Addresses? They don't live in houses, Tommy, they live in caves, hovels... in the depths of the earth."
"Well, if you do get anything, I'll need a group of four for the search. Sally, I could use you and King on this one."
"Count us in, Tommy," said the blind detective. 
The front door jingled, announcing the arrival of our expected visitors. "Good day, everyone," said Sheriff Gonzalez. "Where would you like Mr. Paulette?" 
"In Interrogation, Sheriff," I said, pointing. "Detective Jackson Law is ready to book him."
Back at the hospital, Betty Jo was enjoying breakfast with Hank, awaiting the internist. The view from the east-facing window was enthralling, and the couple took it as a hopeful sign. 
"All I think about is marrying you, Betty Jo."
"Besides your well-being, that's all I've dreamt about for weeks," she said, stroking his hand. "We must get you well first."
"I love it when you say, 'we' are going to do this and that," Hank said. "My heart has already joined yours Betty Jo. Do you feel it?"
"Yes! Since the first time you held me. That moment replays in my mind over and over."
The sound of footsteps were heard coming into the room. Unexpectedly, a booming voice came from a little man wearing a white coat and round spectacles balanced on the end of his nose.  "I'm Doctor Shorter, head of internal medicine."
There was a slight pause as Betty Jo stood to shake his hand and towered over him. "Betty Jo Jenkins, Doctor. This is my fiance, Captain Hank Riley." 
"Great to finally meet you both! My, my, Captain! You certainly gave my staff a fright! Let me have a look at you."
The doctor washed his hands first, and put on latex gloves with a—snap...! snap...! He stood on his tippy-toes, and drew the privacy curtains. The internist took his time as he examined the captain, in his usual unrushed manner, ending with a satisfactory smile. Drawing back the curtains, he invited Betty Jo into the conversation.
"I'd like to take a blood draw, Hank. If everything looks good, and you're feeling up to it, you might be able to go home in a few days."
"That would be awesome, Doctor. Betty Jo and I want to get married as soon as possible."
"It's clear you two are crazy in love. Honestly, if you want to have a memorable honeymoon, wait two weeks. I don't want a relapse, and I know you don't want that either. Two weeks, and that's predicated on the results of your blood work, Captain. Do we have a deal?"  
Hank searched Betty Jo's eyes, then said, "We say... yes!" 
The funeral started on time as the three adults stood together to honor the life of Victoria Cole Elling. Of the three, none could keep away the tears. 
Greyson Cole broke the solemn mood. "Your mother loved the first snowfalls of December. She'd be out Christmas shopping on days like this, as she adored the holidays."
"I remember that about her," Simon said in reflection. "We'd make homemade ornaments together for the tree. She spoiled me terribly."
"She loved you terribly...," the grandfather added. 
"I wish I had known her," whispered Candace.
"You do know her. She's resident in Simon. Her green eyes, sweet spirit, and generosity."
"Granddad, why did she marry Fitzgerald?" Simon quizzed. "I don't understand the dynamic at all."
"Fitzgerald wasn't always bad. It was a progression, I think. The love of money got a hold of him, and turned him into someone else... someone corrupt and soulless."'
Greyson Cole reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a handkerchief to dry his eyes. Then he searched his other pocket for Victoria's leather-bound journal. 
"I found this in your mother's condo. Give it to the detective that's preparing this case for trial. Your mother knew a whole lot, and was suspicious of your father's nefarious activities. I'm thinking it may be why he killed her. That... and she was pregnant. Fitzgerald didn't want any more children."
Candace gasped. "Oh, dear Lord!" 
"I'm sorry, Candace. I should've said this to Simon in private. Forgive me?"
"Don't apologize. We're family, Granddad, and we must speak freely when we're together," Candace assured. 
"Simon, you've married a gem!" complimented the grandfather. 
"She is," he said in agreement. "And... I'm in the process of adopting Daniel as my own."
"That's fabulous!" the elder Cole declared. "I would like to be closer to you and your growing family, Simon. I'm considering a permanent move to your mother's Baltimore condo, and living out my days there."
The discussion was paused by soft steps coming from behind. It was Betty Jo. "I'm sorry to be so late. I stopped to get flowers!" 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria's Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. He body has been exhumed and autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Chapter 34
The Aspen Grove Murders #34

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-three~
"Simon, you've married a gem!" complimented the grandfather.
"She is," he said in agreement. "And... I'm in the process of adopting Daniel as my own."
"That's fabulous!" the elder Cole declared. "I would like to be closer to you and your family, Simon. I'm considering a move to your mother's Baltimore condo, and living out my days there."
The discussion was paused by soft steps coming from behind. It was Betty Jo. "I'm sorry to be so late. I stopped to get flowers!"
{Chapter Thirty-four}
Our newly formed team of four officers and two dogs made our way into the deep woods of Aspen Grove, searching for anyone related to Gaston Paulette.
The sun was high in the sky, and the temperature had reached about 39 degrees. The dense forest was a mysterious place where light and darkness played in shadows and changed constantly. 
A mile in, we split off into two groups at an interior fork in the road. I paired with Detective Sally Law and King, and took the northeast path. Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste, Samson, and Doc Stuart agreed to travel parallel to us on the other side of Kylie Creek. 
"We'll meet back here in thirty minutes," I said. "If these witches and warlocks are living anywhere, it's in here, close to a water source."
"Sally and Miles were the expert trackers, and I needed to watch and learn from them. 
I was glad I had another chance to pair up with the Blind Detective, or Madame Detective as the lieutenant calls her, and gain some insight into her superpowers. 
"How do you do what you do? And—without a weapon?" I asked her as we walked. 
She didn't answer me right away and kept going, keeping King in complete obedience. I realized then, she was in a zone of keen perceptions with her remaining senses. "I smell stew cooking," she commented. "Rabbit stew, to be exact...."
Comical to me, I smelled nothing more than the pines. We continued on, forging a path in the snow.
"We're close, Tommy," she whispered, squeezing my arm. Sally pulled King closer to her right by snapping her fingers. 
Approximately two hundred yards in, a man came out of a group of trees and faced us. He stood motionless as we approached him. 
The old warlock was as I remembered him from the emergency room when he came to collect Gaston Paulette. He was dressed in black, with wild, gray hair and a beard tumbled to his waist. A rope belt and crude looking shoes made him look like he'd just stepped out of a time capsule.
There wasn't anything healthy about him: appearing frighteningly thin, with a sickly pallor, and sunken black eyes. 
The friendliest person on the force went at him from the get go. 
"Bonjour, monsieur. Comment vas-tu aujourd'hui. Je suis Madame Detective du service de police d'Aspen Grove."
To my absolute shock, Sally extended her hand.
"Bonjour," he said, and lightly took her hand. He blinked, and his carriage relaxed. 
She went on, "Nous sommes ici a propos de Gaston Paulette. Vous le connaissez?"
He switched to English, and said, "Yes... he's my grandson."
Worry contorted his face. "May I see him?"
"Gaston's been arrested, Mr. Paulette," I said. "He awaits arraignment for copious felony charges. After his arraignment, perhaps you can visit him at the county jail."
"What is an arraignment?" 
"Pretrial... for lack of a better word. It will be this Monday at the courthouse in Aspen Grove."
"Who will defend him? I have little money."
"A public defender." I assured. 
"I see," he said, his voice trailing off. 
"Where do you live, sir? I don't see a cabin?"
"I live in a cave. Even now, the light is too much for me. I must return there... for I am not strong these days."
With that, he began to leave, then hesitated. Turning slowly around, he asked, "What time on Monday?" 
"Four o'clock."
"Tell Gaston I will be there."
He turned again, walking down the sloping path with a stick for support.
I looked at Sally. "Where'd you learn to do that?"
"By reading How to Win Friends and Influence People."
On our way back, I radioed Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste and Doc Stuart.
"Miles, where are you?" 
"I see you and Madame Detective through the trees, Tommy. Keep coming. You'll want to see this. Doc Stuart is snapping photos and has pushed Samson and me behind an imaginary line."
I kept talking to the lieutenant while walking with Sally and King. "What do you think it might be?"
"Prepare yourself, Tommy. We've found a stone altar. It's obvious animals have been sacrificed here, but Doc Stuart thinks humans may've been sacrificed as well."
Sally stopped us in our tracks. "We must do the hard thing, Tommy."
I already knew where my Louisiana friend was going. "You're right. We should have brought him in for questioning."
"I agree," she said. "His scent is still on my hand. King will easily track him. I'm sure he didn't get far in his condition."
"We'll go back." I said. "I'll alert the others to come and help."
Sally gave the command, "King, obey! Find the man!" 
After he caught the scent, the giant shepherd took off in pursuit. A few minutes later, Samson came blowing past. Now we had two dogs on the trail of the elder Paulette. The lieutenant and Doc Stuart caught up with us as we picked up the pace. 
"I cringe thinking of Phoebe in the hands of these people!" I said, tears forming. 
"Don't worry, Tommy. We're going to get every last one of them," I heard a female voice say.
I looked at Sally. "What did you say?" 
"Nothing," she said. "It must've been the wind."
Our group neared a rocky cliff covered in moss and dead vines. Samson was howling up a storm when three barks came from King. 
"Sam and King have him," observed the lieutenant. 
As we neared the entrance to the cave, the hairs on my neck stood up. I felt we had crossed the line into hell. The others felt it too. 
The man we'd engaged earlier came out of an opening, his eyes aglow and rotten teeth bared. 
"You're not welcome here! I told you I would come for Gaston on Monday!" 
"Suddenly, he pulled a gun, much like my own service revolver, and aimed it at us."
"Put the gun down, Mr. Paulette! We just want to ask you a few questions."
"How stupid do you think I am?" 
"Put down your gun, now!" I warned. "You're surrounded!"
Sally spoke to him firmly. "Your grandson failed in procuring not one, but two human sacrifices, didn't he? That carries the ultimate death penalty in your coven—from what I understand. And you must be the one to put him to death."
It became eerily quiet, the wind coming to a standstill.
"Am I wrong, Mr. Paulette?" Sally asked. 
He dropped his gun and surrendered. "You are correct, Madame Detective. I cannot do it. Gaston is my flesh and blood!"
"Then you understand we must arrest you now," she added.
"Yes... I understand."
Finally, I smelled the rabbit stew. 
Back at the county jail, Fitzgerald Elling had a visitor. Desperate to escape the confines of his cell, he accepted the invitation before knowing the details. 
"Who is it?" he asked the guard.
"A Mister Cole...."
Fee paused, dreading the showdown with his former father-in-law, and asked. "Did he mention why?"
"No, he didn't. Fifteen minutes, Elling. I wouldn't waste it."
"Everyone here's a life coach! How lucky am I!"
The guard ignored the prisoner's sarcasm, cuffed him, and opened the door.  "This way."
Traveling down the hall, the deputy led him through the maze of copious security checks. The visitor's room was the last door on the right, in close proximity to the Aspen County Sheriff's Department. 
Once they reached the double doors, Fee was led into another room. Awaiting him on the other side of the two-way conversation booth was Greyson Cole, looking a little older, but in good shape.
Greyson Cole was expressionless—which Fee expected—as he had never liked him, or approved of his daughter's choice of a husband. Yet, his tightly drawn mouth gave him away. 
The criminal thought he'd give him a few minutes for old-times' sake. The deputy sat him in the ultilitarian chair, and repeated, "Fifteen minutes, Mr. Elling." 
Fee stared across the table, offering a half smile. "Greyson, what brings you to my humble abode?"
"I'm in town for Victoria's funeral. I thought I'd stop by."
"Obviously to gloat. Enjoying yourself, Greyson?"
"Immensely! I was unhappy that Maryland is no longer a death penalty state. But, the thought of you in a penitentiary until you rot... brings me a great deal of satisfaction, Fitzgerald. Understand, I blame myself too. I should've done everything in my power to keep my daughter away from you!"
"We were in love—once—and grew apart," he lied. "Certainly you can understand that?"
"Grew apart...?" Greyson balked. "You don't murder your wife because you've grown apart, you sick son of a bitch!"
"I think my time is up, Greyson." Fee pushed himself back, but hadn't risen to his feet. 
"Wait...! That's not why I've come. I've begun a civil lawsuit against you to regain all the money you've stolen from Simon's trust account. It's quite a lot, according to Victoria's accounting ledger."
"By the way, where is Simon these days?" Fee inquired.
"He's happy and free of you. That's where he is."
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has fiqured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria's Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. He body has been exhumed and autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Currently, he's in a coma at Mountain Valley Hospital. If and when he wakes up, he will be charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. Charges are forthcoming.
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes I read How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie in high school. Smile and begin in a friendly way is two of the mantras. I have practised this most of my life in every field of work and ministry.

On March 6, 2013, the Maryland State Senate voted in favor of SB 276, a bill to repeal the death penalty for future offenders. On March 15, 2013, the House approved the legislation and sent the bill to Governor Martin O'Malley, who then signed it into law on May 2, 2013, declaring Maryland the 18th state in the US to ban the death penalty.

Chapter 35
The Aspen Grove Murders #35

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter thirty-four~
"I think my time is up, Greyson." Fee pushed himself back, but hadn't risen to his feet.
"Wait...! That's not why I've come. I've begun a civil lawsuit against you to regain all the money you've stolen from Simon's trust account. It's quite a lot, according to Victoria's accounting ledger."
"By the way, where is Simon these days?" Fee inquired.
Greyson mocked, "He's happy and free of you! That's where he is."
{Chapter Thirty-five}
"Well something's lost, but something's gained in living every day."
Lyrics from Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell
     Greyson Cole said goodbye to his family as they prepared to leave Aspen Grove, the three returning to Louisiana until the trial. The dangers surrounding Simon, Candace, and Daniel were real; yet the grandfather wished they didn't have to go.
He offered another solution, hoping they'd accept. "If you'd like to stay in Maryland, Simon, I will personally hire round-the-clock security for you and your family. It's my understanding both the Aspen Grove Police Department and sheriff are overwhelmed with so much. I don't blame them, of course, as this case is more than a big city could handle in the best of circumstances."
"We must go for now, Granddad, but Candace and I will think about your offer."
"That's good to hear, Simon."
Hugging them once more, he walked them to the awaiting SUV. 
"Off with you now," the grandfather said. "Don't forget about our conversation."
"I won't," Simon assured. "I love you, Granddad!" 
He watched until the two vehicles disappeared from sight, and said, "Simon's every bit Victoria."
That evening, Greyson Cole had a most unusual dream. 
In the dream was a guardian spirit—he supposed—hovering over the Elling's fishing cabin. He recognized the place, as he'd been there many times.
The structure was dilapidated and covered with vines, not at all kept up as it had been when Victoria was living.
The angel drew near to the cabin, and lifted Victoria up from underneath the ground. The creature bore her up to the sky and into heaven. It was her spirit; as she was as the angel in likeness. The father knew it was her as the angel called her by name, singing, "Victoria... Victoria... Victoria!"  It was a beautiful scene causing him to reach up. To his disappointment, they eluded his grasp, and he saw them no more. 
He jerked from his sleep, visibly shaken by the dream. What could this mean?
Sitting up, he threw his feet over the side of the bed. He reached for a glass of water, clutching it for fear of dropping the glass on the hardwood floor. 
Once he was steady, the seventy-year-old man wrapped his robe around himself and went to the window. Outside on the snow-covered lawn, the dream continued—or so he thought.
It looks to be another angel! 
But, this one wasn't at all like the other, and was coming towards him. 
The mighty angel appeared in the room, causing him to stumble backwards.
"Greetings, sir. I am the angel Patience, servant of the Living God, the Lord Almighty."
He cried out, falling to his knees. "I've never seen such a vision! Why are you bothering with me?"
"Stand, please. Homage and worship is for the Lord only."
She helped him to his feet, and spoke, "May I bless you, Greyson Cole? Your cares appear to be many."
"Yes, angel. My daughter... it still hurts so bad. There's so much hatred in my heart, I could kill him!" 
"Kill Fitzgerald Elling? Yes, I know. I perceive it." The angel wept human tears as she stroked his brow. 
She took a vial from her garment, and touched the contents to his forehead. "Return to the faith of your youth, Greyson. There was a time when you walked closely with the Lord. He is waiting for you. He loves you." 
"The pain is too much...."
"Give the pain to me." Patience extended her hands. "Haven't you had enough?"
"Yes, kind angel," he said, breaking down. "I've had enough—!"
He put his hands in hers. In turn, she did as promised, and took the terrible hate away.
When he awoke, it was morning, and he'd slept like a little child. Rising up, he knelt by his bed, and prayed, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...."
Our beautiful municipality was donned in traditional Christmas decorations of red and green as the first snow lingered. Someone was getting closure for Christmas, and I hoped for the many as our case continued to open up. 
The due processing of Bertrand Paulette made him the number one suspect in the shooting of Captain Hank Riley. The bullet that shot the captain was from a Heckler and Koch P30 9mm we apprehended at the time of his arrest. Only one round had been fired from the handgun, and it was the bullet pulled from our Captain's spleen. Another interesting clue, the Jenkins' farm is only 1.6 miles from Bertrand Paulette's cave. 
Detective Sally Law and I paid Bertrand a visit at the county jail; seeking a confession to his crime. 
Upon arrival, we waited for the public defender and proceeded inside to a private conference room. The room was void of color, and unrelentingly dreary.
I seated Sally and the lady Public Defender, and stood to help the deputy with the elder Paulette. 
He hobbled in, noticeably unwell, practically falling into the chair. His cuffed hands made a loud clanking sound as they hit the table top. 
"Please uncuff Monsieur Paulette, Deputy," Sally asked, "and if you please, bottled waters all around." She reached in her purse and took out some cash. "This ought to cover it."
"That's not necessary, Detective. I'll be back in a few."
The deputy gave me the cuff's key as I proceeded to unlock him. 
"Thank you, Tommy," Sally said. 
I watched as the old man melted like butter on a hot griddle. Apparently, he'd never met the likes of her, or had been in the cave far too long. Probably both. He seemed to improve by the minute, especially after Sally gave him a chocolate bar, and the deputy returned with the water. 
The defense attorney was another matter. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and offered to let her sit beside the certifiably unwashed client. Nothing doing. She was glued to the sweet-smelling side of the conference table. 
She dug through her purse looking for something, and finally came up with her card. She scooted it across the table, and blurted, "Lyla Sutherland. I'm your public defender."
He continued to devour the chocolate, and didn't give the public defender so much as a nod. 
And that was it from Lyla Sutherland. 
When the old warlock looked better, I began, "Mr. Paulette, does this gun look familiar to you?" I questioned, pulling the photo from the file. "We found this in your dwelling."
He studied the photo for a few seconds. He glanced over at Sally and back at me. "Yes, that's mine."
"There's no registration, and the serial number has been filed off." I stated. 
"I found it... in the woods." he said. 
I continued, "Okay, next question. Have you used it lately?"
Same thing. He looked at Sally first, and returned his gaze to me. Now, I'm encouraged. She's earned his trust. I'm still working on earning his trust. 
"Yes, Detectives. I used it to warn your captain. You must believe me! I didn't mean to kill him!"
"Thankfully, he's alive, Mr. Paulette. But, I'm going to charge you with attempted murder. If you sign a confession, your legal counsel can plead for leniency."
Lawyer Sutherland nodded in silent agreement. For a reason unknown to me, she had no paperwork for a signed confession.
My insightful partner suggested an alternative. "Let's record it. I have an audio recorder in my purse."
"Of course you do," I remarked. 
Sally added, "Monsieur Paulette, after we record you, you'll need to sign a piece of paper swearing this is your audio confession. Is that agreeable to you?"
"Will my mark suffice?"
"Certainly...." said the Blind Detective. "We'll begin when you're ready."
To be continued. . . . 
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been exhumed and autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. Charges are forthcoming.
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Chapter 36
The Aspen Grove Murders # 36

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-five~
My insightful partner suggested an alternative. "Let's record it. I have an audio recorder in my purse."
"Of course you do," I remarked.
Sally added, "Monsieur Paulette, after we record you, you'll need to sign a a piece of paper swearing this is your audio confession. Is that agreeable to you?" 
"Will my mark suffice?"
"Certainly," said the Blind Detective. "We'll begin when you're ready."
{Chapter Thirty-six}
Another small aircraft was making its way from Aspen Grove to Louisiana once again. This time it was a private charter flight carrying trial witnesses Raoul and Tammy Perez. 
The flight had been a little bumpy, but overall a nice one. Tammy was a ball of nerves coupled with trepidation, and understandably so.
Her husband reached over and touched her. "Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?"
"I'm fine. Raoul junior is practicing his soccer kicks though." She took his hand and put it on her rounded belly. "Do you feel that?"
The father teased, "I think he's doing the macarena in there!" 
"Tell me about it!" Tammy quipped. 
"We're landing now, and it's only a short drive to your mother's house. Your mom and sister are beside themselves to see you, Tammy!" 
"What if I've changed too much? What if —?"
"You could what if yourself to death—if I let you. Breathe, please.  The baby can feel your angst."
"You're right," she said, stroking her belly. 
The couple disembarked and gathered the two bags for their short visit. Tammy went inside the tiny airport to find a ladies' room while Raoul surveyed the pasture they'd have to cross in order to hail a cab. 
Ten minutes later, Tammy returned to her husband's side. "We're in Louisiana alright," she assured. "It hasn't changed a lick."
"Are you ready" he asked.
"As long as I have you and the baby, I am."
The two were halfway across the field when a sedan came into view. The car was going at a pretty good clip, kicking up mud and debris. The horn was honking and hands were waving out the windows. 
Tammy broke from her husband and walked as fast as she could, holding her bump with one hand, and wiping tears with the other. "Mama!" she cried, over and over. "Kelly, oh... it's my sister!" 
The car stopped, and the two women jumped out and ran as fast as they could, screaming, "Tammmmeeee!" 
Raoul slowed and took in the reunion from a distance. It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
It didn't take long for Chef Raoul Perez to fit into the Vance household. Within the hour he had lunch prepared from pantry basics and the well-stocked refrigerator. 
Meanwhile, Tammy was in the living room with her mother and sister, admiring the Christmas tree. 
Tammy took them both by the hand, and said, "I'm going to tell you both everything that's happened to me, at least what I can remember—I promise! But... could we just celebrate being together at Christmas?"
"Of course, Tammy," her mother said. "We'll have many more happy days together. You can count on it."
"Raoul is a dream, Tammy," Kelly complimented. "Where did you find him?"
"We were estate servants. He's an angel, I suspect. I check him for feathers every now and then. Our story is for another day too."
"I understand," Kelly said, stroking her sister's hair. 
Raoul announced, "The tuna melts are ready!" 
"Y'all are in for a real treat! My husband has taken tuna melts to a whole new level."
{Aspen County Jail, Solitary Confinement}
Fee was in a mood, and it was a foul one. Compounding his woes, he'd had a devil of a time finding an attorney, each public defender being worse than the last. 
Leaning hard on the call button, he summoned the deputy in charge. 
"This is for emergencies only, Elling. What is it this time?"
"By law, I have the right to legal counsel. I've yet to secure an attorney, and get on with my defense."
The sound of shuffling was audible. "According to the log, you've had four attorneys visit you so far, Elling. Four."
"Then make it a freaking five! Get me someone—anyone—that's been with the public defender's office more than a year!" Click! 
The next day, Fee was stirred from his rather unappealing lunch.
"Mr. Elling, attorney Lou Crenshaw to see you."
Fee stood. "Well, it's about time, Deputy. You may take away this sorry excuse of a meal too."
Ignoring him as he always had, the deputy opened the door as attempt number five began. "This way...."
"I know it well!" Fee snapped.
Out in the brightly lit hall, another man familiar to Fee was coming with a guard. It was Gaston Paulette. Their eyes met and it was more than enough. It was then Fitzgerald Elling knew the authorities were not bluffing. They were arresting everyone associated with him. 
Fee sized up the public defender right away: cheap suit, overworked, and a marriage on the rocks. He thought him easily bribed. 
As soon as he let go of his case file, introductions were made. "I'm Lou Crenshaw with the Aspen County Public Defender's Office." 
"Fitzgerald Elling."
A thought went through Fee's mind, as the man before him wasn't the typical defense attorney. "What prompted you to accept my case, Mr. Crenshaw?"
"Perhaps you're not aware, but your trial is being sensationalized by the media. My office decided to send me, as I'm very successful in high profile criminal law cases."
Fee could hear a cackling voice, and saw an imaginary hand as it dragged him from a crowded courtroom and threw him into a dark hole. 
The lawyer could sense the distance, and asked, "Everything all right, Mr. Elling?"
"My mind ran away with me for a second. You were saying...?"
"It's my understanding the prosecutor has an ironclad case, and there's the added component of the Blind Detective coming on with the Aspen Grove PD."
"Yes, I'm acquainted with her," Fee said. "I wish it had been more... intimate."
"She's married, Mr. Elling, and one of the wealthiest women in the United States."
The criminal questioned,  "Surely we're not talking about the same person."
Crenshaw opened his file and pulled out a photo. "Is this her?"
The malefactor stared in unbelief. "Yes... it's her. Undeniably so."
Lawyer Crenshaw went on. "Apparently, she is the sole heiress of Andre Dupree."
Fee leaned forward in his seat, glued to every word. "As in—Louisiana artist Andre Dupree?"
"The same. She solved his murder, and ended up in law enforcement. Now, she's here to focus on missing children, turning her attention to criminal profiling."
Fee studied her photo with interest. For he saw clearly—now—his ticket to ride: Detective Sally Law. His lust turned like an oiled hinge to murderous intent. 
To be continued . . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling. 
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide. 
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's residing in Versailles. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the safe house. Simon and Candace are married. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the safe house with her son, Daniel. She has married Simon. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. Charges are forthcoming.
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's new public defender. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 


Chapter 37
The Aspen Grove Murders #37

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-six~
The malefactor stared at the photo in unbelief. "Yes, it's her. Undeniably so."
Lawyer Crenshaw continued, "Apparently, she's the sole heiress of Andre Dupree."
Fee leaned forward in his seat, glued to every word. "As in—Louisiana artist Andre Dupree?"
"The same. She solved his murder, and ended up in law enforcement. Now, she's here to focus on missing children, turning her attention to criminal profiling."
Fee studied her photo with interest. For he saw clearly—now—his ticket to ride: Detective Sally Law. His lust turned like an oiled hinge to murderous intent.
{Chapter Thirty-seven}
Fitzgerald Elling knew his window of opportunity was closing as fast as Christmas approached. He also knew he didn't want to be in jail over the holidays, not that he had any religious beliefs, or a soul to toast. 
It didn't matter. In his twisted mind, a new year was a new identity. He'd already lost ten pounds on the jailhouse diet, so he figured he was halfway there with his sunken cheeks and flat stomach. 
Exercising his fingers, he called the deputy and asked him to summon his attorney for another visit.
After that, he asked to speak with Aspen Grove PD. 
The deputy explained, "No, you can't call the police to chat, Mr. Elling. What's this about?"
"I would like to speak with Detective Sally Law. It's important."
"All right. Anything else?"
"Did you reach my attorney, Lou Crenshaw?"
"His answering service said he's in court until noon. I left a detailed message."
Fee's politeness made the deputy ask, "This is Fitzgerald Elling, correct?"
Our precinct was humming right along, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filling our small space. For the first time, in a very long time, our entire staff was present: Captain Hank Riley and Detective Betty Jo Jenkins were back in the house, literally. Never before had our bungalow felt so pinched. 
Jackson spoke up, "Most of you may know I was a real estate attorney before joining my wife in law enforcement— and in her other projects."
"Define other projects," I said, for those who didn't know where he was going.
Jackson explained, "Giving where there's a need."
He reached into Sally's bag and took out a deed to the property across the street. "Mrs. Claus and I present a new precinct with ample parking, more square footage, a full kitchen, and three restrooms."
Our ladies let out a collective yelp at the thought of three restrooms.
While we were looking over the proposed plans for a new precinct, the phone rang.
"Aspen Grove PD. Detective Tommy Thompson speaking."
"Hello, Detective. This is Fitzgerald Elling."
I hurriedly covered the mouthpiece. "It's Fee!"
Everyone circled around in complete silence. I put him on speakerphone, and continued, "Mr. Elling. What a surprise."
"I can imagine. I would like to have a word with Detective Sally Law."
Sally signaled to me with her hands. 
"She's in a meeting at the moment. I'll give her the message."
"Thanks, Detective," he said, sounding almost pleasant.
I hung up, and remarked, "He's planning a jailbreak."
Back at the Aspen County Jail, Fitzgerald Elling's lawyer had arrived at the conference room ten minutes late. The criminal tried to keep his patience as Christmas music played incessantly over the airways. 
"What kept you?" Fee inquired.
"Court. I do have other clients, you know.... What couldn't wait, Elling?" 
"Christmas is coming, and I know you're a family man. I didn't want to interrupt your holiday plans."
"Not much is happening this year," he disclosed. "My wife and I are separated. The kids want electronics, and after an expensive meal, they'll be off to their friends' houses to see their cooler electronics."
"And your wife...?"
"She's as cold as a mid-winter's night."
The look of disappointment in his eyes said it all. Fee had the beaten-down man where he wanted him. 
"I have one question for you, Counselor. What's your price?"
"You're serious, aren't you?"
"As a heart attack!" Elling said with a smirk.
The room quieted for a moment, then the sound of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Yearblared on the speakers, as if someone had turned up the volume in torment.
Fee offered, "Get me out of this hell hole, and I will make you richer than your wildest dreams."
He threw in a little flattery for good measure. "You're relatively young, Counselor, and still have wild dreams, don't you?"
"I thought your accounts were frozen?"
"I have cash in places no one knows about, " Fee assured, "and an offshore account in a bogus name."
Crenshaw lowered his voice to a whisper. "How much to do this?" 
Fee met his gaze. "Two bucks."
The lawyer spun his wedding ring around in deep thought.  "Let me sleep on it. I'll be back tomorrow at the same time.
"Good. When you return, bring some mustard spread from the local health food store."
"Mustard spread?"
"Yes, you heard me correctly. If properly administered, mustard spread can make a person temporarily sick, somewhat like Ipecac, but without the long-term risks." 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling, the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson and predatory actions towards Tammy Sue Vance.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide.  She been laid to rest in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's  in Aspen Grove at the moment. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. Tammy Sue Vance/Perez has been reunited with her family in Louisiana. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the Louisiana safe house with his wife, Candace; and her son, Daniel. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the Louisiana safe house with her husband, Simon; and infant son, Daniel. Daniel. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. He awaits arraignment. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's new public defender. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. Tammy has been reunited with her mother and sister. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes Two bucks is slang for two million.

Ipecac has been deemed harmful and is not longer sold to the general public. Singer Karen Carpenter used it frequently, as well as laxatives, which led to her early death.

Chapter 38
The Aspen Grove Murders #38

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-seven~
Crenshaw lowered his voice to a whisper. "How much to do this?"
Fee met his gaze. "Two bucks."
The lawyer spun his wedding ring around in deep thought. "Let me sleep on it. I'll be back tomorrow at the same time."
"Good. When you return, bring some mustard spread from the local health food store."
"Mustard spread?"
"Yes, you heard me correctly. If properly administered, mustard spread can make a person temporarily sick, somewhat like Ipecac, but without the long-term risks."
{Chapter Thirty-eight}
There was no better way to describe it: our force had gone gaga over the plans for the new precinct. An hour had passed, so I took matters into my hands by moving the doughnuts and coffee to the conference area for our morning meeting. 
As soon as everyone was seated, I began. "Good morning, again. It's an exciting day as we have many things to be thankful for. Captain Hank Riley and Detective Betty Jo Jenkins are newly engaged and back among us! Their wedding is —?"
"Christmas Eve Eve at the Mountain Valley Inn," Betty Jo announced. "The ceremony is at four o'clock, followed by the reception." 
Hank pointed at Chase, and said. "Feel free to bring a plus one."
"Are you kidding?" Chase balked. "My life is between these four walls. Besides, all the great women have been claimed. It's up to Doc Stuart to have pity on me."
"Aye, 0l' chap! Don't mind my wedding attire. I'll be sportin' me kilt, and doin' the Highland Fling!" At that, the elder member of our force rolled up his pants, bared his argyle socks, and gave us a preview. And, oh, what a sight it was.
"Will ye not dance wi' me? It's quite invigorating!"
Everyone, including Chase, got up and gave it a go. 
After the delightful entertainment, things finally calmed as we focused on some pressing issues. 
I let Sally take the lead on the Fitzgerald Elling case status, and she began with a question for our IT Specialist and Case Researcher, Chase Levins.
"We suspect Fee is highly connected, but other than the deceased Joe Santucci, and the Paulettes, who do we have?" 
Sally's question went unanswered as the door chimed; and none of us could have imagined how providential the visit was, and the evidence he possessed. 
"I'm sorry to interrupt," the well-dressed man said. 
Betty Jo recognized him right away. "Mr. Cole! Come in. Everyone, this is Greyson Cole, Simon Elling's grandfather."
I quickly turned the crime board around as Captain Riley seated our visitor and made the introductions. Willa came with a tray of coffee and fixings we have reserved for special visitors, and set it before him. 
"My, this is the coziest precinct I have ever seen. You have something special here," he complimented. 
"Yes, we do!" the captain remarked. "Are you returning to Europe soon, Mr. Cole?" 
"No, Captain. I will be staying in Maryland indefinitely. All of you—please—call me Greyson!" He reached for his leather satchel, lifted out the contents, and handed them to Chase Levins. 
After sipping his brew, he went on, "I sent one journal to this address by express courier. Did you receive it?"
Chase responded, "Yes, Greyson, we received Victoria's journal three days ago. It had plenty of incriminating evidence of Fitzgerald Elling's criminal activities; but it doesn't specifically mention the others by name."
Greyson continued, "After going through my daughter's condo,  I've found many more, nine journals in all."
We pressed closer in to hear the softly spoken gentleman. 
"May I show you what I perceive to be trial evidence recorded by Victoria's hand? It's nothing short of shocking." 
Captain Riley spoke, "Of course. Your timing is impeccable."
Before another word was said, I excused myself for a moment and called the sheriff, letting him know of my concerns of Fee's escape. He assured me it was damn-near impossible. 
{Aspen County Jail}
Two o'clock came and went as Fitzgerald Elling anxiously awaited his court appointed attorney, Lou Crenshaw. To his relief, he finally showed and did not disappoint. 
He pulled up a chair and sat, looking better and much more relaxed than yesterday. "Here's the condiment you requested," he said, then inconspicuously slid Fee three large packets of the organic mustard spread. 
Fee commented, "Perfect. I can dispose of the remnants by flushing them down the toilet."
The lawyer opened his file, giving the appearance of trial preparations, then whispered, "What do you have in mind?"
"Tomorrow is the staff's Christmas party, and the perfect time to require medical attention. I'll need for you to arrive at precisely 12:30, and insist on accompanying me to the jail's clinic. From there, I understand there's a back exit from the clinic to an open field."
"No, it's fenced and heavily guarded. The best way is through the back door, where you'll drop down in the nearest sewer and maneuver to the tunnels. It's nasty, but you'll survive it," the lawyer assured. 
The criminal tapped the conference table with his finger. "Draw me a map of the entrance and exit to the tunnel."
Crenshaw pulled out the file notes and spread them out as he began to draw. "It's a maze of tunnels, very dark, and poorly ventilated. One wrong turn could be your demise."
Fee asked, "How do you know first-hand about the tunnels?"
"When I was a boy, I explored them with my brothers. The secret is right, left, right, left. Meaning, every time you come to a turn, it's the opposite of the last one. Begin with the right tunnel. Got it?"
Fee nodded his head. "Right is first, then left, and right...."
"Correct," the lawyer affirmed. 
"And the exit point?" Fee quizzed. 
"In downtown Aspen Grove. The police station is about fifty yards from the stone steps that will lead you from the tunnels to street level. I'll be parked there in a blue Volvo." 
Crenshaw showed him the hand-drawn map, and said, "Memorize it now. We have five minutes left on the clock." 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is staying in Aspen Grove, doing IT work for Aspen Grove P. D. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling, the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson and predatory actions towards Tammy Sue Vance.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide.  She been laid to rest in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's  in Aspen Grove at the moment. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. Tammy Sue Vance/Perez has been reunited with her family in Louisiana. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the Louisiana safe house with his wife, Candace; and her son, Daniel. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the Louisiana safe house with her husband, Simon; and infant son, Daniel. Daniel. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. He awaits arraignment. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's new public defender. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. Tammy has been reunited with her mother and sister. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes Christmas Eve Eve: The day before Christmas Eve, 2 days before Christmas.
Source: Urban Dictionary.

Aye: Scottish for yes.
Wi': Scottish for with.

Two bucks is slang for two million.

Ipecac has been deemed harmful and is not longer sold to the general public. Singer Karen Carpenter used it frequently, as well as laxatives, which led to her early death.

My youngest son and his best friend accessed the tunnels underneath our neighborhood many times. Of course I found out about this foolery when I was taking a walk, and up they came out of the sewer! I thought I would put it into this chapter.

Chapter 39
The Aspen Grove Murders # 39

By Sally Law

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-eight~
Attorney Lou Crenshaw showed Fee the hand-drawn map, and said, "Memorize it now. We have five minutes left on the clock."
{Chapter Thirty-nine}
Everything that could have gone wrong for Fitzgerald Elling's escape did. But then again, sometimes the best laid plans aren't always the best. Opportunities can work for one's advantage. Adding to the dynamic of the escape was a foot of fresh snow. 
The mustard spread Fee had ingested worked a little too well, and looked and smelled very convincing. What a mess it was by the time Lou Crenshaw arrived.
The compromised attorney made his way through the festive decor of the county jail in order to speak to Sheriff Gonzalez. To his surprise, the door was open. 
"Sheriff, may I have a word?"
"Hello... and you are...?"
"Lou Crenshaw, Fitzgerald Elling's public defender."
"He's pretty sick at the moment," he reported. 
"Yes, I know. He called me out of court. May I escort him to the clinic?"
"Suit yourself. He's outside his cell, lying on a cot. I'll have the duty deputy see you to him. If Elling can walk, you and the deputy may help him to the clinic."
The sheriff quickly scribbled something on a piece of letterhead and handed it to the public defender. "Your guest pass, Mr. Crenshaw."
Once the lawyer entered the final turn to solitary confinement, he smelled something so rancid, he thought he'd lose his breakfast. 
"Mr. Elling, I came as fast as I could. Can you stand?" he asked, offering his arm.
His client slowly rose to his feet, and sputtered, "Must've been something I ate!" 
Crenshaw spoke to the attending deputy assigned to the cleanup. "Sheriff Gonzalez said I could walk him to the clinic."
"Take your time...!" he said, flashing an irritated glance. "I'll be mopping until Christmas!" 
The two joined the awaiting deputy and made their way through the winding corridors. 
The clinic was packed, and no one appeared to be in a hurry for anything. After checking in with the former Army nurse, both Fee and Crenshaw had second thoughts. 
Fee threw up again—which was well-timed—and it caused the nurse to move him away from the other patients. Neither Fee or Crenshaw could believe how strategically close the triage unit was to the back door, the exit closest to the sewer. 
All the while, Crenshaw stayed near his client, keeping an eye on the comings and goings through the back door. 
The nurse didn't say much, and had left her bedside manner somewhere in the deserts of Iraq. She'd also carelessly dropped her key ring into the pocket of her coat, which hung on a nearby hook. 
She took his vitals, then administered an IV of sterile salt saline and potassium. When finished, she said, "Here's a bed pan. Keep your puke off my clean floors!" 
Yanking the privacy curtain in disgust, she left them alone. 
Removing her gloves, the RN washed up, and announced, "I'm taking my break now. I'll bring us a plate of sugar cookies to nibble on." 
The male nurse looked at her, and asked, "But what about all the patients?" 
"You'll be fine," she assured. "Fifteen minutes is all!" 
Crenshaw and Fee hurried, as the clock was nearing one, the designated time for the staff's Christmas party.
"Mouthwash this instant," Fee hissed, "scrubs, and something warm to wear."
Crenshaw searched the cabinet and found a bottle of Listerine, a set of scrubs, then left to hang his overcoat on the same hanger as the head nurse's coat. No one saw his sleight of hand as he lifted her keys along with a hoodie. 
Once Crenshaw was back behind the curtain, he found the backdoor key and gave it to Fee. "This is it! The door may be open from the inside, but I'm not sure."
"Now what?" Fee asked as he slid on the sweatshirt. 
"Hit me with this, then lower me to the floor." 
"The bed pan?" the criminal asked in a tone of unbelief. "Check the Army dame's coat again. I guarantee, if she's within these walls, she has a handgun."
Crenshaw nodded. "It's worth a look. I'll get my coat now, and pretend to leave."
Sure enough, the nurse had a service revolver stashed in the other pocket, and it was loaded. Wasting no more time, the attorney returned with the gun, and carefully wiped his fingerprints.
"Make it believable," he said, then turned around and awaited the pistol whipping. 
Adrenaline and the fleece jacket kept Fee warm as he made his way from the sewer to the underground tunnels. "Right, left, right, left," he voiced out loud. 
He stumbled along, groping like a blind man in a foul labyrinth of darkness. His thoughts turned to primal survival, and to her. With each step, he convinced himself he could have the cake and eat it too.
Then he came upon a rotting corpse, and his fantasies evaporated. The sound of, "Right, left, right, left," propelled him on. 
Back in the clinic, the disgraced nurse was madder than a wet hen when she realized what'd happened. She treated the gash on Lou Crenshaw's head without an ounce of compassion. By contrast, the complicit lawyer endured the rough treatment without complaint. 
Sheriff Gonzalez pulled up a chair and sat, and waited for his turn. Once the nurse was out of earshot, he began, "So... Elling jumped you?"
"Yes. I told him I was leaving; and when I turned to go, he struck me on the back on the head."
"Any idea what he may have used?"
He continued on, remaining remarkably calm. "No, I don't."
"Mr. Crenshaw, I'll need for you to stick around while I question everyone in the clinic. Would you like a coffee?"
"Coffee would be great."
Once the sheriff realized Fitzgerald Elling was not hiding inside the compound, he sent out an APB for him and the possible accomplice. At the time, the lawman did not suspect the public defender. Why should he? Lou Crenshaw was a model citizen with no criminal record. 
An hour later, the sheriff ended the lockdown, and let the lawyer go with a word of caution. "If Elling contacts you, Mr. Crenshaw, let us know immediately."
"Of course, Sheriff. I'm sorry about ruining your Christmas party."
{Aspen Grove Police Precinct}
Our meeting with Greyson Cole had extended into today, as he gave us a load of trial evidence, and more importantly, names of businessmen and high ranking officials that had been in cahoots with Fitzgerald Elling. 
Suddenly, an alert came across, causing our cell phones to ping. I put the message on speakerphone:
"APB issued in Aspen County, Maryland. Fitzgerald Edward Elling escaped confinement from Aspen County Jail on Friday, December 16, 2022 between 12:50 and 1:10 p. m. Elling is Caucasian, medium height and build with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He is considered highly dangerous and possibly running with an accomplice. If you sight him, please call the Aspen County Sheriff's Office, Aspen Grove Police Department, or the Maryland State Police."
Our moan was collective, and it included our visitor, Greyson Cole, former father-in-law of Fitzgerald Elling. 
The only ones that were not present at the time were Detective Sally Law and King. 
"Jackson, where's Sally?" I asked. 
"She left about a half-hour ago to walk King." Without saying another word, Jackson and I grabbed our coats and headed out. Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste and Samson followed close behind. 
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is working for Aspen Grove P. D. doing IT work. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling, the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson and predatory actions towards Tammy Sue Vance.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide.  She been laid to rest in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's in Aspen Grove, and has provided more evidence for the case against his former son-in-law, Fitzgerald Elling. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. Tammy Sue Vance/Perez has been reunited with her family in Louisiana. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the Louisiana safe house with his wife, Candace; and her son, Daniel. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the Louisiana safe house with her husband, Simon; and infant son, Daniel. Daniel. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. He awaits arraignment. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's new public defender. 
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. Tammy has been reunited with her mother and sister. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Chapter 40
The Aspen Grove Murders #40

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Thirty-nine~ 
The only ones that were not present at the time were Detective Sally Law and King. 
"Jackson, where's Sally?" I asked.
"She left about a half-hour ago to walk King."
Without saying another word, Jackson and I grabbed out coats and headed out. Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste and Samson followed close behind. 
{Chapter Forty}
"No one became extremely wicked suddenly."
Fee made his final climb from the tunnels to the back streets of downtown Aspen Grove, relieved he'd made it through the underbelly of the municipality. 
He leaned against the brick wall, weakly, and gulped the fresh air, then knelt in the snow and washed in it best he could. Realizing the handgun was noticeable, he stowed it in his waist and pulled the drawstring tight. Another man—worse off than he—was passed out with a bottle of gin in his grasp. The escaped criminal helped himself to the man's drink, then donned his knit hat and gloves without disturbance.
Just a few steps away was Main Street—the heart and hub of Aspen Grove. As one might expect in mid-December, the business district was bustling with holiday shoppers. A park bench presented itself, so Fee sat and waited for Lou Crenshaw.
His eyes were drawn to the Catholic church across the intersection, where a line of men formed at the side door. Some had nothing in their hands, and the others held on to suitcases or grocery bags. 
To the east were Christmas shoppers in all shapes and sizes, balancing gift bags in both hands. Among them were the Blind Detective and her ginormous dog coming his way.
The escaped criminal grabbed an empty coffee cup from the trash bin, and quickly went to panhandling. 
"Excuse me. Got any spare change?"
"Certainly, brother," the woman said, stopping to search her pockets. Extending her perfumed hands, she offered the bills.
"That's very generous, Miss...?"
"Mrs. Sally Law. I'm a detective with Aspen Grove PD. My dog, Officer King."
The German Shepherd became out of sorts and pulled her along. "I really must be going," she said. "Merry Christmas!" 
Everything about her said, "Do not touch!" But he would more than touch... at the right time.
His licentious eyes followed the detective down the crowded sidewalk until a group of men came and surrounded her. One of the men kissed her lovingly. "That must be the husband," he mumbled. 
A passerby broke his trance by stuffing a ten spot in his cup. "Happy Holidays!" 
Fee continued in his brazen attempt to look like a street person, until Lou Crenshaw pulled in and waved him over with a five dollar bill. Fee went to the passenger's side window, pretending to receive the cash. 
The red-faced attorney reached over and opened the door. "Get-in-the-damn-car, Elling. The sheriff has an APB out for you!"
Fee plopped down in the Volvo's passenger seat, bringing along his disdainful sarcasm, and an awful smell. "Five smackers? Aren't you a Grinch! I'll be able to buy one can of Who Hash!" 
"You stink to high heaven!" the lawyer protested. "First a shower and change of clothes."
"Well... lah-di-dah!" Fee snapped. "I have two hundred dollars here, courtesy of the Blind Detective. Let's go somewhere nice!" 
"We're going to my hunting cabin. You can clean up while I grill a couple of t-bones."
"Now you're talking!"
Crenshaw put down all the windows, backed out of the parking space, and sped away.
The evening went well at Lou Crenshaw's little house in the woods until Fee shot and killed him. It had been the criminal's plan all along, and now with the weekend upon him, it was the perfect time to get everything he wanted. 
The remainder of the day was spent changing his appearance with some of the trendy clothing he found in the son's room. The drawers and closets had men's jeans, t-shirts, flannels, and the like. He helped himself to many things, and blue-tinted hair mousse which made him appear much younger. Looking in the mirror, he thought himself radically transformed.
All the while, the soulless Fee didn't consider the photo of the family on the dresser, and the teenage boy and girl he just robbed of their father. 
Around ten o'clock, Fee left the cabin and drove Crenshaw's old Volvo back to Aspen Grove. He parked the car in the woods, and found a place to bury the gun until it was needed. He slithered through the quiet night like the serpent he was, until he sighted a light on at the local parish. He knocked lightly and waited. 
Father Northam came to the door, still dressed in his collar, with tiny reading glasses balanced precariously on the end of his nose, and a book in his hand. His kind eyes were visible, even in the dim light. "Come in from the cold, young man."
The criminal stepped inside the threshold and closed the door behind him. 
Fee looked to be in his twenties, dressed in black from head to toe, with a crucifix around his neck, knuckle gloves, and a backpack slung over his right shoulder. "I'm in need of sanctuary, good Father. I'll be glad to sleep on the floor...."
"I have one vacancy. It's not fancy, but it's comfortable enough."
"That works. How much?" he asked, reaching for his billfold. 
"It's free tonight. We'll talk about a long-term arrangement tomorrow. Prayer is at seven, followed by breakfast at eight." 
{Aspen County Jail}
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez's day was worsening by the hour, especially after the discovery of the missing gun and backdoor key from the head nurse's personal items. 
After tracing her steps, only one conclusion had been drawn: someone had stolen both the Glock and the key from her coat, and it could have been anyone in the clinic since the nurse clocked in at 7 a. m. Three hours later, all the visitors to the clinic had been questioned, and the residents searched along with their jail cells and common areas. Nothing. 
The only suspect left was Fitzgerald Edward Elling, known to most as Fee. 
For some reason, the face of Elling's attorney, Lou Crenshaw, flashed in the sheriff's mind, again, but he dismissed it. How could the public defender have passed through three security checks with a gun in his possession?
As he was contemplating every scenario, a call came through from Dotty, the dispatch operator.
"Sheriff, Mrs. Cathy Crenshaw is holding on line one. She's concerned about her husband, Lou."
"Thank you, Dotty."
Taking a deep breath, he picked up the line. "Good evening, Mrs. Crenshaw. This is Sheriff Gonzalez."
"Thank you for taking my call, Sheriff. I can't get hold of my husband. He missed our daughter's ballet recital tonight, and he's never missed. Although he's chronically late to every function, he usually arrives with a bouquet of flowers and all is forgiven. He's not responded to my repeated texts or calls."
"Could he be at a bar, or meeting with a client?"
"Lou? The man's sound asleep every night by nine o'clock. You should know we've been legally separated since August, and that I served him divorce papers two days ago. You don't think...?"
"Don't go there, ma'am. Your husband suffered a blow to the head today, and probably went home and took something for the pain. I'll personally do a wellness check on him. Where's he staying?" 
"As far as I know, he's living at our cabin. The address is 115 Post Ridge Road, off of CR 10."
"I know the area very well, Mrs. Crenshaw. Detective Betty Jo Jenkins lives out there." 
"Yes, she does. Betty Jo and I go way back." 
"Try to remain calm, and stay close to your phone." 
The lawman hung up and ran his hands over his care-worn face. "Lord, tell me this isn't as bad as it appears...."
Captain Hank Riley was leaving the Jenkins Farm when the call came in from the sheriff. "Sorry to bother you this late, Captain." 
"I tend to lose track of time when I'm with Betty Jo. You know what I mean?"
"In my dreams! I'm so happy for you both! God willing, I'll be attending the wedding."
The perceptive captain went on, "Thank you, my friend. But... that's not why you called me at this hour. What is it?"
"I'm at a crime scene, and I could use your help. It's Lou Crenshaw, Hank. He's been murdered."
"Oh no! Whatever you need," the captain assured.
"First, I think it would be best for the wife and children to hear the news with a supportive friend present."
"I agree! Betty Jo has known Cathy Crenshaw since high school. We'll be there in a few."
"Thank you, Hank. That's exactly what I had in mind. Second, it's critical we partner together and launch a door-to-door search for Fitzgerald Elling. Call every member of law enforcement, auxiliary officer—and every able-bodied tracker. The best trackers I've ever seen are the Louisianians on your force."
"I agree. I'll call Tommy Thompson, and have him assemble a team by sunup, Sheriff.  Where do you want to meet?"
"At your precinct."
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is working for Aspen Grove P. D. doing IT work. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling, the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson and predatory actions towards Tammy Sue Vance.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide.  She been laid to rest in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's in Aspen Grove, and has provided more evidence for the case against his former son-in-law, Fitzgerald Elling. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. Tammy Sue Vance/Perez has been reunited with her family in Louisiana. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the Louisiana safe house with his wife, Candace; and her son, Daniel. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the Louisiana safe house with her husband, Simon; and infant son, Daniel. Daniel. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. He awaits arraignment. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's public defender. Deceased.
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. Tammy has been reunited with her mother and sister. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes Ten spot=ten dollars.
Grinch, is the Grinch who stole Christmas. The Whos lived in Whoville, and if you remember the Grinch stole the last can of Who Hash.>

Chapter 41
The Aspen Grove Murders #41

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.

Previously, in Chapter Forty~
"It's critical we partner together and launch a door-to-door search for Fitzgerald Elling. Call every member of law enforcement, auxiliary officers, and every able-bodied tracker. The best trackers I've ever seen are the Louisianians on your force."
"I agree," said Captain Riley. "I'll call Tommy Thompson, and have him assemble a team by sunup. Where do you want to meet?"
"At your precinct."
{Chapter Forty-One}
"Train to be able to defend yourself against any attack, and at the same time, retain your good heart towards other people. Don't allow bad people to turn your heart hard, but always be ready to defend yourself should you have to."
Author, Bohdi Sanders
"He has shown you, O mortal man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. 
Micah 6:8
     The cold-blooded murder of public defender, Lou Crenshaw, left us reeling and stretched our force to the max once again. The Maryland State Police came to our aid, and set up check points around our municipality and the borders. 
Most important to cleaning up the corruption in our town was the apprehension of Fitzgerald Edward Elling, and securing him until his trial. Slippery as he was, we'd caught him before; and I was quite certain we'd catch him again. Today, if possible. Once we had him in custody, the Maryland State's Attorney said he was going to petition the judge for penitentiary time for him until his trial, set for sometime in September of 2023.
I'd been up since three a. m. doing what was necessary to assemble a team for the search. Willa got up around five, and put on the coffee. 
She was so beautiful with her hair unpinned, and pink glow radiating from her cheeks. "What time do we need to head out?" she asked. 
I broke it to her gently. "You, my loving wife and partner, are welcome to work the front desk. No manhunt for you today, Mama!" 
She held me close not wanting to let go. "Be ever so careful out there today, Tommy."
Our team began to gather outside our precinct just as first light came over the snow-capped ridge. 
To my surprise, twenty officers and retirees had come, including Captain Hank Riley and Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Everyone had on a protective vest, and was weaponized, except for Detective Sally Law. I was about to issue a cautionary word when her husband pulled me aside. 
"Sally's the weapon, Tommy," Jackson assured. "She'd never carry a gun, blind or sighted."
"I respect that. Please stay in constant contact with me throughout the day."
Little did I know that in the next 24 hours our group would witness the extraordinary power of human strength and prowess in the line of duty, and would forever be changed. 
Fee had slipped out of the Catholic men's shelter early, somewhere before the hour of prayer, and had retrieved the gun from its hiding place. From there, he went back to the downtown area of Aspen Grove to grab a morning paper and a hot coffee. But, he never made it past the group of officers and trackers gathered in the street. Backtracking, he slipped away, and made another plan.
On the edge of Aspen Grove proper, sat a home buyer's dream: a quaint two-story house overlooking a lake. It had a "For Sale/Sale Pending" sign in the front yard, and was handicap accessible.
Fee was traveling by, and noticed the morning paper had already been delivered, and was lying in the icy slush.
Pretending to be a caring neighbor, the escaped criminal scooped up the soggy paper and went to the front door. He knocked—twice—but his attempts solicited no answer.
Clutching the paper, he went around to the rear of the house and saw a small basement level window that was broken. Fee took his gun and tapped out the remaing shards and squeezed through. 
The sounds of occupancy were unmistakable as old-time gospel music played from either a television or radio. Removing his boots, he crept up the wood stairs to the top, and pressed his ear to the door. The sounds he'd heard below were now more audible, and seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Yep, it's Jesus T.V! They're about to pass the offering plate!
Boldly, the escaped criminal burst though the door, only to find an old man in a wheelchair, glued to the tube in earnest. 
"What do you want?" he gasped, in long, labored breaths. 
"Not much, Grandpa. I just need to borrow your house for a little while."
He wheeled him to his bedroom, and set the brake on his chair. "If you make a peep, you're dead," he threatened, pushing the gun into his sunken cheek. "Do you understand?" 
Paralyzed in fear, the elderly gentleman nodded in compliance. 
Fee saw a landline and ripped it from the wall. Then he closed the door in haste. 
The criminal rifled through every drawer and storage bin until he found masking tape, a pocket knife, and a few feet of clothesline. He waited as the sun went from one side of the room to the other, until only a trace of light remained in the house. 
The property was a rather curious one, but beautiful, the lead detective thought. He stopped to describe the picturesque scene to his blind partner and wife. "The sunset is ablaze, in reds, yellows, and vibrant orange, sloping to the snow-covered field. I wish you could see the vista, my love."
"I see it through your eyes," she said, curling into his frame. 
The couple paused, and had a romantic kiss before their great shepherd nuzzled in between them wanting attention. 
The remaining light bid its farewell as the three officers walked to the last house on their list. The husband knocked first, then rang the bell. "Mr. Hargrave, it's Aspen Grove PD."
"Someone's home," Sally observed. "I hear footsteps."
A much-altered Fitzgerald Elling opened the door. "The police! Is everything okay?" 
"I'm Detective Jackson Law, and this is my wife, Detective Sally Law. We are doing a community safety check. May we speak to Owen Hargrave?"
"Certainly. But, my father's very allergic to dogs," he said in a low tone. 
"No problem," Sally offered. "Officer King will wait on the porch."
"Please... come in!"
As soon as they entered, he closed the door, spun around, and pointed the gun at Sally.
"Detective Law, do as I say if you ever want to see your wife again, and that goes for Superdog too."
"Slowly place your weapons, handcuffs, and cellphones on the coffee table."
Jackson did as he asked as Sally surrendered both her Apple watch and handcuffs.
"No weapon on you, sweetheart? Fee chided. "Not even a curling iron?"
She held up her hands for the rigorous pat down. "I don't carry a weapon, Elling. But you already know that."
The madman tightened his grip on Sally as he outlined his terms. "I have a little errand for you, Detective Jackson Law. I want you to go to the nearest ATM, withdraw as much cash as you are allowed, and bring it back here. If anyone else comes back with you, your wife dies. Understood?" 
Jackson turned and left quickly. 
Fee bolted the door as he reiterated his threats, then forced the blind detective into a bed room. He wasted no time as he loosened her hair and unbuttoned her floor-length red coat. From there he kept going, finding each piece of clothing to be divinely perfumed.
She refused to let him remove her underthings, and pulled away. "It's freezing in here! Besides, how do you expect me to relax with a gun pressed against my —?"
Finding her even more desirable, he peeled off his shirt, and set the gun aside. "You're right. We might as well enjoy this."
He laid her back on the bed, unzipped his jeans, and climbed on top. 
"You have no idea how many times I've imagined this moment," he said. 
"I've dreamt of this day too," she whispered, drawing a line with her finger down his sternum. Then, the wildcat sprung claws and roared, " I can put you away forever!"
Her fingernails dug deep into his exposed flesh, rendering him powerless. 
"Ooowwwwww!" he bellowed, as he attempted to get away. 
Before he knew it, she'd wrestled him to the floor, and maintained the upper hand. When he finally broke free, she was on him again, only this time she'd grabbed the gun from the bed table and pistol whipped him to his knees. 
Rage filled him as he shook. "I... I'm going to kill you, Blind Girl! Right here, right now!" 
She tossed the gun across the room and put up her fists. "Then you best get on with it!" 
He stood for the final punishment, took a deep breath, and leapt through the air. The last blow came from her foot, and Fitzgerald Elling fell hard, unable to rise. 
"You're under arrest... for the murder of Lou Crenshaw...." she said in breathless triumph. 
Returning to the bed, she felt around for her clothes, and dressed. But—unfortunately—it wasn't over.
"Is that smoke?" she said out loud.
"Fitzgerald, you've got to get up! The house is on fire!" The detective knelt and tried to revive him, but it was no use. Acting fast, she took the comforter from the bed and laid the criminal on it, and attempted to drag him into the smoke-filled hallway.
To be continued. . . .
{Main Characters} 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is working for Aspen Grove P. D. doing IT work. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling, the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson and predatory actions towards Tammy Sue Vance.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide.  She been laid to rest in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's in Aspen Grove, and has provided more evidence for the case against his former son-in-law, Fitzgerald Elling. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. Tammy Sue Vance/Perez has been reunited with her family in Louisiana. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the Louisiana safe house with his wife, Candace; and her son, Daniel. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the Louisiana safe house with her husband, Simon; and infant son, Daniel. Daniel. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. He awaits arraignment. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's public defender. Deceased.
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. Tammy has been reunited with her mother and sister. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes>

Chapter 42
The Aspen Grove Murders Finale

By Sally Law

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.

Previously, in Chapter Forty-one~
He stood for the final punishment, took a deep breath, and leapt through the air. The last blow came from her foot, and Fitzgerald Elling fell hard, unable to rise. 
"You're under arrest... for the murder of Lou Crenshaw," she said in breathless triumph. 
Returning to the bed, she felt around for her clothes, and dressed. But—unfortunately—it wasn't over. 
"Is that smoke?" she said out loud. 
"Fitzgerald, you've got to get up! The house is on fire!" 
The detective knelt and tried to revive him, but it was no use. Acting fast, she took the comforter from the bed and laid the criminal on it, and attempted to drag him into the smoke-filled hallway. 
"Love is an innate emotion hardwired into humans." 
Dr. Prithika Chary
At his best, Fitzgerald Edward Elling was horrible. But, he was a mere man; and had the same innate needs all humans have: to love and to be loved. His great fault was he'd loved himself more than any other. And he loved money. Until this moment, he never considered any other way to be. 
A strange feeling had come over him, an internal ache really, and one he had long denied. 
An apparition came near, and brought him back to consciousness. "Fitzgerald, the house is burning and we're trapped. Can you stand?" she asked. 
Suddenly, everything rushed back at once leaving him dizzy. "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" he babbled. 
"Obviously, I've knocked you senseless," the Blind Detective said matter of fact. "Listen to me, Fee. We need to get out of here now! Where's the closest window?"
"To your far left. Don't tell me you want to...."
"Yes, we're going out the window," she said, helping him to his feet. "You first, then I'll drop down. And don't get handsy with me!" 
"Yes, Your Highness!" 
Just like a woman, she got in the last word. "And for pity sake, put on your shirt!"
Not everything went as planned in the window escape. The detective lowered Fee to the snowy ground without much of a problem; but when he'd turned around to receive her, she'd retreated from his view. 
"Detective, would you hurry up! It's freaking cold out here."
The sound he'd hoped to hear was her voice; but it was another lady officer, Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. "The eyes of Texas are upon you, Elling. Let me see your hands!" 
The fire was exceptionally widespread across the front of the house, extending to the roofline. 
"My bride's in there, Tommy!" Detective Jackson Law cried. "I can't wait eight minutes for the pumper truck. I'm going in." 
"I'm going with you, Jack." I said. 
Just then, Betty Jo appeared with Fitzgerald Elling in her grasp, and spoke, "Elling has something to say, Jackson." 
"Your wife saved me by helping me out of the upper window. She was supposed to follow, and turned back."
"King, stay with Betty," Jackson commanded as the two of us left hurriedly, only to be met with intense heat and smoke. 
Inside, flames danced along the walls, curtains, and furnishings. Jackson and I used our overcoats to beat them back, and searched the house with our faces covered. "Sally... Sally!" we called in unison. 
"Jack... T-Tommy! I'm in the ...," she gasped. 
Jackson was the first to see her, lying in a doorway. "Oh, God... please!" the husband cried aloud. 
He knelt to check her pulse. "She's alive, Tommy! We must get her outside."
Both of us were startled by a man's cry from the adjacent bedroom. 
I left for a moment to check it out, seeing only an empty room with an abandoned wheelchair. 
Overwhelmed, I remembered the promise from the angel, to call at anytime. "Patience, come quickly!" I prayed.
Jackson lifted Sally like a sack of potatoes and hoisted her over his shoulder as I cleared the way. Once we were safely outside, I turned back to search for the man; but I was stopped. 
"Leave the house now, Tommy!" the angel warned. "I have him."
Spontaneously, I ran in a straight line, and leapt from the front door just as the firetruck pulled in. Seconds later, the house made a whining sound and blew, sending flames sky high. Rising above the inferno was Patience, with Matthew Hargrave in her arms. She touched down on the lawn and began ministering to the wide-eyed elderly man, then hurried to Sally's side. 
"My precious wife," Jackson sobbed. "She's gone."
"Let me have her," said the angel. Bending down, she covered the detective with her great wings and breathed back into her the breath of life. Everyone present was in awe, even Fitzgerald Elling. 
{Aspen Grove Courthouse, September 5, 2023}
It was standing room only for the "Trial of the Century." It was warm and muggy too, and we had to break out the portable fans. I was walking our baby girl, Sally Mae, to keep her happy. She was a champion sleeper so I was counting on her track record for the event. 
Everyone I'd longed to see were sitting together: Simon, Candace, Daniel, and Greyson Cole. Our entire force was present for the opening session: Captain Hank Riley, Co-captain Betty Jo Riley, Doc Stuart, Chase Levins, Detective Jackson Law, Detective Sally Law, Officer King, Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste, Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, and me. 
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez and a few of his deputies were keeping the peace and marshalling the court.  
I sighted Tammy and Raoul Perez in the back and waved before reclaiming my seat. 
The jurors filed in first, signaling the hour. 
In walked Fitzgerald Elling and none of us could believe the transformation. He sat alone without legal counsel or an advisor. 
The Bailiff entered and called the court into session: "All rise! The Honorable Judge Anna Petrovich is presiding. Case number E57883. The State of Maryland verses Fitzgerald Edward Elling."
"Good morning, everyone!" said the judge. "You may be seated." 
The judge shuffled through piles of papers before continuing. The usually impatient Fee sat perfectly still and erect. 
Court protocol was announced by the judge. "Please silence your cell phones at this time. No flash photography or live video feeds are allowed within the walls of this courtroom."
A minute lapsed giving everyone time to make the necessary adjustments. 
Judge Petrovich began with an opening question for the defendant. "Mr. Elling, are you representing yourself today?"
The accused stood. "Yes, Your Honor. I have a special request that will save the court time and great expense. May I approach the bench?"
"By all means, Mr. Elling."
In a few strides he was there, and the private conference lasted several minutes. The judge called over the state prosecutor and they went back and forth for another five minutes. 
Elling returned to his place and sat. 
"Ladies and gentleman of the court, Mr. Elling has waived his rights for a jury trial, and has pleaded  guilty to the 21 felony charges. He's asked that he be given the maximum penalty for his crimes without leniency or delay."
The court uttered a series of collective gasps. 
"Order in the court!" Judge Petrovich directed.
"As requested, I'm going to move to sentencing this hour. Detective Tommy Thompson and Detective Sally Law, please join me in my chambers to apprise Mr. Elling of his rights once more before we proceed."
"Yes, Your Honor," we said in unison. 
"Court is adjourned for one hour." Whack
I'd often wondered if a leopard could change his spots. After Detective Sally Law and I sat with Elling, and apprised him of his rights once more, and the legal ramifications of what he was about to do, I sensed that he had changed. 
He understood there was no going back after today. This was final.
The long-standing circuit court judge had her say. "Mr. Elling, this is quite a surprise. I have to ask, what's changed you?" 
He offered, "The love and forgiveness of God. I was the worst of human beings and the Lord has saved me. I used to make fun of God-fearing people. Now, I can't get enough of Him."
His hands trembled as he reached into his coat. "I have letters here for everyone I could think of that I've hurt, raped, attempted to kill, lied to, bribed, robbed, cheated and more. Some are dead, but some are still living. I also have letters to the family members of those I've killed. My father-in-law, Greyson Cole; and Mrs. Crenshaw and her son and daughter. 
"There's one for you, Detective Thompson. In it is a list of all my co-conspirators and alliances. You'll notice that some are connected to Gaston Paulette, and the late Joe Santucci. 
"I have a special letter for you, Detective Sally Law. Thank you for saving my life. May I shake your hand before I go?"
"I'm sworn to serve and protect, regardless," she said, offering her hand.
Fee leaned forward and took her hand in his, and said, "The light in you has helped me see with spiritual eyes. Thank you, again, Detective."
Fee uncrossed his legs, stood, and announced, "Now, let's do this, Your Honor."
I can't remember a sentencing like this because the charges weren't reiterated as they typically are. The two consecutive life sentences were measured out accordingly.
"Fitzgerald Edward Elling, you've admitted to your crimes today and claim to be a changed man. However, this court has deemed you worthy of your punishment in this life. You are hereby sentenced to live out your days in solitary confinement in the Maryland State Penitentiary without the chance of parole." 
"I accept the sentence of this court, Your Honor," Fee stated.
"Sheriff, if you would escort Mr. Elling out at this time."
Fee glanced back once more to our group, specifically at his son, Simon. 
"This court is adjourned." Whack
There wasn't a peep in the ancient court room—except from Simon—who'd read part of his letter. He was weeping. 
To the Epilogue. . . . 
{Main Characters}... take a bow! 
Detective Tommy Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Seeking to find his daughter's killer and justice for all those like her. Married to Detective Willa Sams-Thompson. The story is told in his voice.
Sebastian: Tommy's stray cat. No one has figured him out or the mysterious person caring for Sebastian when Tommy and Willa are away. Food and water appear magically. 
Phoebe Mae Thompson: Aspen County Coroner Achaius Stuart has determined the thirteen-year-old's death to be a Homicide. Both Joseppi (Joe) Santucci and Gaston Paulette's DNA were found under her fingernails, and at the crime scene. 
Detective Willa Sams-Thompson, Aspen Grove P. D.: Tommy's wife and partner. 
Captain Hank Riley, Aspen Grove P. D.: Leads the force. Engaged to Detective Betty Jo Jenkins. 
Detective Betty Jo Jenkins, Aspen Grove P. D.: Owner of Jo's Diner in Aspen Grove. Betty is a survivor to the Satanic Cult's attempt to serve her up as a human sacrifice on All Hallows' Eve. Betty has traded her spatula for a badge. Currently, she is the keeper of the safe house. Recently engaged to Captain Hank Riley. 
Dr. Achaius Stuart: Aspen County Coroner and Forensic Detective for Aspen Grove P. D.
Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez: Sheriff of Aspen County, Maryland. 
Chase Levins: Former night manager of the RaceTrac gas station in White Falls, New York. Chase is an eyewitness to some of Joe Santucci's criminal activities and is set to testify at Fitzgerald Elling's trial.  Currently he is working for Aspen Grove P. D. doing IT work. 
Joseppi (Joe) Santucci: Deceased. Former Police Chief of Aspen Grove P. D. After his time in Aspen Grove, he moved his criminal activies to White Falls, New York. Recent evidence has surfaced linking him to Fitzgerald Edward Elling, the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson and predatory actions towards Tammy Sue Vance.
Fitzgerald Edward Elling: A.K.A. Fee. Head of his own crime syndicate with local ties to witches and occultists. He is also linked to the late Joseppi ( Joe) Santucci. Money and power are his gods. Mr. Elling was just arrested and is convalescing at Meyer's Hollow Memorial Hospital. His arraignment is finished and bail was denied. He awaits trial in the Aspen County Jail. 
Victoria Cole Elling: deceased mother of Simon Elling. Her body has been autopsied by Dr. Achaius Stuart. The coroner has determined her death to be homicide.  She been laid to rest in Aspen Grove, Maryland.
Greyson Cole: Victoria Cole Elling's father, and Simon Elling's grandfather. Currently, he's in Aspen Grove, and has provided more evidence for the case against his former son-in-law, Fitzgerald Elling. 
Fee's former house staff: Chef, Raoul Perez; and housekeeper, Tammy Perez. (Tammy has been discovered to be missing person, Tammy Sue Vance, from Lafayette Township, Louisiana.) Anita Wells, Keith Smyth, and Orsen Hunter are seeking employment elsewhere. All five have agreed to testify at the upcoming trial. Tammy Sue Vance/Perez has been reunited with her family in Louisiana. 
Simon Elling: Fee's personal assistant and son. He is a key witness for the state against his father. He is currently at the Louisiana safe house with his wife, Candace; and her son, Daniel. 
Candace Van Velzen: Abducted from Aspen Grove when she was thirteen. Candace escaped her captors, and is has blown the whistle on the House of Fee and Gaston Paulette. She's currently at the Louisiana safe house with her husband, Simon; and infant son, Daniel. Daniel. 
Professor Gaston Paulette: Has been charged with the murder of Phoebe Mae Thompson, and the abduction, kidnapping, and rape of Candace Van Velzen. He awaits arraignment. 
Bertrand Paulette: Gaston Paulette's grandfather. He has been arrested. He awaits arraignment. 
Dan and Maggie Van Velzen: Candace's parents. Due to the nature of the case, Candace's whereabouts has been kept secret from her parents. 
Patience: A mighty warrior Angel sent to help Tommy and his force. 
Faithful: High ranking angel under Patience. 
The Angel Eagles: Swift, flying angels with eagle heads and angelic bodies. They have all-seeing eyes 'round about them. They get it done at the command of Patience. 
Nurse Debi Marquette: Detective Tommy Thompson's nurse and my dear friend on FanStory. Earth angel extraordinaire. 
Dr. Sizemore: Tommy's neurologist. 
Kenneth Farnsworth, Esquire: Fitzgerald Elling's former defense attorney. He's been arrested, and has verbally stated his intentions to turn state's evidence. 
Lou Crenshaw: Fitzgerald Elling's public defender. Deceased.
The Honorable Judge Ana Petrovich: Long-standing judge of Aspen County. 
DeeCayed: Territorial demon over White Falls, New York. Currently bound and back in hell. It's not looking good for his remaining ear. 
Nix: Territorial demon over Aspen Grove, Maryland. Currently, bound and back in hell. 
Beelzebub: Lord of the demons. His name means: Lord of Filth. Currently, he is not happy with DeeCayed and Nix... no, not happy at all. 
{Cameo Characters from The Blind Girl Mysteries}
Lead Detective Sally Law, Cold Case Division, Lafayette Township P. D.: That's me! The blind detective returns in this book to help her friends in Aspen Grove. She has found Louisiana missing person, Tammy Sue Vance a.k.a. Tammy Perez. Tammy has been reunited with her mother and sister. 
Officer King: My service dog and Superdog. I can't do it without him. 
Detective Jackson Law: My husband and partner. I couldn't do without him either.
Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste: A true friend that never gives up. Samson is Miles' bloodhound.  Miles refers to me as Madame Detective.
Governor of Louisiana: Preston Jones, featured in my books: Double Blind, and Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane. 

Author Notes Thank you all for your kind attention to my work. My eyesight is going fast and I'm needing to make adjustments accordingly. God bless you all. Sal :))

Chapter 43
The Aspen Grove Murders Epilogue

By Sally Law

Thank you all for reading my book, my seventh on FanStory. As a blind writer, I couldn't have done it without you, my fan friends!

I have five published books so far, the first three are now available on Audible. They are: What The Blind Girl Saw, Double Blind, Murder at Sleepy Hill Lane, Running Blind, and Who Stole Ryan Little. In my sights for publishing are: The Will of Louis Creed, The Aspen Grove Murders, and Murder By Chocolate. Ultimately, I want all my books on Audible for my sight impaired friends, and for those in my blind community. 

With love and great appreciation, 

Sally Law


When I came to Aspen Grove in 2012, I'd left behind my career as a lead homicide detective with Baltimore PD, hoping for a better life for my daughter, Phoebe Mae. We had it good for many years, and made a home together.

However, I didn't realize what was lurking underneath the surface of the quaint municipality, and found out about it in the worst possible way. 

One minute I was serving apple cider at a fall festival; the next I was searching the heavens for answers to my daughter's death. I fell headlong into an abyss as my only child was taken from me in an instant. Sadly, it was because she was beautiful and virginal; and someone evil wanted her.

Had it not been for Captain Hank Riley and the caring Detective Willa Sams, I'm not sure I would have made it through the night. By the grace of God I did, and the next day I took the oath to serve and protect the citizens of Aspen Grove as a detective. 

Before my paperwork had been fully processed, I ventured back to the crime scene where I encountered the angel Patience. While there, I witnessed the spiritual war over our strip of earth, and stood gaping as Patience thrashed a territorial demon named Nix. I had never seen the likes of this warrior angel, an answer to my desperate prayers.

Even now, Patience has not let up, and still comes when I call as she'd vowed on the first day. 

As I'm sitting here in our new precinct, I've taken a moment to give thanks to God for our victories, and for the cases that've been solved.

First in my mind and heart is Phoebe, as she's the daily reminder of the value of one life, and the reason I'm committed to God, family, and law enforcement. 

Candace Van Velzen and her son, Daniel, are miracles! They escaped the house of Fee and Gaston Paulette's hold for good. Her parents, Dan and Maggie Van Velzen, are ecstatic to have her back in their lives at last. 

I think of Simon Elling, and how the angel delivered him to Betty Jo's door scantly dressed. I burst out laughing at the angel's sense of humor, or was it simply urgency? Perhaps both. He's been through so much, this young man, and so deserving of his happiness with Candace and Daniel. Simon believes his father's change is real and plans on visiting him in prison. 

During our investigation of the Elling Estate, our team recovered the body of Victoria Cole Elling. This added criminal charges to Elling, but it also gave much needed closure to Simon and Greyson.

Then there's the unexplainable Tammy Sue Vance, who was abducted from Lafayette Township, Louisiana, and years later winds up at the estate of Fitzgerald Elling. At a most opportune time, the famed Blind Detective from Louisiana arrived at our door in search of Tammy. We joined together with Detective Sally Law and her team and recovered the missing Louisianian. All of this defies logic, or good sleuthing, and is truly a combination of human tenacity and God's mighty power.

Tammy, Raoul, and new son, David Raoul Perez, are returning to Lafayette Township to be near family. 

Fitzgerald Edward Elling, or Fee as we call him, is in the Maryland State Penitentiary serving two consecutive life sentences. I've made one arrest (so far) from the information provided in his letter to me. Many of the same criminal affiliations mentioned in Fee's letter were also detailed in Victoria Cole Elling's journals. Fee continues to be cooperative and forthcoming. 

Days before Fitzgerald Elling's trial, ninety-year-old Bertrand Paulette died of bone cancer. My daughter's killer, Gaston Paulette, committed suicide upon the news of his grandfather's passing. 

Fee's former attorney, Kenneth Farnsworth, was sentenced to ten years in prison on other charges related to his dealings with Fee. His wife and child visit him regularly. 

Cathy Crenshaw and her son and daughter are putting back the pieces of their lives and moving forward. She and Sheriff Emmanuel Gonzalez have been seen about town arm-in-arm. 

I'm back to my duties as a lead detective, husband, and doting father. Willa is on maternity leave while she cares for our newborn daughter, Sally Mae

My elder sister by eleven months, Rena Kapp, is coming to serve on the force. She's smart and versitile, and will fit in anywhere. I questioned her motives, jokingly, because she's dead gone over Sally Mae. Can't say I blame her. It looks as if we'll have a babysitter indefinitely. If not, I have three more sisters....

Captain Hank Riley, and Co-captain Betty Jo Riley, take care of the staff and the everyday policing of Aspen Grove. I've never seen them so happy and content. They live at Betty's family farm where we often gather for our Tuesday night dinners, a tradition brought to us by our Louisiana friends. 

Simon, Candace, and Daniel have made Aspen Grove their permanent residence. Betty Jo gave them a back parcel of land on which to build a home. "A place for Danny to roam and explore," she said with the generous gift.

Greyson Cole found a cabin near his grandson Simon's family, and has begun with the renovations. 

Chase Levins is growing leaps and bounds in his job and doesn't think he'll ever return to White Falls, New York. The '59 Porsche has mysteriously become his. "Don't question angelic gifts," I said. (I think he's beginning to understand this place is not normal.) With all the successful relationships around here, he's hopeful for a wife. 

Doctor Achaius Stuart turned 80 on August 31st. He said he would retire when he was not fit enought to don his kilt and kick up his heels. After his performance at Hank and Betty Jo's wedding, we set aside any silly notions of his retirement. 

Lieutenant Miles Jean-Baptiste, and his wife, Suzy, are looking for a home close to the precinct. The Frenchman likes to walk to work in the fresh aspen-scented air with his hound, Samson.

Detectives Jackson and Sally Law, and their dog, King, reside at The Mountain Valley Inn.

While I was visiting the historic inn yesterday, the Blind Detective said, "The view from our window is spectular, or so Jackson says. I can't move and give this up! And the chef's menu is out of this world, and it's gluten free! And there's a dog groomer on the premises! And... there's a chapel on the property! It's the sweetest place!" And on and on she went.

Jackson reported, "What Sal's trying to say is... she's bought The Mountain Valley Inn!" 

"No kidding? So... you really are staying here for a while."

Sally put her arms around me and gave me a big hug. "How could I ever leave a place that has so many angels?" 

Well, I couldn't have agreed more. Besides, we have proof of the angel's existence, and a '59 Porsche parked out front. Not a believer? Come by the new precinct and see for yourself. 

{The End... for now.}

Author Notes Thank you for raising me up, my friends.

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